Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 02 Pt. 03


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When he got home to his sleeping wife, and cleaned up and readied for bed, he was struck by the silence. All night with Stacy, it was noise and lights and yelling and screaming, pure excitement. And with Elizabeth, it was quiet.

Flat, boring... silence.


Elizabeth had sensed something was off with Ryan ever since the night of the party. And, with her being her, she blamed herself. She'd been really embarrassed about how she'd behaved at the party, and it felt like Ryan was disappointed in her, too. He said all the right things, that he wasn't actually upset with her, but that didn't stop the distance she felt from him.

Stupid! How could she have been so dumb? How could she let Stacy affect her so much? Fuck... that bitch was infuriating! That goody-goody act, it was so obvious she was faking it in front of her husband. Even he acknowledged it. It would have been preferable if she'd just been her normal self, a poisonous, unpleasant bitch. Then at least they could have outwardly rejected her. Stacy being so nice obliged them to reciprocate, forcing Ryan to be the polite, kind man he was and chat with her. And seeing her and Ryan talking... it was like something out of her nightmares. Her body responded as if experiencing a trauma. Due to that, it was no wonder she drank herself stupid in order to numb those nightmarish thoughts, damn the consequences. And those consequences seemed to be losing some of her husband's respect. He'd never seen her behave like that, so it was no surprise that he was so taken aback.

But even Elizabeth was surprised at how deeply he seemed to feel her weak moment. For days, he seemed distant, either lost in his own thoughts or on his phone. He wasn't one to live on his phone, but it seemed like he was texting a lot with someone. Maybe it was one of his friends, chatting about some sports thing, trying to distract himself from his annoyance. Every time she saw him distracted like this, she couldn't help but beat herself up about it, suspecting she was the cause of this unspoken annoyance.

Their Christmas was... weird. They both loved Christmas, and they'd taken the week off to savor it. But every step of the way, life got in the way. Elizabeth kept one eye on her emails from work, and it seemed like Stacy was on an especially vengeful mood in her absence, delighting in every detail about how she planned to have Marley take the lead on one of her other accounts. Elizabeth tried to not let these things get her down, but it lingered anyways.

And that wasn't even the worst of the couple's work stuff. A client from out of the country was in the area, and it was on Ryan to meet with them. This wasn't uncommon, especially in a busy industry like tech, but it was still super inconvenient. That being said, it was a good sign that they trusted Ryan for something as major as this. So, for this reason, on top of her wanting to win back some good will with him, she gave her blessing to interrupt their Christmas plans for work.

Ryan said he was going to the basketball game with the client, so Elizabeth put it on in the background as her night wound down. But despite her best efforts to care about any sorts of sports ball alongside her husband, she struggled to follow it. It was just a different language to her. The voices of the analysts at half time weren't exactly the Christmas chorus she imagined, and when it got to the point where they were about to show clips of the kiss-cam, she shook her head and immediately turned the TV off, savoring the silence instead.

If she'd hoped that her gesture of letting him go to work with no complaint would win her some brownie points from him, she was wrong. He seemed even more distracted afterwards. On his phone even more than before. Volunteering to run errands, getting out of the apartment for hours on end, day after day. He acted like things were okay, but every time she was left alone on what was supposed to be their quiet break together... she was a little crushed. It was to the point where she was almost looking forward to the excuse to go back to work, just to get some distance and gain some distractions, enough to put an end to this weird energy.

God, would she ever regret that thought...

If she thought the energy at home between her and Ryan was strange, the energy at work was even more stilted. Almost immediately upon walking in for her first workday of the new year, something felt really off. People were looking at her as if she'd walked in on something she shouldn't have. It was like everyone knew something she didn't. While she had her friends at work, it was as cliquey as anyplace, so she did what she usually did; kept her head down and got to work, hoping this moment would pass.

It didn't.

