DragonStorm Ch. 10


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"Yeah," he chuckled. "They're not going to be very happy with this, are they?"

"Why not? He is your dragon. He didn't do anything wrong." She laid her spoon on the table, turning to take the avion in her arms. "Relax, Weyrleader. There's nothing to worry about!" She punctuated the statement with a loving, promising kiss.

Taking the time to eat, D'rian continued to ponder the strange situation. A troubling thought suddenly jumped into his mind. He turned to Cosira. "Um, do you want me to go back to Elysina tonight so that you and G'dened can be together?"

The queenrider smiled over her glass of wine, an amused but seductive gleam in her eyes. "Awww! Can't I have just one more night with you?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(January 14th)

Early the next afternoon, D'rian and Cosira walked out into the main cavern. Several riders were still at lunch. The Cygnan noticed that, as he and the Weyrwoman walked past each table, the riders seated there came to their feet. "Good afternoon, Weyrleader!" sounded again and again. Cosira had to reply as D'rian still hadn't come to terms with the situation.

Reality burst in upon the avion when G'dened rose from his seat, repeating the same greeting. There was no animosity in the words or their inflection. What he did see was a worried flick of the eyes toward Cosira and a wingleader's knot on the shoulder that should have held the Weyrleader's knot. That was enough for D'rian.

He took Cosira by the hand, walking around the table. When they came to the bronzerider, the Cygnan pointedly placed the Weyrwoman's hand into her weyrmate's. "G'dened," he began, "I apologize. She's a beautiful woman, and we had a wonderful mating flight, but she's your weyrmate. Please forgive me."

The bronzerider lifted the hand to his lips, gently kissing it. He slid his arm around Cosira as she snuggled into his embrace. "Forgive you for what, Weyrleader? We told you this could happen. I'm glad you had a good flight. I can see that she enjoyed it." He chuckled as Cosira blushed, then continued. "See, nothing has happened. No earthshake, no eruption, no other disaster. You won a mating flight, that's all. It had to happen eventually. Now, you're Weyrleader. Cosira's your Weyrwoman. But she's still my weyrmate. And there's someone behind you who wants to say hello."

D'rian's eyes narrowed, his forehead creasing. He turned to see who was behind him. Before he completed the turn, his arms were closing around a tiny woman, a woman who leapt into his arms and placed an exuberant kiss on his lips.

"Congratulations, Weyrleader!" she grinned. "I wondered where you were when I brought Valkryth back. Oh, how wonderful! You'll be a great Weyrleader!"

He stared at her, confusion clouding his thoughts. He was delighted to have Elysina in his arms again, but terrified that she would be angry with him and both of his devious dragons. "You're not angry?" he asked.

"Why would I be angry? I'm so proud of you and Tyranth. And now, I'm a Weyrleader's weyrmate! What do I have to be angry about?"

A gentle hand took him by the shoulder. He turned to find Cosira and G'dened smiling at him. To his astonishment, they drew him and Elysina into an affectionate group hug. Several of the riders watching began to applaud.

"So, Weyrleader," G'dened informed him, "we need to have a wingleaders meeting. When do you want to do that?"

"Is this evening too soon?" D'rian asked.

"Not at all. Just after the evening meal?"

The avion shook his head to the negative. "No, just before. I don't want to put anyone to sleep. Is that okay?"

"If that's what you want, that's what we'll do. I'll put it together."

"Okay. Thank you." He thought for a moment, then spoke loudly enough for the seated riders to hear him. "I want G'dened as senior wingleader. Is that understood?"

"Heard and witnessed," came the response from nearly twenty throats.

The Cygnan smiled. "Well, then, senior wingleader, I'd like some time alone with my weyrmate. We'll see you this evening."

The bronzerider smiled his understanding, winking at Elysina. Before the pair could leave, however, Cosira slid inside the avion's arms. She gave him a gentle parting kiss. "Thank you," she whispered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It was very early evening when the wingleaders filed into the council room. Imala had promised that a meal would be ready before the meeting ended. She then offered to bring the food to the council room, and the offer had been gratefully accepted.

Those entering were met by an interesting sight. D'rian sat in the center of the long side of the table with Elysina to his right and Cosira to his left. G'dened sat to the Weyrwoman's left.

When all the attendees had found seats, the Cygnan started the proceedings. He thanked his wingleaders for attending, then proceeded to the evening's business.

