Dueling Duets Pt. 02


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Getting out of bed, I suggested that it was time that he drove me home. On the way, I agreed to let him take me out again the next week after work. When we got to our house, I kissed him good morning, went into the house, stripped off my clothes and got into bed with my husband, who was snoring soundly. When he woke up and smelled the ruttiness, he took charge and kissed me all over, eating my still-wet pussy. When he was done, I got on top of him, and told him all about the evening while I slowly fucked him.

When I made him breakfast before he went to the golf course, all I wore was the G-string that Brian had me in. Although I had left plenty of time, Don was late for his tee-time, and had to meet his partners on the second hole.


This started our tradition. Don knew about most of my affairs before they even started, and I told him all about my dates as soon as I could. Sometimes, I had affairs that were out of town at conventions and such, but I never had a man that I didn't know I wanted before I left town. Don sometimes wondered why not, but I'm very cautious about this. If I know what I'm going to do, I can plan it so that I won't be surprised. I like to be in control, not only of the guy and the situation, but also of myself; sometimes, I'm afraid of what I'll do.

In the ten years since Brian, I've been in bed with about one guy a year, two at the most. Most of the guys have been married, but there was one single guy that I trusted, a couple of recent divorcees that I took on as charity cases, and one sixty-seven year old widower who I really enjoyed. The men I dated never knew Don and I socially before the affair, and I never dated men at the office. I like to keep my life into three separate cubby-holes: my life with Don, my career, and all the other great fucks in the world. This means that a few men that I'd like to get to know have to be overlooked, but it's a small price to pay for peace.

How do I meet them? I flirt, shamelessly and openly. Most men take it for what it is, simple social lubrication that good-looking women use with men that they find somewhat attractive. Women who I trust and respect don't have any problems with it either. Am I a tease? Absolutely not. A tease is someone who won't come through when she's given a man reason to believe that he just might find his way in. If a man who is not verboten has the guts to make a pass at me, he's got a fairly good chance of finding himself flat on his back while I have my way with him. If he doesn't make the pass (and most guys who I flirt with don't) he never played his cards, so how could he call me a tease?

Most of my liaisons have been in hotel rooms, but I'd bring them to our house once in awhile, when I didn't think Don would be home. (Once Don came home unexpectedly and caught me with a guy on the living room floor. Don politely excused himself and left. The jerk was so upset, even though I'd told him that my husband was cool about the arrangement, that he put his clothes on and left. He never got laid by me again.) I never went to a married man's house; that's a good way to get in serious trouble. Nor did I do it outside or in a car. My husband can have me wherever he wants me, but I try my best not to get caught shamefaced with my boyfriends. Occasionally, I'd introduce Don to a guy I was boinking, but we never did the meet-my-husband-before-you-fuck-me routine again.

My affairs never last long. I just don't find much interest in doing the same things over and over again, so when I realize that I know what the guy is going to try to do to me next, I break it off politely and cleanly. I never just stop seeing them, I let them know that this is the last time. Then I fuck their brains out.

Threesomes or foursomes? Well, I kept on the lookout for a guy that I could bring home for that purpose, but it just never panned out. Don dated a married woman for a long time who also has an open relationship, and we went out socially with she and her husband a couple of times. Unfortunately, there was simply no spark between the other guy and I. I would have had group sex with them just to give Don the experience, but he told me that he'd rather I only did it with people that I want to; he's a wise man.


Actually, I've left out a piece of me that I'm really passionate about. Twelve years ago, Don and I joined a country club, and I took up golf. I love that game, it's as challenging as they come, and I've gotten quite good at it. I'm down to a fourteen handicap (which means I can beat most of the guys), and I've done well in some of the tournaments at the club. Don and I won the mixed couples championship once, but I'd never won the Women's Club Championship.

It was getting close to the Championship the first weekend in August, and I was practicing my ass off. I skipped out of work early and got to the club about 1:30. A guy I knew slightly, Dave somebody or other, was putting on the practice green as I was getting ready to go out by myself. He stepped over and asked if I would mind if he joined me. I agreed, and he told the caddy-master to put his clubs on the passenger side of the cart.

