Drew's Trouble with Cats and Roaches Pt. 04


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"All of you in the back, all younglings wishing to go play, GET OUT, GO PLAY!" He yelled and it was like opening the flood gate. In minutes, the adults were left alone in the glade to laugh and meet the new additions to the Pride.

Drew just chuckled and turned back to Meme. "Queen Meme, may I introduce you to my father Drew Sr. and his mate Kay."

Queen Meme took Drew Sr's hand and knelt in front of him. The rest of the Pride knelt with her, "I am honored to meet and serve the father of Lord Drew. You are now members of our Pride and we are honored to call you family."

Both Drew Sr. and Kay were overwhelmed with the scene before them. Drew Sr sputtered and then requested "Please rise, I am not used to such formality. We are honored to be part of the Pride, aren't we Kay."

For once there was silence from the shorter feline. All eyes turned to her. Her face was buried in her hands and she was crying. Drew Sr. was shocked. Through all they had been through, he never saw her cry. "What is wrong Kay?"

"Not wrong, not wrong. Lost whole family to bugs and now they say I am family. Don't know why crying but am honored. Like my new family already," Kay said sniffing.

Drew heard the buzzing before he saw the drone, the security warriors immediately raised weapons and were ready to shoot. They almost fired, before Drew could send out a 'stop, safe' mental message.

Drew looked at Meme and explained, "My queen, we are now public. So, I have allowed, for this one instance only, ONLY," Drew stopped to look at the Drone filming his face," To allow the news agencies to have vid of your return. Queen Tiffany has agreed to work with the news agencies on the editing and what will be allowed to be sent out to the world."

Meme nodded and reached forward to grip Drews shoulders and nuzzle his neck, "I have missed you my Lord" she whispered.

"And I you my Queen," he responded quietly.

She moved on to Tiffany, while Eddie moved to grip his arm.

"Lord, when you have a moment, I would like a private..." Eddie requested.

There was a commotion between Tiffany and Meme and Drew spun worried that something was wrong. He was met by both females hugging tight and whispering and sending private mental images.

"Really, in the middle of battle? Well, they will be kittens of notice as they grow. In the middle of battle?" Meme stated out loud more out of surprise than an effort to draw attention.

"What is wrong? what's going on?" Drew questioned with a great deal of confusion.

The two queens looked at each other. Drew saw Tiffany nod to Meme and do her Cat version of smile.

Meme turned to face Drew and stated, "Queen Tiffany was just informing me she is pregnant."

From the established receiving line there came a fluttering of ears and tinkling of jewels as the rest of the females that had cubs, did their version of congratulations.

"What, you didn't tell me!" Drew spun to comment to Tiffany, who continued to stay silent and just smile.

Meme continued, "She just found out Lord. As you are aware, the care of pregnancies and the care of the young are the dominion of the females of the Pride?" She paused to let him become more confused over Meme's defining of authority, then she continued.

"But it's the occasion of conception that is what was the most interesting. It seems that our Lord took time in the midst of battle to mate with Tiffany and continue the lineage." Meme paused to cause Drew more moments of being uncomfortable, "Seems she is again pregnant with six future Cubs."

The noise that erupted was momentous all crowded around to congratulate the pregnant queen. The glade was full of celebration until a human voice broke the mood.

"You took time to screw this animal when Earth's life was in the balance? You blasphemous heathen, may you...may you...rot in hell," sputtered Dick.

" That is the last of you, you stupid ass. You need to leave the glade right now. Call your superiors and let them know that I will be asking for a new representative." stated Drew trying to keep his true feelings hidden from the Pride.

All the females froze, not understanding the insult just spoken to their Lord.

"You can't do this. I will file a formal protest!" yelled Dick

"Get moving now before they understand how stupid you really are... OUT!" Drew Pointing to the main lodge, "I mean fucking now, or I will personally drag you back to the main house through every bramble and thorn bush I can," Drew finally rounded on Dick and towered over him. "Seriously, get out. Do not ruin this day with my retuning family."

"Family? They are dirty alien animals that you have bred with. Aliens contaminating the birthplace of humanity. They should all be thrown off Earth and you with them. You are an abomination. You are no longer human either..." Dick screeched.

