Duplicity Ch. 05


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Lord Davenport cast his glance at Philip and rolled eyes in annoyance. Neither men thought much of Henry Wilkes. Henry bore the title of Honorable and came from a distinguished old family, but he had a cunningness about him.

"Well, good luck to you Henry. Take care you don't loose all your bride's fortune before it's truly yours," Lord Davenport said dismissively.

"Well, I shan't stay long, sadly" Henry replied with a broad grin, not at all put off. "Shame how marriage, even an impending one, takes all the fun out of life. "

"I think it's a fine thing," Philip interjected passionately. He was annoyed by Henry Wilkes's interruption and was glance to. "Marriage is a fine thing for every man to endeavor."

Henry Wilkes chuckled as he picked up his pace to keep up with the cousins' long stride. "Well, it's a necessary thing at the very least. I assure you you'll feel differently when the yolk of inevitability is weighing down upon your shoulders, Philip. It's a lot of responsibility on a man, especially when straddled with a bride who knows nothing useful of the world. There is such a thing as being too chaste in my opinion. But one must do what one must do!"

"Too chaste!" Philip declared, somewhat bemused. "What a thought! A lady can never be too chaste before or after marriage. It's her father's, then her husband's sacred duty that she remains so--!"

Philip saw the quick, knowing glance that Lord Davenport and Henry Wilkes exchanged, as though some secret knowledge passed between them. Lord Davenport coughed into his fist but Henry smirked openly. Suddenly Philip felt like the intruder. They were mocking him! Philip felt quite hot and foolish even if he couldn't completely understand why.

Henry shrugged as he glanced up at Lord Davenport's noble visage, scanning the Marquess' profile. "Well I would certainly agree that it's a husband's duty to teach her many things. And the task wouldn't be quite as onerous if my lady were to be a great beauty -- like Lady Evelyn, say!"

Both cousins' stopped in their tracks and whirled around on Henry, in sudden mutual outrage.

"What a prized filly, she!" Henry Wilkes exclaimed with a chuckle as he continued to walk on. He seemed completely unaware that he was dancing on the line of decency. "Now instructing HER in her wifely duties would be a most enjoyable task--"

Before Lord Davenport could react Philip launched himself at Henry Wilkes's back! With a cry that echoed through the marbled gallery Philip had taken ahold of Henry's shoulders, dragged him back and had landed a punch to the other man's jaw. Henry blocked the next assault and threw his weight into Philip's gut. The two men, with hands at each other's throats fell to polished floor and slide into a crowd of men who had gathered to watch the commotion. Just as Henry had rolled on top of Philip Lord Davenport stepped in to drag Henry Wilkes back and away.

"Enough! Go home, Henry!" the Marquess said, his deep voice low with barely contained anger as he tossed Henry away from him.

"He attacked me!" a breathless and red-faced Henry protested jabbing a finger towards Philip.

Lord Davenport instructed Philip. "Go back to my rooms," he said before returning to Henry again.

There was a murmur through the gallery as Philip took off down the long corridor, leaving behind his cousin to speak to Henry Wilkes. Philip felt himself flush hotly in rage and embarrassment as he could just imagine the scandal he had just created. No doubt anyone who caught wind of what had happened would wonder why he had chosen to defend Lady Evelyn's honor, especially with Lord Davenport standing beside him and perfectly capable of the task. Especially when the gentle and sensibly Philip had never been known to act so impulsively. Others may very well describe Philip's action as that of a jealous lover, defending his lady's honour. They will wonder and they will gossip and arrive at all sorts of wild conclusions Philip would much rather that they didn't. Oh yes! Very soon they will all be watching the cousins closely for signs of fracture.

"I don't know what came over me," Philip tried to explain when Lord Davenport joined him later. "I simply loathe that man! He's a stain on his family name!"

Philip was nursing a tumbler of whiskey, still heaving and trembling in shame and anger at having been so impulsive. Lord Davenport went silently to an armour and pull out a spare set of evening wear. That's when Philip noticed that his own sleeve and lapel had been torn beyond repair. Philip tried to read his cousin's face as he accepted the jacket with a feeling of dread and defeat. Lord Davenport didn't speak, nor did his expression change from one of complete calm. Only the throbbing dark vein growing ever pronounced down the side of Lord Davenport's temple told Philip that his cousin felt anything at all.

