Dragon Sweat: Scroll 2


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Hal grabbed his cloak and began wiping the traces of sand and wisps of straw from his skin. But his eyes stayed on the females, noting the increasingly coy glances the once proud Morgana was casting towards the crowd of watchers. Surely a witch couldn't be affected by the dragon sweat like a normal human? But there hadn't been any dragons around since time out of mind and maybe witches knew no more about them than anybody else. Morgana had certainly badly underestimated Josephine's abilities in their aerial bitch fight. Maybe the sweat did work on her. Certainly she'd had enough of the treated water splashed and rubbed onto her body to give it every chance.

As for Caelia and Chelinde, just having their hands in the bucket seemed to be affecting them like piglets suckling on a barrel of mead. They were giggling at each other now across Morgana's body and blatantly shaking their own freshly budding teats for the audience's appreciation. The witch began twisting her legs and hips from side to side as the sisters scrubbed at her hidden body, her mouth half open as she began moaning. Morgana's long fingers rose up to stroke the girl's arms as though encouraging them to inflict more pain on her --- and Hal's own prick reared up like a stallion sniffing a mare in heat. He held the bundled wet cloak in front of him and rubbed it against his straining flesh as he decided what to do.

"Morgana, stand up. Chelinde, Caelia, hold the cloak around her."

The witch put her hands down beside her and sat up, got on her knees and stood, the sisters keeping the cloak up around the top of her swaying breasts, the damp fabric displaying the perfect contours of the unsupported flesh and the hard nipples, each as perfectly round as a Tiberian groat. Morgana's legs up and even beyond her knees were bare, showing off smooth thighs made in heaven for a man to slide his hand between and upwards.

"Go to the drinking trough. Step into it. Then take off the cloak and the girls will soap you. All over."

She obeyed, still walking with infinite pride, head and shoulders above her escorts, the girls beside her holding onto the cloak, their eyes darting from one male spectator to another. But always returning to Hal -- and the King. His Majesty was breathing even more heavily than usual and he seemed fascinated by the display being unfolded in front of him.

There was scarcely a ripple in the water as Morgana entered it gracefully. Looking directly at Hal, she shrugged the cloak off her shoulders. Without a stitch on, she stood before them with one hand flat by the side of her leg, the other one between her legs. And what might have been thought an affection of modesty took on a different meaning when the spectators saw that the fingers pressed over her patch of dark hair were gently moving as she felt herself. The witch giggled at the open mouthed astonishment of the soldiers, lifted up both hands and held up her Eve's pair to the spectator's eyes. Certainly Hal's eyes felt as if they were popping out of his head as he watched her proudly displaying a body of pure wantonness. Then Caelia and Chelinde began working their hands over Morgana, leaving trails of suds and pure white skin behind them in spreading patches.

Hal stumbled forward, stepped into the other end of the trough facing the witch and threw away his cloak, letting her see his rampant lance. Morgana smiled at him: "Shall the girls wash you now, Master?"

"One of them," he grunted.

He was grunting because Morgana's hand had reached forward and gently tweaked the tip of his cockhead. This was unbelievable, to have a woman like this in thrall of him, doing his every bidding. Then she moved back, holding her hands up behind her head for him to better see her body as Caelia continued soaping it. Chelinde in turn rubbed her hands over Hal, cleaning him quickly but thoroughly, arms, chest, back, legs and then rubbing her slippery palm up and down his shaft. Caelia laughed and applied her hands just as thoroughly to Morgana's milk white curves and the red roses tipping them.

There was a vicious sounding twang and zip from nearby. Hal glanced around to see that one of the soldiers had accidentally fired his cross bow in his excitement, the bolt sticking out of the straw littered dirt floor only a few paces from the trough. But nobody seemed to care, not the King, not even the Corporal. In fact it seemed as if there might soon be some more accidental discharges amongst the watchers. None of them said or did anything as Morgana knelt down in the trough and put her hand with Chelinde's on the boy's throbbing pride. Together the two woman stroked it, and then Caelia joined them, her fingers tickling his balls. Hal called out in pleasure, his arms around each sister's shoulders and then something very large and fat plopped into the water between himself and the kneeling witch. The toad sank out of sight, down below the foam covered water and Hal's toes curled up in readiness for a savage bite or sting.

It never came. What did come was a string of bubbles breaking between Morgana's opened thighs and her response, a wild cry with her eyes rolled back in apparent pain. Hal wondered why the toad was attacking its mistress. And then he realized what was really happening as Morgana bent forward, pushed Chelinde's hand aside and took him deeply into her mouth in one swift movement. There was a gasp and a stir around the barn as everybody saw the boy's stiffness disappear between the witch's scarlet lips and her cheeks contract with the effort of sucking off her master. And all saw how her body was quivering and jerking as though she was being eaten from below. Which she most surely was. Now they all knew why a witch's familiar was so named.