Luckily, Drew was standing between Tiffany and Dick. Drew sent his mental message to hold her temper before she attacked.

Unlucky for Dick, Kay was standing behind him and she had enough of his rudeness. Dick squeaked as he left his feet and was drug by Kay very unceremoniously, towards the main house by the neck of his shirt.

Terms such as, "asshole, mean man, dickhead," could be heard from Kay over the screams of the man being drug through brambles and thorn bushes.

Confusion reigned for moments until all could be calmed by Drew. Thing One and Two started off with determination to follow Kay.

"No, you two, come back here," Drew sent to them. The last thing he needed was for those two to get their claws on him.

"We will not let the irrational hate of one human ruin our day. We have fought together, we have lived and loved together. No one can sully our family unless we let them." Drew stated to all assembled.

"To the dining facility for a feast and tales of battle!" stated Drew as he pointed towards the large building

"And how you found time to mate in the middle of it all." stated Else.

Drew felt a hand on his shoulder and found his father, smiling and pushing him towards the dining hall.

"That's my son, getting a little in the middle of battle" Sr. said with no little pride.

Drew could only laugh as he was surrounded by the Pride.

It was at this point the Kay made her new entrance, swearing like the spacefarer she was. "Man is fucking asshole. Dick good name for him. He real dickhead. Threaten to 'sue' me, whatever that mean." She stated as she stomped up to Drew Sr. "May I kill him? He easy to kill, bury in woods?"

She was met with laughter and many female bodies hugging her. Kay started to cry again at all the affection being shown her.

Tiffany, who had befriended her from their first day at the hospital, came and grabbed her and drug her towards the hall, "Come Little sister, let's eat and drink the night away."

"Little, my ass, Slut warrior, and no one forget. Did they get more beer?" Kay asked through newly tear stained eyes.


The first meal settled into a celebration anyway. They toasted each other. They toasted their life and the future of the Pride. Drew could not help noticing the sharing of the meal between Eddie and the younger female. She was his shadow before and then she sat to his right, the seat of a mate.

As they began to wrap up the meal, Tiffany excused herself 'to help handle" the younglings. This left Meme and Drew to hold the mantel of Lord and Lady of the Pride. Meme was a wonder and managed to spend time with all visitors. She spent special time with Else and Drew could see the common respect but also a desire for more. Before the emergency, they had been part time lovers. Else had many casual lovers within the females of the Pride.

Drew Sr. became the focus of several female admirers. Kay seemed oblivious and even happy to share. It seems her sex drive was bisexual like many other of the alien species and she was looking forward to seeing how much fun two meters of sexual fur could be. Sr. was in no position to complain, not that he would. His concepts of relationships had been shifted upon his arrival in space. Plus, he still had a couple of weeks in his exoskeleton. With his battle damage caused by the ejection of the pod, he was simply happy he still breathed.

His human doctors were amazed when Kay complained he could only have sex once a day. The first time she made the statement and complaint, they had just stared slack jawed. When they informed her that he should not be doing anything that strenuous, she just informed them they were stupid and that he did fine, but only once a day.


Drew felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Eddie being very formal.

"Lord, may I have private a word with you," Eddie requested.

"Sure Eddie. let us go for a walk. Is that ok?"

"Of course, my Lord. I would be honored," responded Eddie.

As Drew stood, his eyes caught Memes and she nodded in agreement but without any enjoyment. He could see many other female eyes flick toward the two males. There was a tension in the room that Drew did not understand. Even the position of ears was different, some held low. Drew was in a quandary.

Drew could only think 'what the hell is going on?'

As they left the building and walked in silence. Finally, Drew had had enough and was just too curious.

"Eddie, what the hell is going on and why are you being so formal. From the beginning you treated me as a brother. I may have been the small idiot brother, but still a brother. What is going on?"

"There are two things we need to discuss, but the first is personal and must be dealt with immediately. I have taken a mate, Cassy. She is one of the last to come to estrus before our flight. You may have seen her but not yet mated with her. I wish her to be my selected mate for life." Eddie paused waiting on Drews reaction.

"Eddie, that is fantastic. Why is this causing you such angst?" Drew questioned.