"Lord and Lady Chamberlain is having the American minister to dinner," Lord Davenport said finally, before Philip could utter another word to explain himself. "We'll go there tonight instead. I mean to speak to him anyway."

At dinner Philip found himself seated at the far end of a long table, almost completely hidden behind a fruit arrangement. Not many paid him much attention as the table was full of men of far more important than the Marquess of Davenport's cousin. That was until Evelyn's friend Lady Ann sat down beside him and seemed intent on engaging him. Her cat-like eyes were. sharp and observant. "What will you do once your cousin marries?" she asked.

Philip wasn't feeling particularly sociable. He was still reliving his fight with Henry Wilkes. "I will do as I have always done, of course," he replied glumly as he took a big gulp of his dinner wine.

Lady Ann smiled a thin enigmatic smile despite Philip's sad, listlessness. She motioned for a footman to top off Philip's wine glass. "Lord Davenport must trust you completely to allow his young bride in the constant company of one as young and handsome as yourself. Why I know many men who would be quite jealous! Perhaps Lord Davenport is just more permissive than most?"

Her calling him handsome raised the color to Philip's already flushed cheeks. Lady Ann was no Lady Evelyn but she was still quite beautiful. Philip tried his best to control the spinning in his head and speak without slurring. "My cousin has nothing to worry about from me," he said. "I wish him every happiness... should this marriage actually take place--"

Lady Ann's smile broaden. "Oh it will! I see what you mean though. Many a man have felt a moment of panic before marriage. He thinks he'll never again have an opportunity to come and go as he pleases. Of course, he'll soon discover that marriage has never stopped any man from pursuing life's many pleasures. Especially not amongst our lot."

"I suppose I'm not one of you then," Philip replied. "I cannot imagine such a thing. When I marry, I will commit to my wife completely and gladly."

"Lady Evelyn's right! If only more men are like you, who thinks as you do. So noble, and virtuous!"

"She said that?" he asked, with his heart in his blood-shot eyes.

"Not in so many words but she does admire you so very much! She constantly laments that her future husband couldn't be more like you. The same blood flows through your veins. Both equally handsome, but you are far more amiable.... I believe if she had a choice in the matter, her choice would be quite different...."

Philip drained his wine glass in a single gulp to calm the thundering in his chest. He couldn't recall how many glasses of wine he's had. His wine goblets never seem to be emptied. He must stop drinking or Lady Ann will think him borish, he told himself.

"The contract has been drawn up," he slurred glumly. "The bans read. There's no point in wondering what might have been, could have been."

Lady Ann tilted her head to one side as she daintily dabbed her lips. "Whatever do you mean?" she asked coyly.

"Aren't you implying--?" Philip spurted in confusion.

"I've had too much to drink!" Ann laughed a husky seductive laugh and a flirty wink. She selected a deep burgundy plum from the fruit arrangement before them and broke it in half. "You mustn't pay attention to anything I say or I'd think you were taking advantage!"

Philip watched, complete enraptured, as the plum broke apart to reveal the blood red flesh. A burst of nectar ran down Lady Ann's bare hands, and she quickly lapped it up . He wondered drunkenly why she wasn't wearing gloves. Her arms were so naked....

"Wedding always make me think of when I was a young bride," Ann said. Her fingers dipped into her pink mouth one at a time. Philip's felt his own mouth start to water as he watched her methodically suck every droplet of juice from her fingers. "It can be such a difficult time for a young lady. For me, all I wanted was for my husband to notice me. But he was far too important for that. I was so lonely. So utterly friendless. Then, one year we had a young Italian noble come stay with us. Oh how he opened my eyes! Oh my--!" She held up two fingers to her lips and cast a guilty glance at Philip. " I'm rambling!"

"Do go on!" Philip urged.

She darted her eyes around to be sure no one else was listening. " Of course I'm only speaking to you as a friend in the strictest confidence! I do feel you and I have become friends have we not? You are an intimate of my dear friend Lady Evelyn so I know I can trust you not to repeat my silliness."

"I won't repeat a word!" He promised eagerly. "Do go on!"

"To put it mildly-- he stole my heart! You swear you won't repeat this?"