"We've just had a rather unusual mating flight," he began, hearing some nervous chuckles from around the table. "For those of you who don't yet know, it wasn't Tyranth who caught Caylith," he confessed. "It seems that he and Astaroth were playing a practical joke on us. It was Astaroth who caught the queen. I'm told by G'dened that it doesn't matter and that, as Astaroth is technically my dragon, the flight is legitimate. Still, if anyone wants to object, I'm listening."

The assembled wingleaders looked around the table at each other. A few were hiding snickers. A few just shrugged. Only B'dor had a comment. "That's hilarious," he chuckled.

"I would say, Weyrleader," G'dened smiled, "that there are no objections. I move, therefore, that the flight be declared legitimate."

"Seconded," answered K'trin, V'line and Tr'san."

"Heard and witnessed," sounded around the table.

D'rian lifted his hands to his face, exhaling a long breath. "Oh, shells," he whispered. From his right, a hand came up to take his. He turned to see Elysina beaming at him.

"Alright, then," he announced, "let's get on with this. First, I am naming G'dened senior wingleader. The Weyrleader's knot remains on his shoulder. I will not wear one. I want unanimous consent on this."

"No," G'dened objected immediately and forcefully. "That's not a good idea. It will cause confusion, especially with the other Weyrs. I'll wear a wingleader's knot. You wear the Weyrleader's knot."

"He's right, Weyrleader," D'phel confirmed. "Nobody else would understand what we were doing. You need to wear the Weyrleader's knot."

Several wingleaders voiced their agreement, while others silently nodded their assent. Cosira and Elysina both looked at him, eyebrows lifted, silently joining with the rest.

"Alright," the Cygnan conceded. "I'll think about it. But I still want G'dened as senior wingleader. Can I at least get your agreement to that?"

"You got it," B'dor replied immediately. He looked down the side of the table at which he sat. "You got that?" he asked forcefully, implying that there had best not be any dissent. There wasn't.

Both V'line and K'trin started to laugh. "Yeah, I'd say we got that," the huge brown-riding wingleader asserted.

"Okay. G'dened, are there any administrative changes that need to be made?"

The previous Weyrleader shook his head to the negative, so D'rian continued. "Cosira? Same question."

"No," she responded. "I'll make sure that all the cavernfolk are aware of the change. The firelizards have already told the other Weyrs about it. We should probably notify the Crafthalls and the Lord Holders."

The Cygnan chuckled. "Okay. Just tell me what I need to do. Tactical changes. There won't be any. G'dened will continue as first wing, first flight. Astaroth and I will continue as trailers. Ty isn't even in a fighting wing yet."

"You could put him in my wing anytime you think he's ready," K'trin interjected.

"He's the most instinctive flyer I've ever seen."

"Thank you, K'trin, but I think that's D'phel's call. I do appreciate it, though."

"Now wait a minute," V'line cut in. "I want him in my wing. T'marek's going to go completely thready if Tyranth goes anywhere other than his section."

A series of laughs and chuckles rippled through the conferees. The weyrlingleader shook his head, a wide grin on his face. "I'll vouch for Tyranth. I don't think there's a lot more that I can teach him. With D'rian as his rider and Astaroth still flying free-lance, he'll make a good addition to a fighting wing."

"Thank you, again," the new Weyrleader continued, "but which wing? Where do you want him, G'dened?"

"Me?" the bronzerider laughed. "You're Weyrleader. Who do you want to fly with?"

"Nothing like putting me on the spot, eh senior wingleader?" D'rian grinned. He couldn't help but hear the chuckles coming from both queenriders. He smiled down at the pair, asking, "Okay. What do you suggest?"

Cosira just shrugged, looking across to the other woman. "El, what do you think?"

Elysina had to contain her laughter. After several seconds, she finally replied, "If you ever want to do anything but listen to complaints, you'd better join V'line's wing. If you don't, that lunatic brownrider is going to ask to transfer between wings!"

The entire assembly burst into laughter. When reason was finally restored, D'rian turned to G'dened. "That okay with you?"

"Of course."

He then turned to D'phel. "What do you think?"

"That would have been my recommendation," the weyrlingleader confirmed.

D'rian looked at V'line. "Okay, wingleader, when do you want me and Tyranth to report, and who's our wingsecond?"

V'line started laughing again. "You can report tomorrow," he grinned, "and you damned well know who your wingsecond is!" More laughter greeted that announcement.

"Okay. If this is how we're going to be organized, I'll act as Weyrleader for all administrative and ground affairs. G'dened will continue to be in charge in the air, when we're fighting thread. I'm not even a wingsecond yet, so I can't lead the Weyr during a Fall. That all right with you, G'dened?"

