Drow's Dilemma Ep. 121: Cornered

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Old friends resurface.
5.8k words

Part 22 of the 58 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/29/2019
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Author's Note:

A Drow's Dilemma began as a one-on-one roleplaying project and has been converted into a chapter-by-chapter format for weekly posting with the permission and assistance from my partner. It will contain a considerable amount of sexual themes such as femdom, lesbian, straight, 'reverse' rape, BDSM, group sex, romance, and other themes. The main goal of the story, however, is to tell an epic tale of adventures, gods and goddesses, fae, and nymphomaniacs. This episode and every episode to come will be available for free on Literotica for the foreseeable future. All characters that engage in sexual or suggestive situations are mentally and sexually mature: the human equivalent of 18 for their race.


Episode 121: Cornered

It took a few days for the united forces to fully occupy Grand Oak. Fortunately, the few 'survivors' of the city were able to vastly speed up things. Only the most powerful of the old inhabitants managed to cling onto some form of life (the rest disappeared to the afterlife once the corruption cleared). Due to those powerful additions, the united forces ended up greatly strengthened despite fighting the various undead and malfunctioning machines around the city.

But securing the immediate environs was only the first step and Caleldir's partly trained engineers ended up quite swamped with work in getting the ancient, malfunctioning, half-destroyed infrastructure back up and running. The duty of overseeing them could be delegated to some of the Deusterran survivors, at least, so Caleldir could focus a bit more on the complicated dangerous bits with Dahlia as his protector while he worked.

The Duskhavens didn't have much to do to assist with the infrastructure. They did have quite a lot of managing when it came to keeping their troops in line. Selene and Ashyr barely had time to get enough sleep each day, let alone spend any 'bonding' time with Caleldir.

As many of the powerful survivors of Naliira's city had picked up engineering skills as they survived past the onset of the curse, they were able to provide a good deal of help and assurance that they could handle things. Caleldir could be free to move about where he pleased as soon as some of the more complex issues were sorted. A good deal of things could be resolved by their unique brand of nature-tech that was grown by the powerful dryads as much as built. Four days without the curse hindering them were all they needed to get the city well on its way to full functionality.

Several of the powerful adventurers from the Deusterran curse-lands showed up in the newly revitalized Grand Oak. One of them was Cieraela, who first talked to Althaia in the Aelsunite camp before finding Ashyr and Caleldir near the city center. The young human woman seemed a bit more serious than she had been before but otherwise did not show overmuch in the way of trauma or the like. She explained that her mentor, Slasjowskew, had apparently left the country a few months ago, but she had stayed. Further details were not immediately forthcoming despite both Caleldir and Ashyr pressing her.

Their conversation turned headache-inducing business instead. Carlotta was with them as well, since the chief of the conversation was the logistics of getting a brewery started on a larger scale. Both ladies deemed a good supply of booze incredibly important for the morale of the refugees.

Arrangements were made for Cieraela to stay in a recently cleared house within the newly purified city, with Carlotta's new brewery conveniently nearby. As such, the two young human women were often in each other's company while they weren't busy. It worked out well, as Carlotta's drow and nymph acquaintances sadly could make very little time for her.

A couple more days passed and Naliira began looking towards old Deusterran facilities she knew to be nearby but was unable to visit. They needed some sensitive equipment from one of them, so the dryad queen requested that Caleldir retrieve the supplies. Caleldir remembered the facility as well (only vaguely, but he had been there once for a few hours), and he quickly agreed to head there and retrieve the equipment. As it was within the territory that they had reclaimed, he did not believe himself to need much of an escort. So, he made his way to the old power and information installation with Dahlia in tow. The succubus seemed to be taking her job as protector very seriously now, even bringing one of her Seduction with her (Lavender) for extra help.

Caleldir took a few minutes to give himself full security clearance, after which he entered the sprawling building. An hour after he did so, Cieraela showed up at the entrance. She quickly disabled the security completely and entered after him.

Dahlia was the first to sense that something was amiss. She nudged at Lavender's arm. "Did you notice that?" she asked, looking towards where she knew the entrance to the facility to be. "Caleldir, I think we have a visitor." Dahlia continued. A partly succubized visitor whose 'scent' she didn't quite recognize.

