Dream Man


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… I walked down the slope to the lake. Michael was standing there, looking out at the water, at the reflection of the moon. I walked up behind him and said his name. He turned to me. He looked haunted and so very sad. He walked up to me and wrapped me in his arms. He nuzzled my neck and moved his hands over my back. I pulled away. I stared in his eyes. Then I simply said to hell with it and kissed him. I moved my hands under his t-shirt and felt the soft, silky hair. I felt his stomach hitch as I rubbed over the ridges. I pulled away from him.

“Where are you Michael? I want to see you. We’ve been dreaming about it enough.”

“No Patrick. This, only this.”


I turned from him and walked away from him. He called me back. I turned, there were tears in his eyes. I couldn’t break from the dream. I tried. Michael came up to me. He marched on me, faster and faster. When he got to me, he pulled me roughly to him and started kissing me. He pushed me to the ground. My breath rushed out of me as I hit the grass. He collapsed on top of me, kissing me harder. In all of our dream encounters, not one of them was he the aggressor. But this time he was. He pulled at my clothes. When the cool air beaded my nipples I cried out. He covered first one then the other with his mouth. He nipped and bit at my skin, lapping his tongue along my chest, through the hair covering my belly. He tore at my pants until I was lying in just my boxers. Then he shucked his clothes until he was naked before me.

He knelt between my legs and hooked his elbows under my knees, pushing them forward into my chest. He reached a hand down and yanked the hem of my boxers down, exposing my ass. Michael then pushed into me with one, great thrust. It should have hurt; I’ve never done this before. Instead I was rocked with lust and passion as I clenched him. I had never known such fullness, such connection. I felt him rock into me, twisting and swiveling, hitting every bump and nerve ending I had. I felt myself grow harder, stretch tighter. I was taut with need, barely able to keep from tripping. My orgasm reached to me through my dream and I clamped him as I spurt between us. Michael kept pumping. I usually wake up when I cum. I was still in the dream.

He kept pistoning into me. I was spent. I wanted to wake up. The sex had been beyond belief, but it was all I was ever going to have; a fake love affair with a real live person. I beat my fist on his back. I wanted it over. I wanted him to stop or cum just so the dream would end. After a few minutes I watched as he reared his head back and bellowed his release. I felt each jet hot inside me and wondered if it would be there when I woke. But again I didn’t wake up.

Michael slowly calmed. He looked down at me and withdrew from my body. He sat by me on the ground. I lowered my legs and pulled my shorts up, suddenly feeling naked and vulnerable. Michael reached for his briefs and put them on.

“Why haven’t we woken up?”

“I don’t know.”

“You realize Michael that even if you marry, we will probably still have the dream.”

“I know.”

“Can you live like that? Wondering if each night will cause you to cum in your sleep, possibly calling out my name?”


“No. You don’t have to be with me. But damn it, don’t use the castle as an excuse.”

“Why did you buy it?”

“To be close to you. I saw the lake from our dreams on the television and the castle behind it. I knew this was where you would be. I have lots of money and wanted to do something with it. But in case you weren’t here, I wanted something to do until I could find you.”

“You’ve given up a lot to find me, haven’t you?”

“Not really.”

“No bullshit now.”

“Okay, my home in New York and my position in the company. But it doesn’t matter.”

“I need a few days to think. I have to make a decision.”

“We will probably still see each other in our sleep.”

“I know.”

“I want to see the castle tomorrow. I’ll stay out of your way. But I need to actually see where we have been together.”

“Fine, I need to go to Galway anyway.”

I laughed. “How do we wake up?”

He chuckled too. “Try opening your eyes …

… The sun was shining in my face. I reached down under the blankets, but my shorts were dry. Perhaps we weren’t connected this time. Maybe it was just a regular dream. I decided to make good on my plans and got up and bathed. Then I had a good, traditional Irish breakfast (don’t ask what black and white pudding is), then set off.

The castle sat amidst a few tall, stately trees. The years had not been kind to either the grounds or the structure. But there was sign of recent, loving care being given to the old place. I walked the grounds and circled around the stately manor. When I reached the North corner, I knew that the path before me led to the lake. I followed it down towards the water. There stood the beautiful willow and the smooth rock that jutted from the water a few feet from shore. I grew wistful while contemplating what might never actually be. But that’s as may be.