The feeling only got more noticeable. People giving her pointed looks, as if wondering how much she knew. She asked one of her friends at work what was going on, and she stammered for a while before finally finding an excuse to get away. She asked the same thing to Ellen, a woman she trusted, hoping to get a straight answer, and she gave her a firm denial that anything secret was going on that she wasn't aware of. That the only thing she missed was Stacy putting the fear of God into one her coworkers for running his mouth and spreading vicious rumors the Monday after the Christmas party, enough so that everyone else was basically scared straight. Nothing else happened beyond that, Ellen assured her. Trusting her friend, she put her head down and got back to work, trying to ignore the weird feelings she was getting.

But there was no ignoring the smug vibe Stacy was giving off every time she was in her presence. The confident, knowing smirk she wore whenever she regarded Elizabeth, either glancing at her or talking to her. During a meeting, when it became established that Stacy was taking another one of Elizabeth's big accounts and giving it to her trainee, Marley, her boss seemed to be reveling in this moment, smirking as if this were a delicious twist of the knife. Elizabeth tried not to lose her cool as she stood up for herself, but no one else came to her defense. The people around the table looked at her as if wondering if she was just gonna take this, even as she fought back. But this wasn't enough for them, as if the wife didn't know how much of an added insult this was. That she needed to fight back tenfold to re-earn their respect, and her spirited defense of herself didn't even get her close to that point.

Stacy seemed to be on another level in all ways. Marching through the office as if she were a goddess among mortals, shaking her butt, wearing tops with an extra button undone, being a little meaner to Elizabeth every chance she got. Whatever happened while Elizabeth was gone had Stacy feeling like she was untouchable, like a Queen who had taken the throne. While her boss wasn't above blowing off work to chat with her friends, she'd taken that to another level, at times not even pretending to do anything productive. Almost as if making a statement to the office that she was better than all of them, and they couldn't hope to touch her.

She would spend a good hour talking to Kendall in her office before even deigning to do some work. She would talk loudly about her personal life in a common area, bragging about her new boyfriend. That he was married, and that he was amazing in bed, and that after a bit of initial hesitance, he had completely given in to her to the detriment of the man's wife. And they were fucking all the time now. She said this, loudly, where people could just hear her. What a fucking slut she was, to brag about such things. But it veered way too close to her own issues for Elizabeth to allow herself to listen intently.

However, it became hard to ignore over the next couple days as Stacy seemed to be almost gleefully exposing the fact that she was sneaking away at lunchtime for sex with her new boyfriend. She'd come back an hour or two later a little worse for wear, making it a point to walk by the married woman's desk when she got back in. It was like she wanted her to know how much sex she was having, even bragging openly in Elizabeth's presence about this awesome guy she was now with. Some people in the office speculated over the years that Stacy was a little more tolerable when she was getting laid, and while it did seem like she was in good spirits when dealing with some other people in the office, it did feel like the remainder of them had been scared straight. It was as Ellen had said, they were scared to ever cross her, as if they'd seen something that exposed how fearsome their boss truly was. And it felt like Stacy was really digging in on her bullying towards Elizabeth, taking things to a new level in her crappy behavior, talking her down, insulting her, pointing out her faults and mistakes and making sure everyone else saw them, too. But she was used to it, so she kept her head down and tried to ignore it.

But some of the things she said and did... it was crazy how deeply it resonated with the married woman's deepest fears. At times, it felt like Stacy had read her mind, knowing what she was truly afraid of, to the point where Elizabeth wondered if she'd drunkenly loosened her lips at the party and said something she shouldn't have in her boss's presence. Said something that her evil boss was now lording over her. That would explain everything. Why Stacy seemed to suddenly be taunting her, talking about how much sex she was having with her studly married boyfriend, running her down in front of others, rubbing salt in the wound towards her after her supposed victory in the sexual battlefield with this married man. This is what she would be doing if she did know the fears that made Elizabeth tick, which she obviously didn't. But it was strange how in line her behavior was with that.

Despite all assurances that things were cool, that there wasn't some massive secret everyone knew about except for her, she couldn't shake the feeling that something deeper was going on here. This was a familiar feeling, but she couldn't place where and why. And as she settled in to work the morning of her third day back, with Stacy and Kendall talking and laughing loudly in her office, and with the people who could overhear them stealing glances at Elizabeth as they spoke, it all clicked into place. This feeling was familiar, because she HAD experienced it before. Experienced it in a moment so painful and so heartbreaking that she tried her best to bury those memories.

