Dream Easy

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Fantasy meets real from my thoughts about my wife.
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I was close, her eyes locked onto mine. Her mouth saying words I couldn't hear, cheeks flushed with arousal, I was going to cum if she kept this up.

She led down on me, continuing to shake her bum up and down my shaft, a methodical attack at the perfect angle, massaging my steadily growing glans as I was about to shoot all I had for her.

I felt her breath on my ear and a faint whisper, "I can feel you're close, go on, cum."

I lost, my orgasm starting to hit as she sunk her teeth into my neck and my back arched up into her as I painted her vagina walls white. An art she's perfected making me perform.


I woke up. Snap awake in an instant.

"Woah, okay." I thought to myself, glancing sideways at my wife gently breathing, eyes shut in dreamland herself. I wonder if hers was as erotic as mine?

I could feel it, a large amount of precum leaking out of my tip in boxers barely able to contain my morning erection.

Well fuck. Better clean that up hadn't I before she wakes up and sees the mess I find myself in.

Gently as I could, i climbed over her from my spot beside the wall in the bed. Only to receive a poke on my bum cheek.

"You were moaning in your sleep." She stated, "woke me up about 10 mins ago, think I was snoozing til you stirred and got up."

Fuck. It was an exceptional dream though.

"Uhhh yeah, I had an interesting dream." I avoided the question, wishing to clean myself up before she could see exactly what I'd ended up doing. I haven't ever had a wet dream, but this is what I get for four days worth of incessant teasing from her and denial of access.

"Oh really?" Her eyes lightening up slightly from her sleepy stupor. "I think I can guess from the noises you made" She teases.

"Uhh yeah, it was racey.. very racey."

I toddle out of the room to the adjacent bathroom as she laughs at my response. Clean myself up, go about my morning business in the bathroom and return to the bedroom boxerless.

"Awh, is someone struggling a little there?" She jests from her half covered face from the duvet, pointing at my semi erect member freely hanging between my legs.

"Yes, I am, you're a ridiculous tease and I don't know how much more I can take til I'm just dripping cum 24/7... my balls ache too." I let out an exasperated sigh, earning a smirk judging by the eyes poking out looking at me from her half covered face.

"Well come here then."

Hearing that, I whip my head round and raise an eyebrow.

Surely this is a trap.

"You heard me, bring that here." Making, in any other circumstance, an obscene gesture towards me.

I feel myself twitch, clearly she knows how to pull my strings, among other things and I saunter over to her, sitting on the bed next to her.

She pulls herself upwards, revealing her milky white skin and tattoos, unclothed minus underwear and sits behind me.

I feel her press her chest into my back, her breasts pushed into me, nipples erect, poking forwards and the warmth of her radiating into my body. I watch as her hands slide round my waist, heading south on me, before grasping me at the base and squeezing.

A small droplet of precum emerges.

"So you do have some left after that dream."

"It would appear so." I groan into her touch, head back against her shoulder now, relaxing into the feeling I'm experiencing, what can only be described as bliss.

Her hand moves, slowly. Mapping out my shaft and head, the veins, the colour, I can see her eyes staring from my vantage point on her shoulder.

God, I could just explode now and die a happy man for the day.

A squeeze, rewarded with a groan from me. More precum.

"I don't think you want to cum." She says hand progressively getting faster.

"Want to or not, if you keep that up you're going to get some." I whisper, my speech slightly staccato as my breathing becomes heavy.

"Nah, I know you don't want too. Why would you want too."

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you've been testing me all week so far." I shoot back with a glare.

A pulse through my erection, ah fuck. First signal.

She noticed too, a slight speed up.. a second pulse, and I begin to groan, breath starting to hitch in time, trying to hold onto my orgasm for longer.

"Don't worry about holding onto it, I was never going to let you just now anyway." As she snaps her hand off me just before I am about to enter full orgasm.

"You absolute fucker!" I exclaim as a lone drop of white cum proceeds to leave my body slowly and drip down my shaft.

"Told you, you didn't want to cum." She blows me a kiss and moves backwards, causing me to have to steady myself on the bed.

I sat there speechless for a minute, my erection subsiding at the false start orgasm I just experienced, testicles on fire more so than before.

"I swear to god.. I can't take much more of that." My eyes flashing at her with a little hurt and hunger.