We rolled off the first tee after a couple of nice tee shots, and we got to talking. I knew his wife Judy slightly, and asked about her. Without his saying a single word about her that wasn't positive, I knew she was a pain in the ass, and that he thought I was much more exciting than she was. Can't say that I was surprised, most married men feel that way about me; it's not so much a recommendation for my skills as a condemnation of the way many wives treat their husbands. Judy kept to her little clique at the club, talking their gossip, making up their little rules that I always ignored (and getting the cold shoulder for my efforts) and basically being a road-bump on the highway of life. Whenever I played against one of those girls, I always tried a little harder. When I told Dave that I didn't think I'd ever played golf with Judy, he told me that she didn't think much of the game. He made it sound like the pronouncement of the death sentence.

By the third hole we were laughing and joking. Dave told a couple of jokes that his wife probably blushed at. I told him a couple that would have burned her ears. I found him to be a very attractive man, and by the time we got into the woods on the back nine, I was flirting and Dave was reciprocating. Nothing serious, just some looks, I let my leg bump up against his in the cart, one time as we were both pulling clubs out of the bag my tit got caught up against his forearm. When we got off of 18, I gave him a little hug and kiss on the cheek. Done one way, this is just a way for friends of opposite sex to greet each other. The other way promises nirvana. I told Dave that I hoped he have a good time with Judy that night.

Oh, my practice round? I'm now the Women's Club Champion! After the final round on Sunday afternoon, everybody gathered in the grillroom and was buying me drinks in celebration. I saw Dave eating dinner with the lovely Judy on the other side of the restaurant, and I blew him a little kiss.

When we got home that night, I received a phone call; it was Dave. Don was passed out on the sofa, exhausted from the rigors of getting me around the course (which means he'd been in the clubhouse all day drinking beer.) Dave congratulated me on my win, beat around the bush for awhile, and then asked if I'd like to have a drink with him sometime.

"Why, Dave, I'm flattered. But why would you want to have a drink with me?"

"Oh, we just seemed to have so much in common. I thought maybe we could learn a little bit more about each other." ('Yeah, sure', I thought.)

Now before I answered, I let the situation run through my mind. If we met at the club, he'd just wimp out on me. But if we met someplace else, he might make a pass at me. Did I want that to happen? Was I able to stop it without hurting him, because I sure as hell wasn't going to sleep with anyone from the club? Finally, he broke me out of my considerations, and said, "You still there?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Dave, I just dropped something. Now what did you ask me? Oh, yes, about the drink. Sure, I enjoyed your company the other day, too. I'd love it." Then I decided to find out how far he was likely to go. "Where should we meet?" When he suggested a bar near the hotels, I was pretty sure what highway he was on.


I told Don on Thursday morning that I might be home a little late that night; now look, I was not doing anything wrong here. Since I didn't expect to go to bed with Dave my tradition about telling Don before I did anything didn't come into play. Yes, this guy was from our social life, but I figured with his wife, the last thing I had to worry about was him telling stories about me. Thirdly, Dave didn't ask me where I'd be, and I didn't offer; I didn't lie to him. When I dressed for work, it was one of my more conservative business suits, only a muslim woman would have shown less than I did.

Dave was already at the bar when I got there that evening. I greeted him with a hug and kiss; this time, it was the chaste version. He bought me a drink, and then led me back to a booth. I was tempted to ask, "Okay, Dave, why are we here?" but instead took a more circuitous route.

"How's Judy?"

His face flushed a little bit, and he cast his eyes down. Not a good sign. "Fine," he said.

"Will she be joining us later?" I was almost ashamed of myself.

"No, I don't think so."

"You two make such a nice couple." I wondered if he would get the sarcasm. He didn't.

"Yes, all our friends tell us that, but they don't know." Ah, the old my-wife-doesn't-understand-me ploy. But then it took a change. "I love Judy. I don't know what I'd do without her." Guys who are trying to jump your bones don't usually tell you that. "But we had so much fun the other day, I just wanted to spend a little more time with you."