Eddie just blushed and then smiled. "Lord, if this would have been my father, he could have had us both killed for mating without permission. I had hoped that you would be different, and I am beyond relieved."

"Why would your father have killed you?" Drew questioned.

"Well once I took my place as a scholar and not a warrior, it made me unfit to mate with any of his Pride's females. Also, as a younger female, Cassy was a 'virgin' in human reckoning. It is your right as Lord to bring her into being a full female of the Pride." Eddie stated and then paused again.

Drew thought for a moment, "Fascinating, both cultures do have much in common. In olden human times, when we had feudal lords, there was a custom called prima nocta or droit du seigneur that meant the feudal lord could sleep with the new bride on her wedding night."

Eddie did not reply just stayed stoic.

"Well, I am happy for you and Cassy. I am hoping that you will bring your fathers direct lineage into the Pride." Drew commented.

Drew took a moment to wrap his head around a process where he could kill Eddie over such an arbitrary notion.

"That process is already taken place. She is pregnant with two cubs." Eddie commented much more calmly.

"I am so very proud to be your friend Eddie and I am very happy for you and your mate." Drew commented as they hugged.

"What do I have to do to make everyone accept you and your new mate?" Drew asked

"Walk back into the hall with me alive," Eddie responded and shrugged.

Drew paused again trying to clear his mind from his overwhelming desire to cry or laugh. Culture was still culture, no matter the race or planet.

"Ok Eddie, what was the other news? More uplifting I hope."

"Regretfully, worse my Lord. While we escaped through the node, we programmed our trajectory to place us at the edge of Cat space. Our arrival was not unnoticed. A ship from another pride came to see if we needed to help, or to see if this was an incursion into their claimed space." Eddie paused.

"Their lord asked pointed questions, through the ship's Captain, and Meme answered truthfully. She explained the death of our Lord, but that we were under the leadership of a lord protector. She was very artful on talking around the point that you were human. He demanded that we bring the Pride to join his. He has this right, but she refused using other arguments."

"We know this Lord, and he is from a very archaic pride. He may come to try and find us. He will not do well with a human as Lord Protector and he will not take well to the lineage transfer from you to the females. This is what you were afraid of, and why we came to Earth."

Drew sat down on a log and huffed. Then his smile grew, "We, as a Pride, will survive Eddie. Let's get back to the festivities. But I want to get some fun out of it." Drew commented.

They hugged and Drew was happy to have his friend back. He was also very curious what type of female this Cassy was to have Eddie take a chance with both of their lives.

Drew paused several feet from the back door, staying to the shadows before his entrance. "Eddie, stay here in the shadows until I turn and nod to you."

Eddie was confused and at times did not understand Drews 'sense of humor' as the human called it.

"Of Course, my Lord." Eddie responded.

Drew strode into the light alone. He did not meet anyone's eyes but walked to the food table and grabbed a napkin. He began to scrub his hands like he was cleaning off something horrible. Drew made a show of it.

There was absolute silence in the hall.

No one moved

No one breathed

Meme moved closer to her Lord and mate and whispered, "Did you allow him to live?"

Drew raised his head and smiled at his Queen, "And why would I not?" Drew turned his head and nodded at the doorway.

Eddie strode through the doorway to the cheering of the others, and one anguished cry from a young female. She ran and threw herself into Eddie's arms.

"I am not your old lord my Queen. I am not a Lord that wants you to bend a knee. I am only the protector of what I love, and that my Queen is the Pride." Drew stated.

"I cannot tell you how grateful we are, for who you are." She paused and came to rub her muzzle in his neck, "but that sense of humor is going to gain you additional scars one day."

With that said, Drew could feel her claws extend and just prick his skin, "In that, I have no doubt, no doubt my Queen. Let's go and talk to this young female that has captured your son's hart," chuckled Drew.


Once fed, the Pride settled down into the lowered den portion of the rear room. There, they could lounge on pillows and the padded floor as had been tradition for all established Cat households. Drew just thought of it as the playpen, but one for adults only. The females shared pleasure from each other when it was not their time with the Lord protector. Else was now a permanent fixture at the playpen and was a welcome addition to the amazing view of female flesh and fur. Kay would come to join in at times, but Sr. begged off citing his upbringing.