"You will though, I'm just going to get dressed and get up now."

"Can't believe you.. I cannot believe you." My brain running visions of her on the bed on her back, totally exposed to me. I consider it, pulling her back on the bed when she gets up.

"Don't even think of it." I hear from behind me as she's fumbling with a bra.

"What?" I say in a sweet innocent tone, belying the filthy thoughts in my head.

"I'm not letting you have me this morning and I can hear the cogs in your head ticking, sounds like a bombs ready to go off in there."

Fuck sakes. The torture continues. I let out a sigh before my day continues.

Most of the day passes without incident, the odd suggestive bend over that didn't need to be quite so straight legged in front of me, the odd brush past me with her chest, she did grab me through my trousers whilst i was washing up though and proceed to bite the back of my neck as she did.

Why? Why is it always the biting?

House clean, lived in but clean, kids in their beds. Time for a film or two, maybe she's in the mood for her true crime series' that I've also managed to get into.

We sit, eating in content silence watching a murder scene on TV get investigated.

"It was 100% him." She says pointing at someone I missed as I looked up at the scene change.

"Which one, sorry?" I say slightly dazed at the broken silence.

"Him!" She shouts excitedly, pointing at the TV with her fork towards a shady looking bald man.

"Well, he's certainly got the looks for it."

"He definitely did it, and he's going to run when they catch on."

"They always run in these shows." I say as I bend my head backwards to look at her upside down.

Good lord she's gorgeous. The pinnacle of beauty to me.

I flip my head back to my food and the TV to continue watching and a small amount of time passes before I hear the clink of cutlery hitting a finished plate.

"Food good hopefully?" I ask, still watching TV.

"Yes, it was thank you. Stuffed mushrooms are one of my favourites."

I finish my plate, and turn to take hers. Only to see her sat there, the low cut top she put on this morning proudly tucked underneath her beautiful breasts, displaying them directly in my vision.

"Uhm, you appear to of fallen out there." I casually mention, making no attempt to hide myself staring.

"Oh, so I have, I'll just have to put them away.." she rolls her eyes.

Why is the eye roll so damn sexy?

"I'd honestly prefer it if you didn't. They're just perfect out as they are."

"Take the plates out." The command comes matter of factly as I steal one last look before I get up to take them to the sink.

Much to my dismay, she has tucked her breasts back into her top, leaving the low cut verrrrry low, showing off her cleavage in droves and her arms slightly pressed together as she's sat, making it even more appealing to my eyes.

My blood is on fire still from all this, I swear it could boil inside me and I'd just combust. Four fucking days, she started this on Monday, all these suggestive things, and the slightly more direct touches and dirty comments.

I sit down again, and ask her if she wants to come lay on me.

I don't think she's heard me from her arm chair, as I plonk my ass down in the corner of the sofa and grab a cushion incase she does want to come over.

About 5 minutes pass and she gets up and goes for what I assume is a toilet stop before walking back into the room and sitting by me, laying her head on the prepared cushion.

I slide my arm over her shoulder, gently resting it between her neck and chest and use the other one to play with her hair.

The TV becomes more and more silent as my thoughts drift back to that dirtier side of my brain, thoughts of her naked, her body pressed into mine, a lovers embrace, totally lost in each others presence.

I'm snapped back to reality by her voice ringing out around the room.

"It was him, I knew it! Ha, I'm getting good at this."

"You'll be a detective at this rate." I say rather dryly earning a pinch on my arm.

"Ow.." I don't know why ow came out, it didn't hurt.. if anything it was nice.

"Oh sorry, did I hurt you?" She smiles sweetly, batting her eyelids at me.

"Terribly so, I think I need to go to hospital for it." My reply dripping in sarcasm.

"Awh, my husbeast is in pain, let me help." As I receive a bite on my forearm of phenomenal pressure. My back arching out and an involuntary intake of breath following as soon as I feel the pain hit.

"That was not a nice thing to do now was it.." I mutter as I come down from the pain high, trousers slightly tighter than they were 10 seconds ago.

"I think it was nice, and I know you think it was nice too." She glances at my crotch.

Yup, she knows me all too well when it comes to being bitten or marked.