It was the King who moved first. He bellowed, unbuckled his sword belt, threw it aside and swayed forward like a bear untimely woken from winter's sleep. He seized Chelinde first, from behind, kneading her damp teats in his huge fingers, squashing them up with only the stiff tips standing proud of the royal knuckles. Caelia instantly bent forward to suck on her sister's nipples, sending Chelinde squirming and pressing her bare bottom against the King's crutch. He roared again, pushed her away and began tearing at the lacing in the front of his breeches The girls knelt before him, wild eyed, their fingernails tugging at his cords with the same urgency. Out from behind the loosened restraints came a cock that seemed as thick as Hal's wrist and almost as long as one of Corporal Clint's overlength bolts. Caelia still went down on her knees without hesitation to suckle on it as well as she could, her lips stretched out like an snake swallowing a rat. Yet the King was watching the trough, not the girl at his feet.

"Fetch the witch out, boy, fetch her out! I'm going to give her a royal tupping!"

It would have meant death to argue with the monarch at any time. Right then was certainly not a good time to even think about hesitating. Even when Hal was getting ready to empty himself over Morgana's tongue: "Out, witch, out. The King wants you."

The King did indeed. He was already lying on his back and holding his thick veined scepter steady for one hand as Chelinde and Caelia licked the shiny red length like cows at a salt lick. As Morgana stood up he beckoned her to come forward. She glanced at Hal, he nodded and she obeyed, trickles of water and foam running down her beautifully proportioned legs before she stood astride King Argud and squatted down, her arms behind her back on either side of his legs to take her weight as Caelia and Chelinde rubbed the head of the king's donkey sized dick against Morgana's sex. Then she squealed and dropped down hard on top of the royal battering ram as if stopping it from trying to escape.

Her hips jerked up and down and she leaned forward on her arms again, with a girl on each side of her,each girl holding onto one of Morgana's large teats, keeping the bags of flesh steady for Argud to bite on. Morgana screeched again but Hal cared nothing for that in his need to finish what he'd begun with her. He stepped close to the writhing bodies, grabbed a tuft of Morgana's pitch black hair and thrust his hot flesh into her mouth again. She sucked on it as eagerly as before but Hal hardly noticed. He was staring wide eyed at the trough as the water in it splashed over the wooden sides and something moved inside it, something standing up where the toad had been,

This was no toad though, nor was it a cat. It was something akin to a child, about as high as a grown man's waist, brown skinned, bald headed, large ears, green tinged eyes which glittered like iced moss in sunlight, a squashed nose and lips that seemed more horn than flesh. The small though wide shouldered figure leapt over the side of the trough, landed neatly and sprang forward.

One thing about the goblin which was definitely a prominent feature was the prick and balls it displayed, a prick rampant for action and much larger than a normal one, for all the goblin's smaller size. It was more like a cock with a body attached than a body with a cock attached. But whatever the arrangement the body moved swiftly, the hard on in front bobbing up and down as short but hard muscled legs carried it forward to where it wanted to be. Which was behind Morgana, the glittering eyes staring at her jerking buttocks as the goblin rubbed some wet soap around his massive erection. He slapped her ass lightly with both palms as if to let her know she was there, guided his bulging shaft between Morgana's quivering crescents and then forced it deeply between them. Air spurted around Hal's wet shaft as Morgana screamed out in passion and Argud roared in satisfaction. He was so busy sucking and chewing on Morgana's nipples that Hal wondered if the monarch had even noticed he was sharing his feast with uninvited guests.

Then the boy yelped with his own uncontrollable pleasure as he spurted into Morgana's mouth, making her splutter as droplets of white fluid rolled down the witch's chin. Chelinde put her arm across the top of Morgana's neck and began licking the spilt liquid up like a kitten cleaning a platter of milk, a licking which ended with a passionate kiss between the two females. Then Caelia put a hand up to Hal's shrunken organ and lapped at it with her tongue. All three of the females seemed to be mad with lust and as soon as Morgana and Chelinde saw what Caelia was doing for Hal they joined in enthusiastically. The boy turned one way and another to let each of them have equal access to him.

It was, he thought, something which ought to make an entry in the Mead Brewer's Book of Records. One king, one goblin and one shitbucket emptier all fucking one witch at the same time, with a couple of hand maidens keeping things going. Not something you saw very often. The soldiers certainly hadn't. A group of them were standing within arm's length of Hal, eyes and knobs bulging at what were witnessing. Hal grabbed both of the sisters by the hair, lifted them and pushed them towards Corporal Clint and his comrades.

"Go on, boys, help yourselves."