The wingleader nodded. "That works for me. We'll make the switch as soon as you become a wingleader. The way Ty flies, that will probably be within a turn."

"Okay. That sounds good to me. Sorry, K'trin. Now, let's get to the serious business."

Several eyes narrowed at that statement. "That wasn't serious business?" Tr'san queried quietly.

"Not really," the avion replied. "Let's get down to what this meeting is really about."

Many of the dragonmen slid forward in their chairs. The new Weyrleader had their rapt attention.

"This mating flight is going to have some strange repercussions. It's bad enough that Ista now has a Cygnan Weyrleader, but the senior queen was flown by a Cygnan dragon."

"That does kind of make Ista unique," D'phel chuckled.

"Yeah, but don't get used to it. It isn't going to last."

Tr'san's "Huh?" spoke for most of the wingleaders.

D'rian grimaced. "Cygnan dragons and Pernese dragons are genetically incompatible. Caylith is not going to clutch. Therefore, she'll probably rise again in two months, maybe less. When that happens, I'm going to make a very unusual request of you."

The riders kept their attention fully on the avion. This was turning into a most intriguing meeting. They wondered what would come next.

"This flight was invalid in the respect of Astaroth's speed. None of your dragons had any chance to outfly him. This was particularly unfair to G'dened, as I took his weyrmate from him for a time. I've already apologized to him and her, and now I'm apologizing to all of you. This should not have happened."

"Why not?" V'line asked. "Astaroth's assigned here. He can fly if he wants to." Several of the others supported that statement, thumping on the table to express their agreement.

"Thank you," the avion responded. "Nonetheless, when the next flight occurs, I'm keeping both Astaroth and Tyranth on the ground. I'm asking that you do the same, excepting Barnath."

"You can't do that," G'dened protested. He started to his feet but was waved down.

"At the moment, my friend, I'm Weyrleader, and I can do that. I'm not ordering, I'm asking. I'm trying to redress an injustice that should never have happened."

V'line folded his hands under his chin, looking at D'rian through narrowed eyes. "Pardon me, Weyrleader, but, even with Astaroth on the ground, you still have the fastest dragon here. If Tyranth flies Caylith, you'll still be Weyrleader, and Caylith will clutch."

"That's why I'm keeping him on the ground. We need G'dened, which is why I'm trying to get him back into the position. Maybe you, V'line, maybe B'dor, but not me. Really, any of you. I'm just not qualified."

Around the table, riders stared into their hands, unsure of what to think but sobered by the request being made of them. Some looked concerned, others reflective. It was more than a minute before the first voice responded.

"I'll keep Trenth on the ground, Weyrleader," replied K'trin.

"Yeah," added V'line, "Clarinath, too."

Slowly, several other riders indicated their agreement. Tr'san stated that Kirth would be withheld, and S'rel agreed that Gorgoth would not chase. When the matter was concluded, it was found that only three beasts would challenge Barnath, none of whom were considered serious threats. N'pol confessed that he wasn't sure if he would withhold Sanadanth or not.

G'dened looked up at the new Weyrleader, chagrined disapproval in his eyes and a sardonic smile on his lips. He knew that with Tyranth and Clarinath on the ground, the flight was all but rigged. Still, there was nothing he could do about it. He had to admit, there really wasn't anything he wanted to do about it.

The meeting adjourned just minutes later, and the meal was brought in. As the kitchen staff worked, K'trin and V'line met with the avion. The big brownrider reached out to take the Cygnan by the shoulder. "You," he intoned, "are going to be one hell of a Weyrleader. I wish you'd let Tyranth chase." V'line nodded emphatic agreement.

When the food was on the table the riders retook their seats. G'dened started an immediate conversation, keeping his voice subdued.

"D'rian, I told you before that you can't interfere in a mating flight that way!"

"I'm not interfering," the avion replied. "It's no different than a restricted flight, and it was voluntary. None of them had to withdraw, but you saw how many were willing to do it for you. That's some incredible loyalty, Weyrleader."

"Wingleader," the Istan chuckled. "Alright, D'rian, you win. It's your Weyr."

"Well, don't be all that sure about it," the Cygnan cautioned. "You're still going to have three or four other dragons trying to outfly Barnath."

"Not a problem," G'dened smiled. "None of them are in Barnath's class."

"And Caylith still only needs one bronze," Cosira appended. "Maybe two." She winked at the Cygnan, her smile anything but coy.