Drew had taken his normal spot in one of the corners of the lowered pool of pillows. Meme had curled up on his right side and was nuzzling his neck. Following his normal routine, he began to massage her damaged shoulder. While the alien medical treatment had reworked and rebuilt her shoulder, he knew that it became sore, especially after a day of unloading and reloading the shuttles. It was his way of showing his compassion for her and her stoic leadership of the Pride. By some mutual agreement, Drew could see the social distancing of the other females from him and Meme. All knew he was hers tonight.

On the opposite corner Eddie was in the same position with Cassy. It was interesting seeing "the look" she gave Eddie as he talked of his plans for the new science building. The look was pure adoration of her lover and mate. In Cat society, there would be no human type weddings. They were now life-mates and that was that. Drew was simply happy to see a new light in Eddies eyes, both for Cassy and life in general.

Else was buried in a group of females, many trying to understand why Else found Drew's 'practical joke' so funny. The other females were slowly divesting her of her clothing. Drew admittedly was very attracted to her. She had shown that she was extremely interested in him. But Drew was not sure what would happen if he came in her. As the Pride had found, the sperm he now carried was incredibly aggressive and potent. Eddie admitted that he had no way of knowing what would happen to a human female that was fertile. There was a flash of sadness, but it was not like Drew was in want for intimate partners.

The discussion continued about human humor and the confusion it created. Meme just shrugged and said it was a 'human thing.' In the background Drew could see Thing One and Two whispering and plotting. Drew sent a private message to both to be careful, 'it's a cultural thing.' He could see ears go flat, but he knew they would soon be up to mischief of some fashion.

After the excitement of the day, he made a commitment to have a 'fun' day soon. It was his way of saying that they would have a night of breeding soon for all of those that were interested and not already with child.

Drew held his hand out for Meme and lifted her out the pool of cats. They waived and went to Drews private suite. As they entered Drew's private residence, he was flung head over heels into his private sleeping area. Due to his previous training he landed, bounced, and tried to come up in a fighting stance. He was bowled over by a half-naked Meme before he could stand.

She had him on his back in the middle of the padded sleep and play area. She had straddled his hips and held his hands above his head. She leaned down and ran her muzzle from ear to ear. And then whispered in his mind.

"So, the sexy bitch is again pregnant with another 6 cubs...fucking 6!" she paused. "I want 6," she said out loud into his ear.

"My queen I am not sure it works that way," he said with jest, trying to figure out what had gotten into Meme.

She opened her maw showing her vicious teeth and clamped them on his shoulder. Skin was not broken but the added extension of her claws did just enough to make a point

"I am not so sure, my Lord. The first time you took her. Shaved and ratty, beaten down and quiet, you took her. You fucked her raw. You looked like you wanted to punish the arrogant bitch and hurt her. And she had 6 cubs! as a punishment." Meme raised up and started to slide her naked pussy on Drews erection through his pants.

"Then you fuck the beautiful Tiffany, in the middle of battle. While I, the responsible one, fled the scene to protect the Pride. And...and then she returns as a Queen that saved a planet. Pregnant with 6 more cubs!"

"So, my lord, I want you to take me..." She whispered menacingly and then paused, there was knock at the door.

"Enter" she yelled both mentally and verbally.

One of the nurses carrying a tray entered and then froze seeing the scene in the pit.

"Put the tray here" she ordered pointing to a spot at the edge of the sleeping pit. "And then please go and lock the door on the way out."

"Yes, my Queen," the nurse smiled and then fled.

"I want you to take me like you took her. I want you to take me like you took the twins that first night. I am healed my lord, I want you to fuck me hard all night long," she lowered her muzzle, "Now drink your drink, take your pills and fuck me like I deserve to be fucked"

She raised her face, so they were nose to nose and looking into each other's eyes. "I know you love me in the human way, and I do love you in our way. But I want to be taken and used and I want more cubs. I want my ear to rattle with jewels. Take me my Lord'

And he did.

She did not get her 6, but she did get 4, and she was an incredibly happy Queen.


And so, life continued with the Pride for the next year. A representative of the Homogeny was chosen after several from the North American alliance were rejected. The UN and Homogeny combined and submitted a name for representative, Bob.