It was that moment back in high school when she realized Kayla and Elizabeth's high school boyfriend, Johnny, had hooked up at a party, and practically everyone in the school knew it.

It was just like this. Everyone giving her that knowing look, that they knew something wicked that she didn't. Some looked at her sympathetically, some looked at her with dark amusement. Even trusted figures like teachers were giving her assurances that everything was okay, but in retrospect, they knew about it, too. And they'd taken Kayla's side. The winning side. And Stacy was acting just like Kayla did, lording it over Elizabeth that she'd stolen her boyfriend. Even Johnny had been acting weird and distant, at that point guilty over his own bad behavior, and still too nice to break his then-girlfriend's heart. Weird and distant just like Ryan had been acting...

What happened then was JUST like this...

The loud office went silent, as the rapid beating of Elizabeth's heart began booming in her ears, drowning out everything else. That moment in her past lined up too perfectly with these events to be ignored. It wasn't possible... it couldn't be. That was just the stuff of her worst nightmares, her anxious mind catastrophizing this to the worst possible outcome. Nothing happened. Dr. White assured her nothing would happen. That bringing Ryan to the party would prove to her that her husband would remain true to her forever. Nothing had actually happened between them... right? People didn't just meet and have spontaneous, hardcore sex with each other. That was just the thing her twisted mind came up with, a manifestation of her worst fears. But then why was Ryan being so weird and distant? He said nothing happened, but why was he so distracted? And why was Stacy so fucking pleased with herself? It couldn't be... it couldn't actually be true...

Even with those assurances, her heart began to sink. Tears began to from in her eyes. It made too much sense to ignore. It couldn't be... it couldn't. This couldn't be happening again. Her worst nightmare couldn't be real. She looked around, seeing the occasional nervous glance her way. Did they know? Did they all know? Did something happen at the party that was so public and so obvious that everyone knew and were too nervous to mention it to her? Did her passing out give Stacy room to seduce her husband into loud, vigorous sex right here in the office, doing it so obviously that everyone knew the score?

Elizabeth wanted to deny it, she wanted to tell herself she was being crazy. She wanted to talk to her husband, or Dr. White, someone who could talk her down and assure her that it was all going to be okay, but her hands were shaking. Her phone fell to the floor. As soon as the idea locked into place in her mind, she couldn't deny it as such a powerful, undeniable truth that she knew in her heart that her nightmare had become reality. And if there were any doubts, the only noise that cut through the buzz was the sound of Stacy's loud, confident laughter, the stuff of any married woman's nightmare.

Looking towards the office, seeing Kendall standing, poised to step out, Elizabeth moved with an assurance she rarely ever possessed. She moved with purpose. She moved with drive. Her marriage, her entire future was at stake... of course she strode forward to meet the challenge. As soon as Kendall stepped out of the office, Elizabeth was there, pushing past her to finally confront her tormentor, the root of all her fears. Kendall stood at the door, watching this confrontation play out, and Stacy looked up at the furious married woman, her eyes flashing with excitement. Breathing deep, the married woman screwed up all her courage and spoke up.

"Did you do it?" she asked, forcing the words out.

"Did I do what?" Stacy asked naively, her plump lips turned up in a knowing smirk.

"Did you fuck my husband?" Elizabeth said, knowing how insane she would sound if she was wrong. But deep down, she knew she wasn't. "The night of the party, did you fuck my husband!?" she demanded.

"Of course, I did," Stacy replied casually with a grin, as if it was nothing. As if ruining the married woman's life meant nothing to her.

Elizabeth stepped back, her breath catching in her throat. 'Please let her be lying,' she pleaded to herself.

"It's about time you figured it out!" Stacy announced, like a patient teacher addressing a very stupid child. "Although... this is perfect! We don't have to sneak around anymore. But yeah, we fucked, like... three times that night," Stacy said. "And we've fucked... God, I don't know how many times we've done it since!"

"Since?" Elizabeth muttered. It wasn't a one-time mistake? No... this wasn't possible. She was lying!

