Dumpster Diving


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"I don't know. I...I don't know. He drives me nuts! Let's not talk about it. I have cookies to make."

"Hey, Mom, how's everything?"

"Just fine, Ayla, but what the heck is going on with your sister. Every time I see her it's like her panties are all in a bunch. Is there something going on at the bakery or something?''

"You mean she hasn't told you about Liam?" She shook her head. "Holy crap, Mom. Let's get a cup and have a seat. You will not believe this story..."

After laughing almost nonstop for an hour. "How the heck does stuff like this happen to her?''

"I don't know. It's crazy. But, Mom? I think that even though she knows nothing about him, she's in love and scared to death. He obviously likes the heck out of her, but he has this knack of saying just the right thing to make her hair stand on end and explode. I swear you can see the steam coming out of her ears."

"So what's next for those two?"

"I don't know, but Liam seems to be getting discouraged. I like him and he's perfect for her. So, I have an idea. Thanksgiving is just a couple of days away..."

The doorbell rang. Ayla poked her mom. "Willow, dear, would you get the door? Ayla and I are trying to finish up on the food."

"Sure, Mom." She opened the door, "Happy Thanks...What the fuck are you doing here? Go away!" The door slammed shut.

"Willow, must we have that kind of language?"

"Sorry, Dad."

"Who was it?"

"No one. They're gone." The doorbell rang again. She opened it. "Why are you still here? I told you to go."

"I was invited and it would be rude to not honor my RSVP. Besides. I come bearing gifts. But, Willow! You look absolutely radiant in that dress. The way it accentuates your hair. Your eyes."

"If you do say so yourself, asshole, since you bought it. I can't believe I even wore it."

He sighed. Disappointment in his voice, "Yes, I guess you're right."

Stepping up next to her and extending a hand, "Hello. You must be Liam. Thank you for coming." Willow stared at her mother. A startled look on her face. "Please. Please. Come in. I've heard so much about you, although not from this one." Willow shot daggers at Ayla who simply smiled. Did I hear something about gifts?"

"Mrs. McCormick, your home is beautiful. I love all the wood and you already have some Christmas decorations out as well as Thanksgiving things. Terrific. I never understood why folks wait until the last moment to put up the tree and everything and then take it down right away. If it were up to me, I'd bring everything out early." He laughed. "I guess the stores agree with me, they had all the Christmas things out well before Halloween."

"So true. They just sort of skip Halloween and Thanksgiving."

"Yes, I do have a gift. I brought flowers." He pulled a large bouquet from one of his bags. Willow put her hand out. A pained look filled his face. "I'm sorry, Willow. I truly am, but I was uncertain about how you might respond to an additional bouquet so I got these for your mother. Sorry." She nodded. Her mother watched the interaction with curiosity.

"Here, Mrs. McCormick. And thank you for letting me share your Thanksgiving. It's...well, it's been a long time since I've shared it with others. Thank you."

"How can that be? Didn't your mom and dad celebrate Thanksgiving?"

A flash of painful recollection flew across his face. "My folks died in a plane crash when I was very young. Apparently there were no relatives or at least none willing to step up so I was placed in foster care.

"But, it was fine. I rumbled around in the system for a while until an extremely nice couple took me in, but then their son was killed shortly after and they never really recovered. I was sure I would go back into the system, but they kept me until college for which I was very grateful. But... all the celebrations and a lot of their happiness had disappeared."

Willow searched his face, looking for lies or insincerity, but was unable to find any. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to burden you with my issues on such a wonderful day. I've done fine. In fact I've been exceptionally gifted. I usually go out to eat or order one of those premade meals from the supermarket. Watch the parade and games and things. It's been fine."

"Oh, dear. Well you're here now and welcome."

"Thank you once again for sharing this day with me. It means a lot, Mrs. McCormick."


"Molly it is. And I have a gift for Mr. McCormick as well."

"Henry's right in here." She stepped him from the entry to the living room where Henry was sunken comfortably in a large, dark brown leather chair with wide arms. An arm sat comfortably on each one. "Henry, this is Liam. The man Willow saved from the dumpster."

Remaining seated, Henry extended a hand. "Pleased to meet you, Liam. Did I also hear something about a gift?" Liam laughed.

"Yes, sir, you did. Here."