Sigh, I'm starting to think this perpetual tease i find myself in will never end, literally chomping at the bit but I can't til she let's me.

She let's out a little laugh and goes back to watching TV as my mind wanders off into the ether of smut again, half paying attention to the TV, half glancing down at her, cleavage in full view.

"I wouldn't mind flicking a nipple with my tongue right about now." My brain says to me and I'm inclined to agree, I'd do anything for her at this point.

For now, I content myself with running my fingers across the bare skin that's not covered on her chest and my fingers in her hair.

The show finishes, that was a long ass 30 minutes, swear time nearly stopped.. maybe daydreaming is working backwards today, I swear it usually makes time go faster?

My brain is at odds with itself and the amount of testosterone and oxytocin coursing through me, touches becoming electric on my skin, almost like someone pressing live battery wires to my skin.

Im comparable to a raging bull at this point in time, I could rip clothing off to get to what I want. Hell, I don't even think a chastity belt would stop me in my current state.

The more I think, the higher I can feel my senses going. Smell has become more acute, I'm nowhere near her head, but all of a sudden I can smell her, the shampoo she last washed with, mixed in with her days activities. My hearing, even being half deaf seems to of improved, I can hear her breathing like it's directly next to my ear. Touch speaks for itself if earlier was any indication but getting more intense, small firecrackers coursing over my skin as she runs her fingers up and down my forearm nonchalantly. Sight, why do the colours look so intense in this low light? They're not usually this vibrant I swear.

My reverie and thoughts are disrupted by her moving, she gets up and walks out of the room.

Oh, nothing to say I suppose, guess its time for another stop off to the porcelain throne.

A few minutes pass and she casually walks back into the lounge and launches a pile of something at me, catching me directly I the head as it makes a dull thud, obscuring my vision as whatever it was wraps around my skull as it hits. At least it was soft.

I mumble a few curses under my breath at the shock of my vision suddenly being taken. Wait a minute.. these smell, like her? What has she thrown at me? I use my hands to remove items from my head, one, two, three, four?

I pinpoint the smell as I'm removing the items from my head. This is a thong..? Its covered in, well, her scent and the physical manifestation of it. A small amount of clear liquid, pooled in the crotch.

Well shit, if I wasn't already bad enough, that's the only thing that could make me worse. That scent is enough to set me off by itself, let alone with the 4 days of teasing.

"I wondered where that would land." I hear as I remove the thong from my face.

I look up, bathed in the warm light from the hallways is a goddess. Half her body visible in the light, the other half lit by the still playing TV. Completely exposed to my eyes, I could cry at the beautiful form presented before me.

She's naked in the doorway and I lock eyes with her. It was probably the TV reflecting, but those gorgeous green orbs look like they're full of fire, fire aimed directly at me.

She moves, but not in the direction I want her too, darting out of the room, breasts and bum bouncing as she leaves and before I've reacted in my shock, I hear her going up the stairs.

My legs move before I've even registered what's happening, careening me into the footstool, almost going straight over it in a heap on the floor before hitting the doorway and up the stairs.

I reach the bedroom where she's already led on the bed, on her back, legs bent in an upside down V with her feet on the bed, facing her legs toward me.

"I believe I have something you want for lasting 4 days.." her voice low and sultry. Before I even have a chance to reply, her legs fall open, revealing her to me, her vulva and public hair on full display to me, glistening with arousal around the edges.

"You could say that." I manage to stammer out.

"Then take it, take me."

I kneel at the end of the bed still clothed, picking up one of her legs and kissing my way down it, right to where I want my face and to see myself disappear into.

One small lick across her wet lips and a quiet whimper from her. Enough to make me twitch in my underwear.

I stand up, and slowly remove my own clothes, her eyes tracing my own body as I do, before removing my boxers and feel myself spring upwards, my own arousal much more obvious than hers ever is.

I can feel blood pumping, my cheeks red hot, my erection pulsing in time with my heart beat and time almost halts.

I go back to kissing and licking my way down her legs, teasing her of my own accord, treating her like a goddess in need of worship. My tongue moving to its own internal soundtrack, a personal dance for her lips, to where it wants to be. Deep within her own heat, licking nectar from her like a bee does a flower.

I continue my sensual assault on her lips with my tongue, feeling precum dripping from me as I do, unable to hide my own need.