"I sensed that," Lavender confirmed, a light of recognition in her eyes.

Although Caleldir still found having two naked succubi follow him around while he worked to be rather... well, strange, he was a bit past being overly distracted by some things. "A visitor?" he asked, pressing his lips together. "That is unusual. How would they have gotten past the security?" He sighed and kept working. "I am fine in this room, and there is only one way in or out. If you two would go investigate this intruder, I would appreciate it." He barely even looked up from his work on the console.

Dahlia agreed that he would probably be fine where he was. Besides, no one could actually kidnap him. She would know and would be able to stop it. So she nodded to Lavender and the two of them exited the room they were in to inspect who it was.

"It's the cyborg human, Dahlia," Lavender warned when they were out of earshot. "The one that got away." She bit her lip with worry. "We may only just be able to take her on. I couldn't do so on my own, you know."

Dahlia acknowledged her companion's words. "We will be on our guard, then. Make sure she doesn't slip through the door. I will distract her until more come." With that, she walked forward to show herself to the intruder, all the while sending out a mental summons for all in her seduction that could free up their time.

"So, is that Lavender's lovely voice I hear?" Cieraela's sweet tone came from the hallway.

The woman turned a corner and revealed herself to the two succubi. The redhead had always been beautiful, but now she had the same oozing sensuality that so many Clachleomites possessed these days, together with their fashion sense. She wore what amounted to artfully placed bits of cloth, leather, and steel that barely covered her groin and parts of her breasts, but left most of her body exposed. Most of the cloth in her outfit took the form of a long cloak. She carried a pistol in her hand and a short, thin blade at her side.

But more than that, she had dropped her carefully concealing illusions entirely; it was obvious that she was no longer an ordinary fully biological human. One leg below the knee, one arm from the shoulder, and one eye were all replaced with machinery. It was artfully done, but not to the extent that Naliira's augmentations were. She grinned. "It is you, Lavender. Fancy seeing you here. Now, if you do not mind, I have some words I would like to exchange with your 'master' in there."

"You may not see Caleldir at this time," Dahlia said firmly. There was no doubt that the human would get 'ideas' once she was in there with him. Besides, she knew very well how trustworthy women could be when they took so many pains to hide their true appearance. Mostly, in Dahlia's experience, they could be trusted to take advantage of and/or rape their targets. "He is very busy. You must exchange your words at another time." In a more public place. With a better variety of people around to protect him.

As Dahlia spoke, Jasmine sauntered in behind Cieraela with a slightly curious, but mostly serene expression on her face. She chose not to speak, but neither did she take any efforts to hide herself. Lavender remained just as quiet but was not quite so composed. Her lovely body was tense and ready for action.

Cieraela narrowed her eyes but otherwise kept a pleasant expression. "Calling for back-up, I see. What, can't you defeat one human nineteen-year-old with just the two of you?" Her tone remained quite jovial, but her words were undoubtedly mocking for all that.

"Teenagers seem to be the most volatile of your race. Generally, it is in a harmless enough way, but generally, your kind doesn't have limbs and parts replaced by machinery," Dahlia responded.

"True," Cieraela replied. "Anyway, I need to... 'talk' to Caleldir now, when he is not in public." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, adopting a sad tone that was clearly an affectation. "I suppose that you are of a mind to prevent me, then."

Dahlia did not move from her place, confirming that she was definitely of a mind to prevent her. -Caleldir, watch out; Cieraela is here, and she is not what she seemed to be. I think she means to do untoward things. We will try to keep her away-

-What? Cieraela is... it is very strange for her to be here...- Caleldir's thoughts trailed away, but he did seem to be more on his guard.

Meanwhile, Lavender took initiative and leaped into action, trying to immobilize the human-cyborg. Taking her cue from her sister succubus, Jasmine likewise moved in to lend a hand.

"Sending messages warning your master, eh, Familiar?" Cieraela asked, stepping nimbly away from Lavender and Jasmine. "I suppose that is understandable. But, if you are going to all be recalcitrant, well, I am not responsible for defending myself, eh, soulless husks?" As she spoke, her tone went from jovial to very angry.