"Redbreast Irish whiskey? Holy cow, Liam. This is one of my favorites. I rarely get it, however."

"I know. Pricey, right? But..." looking at the women who were lined up in the opening between the living and dining rooms and intently at Willow, "I need to discuss some matters of importance with you and thought this might make it easier."

"Do you now? Well, in that case we'd better have a bit of this whiskey. Willow, instead of standing there with your mouth open, can you get us a couple of glasses. Ice, Liam?"

"No thanks. Straight up is the way I prefer it."

"Good. Very good."

Willow brought two glasses and Henry poured some in each. He took it and tasted it then drank it down. "Liam?"

"I'm more of a sipper and savorer, sir."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I mentioned that my foster parents' son was killed. He was killed by a drunk driver. Having seen the impact of his loss on their lives, I...well, I was always the designated driver."

"Very responsible, Liam. So what's on your mind?"

"Your daughter, sir."

"Really? Which one?"

"Oh, uh, Willow, of course. Meaning no disrespect to Ayla. She's a wonderful girl as well, sir, and you and Molly should be very proud of them both, but, sir, I plan to court your daughter Willow and I want you to know that my purposes are purely honorable." Henry choked on his second drink and laughed.

"If that's so, son, you'll be the first guy she ever dated that had honorable intentions."

"Father! I can't believe you would say that! You are not to discuss these things with anyone, especially him!"

"So now you're telling your father what he can and cannot do?"

"Sorry, Dad. But..."

"You're a good looking fellow, Liam. I suspect you've never had to work very hard to do well with the ladies."

"True enough, sir, if I do say so, and never have I worked this hard in the past, nor would I have even considered putting in this much effort. Ordinarily I would have given up by now. But as they say, the best things in life do not come easily. And I believe she is worth any amount of time and effort." He looked at Willow who stared back at him, searching his eyes, his face.

"You know, I've never liked any of the boys or men she's dated in the past. Most of them were...well, I'd rather not say."

"Father! No!"

"I was concerned about that possibility so...well, in any event, sir, I have done some discrete inquiry..."

Ayla poked her mom and whispered, "Here it comes. Get ready. That's why I told you to use the regular plates. Just in case."

"What's he doing?"

"Poking the hive with a stick. Hang on."

"I have done some discrete inquiry and am familiar with some of the tales of her collegiate indiscretions. I know how young ladies are want to behave nowadays so I am not overly troubled."

"What the FUCK do you mean you've done some 'discrete inquiries'? What do you mean 'my collegiate indiscretions?" Who the hell do you think you are? What tales? Dad, he's full of crap. He never looked into anything."

"Further, sir, I am not concerned about her credit score nor the speeding ticket she got a few years back. It could have happened to any of us."

Willow's eyes bulged and she made a series of noises before it became English. "You son of a bitch! YOU DID A BACKGROUND CHECK ON ME? Who the hell do you think you are? I cannot believe it. Your are such a dick!" She stormed down the hall. He shrugged.

Henry choked into his glass again. Ayla poked Molly. Speaking loudly so she could hear, Henry said, "Willow, please. Language. It's Thanksgiving. So, Liam, you know about her breakup with her boyfriend not long ago. The guy she thought she was going to marry who cheated on her. Trust issues now, you know. You will have to deal with that." He nodded. "Would you ever consider doing something similar, Liam?"

Willow reappeared next to Ayla. "For the love of God, Dad. Why are you discussing this? With him of all people? Please stop."

"I did not know specifics but suspected as much. I fully understand the pain that infidelity can cause and would never even consider it."

"Can you now? Anything like that ever happen to you?"

He sighed, a look of pain filled his face. "Yes, sir, and if I will one day be seeking your daughter's hand in marriage, I feel I should be fully transparent."

"MARRIAGE! You're talking about fucking marriage with my father? What the hell is going on in this family? Father. Do not discuss marriage or anything else with him. Do not believe a word he says! Hell you shouldn't discuss anything with him. I found him in a dumpster!" Willow's face had turned completely red and she stared at Liam.

"So, in any event, sir, mine was somewhat worse, I believe. We'd been dating for two years and we had just returned from a vacation in Hawaii. I was down on one knee, ring in hand when my beloved told me she would not marry me because she was seeing my best friend. A lifelong friend who had already agreed to be my best man and never let on that he was bedding my girlfriend."