I walked back to the castle and walked up the steps to the main entrance. The doors were barred, but I peeked into a few of the windows. Internally, things looked relatively sound. As I looked around, I couldn’t help but wonder what I was going to do with it all. My original plans were to do what so many others had done with their old homes and turn it into a hotel, but that seemed crass somehow. Then I realized I couldn’t do much without input from the village down the lane. What would they say to a big hotel, taking business from the quaint inn and lively pub? I don’t know. I really hadn’t a clue.

I drove back towards town, still muddled with my ideas when I saw a bit of coastline. I turned off and followed a winding road towards a cliff. I got out of my car and looked out at the gray-green of the Atlantic. Mighty waves crashed into the rocks below. I could almost imagine the numerous people who must have stood here and wondered what was beyond the horizon to the West. Iceland, Greenland, Canada. All untamed lands at one point. And here, on the coast of Ireland, was where a great many of its settlers started. I turned to go back to my car when I noticed my castle further away along the coast. It looked out over the sea like a sentinel, the lake further inland. At that moment I had an idea, one so simple, yet far reaching that I wished Michael were here to share it with me. So strange how we had only met once, but I felt so connected to him. Well, even dream sex is a great link between two people.

When I got back to my room, I was tempted to nap so I could try and pull Michael into my dream so I could tell him my plans. But I resisted. So I went down to the pub and had a pint. Which led to another. And another. And another. By dinnertime I was pretty well sloshed. A couple of the regulars helped me upstairs and to my room. I collapsed on the bed and was out …

… We met at the lake like always. But everything swam before me. I kept staggering to the right or left when I meant to walk towards the water. Maybe I shouldn’t be so near when I am drunk. So I sat down and waited for Michael. In no time I heard him behind me. He walked up to me and sat beside me. He smiled at me. I couldn’t help it. I giggled.

“So it’s drunk you be, is it?”

“You better believe it.”

“Why Patrick?”

“I had an epi… epith… epiphany by the castle today. I wanted to share it with you. But I had some time to kill before bed. So one pint led to another.”

“Where are you Patrick?”

“In my room at the inn. Why?”

“I want to see you.”

“That’s nice Michael. That’s rather sweet.” I hiccupped. “Hey wait a minute. How long have you been working on the castle. It doesn’t look like much has been done.”

“Since the morning after the first dream.”

“Oh, Michael.”

“You need to wake up Patrick. I will come to you at the inn, I promise. But I can’t go unless you wake up.”

“Open my eyes again? …

… The moon shone in my window and my head spun around it. I had never been much of a drinker, now I knew why. I wondered how long it would take Michael to reach me. But it really didn’t matter. God I need to pee. I was stumbling towards the toilet when Michael walked in. He took one look at me and laughed. He helped me to the bathroom and stood behind me as I took care of business. Then he stripped me down and put me in the shower before joining me after shucking his own clothes. He really is magnificent you know?

Then the magnificent bastard turned on the water. Ice cold water. He held my head down and under the spray until I sputtered. Then I called his mother three types of whore before he finally let me up. But, I will give him this, the room no longer spun. Bastard. He laughed at me before throwing me a towel. He stepped out of the shower and dried himself before going into the room. After drying myself I followed him with the towel slung low on my hips. I was freezing. I found Michael under the covers. He told me to join him. He said it was to conserve body heat. I hoped he meant some athletic building of heat. I jumped right in with him. There was a hot water bottle lying between us. No quickie for us. Damn!

