Double Betrayal

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It was a good plan dear, sorry it didn't work out for you...
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No hints on what this one is about as it is short.

To those that have been taking my stories seriously. STOP IT! Some commenters are confusing me, the author, with Dave the character and interchanging us in your comments. If you read my previous stuff you will see Dave vary from forgiving saint to slavering, avenging demon. That means either I have serious multiple personality disorder or that it is all made up. If you ever find out which it is, please let me know, I'm curious.

Once again set your review dictionary to English (Australian) rather than English (US) and hopefully all the blue and red squiggles will disappear.

My thanks to RPBPhoto and Nancy for volunteering their time to improve this story.


I got home at 3AM after a long drive. The house was empty. On the kitchen table was an A4 manila envelope. Curious, I opened it and pulled out the contents. Flicking through the revealed sheath I noted a three page, hand written letter, some legal papers and a divorce application already signed by my wife. I read the letter.

My Dearest David

I feel a little bad using that term, but despite what I have done to you, but I think after 26 years of marriage you will allow me that little indulgence.

There is no easy way of telling you this but I have left you. By the time you read this I will have crossed the border and be out of your reach. I intend spending the rest of my life lying in luxury on a beach somewhere in the tropics.

Yes it was another man. His name is Michael and in him I know I have found my true soul mate. If you could see us together and see how much in love we are, I am sure you would be happy for me. To give you some emotional finality I can confirm that, yes I have been having a sexual relationship with him for the last nine months. No he isn't nearly as good a lover as you but our relationship is far more emotional than sexual anyway. He holds some sort of control over me and I just can't say no to him. It was he that talked me into taking the financial steps I have.

Because I do still love you and you don't deserve what I have done, I thought it was the least I could do to tell you all the details.

Firstly, I have re-financed the house fully and taken the $453,000 as cash which we have with us. After years of practice the bank accepted my copy of your signature. To be fair I have left you a signed power of attorney so you can transfer the title from our joint names to yours solely.

Secondly, I have taken the $790,000 out of all our bank accounts and kept that as well. I fought hard with Michael to allow you keep some of it but he said no. I'm sorry Dave, I just can't resist him. I also sold my Lexus and am keeping the $45,000 from that. Of course I also am taking all my jewelry with me.

Thirdly and most painfully I have sold the 75% share of your company that daddy left me in his will. You will still have your 25% but on Monday the new owners will no doubt tell you what the future will hold for you. I don't feel too bad about that as I felt it was mine to sell. I know that you wanted to keep it as a nest egg for Jody, Ryan and Pat but Michael and I need the money. We had to sell it cheaply as it was a cash deal and a little shady. I never met the people that bought it as I worked through an intermediary so don't know what they're like. Believe me when I say I truly hope they keep you on as manager and Ryan keeps his job there. The $5.8M that deal netted me we also have with us.

Don't feel this is all one sided. Michael also re-financed his house, using a similar ruse to me, and cleaned out his bank accounts. He also took all his wife's jewelry which I thought was a bit mean. His share is way less than mine but it still amounts to over $1.2M. The one concession to decency I made him do was leaving his wife a power of attorney as well as blank signed divorce papers. I feel a little sorry for her but as I never met her I'll live.

While I'm on that subject, please find attached a blank divorce application. It already has my witnessed signature on it. I don't want you to hold out hope that I will be back, I'll be living my happily ever after without you. It seems unfair for you to have to wait 12 months to divorce me for abandonment. I would expect you to file immediately and keep all our assets for yourself. The 25% of the company should see you to a decent retirement I hope.

Please give my best to the children and if you can find it in your heart, defend what I have done. I know they never really forgave me for having that affair five years ago but it will still hurt never seeing them again. When I am settled I will sent my friend Cindy an address where you can mail letters. I trust her never to reveal it to you. She hasn't liked you since you turned her down when she came onto you that time. Again, if you can find it in your heart, I would love to get photos of any grandkids we end up with. After the seven year statute of limitations has passed, I may even pop back and see them. I will understand if you don't want to see me.

Well I won't rabbit on any longer. You may notice the bottom of this page is wrinkled. That is from my tears. You don't deserve this and I am truly sorry for being so weak. The only thing that is getting me through this is the thought of spending the rest of my days on a beach in the arms of my one true love.

Goodbye my dear David. I will always remember you fondly as a wonderful husband, father and provider. I'm just sorry I couldn't match your love and loyalty.