There is nothing else in the moment, nothing else other than her, she is all that matters and I will have her cum on my tongue.

"That feels, so damn good." She breathes out, fingers running through my hair as I continue my ministrations. Her legs twitching every time I purposefully flick myself over her clit, I like that. I've always liked that reaction.

"Fuck..." her hand becomes tighter in my hair, I've done this enough to know that sound. I slow, and use slightly more pressure, emphasising the flicks over her.

Then comes the crash, her body convulsing, trying to escape my tongue, legs pushing either side of my head and her hand trying to push me down into her.

"Oh, fuck me.." As she continues to orgasm, holding it for as long as she can, riding the wave of pleasure through her own body.

I stop, and use a nearby towel to wipe my face off briefly.

"That tasted so damn nice." I say, breathing slightly heavier than usual, all the testosterone building to that pit of arousal deep within my core.

"Come." She says, requesting me forward to her. I move my body over hers, planting a passion filled kiss on her lips, and she nips at my bottom lip, catching it slightly.

Her hand moves to position me, her touch illiciting sparks all over me and a droplet of precum landing directly between her lips, mixing with my own saliva and her own wetness.

"I want you in here. Now." As she slides my tip down across her clit towards her opening, the place I've wanted to be for days.

I kiss her again, moving my hips forward and gliding effortlessly into her, nestling all my inches in her warmth, feeling her cervix kiss my glans, both of us groaning into each others mouths, tongues dancing in a rhythm only we know how to do.

We find the same rhythm with our hips, meeting in the middle with our skin hitting, the noise any other adults wouldn't mistake for anything other than this. Two people, embraced together as one.

Ecstasy ensues, wrapped up in her, speed increasing to me near my own limit before I stop myself, I'm not ready to cum just yet.

She removes her lips from mine, and signals me to remove myself from her and lay down without words being said, none are needed. I understand those signals all too well as she straddles me, sitting directly ontop of me, hands pushing down on my chest as she accommodates all of me.

Her hands move, placed either side of my head as she leans forwards and begins to move her hips, those gorgeous hips, racing backwards and forwards, pulling me out and then pushing me right back in.

"Go on." I say, "Take my cum from me, don't give me a choice, steal it for yourself."

A sly grin flashes in front of me, as I place my hands on her bum and encourage her to speed up.

Her arms move again, resting on her elbows, face directly above my own as she begins to twerk on me.

I suddenly remember my dream, how does she know? I didn't tell her anything other than it was interesting and racey.

I can feel it, with every stroke her walls massage me closer, building from deep within and that all too familiar tingle in my testicles returns, a fire begging to be allowed to release.

I'm not going to last long.. she's hitting that perfect angle i dreamt about that had me leaking, her pubic bone above her clit, forcing my frenulum to get heavy attention from her back walls, if she had a plug in, that would be even more heavenly pressure rubbing along me. I'm moaning now, loudly and she's drinking the sound in. She's only done this a few times before and succeeded in ending me, she knows it's only a matter of time now.

That pulse begins, I know she felt it. Her pace increased a little. No chance of holding this in.

She's just going to take it from me, I don't get a say and I don't care.

More pulses, head growing increasing that massage effect I'm getting.

"I can't hold it, I can't..." I whimper from under her. "Oh god."

"Cum for me, now." The soft demand whispered in my ear. The magic words I've so recently discovered.

My breathing ragged, laboured, as I try to hold on, one final breath and I hold it, delaying the inevitable as long as I can, before i feel it erupt out of me directly into her. A bite lands on my neck, causing me to break my breath hold and let out a long guttural moan as I shoot her insides with my artwork, the bite, turning into a suck, it's feeling lingering as I grab and claw at her body, bucking my own hips up into her, a Primal response to orgasm, to be as deep as I can possibly get.

We lay for a second after before she dismounts me, leaving me a shaking mess.

"Thats going to leave a mark." She says tracing her own work over my shoulder.

"Judging by how it feels, that's going to be very purple in the morning." Comes my reply, placing a hand on her leg closest to me before she lays on my chest for a second, with my hand tracing her back.

How did she know about the dream?

"You also were speaking in your sleep. 'Fuck me Tiff, fuck me please' between your moans." She responds clearly seeing me in thought.