"I swear!" Philip assured her eagerly as his pulse quickened to a dangerous level.

"I was young and foolish you see. I never knew men -- did that to women--" She leaned towards him and brought the pitless half of the plum towards her mouth and gave the hallowed center a gentle lick. "If ever a man wanted to put a woman in his spell-- well! "

In that moment, the rest of the room seem to recede in the background. All the chattering faded away till Philip could only hear his own heart beating loudly as he watch, spellbound, Lady Ann's pink tongue quivered at it teased the deep red fruit. He followed every lick, every stroke as she dragged her wet, quivering tongue around the hollow of the glistening fruit. When she closed her mouth over the top flesh to gently suck, Philip moaned deeply.

"Well!" she said dropping the rest of the fruit down on her plate. "All in the past now!"

"But what happened then?" he asked in desperation. "You were in love with him surely!"

"Deeply," she agreed. "And I would have given up everything for him too if he had asked. My honor, all my friends and family. But sadly he was lost at sea before we ever had a chance."

"How terribly sad!" he said with genuine sorrow.

Lady Ann waved a hand in front of her face. It was nearly time for the ladies to go through to the parlor. "You are so good to indulge my little trip down memory lane. And do please never repeat what I've said. It's so shameful! To think that I had once nearly thrown everything away for-- well, to be worshiped like that!"

"But you would have given it all away had the Italian gentleman lived?" he asked eagerly.

"Absolutely! He gave me the one thing every young lady ought to have but few will ever experience!" Lady Ann said.

Philip felt his stomach lurch and he quickly scrambled to his knees for the chamber pot. There was nothing left in him but still he retched into the foul pot.

He was once more in his dark chamber. It has been several hours since his dinner chat with Lady Ann. He really couldn't recall what took place between then and when he had somehow made his way to Evelyn's chamber.

"Blimey! What have I done?"

What if Evelyn had woken up when he had fled her room? What if she was seen? What if one of the servants had awoken by some strange sounds and saw him leave her room? What if his cousin had heard, seen--! The what ifs whirled around Philip, driving him to curl into himself with his arms tightly clasped around his body.

"I must confess all," he whispered into the empty room. "I must own up to my sins and confess all to John and beg his forgiveness. Should he be merciful, or not, I swear I will never look at her. I will never covet anything that isn't mine ever again!"

Philip fought back his terror and another wave of nausea when he rose to his feet. He must face his cousin right then and there before he lost his nerve.

The study door stood slightly ajar and an orange glowing light streamed from the gap. He could hear muffled voices from within.

One was a deep, rich, baritone that could only belong to one man. The other, much softer and lyrical was Evelyn's.

With sweat pouring down his forehead, Philip almost lost his nerve! He knew he ought to leave then. She must awoken and sensed something amiss, then brought her nighttime visit to Lord Davenport's attention. They must be putting together the pieces now and will soon discover that the visitor had been Philip! From the anger in their voices, that had to be it, Philip thought. He may has well face them and let the chips fall where they may!

Philip had only intended to pause for a moment to steady his nerve, but he couldn't help glance through the opening in the door first.

It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light and see the pair, in silhouette, standing before a roaring fire. Lord Davenport, dressed as he was earlier in the evening, had Evelyn's by her forearms. The force of his grip on her caused her large woven shawl to drop away and pool at her feet. Evelyn stood there in just a bellowing white nightgown with her long dark tresses hanging in cascading waved down her back.

"--You'll come to regret the day you ever laid eyes on me!" Lord Davenport said, his deep voice rumbling in an angry growl. "Do not test me, madam with your games and manipulations!"

Evelyn tried to wrestle away from him. "You lout! Must you always see the worst in me?"

"What are you doing down here in the middle of the night if you didn't have some clandestine purpose? In nothing more than your nightgown no less?" he retorted with his face looming dangerously close over hers.

Her mouth dropped open then snapped shut again as she visibly started to tremble.

"What Evelyn?" he asked sardonically with a sneer. "What were you about to say?"

"I don't know why I came down here. Perhaps it was a dream-- it must all have been a dream!" Evelyn replied miserably as she stared off into the distance.