A flash of anger turned Dahlia's expression fierce for a second. "Do not attempt to describe what you do not understand, child. You have no idea what we are."

With a motion far too quick for a mortal human, the cyborg girl drew her blade and pistol. She moved to deflect the succubi's attacks with her sword and unloaded several rounds into them.

The other lesser succubi recoiled in surprise; they weren't accustomed to their opponents using firearms on them. Those really stung! Worse, however, was the fact that somehow the projectiles were weakening them. This didn't stop them from quickly recovering and joining their leader's attack.

Dahlia dodged and darted forward with more strength and speed than her underlings did. Magically imbued claws lashed out to scratch at her with little concern about sparing the human's life.

Though Cieraela was not fast enough to dodge or effectively block Dahlia's strikes, she did not need to. Or at least, did not need to anywhere near so much as Dahlia would have thought she did. As the succubi's blows came close, they found their strikes being redirected by an energy field emanating from the woman's cybernetic arm.

Dahlia grit her teeth and redoubled her efforts to actually harm the upstart human. The technology of Duesterra was potent indeed if it could augment a mere human to Cieraela's level. She was holding her own against three rather formidable succubi.

Cieraela took a few steps back. "I know what you are, demon," she said with decided anger. "And what your kind did to me. Put a bind on my very soul you did, eating away at me." With an impressive display of speed accentuated by jets of energy from her boots and cybernetic limbs, the woman lept back well out of range of the succubi. She whipped out a scroll, activated it with a single word, and sent forth the spell to envelop Jasmine.

Roiling, coiling, grasping, slimy purple-black tentacles emerged from shadows that opened up around the succubus. The tendrils wrapped themselves around Jasmine and began molesting her rather fiercely, caressing, squeezing, and sliding. Several slid into her pussy and began pumping in and out. Something told Dahlia that the captured wasn't trying as hard as she possibly could to escape the binding. But the leader of the seduction had other things to focus on.

Without pausing to watch the display, Cieraela continued her rant. "My master told me that there is no known way to get out of that... that binding. I am damned, and it is your fault!" She was very angry now as she continued attacking with a skill that was clearly not gained from her own merits.

"Damned?" Dahlia questioned through those still-clenched teeth. "Foolish mortals and your 'knowledge.' We aren't damned, we simply skip you mortal's purgatories." Or so Caleldir and his old culture theorized. "We have souls just as much as you do."

Cieraela did not seem interested in arguing the point with Dahlia. Instead, she focused on Lavender. "Even though you have my soul, Lavender, I have your Name! Azaerora Glysoth! You will obey me!"

Dahlia swore as only a former denizen of Hell could. The light purple-haired succubus froze and gave Dahlia a helpless, apologetic look. All she could do now was await the directions of the human and try to twist those directions in her favor as much as possible.

Cieraela smirked a bit, reveling for a moment in her power over Lavender. "Azearora, molest Dahlia from behind and keep her from moving too much." With Dahlia thus slowed, Cieraela stepped forward and fired her pistol point-blank into the succubus's gut. Three times, quick reload, and six more times. Each bullet fell to the floor, flattened, but the weakening, slowing magic pierced through what the lead could not. By the time that Cieraela was finished firing, Dahlia had the strength of a mortal woman. Easy for the now much stronger Lavender to handle.

Well. Dahlia had tried. Lavender had kept her still for long enough for the human to do the damage, and now Lavender would be able to hold her for much longer. As experienced as Dahlia was with hand-to-hand combat, there was no way that she could overcome the now stronger succubus. It was aggravating. It was arousing. And there was no point but to wait,

"That will last for about four hours, I think," Cieraela said, crestfallen now. "Sadly, even if I have your name, there are limits over my power over you, Azearora. Or I would order you now to relinquish my soul. But that is not in your power to do, is it?" She sighed, rubbing her forehead. The girl seemed very sad.

She was quiet for a few long minutes. Then, she looked up, right into Dahlia's eyes. "You are right, I want a taste of your master. That is part of why I am here. I know he will refuse, but thanks to your friend holding you, I no longer care about that. I need him. But there is more to why I am here." She clenched her fists, took a breath, then let it out. "I discovered how to lift the curse on the monastery. Caleldir cannot know this, or it will not work, so I trust you to relate this to his allies."