"Don't forget I'm still a masterhealer. Oldive could pull me out of here at any time. The two of you are probably going to be running this Weyr fairly often."

"It'll still be your Weyr, D," G'dened instructed him. "When that happens, Cosira will take over as Weyrwoman. I'll just be assisting her. More of an advisor than a Weyrleader."

"Still, I'll be more comfortable knowing she has an experienced Weyrleader with her."

The senior couple looked at him with respectful smiles on their faces. "You're already two steps ahead of us, aren't you?" the bronzerider chuckled, shaking his head.

Cosira smiled at him, also shaking her head. "You're already acting like an experienced Weyrleader. You're going to be good at this." She leaned into the avion, giving him a loving kiss. Everyone at the table, including G'dened and Elysina, grinned at them.

"This is gonna be really interesting," Tr'san chuckled quietly.

"Wonder how long it'll be before she's pregnant," N'pol added.

"If she isn't pregnant right now, it won't happen," V'line opined.

K'trin nodded. "He gave her back to G'dened. If he gets anyone pregnant, it'll be Elysina."

It was a pleasant meal, with many of the riders inquiring as to how their new Weyrleader wanted various minor duties attended to. He deferred to G'dened for several of the questions. There were no big surprises, and everyone seemed quite satisfied.

As the meal slowly wound down, the Cygnan turned to speak to his senior wingleader. "You're going to have the Weyr for the next few hours. I won't be here."

"Where are you going?" he asked, eyes narrowed and brow creased.

"Cosira and I need to make a visit to Benden."

"I wouldn't go tonight," the wingleader advised. "It's awfully late at Benden now. You should wait until tomorrow."

When he saw Cosira nod in agreement, D'rian shrugged. "Alright then, you two, you can start teaching me how to be a Weyrleader, if only a temporary one."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Benden Weyr

(Evening, January 15th)

Due to the time difference, the visit to Benden was postponed until the following day. It was early evening when two dragons came out of between above the star stones, easing down next to the watch dragon. The bluerider saluted the riders, directing them to the Weyrleader's ledge and stating that he would have his dragon notify Mnementh of their arrival.

Moments later, a huge bronze and an even larger queen moved to one side of their ledge, making room for another queen and a smaller bronze. The riders slid from their dragons' necks and entered the weyr.

The newcomers expected to see the Benden Weyrleaders at the table, but they were slightly surprised to see the senior wingsecond and Weyrhealer there. They were more surprised and somewhat embarrassed to have the second couple rise from their seats and bow deeply.

"Welcome, Lord D'rian, Lady Elysina," stated F'nor. "We're honored to have you here. Please join us." The couple then retook their seats.

The Istans acknowledged the formal greeting before turning to the Weyrleaders. "Please accept our apologies for being a day late. It was late last evening before we could conclude our Weyr business. It would have been very late for you had we come last night."

F'lar sat quietly, his well-known neutral frown firmly in place. His Weyrwoman, to the contrary, was far from neutral. Her angry grimace did not bode well for a pleasant reply.

"Weyrleader?" Lessa began. "Weyrleader! How dare you? How dare you take the leadership of a Pernese Weyr? You are singularly unqualified to lead a fighting Weyr. You may be a competent rider, but this is beyond you. I realize you have a Benden bronze as your dragon, but that does not justify you allowing him to chase the senior queen. I thought you were more intelligent than that. By what leap of reason did you do this?"

D'rian looked from Weyrleader to Weyrwoman. He had no idea of how to respond. This possibility had concerned him, and now he had no idea of how to react. His gaze moved to his weyrmate. To his consternation, he saw that she was struggling to avoid laughing. He looked back at the Bendenites, finding the Weyrwoman starting to chuckle. F'nor was snickering and Brekke was trying to hide her smile.

F'lar had a wide grin on his face. He rose from his chair, extending his hand.

"Welcome, Weyrleader, and congratulations. We've been wondering for several turns when this was going to happen."

The Cygnan took the proffered hand, taking his seat as the Benden Weyrleader sat down, their respective weyrmates beside them. Lessa kept the conversation moving.

"Was it Tyranth or Astaroth who actually won the flight?" she inquired.

"Astaroth," D'rian replied. "I wanted to declare the flight invalid, but G'dened said it was perfectly acceptable and the wingleaders agreed. I really didn't want this to happen."

"Why not?" the Benden Weyrleader asked. "You've been flying thread for turns. You should know how to lead the Weyr."