It wasn't really what he wanted to do but he needed a distraction to throw those crossbows off their aim. And it worked. Bows and swords and belts fell to the ground as the soldiers grabbed the girls and threw them on their backs on top of the straw pile, bedding them down in convenient fucking positions. The rest of the guards saw what was happening and rushed to join the queues. The only thing which distracted them at all was a sound like a giant owl hooting, a sound coming from the goblin. Within seconds the sound was mixed with another yell of triumph from the King and a long drawn out yelp from Morgana. The trio of bodies collapsed in a tangle, the goblin and the king to lie undisturbed, but not Morgana. Clint O'The East Wood grabbed her arm, lifted her up and then dropped her on the straw pile next to two hairy backsides jerking up and down on top of Chelinde and Caelia. Very quickly the Corporal's arse was on public display as well as he fucked Morgana with all the expertise of a seasoned campaigner and military trained rapist. The accumulated lust in the air could have been set off by a candle flame and nobody even noticed Josephine slithering back into the barn. The men were either fucked, fucking or anticipating a fuck, and the females -- well, the females were otherwise occupied. Dragon sweated out of their minds and getting drilled from all directions

So nobody saw the dragon enter: nobody who cared, anyway. And certainly nobody noticed Hal's nod towards the drinking trough, nor his wink to Josephine. The dragon bowed her head, put her snout into the water and snorted -- not once, not twice, not thrice, but four times. Hal grabbed a discarded sword, reversed it with his hands holding tightly to the scabbard, then ran around and up to the top of the straw pile. The Corporal was gasping in satisfaction as he pumped his seed into Morgana's body. He gasped even more loudly as Hal hit him behind the ear with the sword handle, but only once. Then Hal grabbed at the witch's hands to pull her out from underneath Clint O'The East Wood's stunned body.

"Come with me -- now."


"Come with me -- I order you."

One of the waiting soldiers stepped forward and raised his fist to threaten Hal, then paused, uncertain of what to do. There was a kind of thumping sound, water from the trough flew up and a bank of steam twice Hal's height rolled outwards as all the dragon fire in the trough mingled with the water and turned much of it into hot vapor. Visibility within the barn became a few paces, then scarcely one or two. Hal began hauling the witch in the direction he knew the door was. He knew because he'd noted the draught coming from it beforehand and simply followed the gap in the steam cloud. Or at least he would have if Morgana didn't seem to be taking so long to get moving.

"Hurry up, you dozy bitch!"

"Oh, Master, it's such fun . . . "

"You stupid fucking woman, it's the dragon sweat in the water that's got us so excited. It's magic, we're spell bound, and we'll both be dead if we don't escape from the King. Run!"

Morgana's normal iron will seemed to emerge again as she began to understand what had happened to her. Hand in hand they ran out through the doorway, then stopped, panting. Hal had never known a day like it for exercise. And before he could make another move he was astonished to see the goblin come running out the steam filled door as well, the tip of his now slack prick halfway to his knees and pulling Caelia alongside him by a long strand of her hair. But Hal's surprise at that was nothing compared to seeing Chelinde also emerging, squealing, jumping and being forced along by the splintered end of Morgana's broomstick jabbing at her bum. It suddenly occurred to Hal that when he grew up and started getting drunk at taverns he'd have at least one good story to tell in his cups.

"Get into the castle, quick," Hal urged Morgana. "Josephine is coming with us. If we can get the drawbridge raised now we'll be inside and the King and most of his soldiers will be outside. Then we'll have a chance to parley."

Morgana shook her head: "Better to tell the dragon to burn down the barn and have done with them all now."

"No! If they die I'm a Duke no longer. There'd be no witnesses. The King must sign my letters patent and proclaim them. Seize the castle and we can negotiate with him."

She nodded, still panting: "That warlock. He's not here. He could stop you."

Hal knew she was right. And if Gaunt Gregory wasn't here he had a bloody good idea of where he would be.

"Josephine, go to the castle. Put a fireball through an arrow slit in the top of the tower, Burn Gaunt Gregory's chamber right out and him with it."

"No -- no!" Morgana shook her head. "My magical supplies are destroyed or lost. I need his. I must go now, take him by surprise. My broom will almost support my weight, even though it's damaged. Let me ride it and hold onto one of the dragon's claws. She can lift me to the top of the tower and leave me there to deal with Gregory. Then the dragon can help you in the courtyard to get the drawbridge lifted up."

"So be it. Josephine, take Morgana up to the chamber's lookout platform."

Some of the dragon sweat tainted steam was drifting out of the dragon's shed: half a dozen warriors inside were now visible, their breeches around their knees and all of them frantically jerking themselves off.

"Huh", Morgana snorted as she swung her bare legs astride the broomstick. "I always did say that the military were a load of wankers."

Then a giant figure came running out of the steam with a raised sword that glittered along its length in the high sun. The King was berserker angry, the dragon was spiraling upwards towing the naked witch on her broomstick and an equally naked group of two girls, one boy and a goblin ran for their lives towards Giant's Pass castle.

Will Spearshaker was still sitting by the moat, stinking, scorched and sour at life as he watched the passersby without any great interest. You couldn't weave a good story out of happenings which seemed to make no sense at all. Which was about Hal's thinking as well, because now the moment of decision had passed he had no idea at all why he'd hit Corporal Clint O'The East Wood and provoked the king's anger. But he had an idea about somebody who might have cast a spell on him to make him do it.

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IcebluesIcebluesalmost 14 years ago
Great story

Damn fine story.Its funny and hot just how i like it!

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