It was Ayla who spoke. "That's awful, Liam, what did you do?"

"I rationalized it, like so many things. I'd had a great week with the girl I loved. She got an all expense paid trip to Maui."

"What about your friend?"

"Not my proudest moment. I sent him a book which I wrinkled and put some inappropriate stains on with a note. 'Thank you for allowing me to F your girlfriend in every way mentioned on all 101 pages. She never called YOUR name once. But, as a result, I cannot in all good conscience be your best man. Sorry to let you down.'"

Everyone but Willow howled with laughter. Henry was beside himself and it took several moments for him to get it together. "You didn't really do that, did you?"

Smiling sadly, "In fact, I did, sir. Again, not my proudest. I felt badly. So I did send him a text apologizing and telling him that in fact I had not been entirely truthful. As I thought back, we had not done pages 27, 56, and 78. But I still couldn't be his best man." The laughing began again.

Ayla poked her mom again and pointed at Willow who had a hand to her face and a glistening in her eyes.

"That was a few years back. I sort of swore off dating and friendship as well, until your daughter dragged me out of the dumpster and threw me on my head."

Willow changed abruptly. "You knew that? YOU FUCKING WERE AWAKE THE WHOLE TIME? You ass!" Why didn't you say something?"

"Willow I got punched. Not clubbed. I was trying to figure out whether the evil doers were truly gone and how to get out of the dumpster without standing up. And then this beautiful woman arrived to solve the problem." He hesitated, "But also because my head was sort of gently nestled between..." He turned and pointed to her chest and put a hand on each cheek.

Ayla burst out laughing and clutched her mother. "Mom! Dear God. My sides hurt." The color on Willow's face changed from anger and frustration to embarrassment. She looked and punched Ayla in the shoulder, knocking both she and her mom into the wall.

"...and it just sort of felt right. Like I was home or something." Willow's mouth moved but nothing came out except a few odd noises and grunts. "But then she threw me on my head." Turning back to Henry and putting a hand to the back of his head, "and I still have a few open areas, sir. But it's healing."

"Dad! Make him stop!"

"Willow, please. We're talking here. That's too bad, Liam. So you know how betrayal feels?"

"Yes, sir."

"How old are you, son?"

"Twenty-eight sir."

"You realize she's just twenty-four?"

"Yes, sir, but she is responsible, successful, exceedingly competent and mature beyond her years so I don't anticipate any problems. In fact I see several advantages."


Yes, sir. Firstly, she will help keep me young in spirit as we celebrate the holidays and as we age together she'll be better able to care for me."

"If you think for one damned minute I would ever wipe your ass when you're old you're out of your mind. If we were together, which we will never be, I would just wheel your ass outside and spray you off with a garden hose and watch you freeze your nuts off in the cold."

Both Ayla and her mother laughed.

"I will look forward to that." Willow stuttered, but no words came out. "Additionally, if we are going to have three or four children, being slightly younger is advantageous. You know with the eggs and such."

She cracked. "What the fuck is going on in this house? Have you all gone crazy? Is this the Twilight Zone or I'm being punked or something? Where's the camera? This can't be really happening. First dating, then marriage, now babies? Who the hell do you think you are, Liam?"

"A man who experienced the happiest day of his life the day I was beaten, robbed and dropped on my head. Because I met you." The color drained from her face and she froze. And stared, watching his every move. Looking for any signs of falsehood once again, but saw none.

"So, Liam. Seems you have some big plans. What kind of work do you do to support all these goals."

"A very fair question, sir. And one a father should ask. I am currently between major endeavors. After my failed romance I threw myself into work and became very successful. More successful than I anticipated and am currently a man of significant means. Since then, though, I've come to realize that I had a lot missing in my life. Joy, happiness, holidays...someone to share it with.

"So, not sure exactly what's next, sir, but finances will not be a problem. I still have consulting and a small business. But I've been thinking about baking. Not bread, of course, but cupcakes, deserts, pastries. I have quite the sweet tooth." Laughing, "That's why I have to exercise so much." And I will add that standing outside the bakery watching Willow at work has made me even more interested in giving it a go. She's a true artisan." Then turning, "And you too, Ayla."

"What? Where the hell would you learn to make those things?"

"Willow, I watched a lot of videos and read things."

"You can't learn baking that way! No way!"