I had just finished reading, with a small tear in my eye for the lost 26 years, when the front door opened and Lisa came in. She looked as tired as me. She smiled as she came over, gave me a chaste peck on the cheek and sat down across the table from me.

"You're back quickly. Did you get a letter as well Lis?"

"No Dave, just divorce papers and a power of attorney, the gutless skunk. Awfully decent of him."

"Well you can thank Kate for that, it was her idea apparently."

"Yeah well 10/10 for decency but 0/10 for smart. Using such a predictable password on her computer so anyone could read her emails. Stupid or what? I guess she didn't think you would be looking over her shoulder after five years. What's in your letter?"

"All predictable shit. She still loves me blah, blah, blah, met her soul mate crap, crap, crap, sorry to do this to me etcetera, then details exactly how she has ruined me. She knows 25% of the company in this economic climate won't support any sort of retirement. The biggest hoot though was when she wrote that she'd never met you. What do you say to that Miss Intermediary?"

"God, don't remind me about that. Do you know how hard it was keeping a straight face through those negotiations? Knowing that however much we paid it just ended up her gifting the whole company to you."

"I know Lis, I am so proud of you. That reminds me, did you put the deadbolt on the garage door? With all that cash in the trunk, that has to be the most expensive car in this town for sure. I've never seen anything like $8.3M before. Shall we go to the bank first tomorrow or the lawyers?"

"I told you silly, the bank opens at 9AM and our appointment with the lawyers is at 10."

"Well, I don't want to be late. If either of them change their minds on the divorce before we get our signatures witnessed on the papers they so kindly left us, it will complicate things."

"Don't fret Dave. I'm sure Michael won't get out of hospital before Thursday at least and something tells me Kate's not smart enough to figure it out. Sorry, no offense Dave."

"Don't worry about it Lis. I always knew she was out of my league physically but I left her behind intellectually."

We both lapsed into a comfortable silence. I don't know what Lisa was thinking but my thoughts were on the last time I'd seen my wife. She was standing forlornly on the side of the road. We were following the getaway car, about 10 minutes behind them. It looked like Mick abandoned Kate when she'd got out of the car for some reason at a service station just short of the border. Lisa waved at her on the way past.

As if reading my thoughts, Lisa spoke.

"I wonder where she is now."

"I hope she's safe in a cell somewhere. Calling the police to have her arrested for signature fraud was only my way of protecting her from highway predators, honestly."

"I believe you Dave. Being the considerate gentleman you are is only one of the things I like about you."

"That reminds me, do you think I can sue the bank for letting her do that. We'll make a tidy profit that way."

"Now Dave, don't be greedy. We've already got rid of two cheating assholes for free, got you 100% of your company and retrieved all the money and jewels. What more do we need?"

After another comfortable silence, my concern for my friend prompted my next question.

"How are you traveling emotionally Lis?"

"Well a bit sad but I'll get over it. Thanks for asking. Whenever I feel bad about it I just have to remember the look on Michael's face as you shunted his car off the road. He was within arm's reach of me at the time. It was priceless. You don't think you'll get in trouble for beating him up do you, I know it's a guy thing, but you gave him a fair hammering."

"Why do you think I waited till he had crossed the border? Anyway, what do you mean me getting into trouble? Don't you mean we? I saw you kick him in the balls at least eight times."

"God Dave, don't tell me you're one of those old fashioned types that think a girl shouldn't have a little fun once in a while? You didn't tell me you were going to set fire to his car."

"Sorry, spur of the moment thing. Do you know that if your car is stolen and they recover it with the keys still in it, the insurance company won't pay a dime? They say you have to take reasonable steps to secure your property. I removed the GPS tracker from the chassis before I lit up though. When are you going to report him for signature fraud?"

"Did it already. A few days in hospital should give them time to get the extradition order sorted out. He's not going anywhere."

Another silence followed.

"Are you still happy to come with me tomorrow when I explain all this to my kids Dave?"

"Of course Lisa, I wouldn't dream of letting you do that on your own. What are friends for?"

We both pondered our own thoughts for a few more minutes. Lisa's cell phone rang. She answered it with "Si". There was a pause, then, "I sorry, I no speak English very good," before she hung up.

"It looks like they found my darling husband. That was his one phone call."

After another minute's comfortable silence.

"Isn't it ironic Dave? They thought they could get our share of our marriages and be free, with having to live in luxurious exile for a few years the only cost. Instead we get their share and our freedom while getting to stay here."