I reached for him, wanting to touch him. But he stopped my hand and brought it to his lips. He told me to wait, until I was completely sober. I lay back and he reached over me and turned off the light. I watched as moonlight caught in his long lashes as they fluttered closed. I had had some sleep, but needed more …

… We met at the lake again. We were naked and lying by each other on the grassy slope, looking at the moonlight reflecting in the water. I looked over at him; his chest rose and fell lightly with each breath. It accentuated the muscles and hair on his body. I felt myself get hard, really hard. I turned to him, rolling on top of him. There was something warm between our bellies. My erection nestled against his, pillowed by all the soft hair on our bodies, cushioned by the hard muscles and warm skin of our bellies. I couldn’t help it; I thrust upwards, gliding over his bulging, muscular chest. After a few, slow thrusts, I took his mouth and kissed him. We kept moving, him meeting my hips equally with each of my thrusts. We kept moaning, groaning and grunting. There was a bird chirping in the tree overhead. God it was lousy at peeping. It sounded like a squeak, almost like a rusty spring. Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! …

… I awoke, on top of Michael, with the bed squeaking as I moved over him. We were hard and dripping. The hot water bottle wedged between our sternums. I looked in his eyes as he met mine. We couldn’t stop laughing. We stopped moving and laughed. The bed shook more from our laughter than our lovemaking. I was still looking at him when we stopped. The air around us changed. I leaned into him and kissed him; our first real kiss. My lips moved over his and he met me, kiss for kiss. Our tongues pushed out slightly and met, tip to tip. I brushed over his tongue with my own, caressing his own and taking his taste to my brain. I wanted to make love to him. I wanted to be inside him; but not here at the inn. I pulled away from his lips. His lips were swollen. He was panting, looking at me in wonder. I noticed the gold cross in the hollow of his throat. The last piece was in place.

“Not here Michael. We need to go to the lake. Our first time needs to be there.”

“I know.”

We got up and dressed, working really hard to zip up over our erections. It was close to midnight when we left the pub. We crawled into my car with a couple of blankets and headed out. It took no time at all to reach the castle. I pulled into the drive and we hopped out and practically ran to the lake. When we got there, I pulled him into my arms. I started to kiss him. I pulled off his sweater and shucked his jeans, pulling every stitch of clothing off of him until he was naked. I pushed him onto the ground and proceeded to worship his body. I started at his feet, kissing and licking around each toe. I trailed my tongue up the arch of his foot. I nipped at his ankle and flicked the back of his knee. Then I worshipped each inch of his thigh with open-mouthed kisses. I nuzzled his scrotum with my nose before moving down to his other foot. I spent a lot of time on the scar over his knee. Then I moved up until my cheek grazed his erect penis. Michael was writhing on the grass, whimpering in agonized pleasure. I skipped his center and moved to his fingers, then wrist, elbow, shoulder and armpit. First his left arm, then the right. Then I worshipped at his neck, nipping on his earlobes before latching on to his pulse, low by his shoulder. I know I was leaving a mark, and I didn’t care. I moved my mouth down and latched on to one of his nipples. I teased it, and then bit it before sucking him deeply into my mouth, suckling and laving the sensitive tip. Then I moved down to his navel, swirling my tongue around and then into the slight indentation. I tried my hardest to untie the knot. I pulled up to look at him, he was panting. His eyes were glassy and his skin was flushed a rosy pink. I loved him.

I moved between his legs and kissed the leaking tip of him, one simple peck of my lips. Michael reared up, moaning hard at my barest touch.

“Stop! Patrick, I’m too close to cumming. Inside me; I want us to cum together.”

I took his hand and placed it on my shaft. I twitched when he squeezed me, so close to orgasm I held his hand still. I told him to guide me. I felt the sticky tip brush through his silky hair. Then I felt the warm, pulsing opening below me. I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head. Then I was parting him, moving forward by scant millimeters. I looked down at Michael as I pushed forward. When I breached his sphincter, placing the head of my cock inside him, Michael arched his back and cried out as he shot stream after healthy stream of semen over the both of us. He moaned and grunted, then kept chanting ‘too soon, too soon.’

“It’s beautiful when you cum Michael. I want to see it again.”