"Yeah!" Stacy said with a big grin. "He was a little nervous at first... you know how he gets. But he's really come around. Turns out, he really LOVES hot, tight pussy! A real fucking cunt, like I have. And he really loves BIG TITS! Like... he's obsessed, haha! He's been all over them, ha... all over me! We've been fucking all the time!" she announced, clearly lording this knowledge over her.

"You're lying," Elizabeth responded desperately, hoping against hope. Stacy licked her lips, savoring the next moment as if she'd been dreaming of it.

"If I was lying about it, how would I know that my own perfect boyfriend abandoned his own wife on Christmas day just to be with me..." she said, eyes flashing with evil.

Elizabeth stepped back as if she'd been struck. Her legs were shaking, as if about to give out beneath her. How could she know? The only way she could is if... is if it were true. If Ryan had succumbed to this evil woman. If she'd pounced on him the moment she'd passed out. He wouldn't... he would never... but did he? Did he give in to her? Did he surrender to this bitch's wiles? It wasn't possible. It couldn't be. But why did it make so much sense? Fuck... was it true. How did this happen? What had she done to him? What had she done to get him to do such a thing? Ryan was the best, most kind-hearted man she'd ever known. What could she have possibly done to him that changed him so profoundly? He must have been tricked in some way.

"No... what did you do to him?" Elizabeth cried out, in disbelief. "He couldn't... he wouldn't... if he knew what I know about you, he would never!" Stacy sat back and grinned.

"He's heard me say so much worse about you in bed than what you've ever heard me say... and it only makes him fuck me harder. Trust me... he knows exactly who I am," Stacy affirmed. "And that hasn't stopped him from fucking me day after day after day! Just imagine how good of a fuck I must be for that to be true. You have no idea how crazy your husband is about me. He loves it!"

"No... no..." Elizabeth sighed, eyes looking around manically, shaking her head, searching for any way this couldn't be true. Stacy pushed her chair back so she could stand, delighting in the idea of twisting the knife.

"Does it sting knowing that your husband's big perfect cock, that you thought you'd locked down, loves my cunt way more than it ever loved your disgusting vagina?" Stacy asked, slowly stepping around her desk. "That he's fucked these perfect tits of mine, the ones you always gawk at with jealousy? That I've run my tongue along that big, pulsing vein on his thick, juicy cock. You know the one I'm talking about, right?" The bad thing was... Elizabeth did know what she was talking about. "Does it hurt that your perfect, handsome husband has eaten my ass? That the mouth that kissed you on your wedding day has also been pressed against my asshole? I didn't even ask him to do it, he did it on his own! And he really got in there with his tongue, too. Just know that the last time he came home and kissed you, those lips of his had been pressed against my asshole first..."

Elizabeth stood frozen, the memory of Ryan coming home from an errand and kissing her lovingly prominent in her mind.

"I mean, that's not all. His cock's been all up in my ass, too. Balls fucking deep..." Stacy bragged, stepping around her desk, her heavy breasts wobbling noticeably. Elizabeth felt like she was gonna throw up she was so horrified. "He's cum in my ass, down my throat, on my tits... but what he loves most is cumming in my tight fucking cunt!" A chill went through Elizabeth. It couldn't be real. None of this could be real. "Every time we do it, he cums inside my cunt at least once, usually more. He's pumped so much cum into me, it's not even funny. He's probably knocked me up by this point..." she speculated absentmindedly to herself. For Elizabeth, the world was tilted off axis. An evil, heartless bitch like Stacy was victorious, and someone as good and true as Ryan had fallen under her sway... there was no justice in this. Nothing made sense. Nothing was fair. Elizabeth's world was fucking ending, and this bitch could only laugh and twist the knife. How could this be happening? Again!?

"Here... I got proof of all the fun we've had together," Stacy began excitedly, now standing in front of the blonde wife, leaning back so her juicy rear end was resting against the edge of the desk. With the excitement of showing off pictures to her BFF, the Asian woman pulled out her phone and eagerly swiped to just the right picture. Flipping it around, the nearly broken wife's eyes went wide.