For the next forty-five minutes, he told me his life story. I actually started to sympathize a little bit with Judy, as apparently her upbringing had a lot to do with her circumstances. They were married in college after she became pregnant, and she'd done the best she could. Tough times early in Dave's career had caused Judy to become very tight with money, and the recent good luck that Dave had in business just didn't seem to matter to the way Judy lived her life. No matter how much money Dave made (and he was now worth a bundle, thanks to a patent he'd made pay,) Judy wouldn't spend much of anything on herself. The only luxury she allowed herself was tickets to the ballet and opera, and a riotous time every Thursday night when she and her friends would go to the card-room in the club, drink lemonade and play bridge until they were all in a frenzy.

After awhile, I started getting bored with all this, and decided to mix up the formula. "So, Dave, how's Judy in the sack?" I could see I shocked him; nice girls like his wife don't ask that kind of question.

"Well, not so good. She's never been interested in sex at all. I'm not sure if she's clinically frigid, but she can be a real cold fish."

"And you've been the world traveler, sneaking off behind her back everytime you get the chance?"

"No, Lisa. You might not believe this, but I've never been with a woman other than Judy. Not that I haven't had opportunities, I just felt I owed it to Judy not to do anything while we still had kids at home or in college." I challenged him on his "opportunities," and he told me a couple of stories about women literally throwing themselves at him. Young girls, in particular, will do anything to hump a rich bugger and get something for their efforts. I believed him.

"Well, why here, why now?" I challenged, destroying the myth that we were here just for a drink and a conversation.

"Our last son graduated from college in June, and the onus I put on myself is over. Judy's not interested in satisfying me, and I'd like to find out what other things there are in the world. I'd really like to meet an intelligent, sexy woman who wasn't impressed with my money, so I wanted to spend some time with you."

"What would Judy do if she found us together?"

"I don't know. Perhaps divorce me, perhaps not. I hope she wouldn't, but I've tried to get her to become more interesting, and she's not responding. At the very worst, I'd give her enough money to last her for the rest of her life. At the best, she might get shocked into changing our lives."

This was an answer I liked. He was making a tough choice, and I found him stimulating for that. I asked Dave to go get us another drink, just so I could think for a moment.

After reflecting, I decided to go ahead. It was obvious that he was going to jump someone sooner or later, so the morals of breaking up a marriage were on him, not me. Also, I found myself wondering what a guy who'd never had a good lay in 40-some years would be like. It was time to set the ground rules.

When he got back, I said, "Well, what am I supposed to do about Don?" I wanted to make him think.

"What do you mean?"

"Would you be willing to look him in the eye if he knew that you'd been with his wife."

"Will that happen?"

"Yes, it will." Dave was shocked. "You see, Dave, you've picked the right woman. Don and I have an arrangement. I'm allowed to fuck anything I want, as long as I'm safe and I tell him everything. You can bet I'm going to be safe, and I'll tell him what's been going on, and with who. So the next time you bump into him on the putting green, he'll know which hole you've been chipping into. Now, can you stand that? Or will you try to avoid him?"

He thought for a minute. "And Don's fine with this? I mean, he won't try to punch me out, or make a scene or anything?"

"He hasn't with the other guys that I've screwed. Of course, none of them have been from the club."

"Okay, I can live with that, then." He then waited for me to do something. I just sat there. "Well, what do we do now?"

"Hey, it's your nickel, sport." I retorted. "But I tell you what, I'm going to walk out the door. You can either walk out with me, in which case I'll let you drive me to a motel, or you can sit here, finish your drink, and be home in time to watch your favorite sit-com."

I got up, and just started walking. I honestly didn't know if he was behind me until I got halfway to the car. Then I felt his arm around me. I figured I'd better start turning on the sex appeal; up to this point, we'd talked too much. "Um, that feels good."

We got to his Cadillac, which was parked in the back out of eye-sight, and he opened the door for me. As I started to get in, I 'tripped' a little and he had to catch me. "Ooh, your arms feel good." I put my face up to get kissed, which he did, a little tentatively, but it was a first effort, after all. When he got in the car on the other side, I flowed up to him and let him kiss me seriously. He didn't know how. It took two or three minutes to get him to open his mouth enough for me to get my tongue in it. Almost immediately, his hand went to my chest. I'd found a real rookie here, folks.