"Yeah ironic. I'm sure they thought it was a foolproof plan at the time. Talking of marriage, I penciled in getting my three monsters over tomorrow to help with the wedding invitations but thinking about, it that can wait. Are you still happy for Ryan to be the best man?"

"Of course, it's your choice. Damn weird having your son as your best man. You do know it is traditional for the bride to marry the best man if the groom doesn't show don't you?"

"No, I hadn't heard that one. But don't you worry, wild horses couldn't keep me away from you that day."

Finally we had a proper kiss. Only for about five minutes though. We broke and I looked into the eyes that I fell in love with eight months ago.

"So sweetie, now we have two signatures on divorce applications, can we retire upstairs and finally consummate our love?"

"You know I'm really tempted Dave love, but why don't we wait till we're not so tired. That way we can make it really special. I will agree to one of your famous all night snuggles though."

"What do you mean, all night, we have to be at the bank in five hours."

"All the more reason to get some bloody sleep then ya horny old goat."

As I followed Lisa up the stairs, not for the first time wondering what that glorious looking package looked like naked, I remembered the question I'd been meaning to ask.

"Have you decided where you would like to go on our honeymoon yet Lis?"

"How about we go and laze on some tropical beach for a while."

"It's funny you should say that Lisa."

The end

I want to thank Rogue9_815 and his 'Already Gone' for the inspiration for this story. It is one of my favourite reads which I highly recommend to you. For a month I balked at the idea of taking on the challenge of writing a story in a similar vein that could even approach the perfection of his original. Above is my attempt.

The author.

16 Year old girl: "Bless me father, for I have sinned. I was out with my boyfriend last night. He kissed me and he cuddled me and we made love five times."

Priest: "Oh my god. Go home, squeeze five lemons into a glass and drink it."

Girl: "Will that take my sin away?"

Priest: "No, but it'll take the bloody smile off your face."

In honour of the late, great Dave Allen.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Dumbguy69Dumbguy694 days ago

Four star story but added one for the joke at the end.

juanviejojuanviejo6 months ago


juanviejojuanviejo8 months ago


FluidswallowerFluidswallower9 months ago

A really fun read!!!n Good job!! Thanks!

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

One of Vande1’s earlier good ones.

tralan69ertralan69er11 months ago


5 stars - i like this story.

You do? What about the violence?

kinda wishy washy aren't you!

pukgpukgabout 1 year ago

5 stars and that was just for Dave Allen

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

What was disappointing was its such a great premise and deserved to be longer yet some of the stories you do extend are far less compelling 🙄

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTover 1 year ago

Very nice piece, even when cutting it short, Vandemonium you ARE one of the best araound here!

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTover 1 year ago

Very nice piece, even when cutting it short, Vandemonium you ARE one of the best araound here!

usaretusaretover 1 year ago

When I finished reading this tale of double cross, the thought popped up “ which one will double cross the other”!

Helen1899Helen1899over 1 year ago

Had to give it 5* for the mention of my dad's favourite comedian, the late great Dave Allen. I have a thing for messaging and chatting with some of the better author's on here, for many different reasons, but would love to meet this one for his wicked sense of humour, nobody puts a smile on my face like him. It is not my favourite thing but nobody does BTB better.

fritz51fritz51almost 2 years ago

I too had read "Already Gone" - it was a terrific story. However, you, and your counterpart CTC, are among my most favorite authors and take a back seat to no one. This story achieved another five in MHO. Thank you.

I had to look up Dave Allen, sorry, my American upbringing I guess, but a trip to utube solved that - a very funny man, I can see why you are fascinated with him.

My best to you and CTC, please keep up the great work… fritz51

OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxalmost 2 years ago

I have read "Already gone" probably 5-6 times over several years and it is still a favorite of mine. I have read your version several times and it is as good as Already Gone. Kudos for a great story I have been going through you reads for about the third time from the first to the latest. MUCHO impressed. You and your sweety are the best writers across ALL the different erotic websites. I love you guys. KUDOS

6King6Kingabout 2 years ago


TarlosoTarlosoabout 2 years ago

Dave Allen.......brilliant...story was good too

The_Winter_WitchThe_Winter_Witchover 2 years ago

sounded like they were discussing the weather, was ok

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitover 2 years ago

Totally absurd, beyond belief. absolutely ridiculous, I loved it!

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

5 stars - i like this story.

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