Then I pushed completely inside of him, seating myself to the hilt. I felt him quiver and adjust to my breadth and girth. I clenched my jaw and tried hard not to cum right then. Slowly he relaxed around me and I knew a tenuous grip on control. I pulled out slightly and then pushed back. Michael moaned under me. I repeated the motion again, then again. I kept arching into him, meeting his body with my own. I ground my hips into his, feeling the soft hair become matted with sweat. Both of our bodies dripped with it as we moved together. I kept up my motions, trying so hard not to trip. But I wanted to cum so badly, my orgasm was hovering around me; keeping my belly quivering and my legs rocking. I shut my eyes, hoping to stop the moment from happening, just for a while longer. But it was no good. I was just too damn close. I opened my eyes so I could look at Michael. I felt my shaft start to twitch in great, heaving movements as I came. Each spurt of semen left me and I called out his name. “Oh Michael! Oh Michael! Oh Michael!”

When the last of my spasms stopped, once I slowed my undulating hips and was about to stop moving, Michael reared up his head and cried out. I watched him, so sweaty and flushed from our lovemaking, as he climaxed again. I was looking in his eyes, holding his stare, willing him to see how much I loved him. At the periphery edge of my vision I saw stream after stream of his release slide up his chest, towards the hollow of his throat. I had my arms braced over him, my palms feeling the soft grass below me. Each breath of my body caused my cock to twitch in ecstatic aftershocks. I kept staring into his eyes, until my body wouldn’t support me anymore. I collapsed on top of Michael, finding solace and comfort as his arms wrapped around me. I felt myself soften and slip out of him. He met my lips for a tired kiss.

After a while, we rolled to our feet and trudged to the lake, rinsing our bodies in the cool water. The chilly water lapped at our waists and we started splashing, playfully. Then we crawled onto the shore, rolling into one of our blankets, half drying, half warming our bodies. Michael looked at me and asked what my plan for the castle was.

“I want to turn it into a museum and gallery. It is huge. I got the idea while looking out over the sea. So many Americans don’t have any clue who or what there past really is. I’m hoping we can turn the castle into a place for some of them to find their past.”

“That’s not a bad idea. But I want to restore the gardens.”

“Of course.”

“I think there should be a restaurant too.”

“We can work on that. What about your fiancée?”

“I saw her today and broke things off with her. You were right you know, the dream wasn’t going to end, even if we were apart.”

“Are you okay with this?”

“I always was, it was marriage I had doubts about.”

I kissed him, curling my body around his, feeling us drift towards sleep.

I awoke to the dawn, and I hadn’t dreamed. I wondered what had happened to the magic. For the first night in six months, I hadn’t dreamt of my mystery man. Then he rolled against me, nuzzling my neck and wrapping a leg over mine. He reached his hand down to cup my burgeoning erection. And I smiled at the new day by our misty lake by the sea on the coast of Ireland.

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LadyVampire444LadyVampire444over 8 years ago

I loved this story, please continue to write.

ADpenthouseADpenthouseover 8 years ago

was a rush and could'nt understand what was happening.

WAS TOO WEIRD AND THEY BOTH SOUNDED AS IF THEY NEED SOME MENTAL CURE SERIOUSLY URGENT. i think they have some dream related sleeping problem praying for the both to get mental peace.

was sweet and also a regret to read a time waste.


Haphaestion2004Haphaestion2004over 9 years ago
Dia dhuit ! ^^

I loved your story and quickly got envolved in its magical, ethereal ambience. I felt the mist and the faery sprites surround me. Nothing could be more delightful than living a dream in Éire.

It was beautiful and I wish I could find my own blue-eyed, black-haired irishman and live our dream - Irish guys are such sexy buggers ...

Go raibh maith agat and

Sláinte agus táinte !

JustUsTwo69JustUsTwo69over 9 years ago

This Was A Cute Little Story!! I Really Like It

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

loved it a lot.though felt it was too short.Reading your stories one by one and just cant stop admiring your imagination.

chesthairslavechesthairslavealmost 11 years ago
Prenuncious Memory

A stunning story of love.

dinkybootsdinkybootsabout 12 years ago

sigh wonderful ... mind blowing

TheSecretPervertTheSecretPervertover 12 years ago

I don't really want to copycat the other commenters but... That's all there is to do. Swoon and faint.

secretsidessecretsidesover 12 years ago

le moan...... le sigh.......le swoon.......

dansefaedansefaeover 12 years ago

Can I have my own mystery man too? ... so beautiful.

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