"Then let's have some understanding between us," Lord Davenport said. "You will not put yourself or my house in danger to satisfy your whims. I won't have you traipsing about the city alone anymore, or doing whatever you damn well please with no regards for the consequences. I can be a fair husband but I won't be an indulgent one!"

"You'll just be a bullying one!" she shot back with seething hurt and anger .

Lord Davenport grabbed her by the chin to turned her face towards the fire light. He scowled darkly at the bruised mark still evident on her forehead.

"A bully am I? What do you suppose would have happened to you if Philip and I had taken a different path that night? Christ, Evelyn! I don't care who your father is, when I'm your master you tame your childish willfulness and you follow my instructions without argument! Do you understand?"

Evelyn glared up at him despite the firm pressure of his fingers squeezing her cheeks. "I thank you for no longer accusing me of staging my own attack then," she said with an haughty lift of her chin. "In what form will these instructions come, pray? Be sure to enumerate them all at once, for I'd hate to accidentally flouting your authority, my lord. My lists of crimes are long enough in your eyes."

Lord Davenport's eyes narrowed at her words. He could have accused her of being facetious if she hadn't looked so stoic. He cursed, sighed heavily instead, when he released his hold on her. Fuming, he stood back with one fist on his hip, while he rubbed his forehead wearily with his free hand. "I've not had a moment of peace since that night I met you. What a fool I've been to want you-- Well, I have you now don't I?"

"I--!" Evelyn hugged her arms to her chest as she swallowed back whatever she began to say. "Take care what you wish for I suppose," she said softly, half to herself.

Lord Davenport lifted his head to study her beneath his dark scowl. He no longer looked angry, merely thoughtful, admiring and sad all at once when his gaze traveled down the length of her. The thin nightgown bellowed around her but did little to conceal the outline of hourglass curves. He swallowed hard and tore his gaze her from. "I freely admit I misjudged you from the first.... It's my own fault, really. But here we are, you and I. We must do our duty. I will try my best to be a good husband, if you will respect your position as Lady Davenport."

Evelyn continued to hold herself tightly as she bowed her head to let her long wavy hair draped over her face. "I await your instructions, my lord," she replied tightly.

Several more emotions passed over Lord Davenport's noble mien as he studied her. He displayed none of his usual confidence as he stood there deep in thought as though he bore the world on his shoulders. Finally he turned back to the large table that served as his desk. He shuffled through some documents, absently, before tossed them aside again before planting his fists on the table and leaning forward on his arms.

"You do have the willfulness of princes in your veins don't you? Very well I want to know why I find you out of bed at this hour, dressed, or undressed, as you are--" he said, his voice low and slightly shaky. "However, I won't press the matter if you don't want to tell me. But-- from here on forth, I expect you never to give me reason to question your movements, never to doubt you. I realize you are very young and this season has been very exciting for you--"

He held up a hand when she opened her lips and were about to speak. "I know!" he continued. "--I know this is all very new and exciting for a young lady in her debut season, to be such a success... to have so many admirers.... I also know those admirers won't simply go away once we're married--"

Lord Davenport paused a moment to think on his next words. He pushed back from the table and walked over to the fireplace. He had his back to Evelyn but Philip could see clearly, from his hiding place, by the light of the glowing fire just what it cost Lord Davenport to make his speech. "I simply ask that you don't encourage any unnecessary attention, or invite gossip. I ask that if you are to find me unsatisfactory... well then if you would please, do not bring chaos into my house. Do not flaunt it in my face, if... if you chose to have a life of your own."

Out in the corridor, Philip felt almost light headed. So many thoughts and emotions rose up in him. It was as though Lord Davenport knew Philip was listening and was speaking directly to him! Philip did not have time to mull over this jumbling thought when Evelyn's clear voice, strong and forceful, cut through the air.

Evelyn's eyes sparkled in the dim light, face was flushed, her bosoms heaving in outrage. "What sort of man are you that you could talk about marriage and obedience and then tell me not to invite gossip?"


"How exactly? When everyone looks at me, I know you see my illegitimacy even as you weigh my influence. You've been wondering who my mother was... what sort of lineage she's passed on to me. Isn't that so? Isn't that when you had in mind when you tell me not to invite gossip? B-because someone like me could not possibly be honorable? "

"I'm not accusing you -- I merely want us to understand each--"