I broke it off, and said, "Okay, where are we going?" He drove to a motel and got us a room. When we walked in, I closed the door, and let him kiss me again. Then I said, "Listen, I need to use the bathroom." I went in, tinkled, and took my pantyhose off. When I got back to the room, he was already in bed with the lights off.

"Up out of there, sport, I've got plans for you." I threw the bedcovers back to reveal him in his tee-shirt and boxer shorts and turned the lights up. "Go sit over there." and pointed to the chair. I sat down on the bed. "Listen, you've told me you are not experienced with other women. Is that the truth?"

"I swear, Lisa, I've never had anyone other than Judy."

"Okay, well, what's your favorite position with her?"

"Position? You mean sexual position?" I nodded. "Lisa, this is the God-honest truth. She's never let me have it except with me on top."

"You mean missionary? You guys have never done it with her on top, or doggy style, or any other way?"

"That's the sum of it."

"Well, you're going to have a good time tonight!" With that, I stood up and took my jewelry off. I hate getting hair stuck in jewelry. "Stand up."

I came over to him, and stood next to him. "Kiss me like to mean it." He tried. It wasn't good enough. "No," I said, "kiss me like you've got nothing to do but kiss me. Don't think about what we're going to do, don't think about the fact that you've got a raging hard on, don't think about the fact that I'm fully dressed and you're half naked. Just concentrate on your lips on my lips, your tongue and my tongue, and how good it feels." He tried again, and it was much better. Not world class, but not hopeless.

"Okay, now you may do anything to me that you like, with one exception. Your dick can't touch any part of me, not my hand, not my leg, not my mouth, and certainly not my pussy. When, and only when you've satisfied me, I'll take your cock in my hand and show it the time of it's life."

"What do you mean, satisfy?"

"Orgasm, buster, and I want a good one. We're doing this to get both of our rocks off, not just yours."

With that, he started to kiss me again. His hands began roaming around my chest, and he kept this up for way too long. I was starting to get bored, when he got lucky. You see, I have this thing about having my ears nibbled. Drives me nuts. Dave started nibbling my ears, and I started making the little sounds that I do. That excited him, so he unbuttoned my blouse on the back and got it off me. I was wearing a bra from Victoria's Secret, nothing real sexy, but I could tell he liked it. He started kissing me around that neighborhood, and I said, "Pinch them." He got the idea, and started gently pinching my nipples, then started chewing them through the bra. His hands went to the zipper on my skirt, and after a few aborted attempts, finally got it off and had me down to my panties.

"You're beautiful," he said as he gazed at my body, and he said it so touchingly that I almost cried. After awhile, he had both of my pieces of underwear off, and was gazing at my naked body. "Are you a real redhead," he said, "or do you dye yourself down there, too?"

"That's a question that you must never ask a lady," I explained. "But since I'm not one, I'll tell you that my topside has highlights that are compliments of my hairdresser, but below decks it's all natural. You like it, I take." I could see that he did, and I said "Okay, come take a closer look." I went over a laid down on the bed and motioned to him to lay beside me.

"Kiss me all over," I commanded. He did, and finally got down to the honey pot. I threw my legs wide open, and by this time I was getting a little wet. He sniffed it, and really went after it. He was licking and sucking on it like he had never tasted a pussy before. He just wasn't being effective, and finally, I faked a little orgasm so that we could move on.

When I was done 'coming,' he came back up and started kissing my mouth. Dave was a real gentleman, and kept his still-hidden dick away from me. I took off his shirt and boxers, and there was his hard on, ready to go to work. I figured that he hadn't had any in years, and that it would be easier to go to real work if I just took care of him quickly. I kissed him and went down to his shaft. After a couple of quick licks to get it lubricated, I took him in my mouth and started to suck him while rubbing the rest with my hand. About 10 seconds into it, he let go. I swallowed it as it came and just kept sucking until he was done.

I laid down beside him, and he told me how fantastic I was. And he hadn't seen anything like my best work. Then I said, "Dave, while you're getting reloaded, would you mind if I gave you a few suggestions on eating pussy?" He said he didn't, so I had him try it again. I told him where to lick, how to gently nibble, how to finger fuck me, and when I had him go into 69, he started eating me really well. I was getting nice and hot, and he was starting to come to life again, when he got off of me.