"I'll confess that there have been quite a few of my attempts that didn't turn out so well. Although to be honest, I did manage to eat most of those. But I profited from each misadventure and while I'm still not as good as I endeavor to be, I'm improving."

Turning towards Molly, "Actually, I brought some things in this other bag. And I promise, it's my last bag." He pulled out three boxes and opened them. "Here are some cupcakes I thought we might sample tonight. If that's alright.

"I'm sure, Molly, you've already made a desert and I don't want to interfere with what you have planned. A few different flavors and icings. And then cinnamon rolls and apple fritters that you all could sample at for breakfast tomorrow."

"No way! He must have stopped at a bakery and bought those! Those cinnamon buns look like the ones that come in a tube that you bake for a few minutes."

"Liam, these are lovely. I'd like to try all three of them tonight."

"Thank you, Molly."

"This has been quite a little chat, Liam. I am very pleased to have met you and appreciate your forthrightness. I would be honored to have you date and after an appropriate length of time, marry my daughter."

"Mom! What on earth is going on here?"

Trying not to smile, "Welcome to the family, son. Come give me a hug." Liam bent over and hugged him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? DID HE DRUG YOU ALL OR SOMETHING? Ayla, this is just crazy! Say something. Tell me this is not really happening. What, are we back to the days of arranged marriages? What's my bride's price?"

Looking at her straight in the eyes. "I would gladly pay any amount."

Her father started laughing. "No, I won't be selling her. She'll be gift enough to the right man. Quite a gift at that. And, son, if something comes up and you need a place to stay, there's a room down the hall on the right you're welcome to stay in."

"Father! That's my room. What are you saying? He can't stay in my room! He just needs to get a new cardboard box to put in that crappy truck of his if he needs a place to stay."

"OK, boys, enough. The talk is over. We have to eat dinner. If we wait any longer the turkey's going to be ruined." She walked to Liam. "Here, son, give me a hug as well." They hugged and then she started laughing and was joined by Ayla.

"I hate all of you. I moving to Borneo or Antarctica or some place. And you," pointing her finger at Liam, "do not go anywhere near my room."

Willow was very quiet during the Thanksgiving feast and spent most of her time watching Liam and the faces of her family as he laughed and joked, and swapped stories with them. Like he'd been part of it for years. She was so torn inside she could barely eat. Her mom reached over and put her hand on hers and squeezed, implying that everything would be fine. "Eat something, dear."

She wasn't so sure that things would be fine. Her mind had been filled with Liam day and night since that kiss. It was nuts. She wasn't some fourteen year old with a crush. But, damn, it felt that way.

She was scared. Really scared. She knew he had the power to tear her world to pieces and if he did it, her world would never be the same. What was he up to? How did he really feel? She needed to know.

"That was fabulous, Molly. Well, and Ayla and Willow. I am stuffed and embarrassed by all that I've eaten. Best meal in, well, over fifteen years." Laughing, "Beats the pants off those supermarket meals. Thank you for letting me be here. Sorry if I caused a ruckus."

"So, Liam, where are you ancestors from? Bradigan sounds Irish? Like ours."

"I took one of those DNA tests and it was about 60% Irish. So I guess both my mother and father had a strong family background. It seems that there is a cluster in Galway, on the water on the west coast. Plan to visit one day."

"So if you're Irish, and not just peddling more bull crap, you can do the jig?"

Laughing, "Actually, yes, Willow. I'm not a great dancer, but I know it."

"Well, then, Liam. Maybe you can teach it to Willow. She has been very resistant."

"Sure. Do you have some jig music, sir? 'The Kesh,' 'The Swallowtail,' anything like that. Or, never mind, I'll just pull them up on my phone. Won't sound great, but it's easy. Ah, my jig music playlist."

"Jig music playlist?" He nodded to Willow.

"So, ready, Willow? And, sir, as full as I am I will need to curb my enthusiasm. Or bad things could happen." They all laughed. All except Willow who simply continued to stare at him. Who the hell was this guy?

Taking her shoulders and turning her towards himself, "So stand with straight back, but shoulders down." He put his hands on both of her shoulders and pushed them down. She felt every finger. "Hands closed into a fist, but not clenched and held at our side or slightly behind. Right foot in front of left and toes pointed out. The upper part of your body should not move..."