The woman continued. "There are seven anchors on which the curse rests. The Brewmaster must be made to drink his own brew. Caleldra must be recruited by a direct descendant of Nirza Blackdawn, who must seduce her. That will partly lift the curse on her. The curse will be fully lifted once she has sex with Goelon Duvainor. The Clockmaster will need his machines fixed. Goelon himself will be released once Caleldra has sex with him. The Archmage will have to be bound back to the Green. Her mother will know what that means. The Abbot himself... well, he will need his vows broken. I am not sure what that means, but Caleldir will know what vows he took. Finally, the Never-born needs to be born."

Dahlia took all this in with an annoyed expression. Yes, it was invaluable information. But this human was damned annoying.

Cieraela turned to look at the door to the room where Caleldir was apparently blissfully unaware of events. "That information should be worth a lot. But come, Azearora. I want the three of you to watch as I take your master." The shadow tentacles pulled Jasmine along, Lavender pulled Dahlia.

When the door opened, Caleldir did not even turn around. "So, Cieraela. Slasjowski taught you much. You are here to get what I would not give you back in Clachleom, right?." He turned around, wrinkling his nose to see the state that the three succubi were in. "Tentacles, a true name, a strength drain. Cieraela, sex with me is not worth that much work."

Dahlia gave Caleldir an apologetic look. "-Lavender, you can probably stop-" But she cut off with a moan when the other succubus' tail turned phallic and began pumping into her sex in the most delightful way. Jasmine was making similar noises even while being pulled along by the tentacles that never stopped molesting her.

Emboldened by the high of defeating three succubi, Cieraela sauntered into the room and up to Caleldir even as he questioned her. There was nothing quite like defeating powerful enemies and enjoying the hard-earned treasure afterward. She didn't know how much of that was her own personality and how much had been imparted by her old master.

"I never did get to -properly- thank my hero for rescuing me from my imprisonment all those months ago," The human said, citing her original reasons for wanting Caleldir so badly. She glanced behind her, making sure that the only exit out was well and truly blocked.

Caleldir laughed, shaking his head. He had seen her looking at the exit. Sheesh. He could teleport out of here at will. Cieraela had not locked him down. His lips moved as he cast several spells on himself. "That explains not much." He shook his head, looked over at the three succubi, then back at Cieraela. "I told you back then that thanking me in... any other way besides just thanking me was not needed. You know that thanking me with sex would not be my choice anyway. Finally, you seem to have grown past needing to be saved, anyway." He took a step away from her, keeping his sword in front of him. "What is this really about?"

Cieraela grinned, pulling her sword out as well. In a neat motion and with speed not normally within human capability, she disarmed Caleldir. He took another step back until his foot bumped into the wall. He had not lost yet, but he could not take her without doing more injury than he wanted. Also, he wanted to understand the poor girl's motives before he attempted to escape.

"I want a taste of you," Cieraela said honestly. "In short, ever since I met you I have wanted you to be the man I give my virginity to." She licked her lips and looked him up and down as if she could see through his clothing. Her mechanical eye shifted and flashed enough to suggest that she actually could.

This drew another laugh from Caleldir. "I figured that it would just a weird sexual obsession?" He sighed. Then, something hit him. "You... you have been partly succubized, haven't you? Cieraela, this is not you. It is not normal for human women to be this obsessed."

A shadow crossed over Cieraela's face. "Yes. Your succubi got a hold of me a couple of months back just after Slas took off. Everything but the most important part of me escaped," she said bitterly. Even with the distress the idea obviously put her in, Cieraela advanced towards Caleldir, cornering him. She continued in a flat tone, "It is now normal for me to be like this, and there isn't much hope of changing that, is there?"

"Enormously enhanced lust and... obsession with a certain profile of unwilling mates is normal for the partly succubized, yes," Caleldir assented. "As for hope of changing that..." He hesitated. "Well, usually that is complicated but possible to reverse. It depends on how much it has taken. I would have to do some major investigations to figure out..."

"Part of her soul is Melded," Lavender said in a low voice.