Earl and Mom Ch. 05


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"Did you like watching me do that honey?" She asked.

"YES!" I said quickly and loudly. "I loved it!"

"That's my point honey." she said. "You loved it and I loved you seeing it. So way try to hide it?"

"Right." I said while trying to figure out just what she was trying to say.

"Here's my question honey." she said. "Would you rather take your hard on to your room and jack off alone, or would you rather in front of me with me watching you again?"

"With you watching." I said without a second of hesitation.

"Good!" she said with delight. "See what I mean?"

"I think so." I answered just wanting to agree with her as it sounded like something to agree with. Anything that would get me closer to this hottie that was laying half naked right in front of me.

She just smiled and me feeling very relieved and good about herself. She then started to move her hand around her pussy again. She then looked right at my still very hard cock and then back at me.

"Case in point honey." she said. "If looking at my pussy makes you happy, then all you ever have to do is just ask me and I'll show it to you." She then moved her hand away and with her fingers spread her lips apart. She was now even more wet than before. She looked so inviting.

"Does that sound good honey?" she asked me.

"Yes!" I said almost before she got her last word out.

"And if you want to smell or taste me, just ask honey." she said and then buried two of her middle fingers in her pussy. She then pulled them out and brought them to her nose.

"Does that sound good honey?" she asked me.

"Absolutely!" I said with enthusiasm

"Want to smell and taste these fingers?" she said and reached out to me.

"YES!" I said and instantly and walked to the side of the chair, bent down and took her wrist in my hand and moved my nose down to her fingers. I took a deep quick breath smelling the fresh pussy smell. It was strong and perfect and even better than her panties. I then quickly took them in my mouth and sucked on them to tastes her juices. I could not really taste much, but I could tell the difference in how slick her juices were. I sucked on her fingers and made love to them with my tongue.

As I was sucking on her fingers I started stroking my cock again. This time fueled with her fresh pussy juice on her fingers and her fingers in my mouth, I was close to cumming already. After I was sure I had sucked all the juice off her fingers, I let her hand go.

"Your turn honey, let's see you cum." she said to me as if I needed any more encouragement.

I moved back to the end of the chair to get another great view of her pussy.

"Is this what you wanted to see honey?" she said as she spread her pussy lips apart yet again.

"Oh yes!" I said. "I love looking at your pussy."

I looked down and stared at her spread pussy. My feet wear just at the end of her chair. And I noticed the only reason I could even get a view of her pussy at this angle was because she was laying on her back in the chair and arching her pussy up towards me to see. Realizing this must be an uncomfortable position for her made me appreciate it even more as she was really contorting herself to show me.

"Please slide your fingers in again, that is so hot." I asked her as I stroked my cock.

"Like this honey?" she said and slowly slide in two fingers. The same fingers that I just hand in my mouth a few seconds ago.

"Yes!" I said looking down at her with her fingers in her pussy. I was actually having to look around my cock as it was getting in the way. It then occurred to me, if I cum now, it's going to shot all over my mom. Are we to that point yet? Should I point it away or fire away. Oh screw it, should I just ask I thought.

"Cum all over me honey." she said as if she read my mind.

"Really?" I asked with a surprise and a relief.

"Yes honey, anywhere you want." she said with a smile.

"I want to cum on your pussy" I said as that thought of cumming on her pussy got me really close to cumming.

"Yes!" she said with excitement and acceptance. "Cum all over my pussy honey. It's going to feel so good feeling your hot cum shot on my pussy."

I just started stroking harder. My climax was seconds away as I felt my cum move into launch mode.

"Want me to pull it open for you hot cum honey?" she said in a very sexy voice.

"Yes!" I said. "I'm going to cum now!"

At that point I thought she just would have pulled her fingers out and just spread her lips. If she would have, that alone would be incredible hot. But instead, she stuck two finger in from her other hand and then pulled herself pussy open for me with two fingers on the left and two on the right. When she pulled her pussy gaped from side to side at least a half inch and maybe a full inch.

"Fire away honey!" she said.

I bent my knees to get my cock closer to her now very wide open pussy. As I felt my first spurt of cum leave my cock, I watched it fly. It was like everything was moving in slow motion. The first spurt went high and hit her clit and some her dress that was just above her belly button. I moved my cock down just a bit and the 2nd shot with right into her pussy. Seeing that was an absolute thrill. I followed it up with 5 more shots that all landed in her pussy or round the side of her pussy.

With that last spurt I feel to my knees 100% spent. Falling to my knees also gave me a really good view. I was only a foot away. As my face got close to her pussy, she took her fingers out of her pussy letting to slowly start to close back on it's own.

"That was beautiful honey!" I heard her say and she pulled her pussy back as she sat up more. Perhaps because she felt a bit shy like that and also maybe because she feared I would not be able to resist her and bury my face in her pussy.

"I think I got some in you!" I said as if I just scored a hole in one.

"You did honey, I can feel it inside me right now." she said as she squirmed a bit.

"Is that okay?" I asked with a bit of alarm. "Will you get pregnant?"

"Yes it's okay silly and no, I will not get pregnant" she said with a reassuring smile.

"Did you like it?" I asked getting the idea that the night was not over yet.

"Are you joking honey?" she said with smile. "I love it. It felt so sexy feeling it land inside my pussy. If feels so sexy now."

"I'm glad you like it." I told her with a smile. "I wish I had more to give you, but as you know, that was my 4th time today."

"Honey!" She said. "I'm very happy silly. Anyway, your 4th time today was still more than an average guy's first. So you can be very proud."

"Would you like me to watch you again?" I asked knowing she was really turned on and wanting another climax. And this one will be with my cum inside her.

"I would love for you to watch me." she said and leaned back a little and spread her legs to get ready.

I smiled at her as I saw her pussy again.

"Can you scoot down here like you where?" I asked with an innocent smile. "I want to get a really good view of you.

"Oh honey, you do want a close view." she said with a crooked smile. "Do you think you can control yourself with my pussy that close to your face?

"Yes, I promise!" I said. At that point I would have promised anything.

She smiled and started to slide her pussy down to the end of the chair.

"Okay honey, that is about as close to you can get and not be in my pussy." she said with a bit of a laugh.

She really was close. Less than six inches. Actually so close I had to move my head back a bit to focus on her. When I did, I could see some of my cum that had missed going inside her that was on her clit and even a bit of a wet spot on the dress where another shot landed.

"Admiring you cum on my clit honey?" she said in a playful voice.

"You wear it well." I said proud of myself for coming up with a reply so quickly

"I bet." she said as she reached down with her hand and wiped it off her clit and lower tummy onto two of her fingers. She then brought those fingers to her face.

"Honey your cum smells sexy" she said. I break my gaze on her pussy to look up at her face just in time to see her put one of her fingers in her mouth.

"Oh honey!" she said. "I love the way your cum tastes."

"Well, I ah, thank you." I said trying not to blush.

"Do you want to try some honey?" as she held her other finger that still had some of my cum on it.

Having now desire to taste my own cum, I was almost ready to just say no, but thank you. But then again, she had down so much with me today and never really said no. So no way was I going to be the first to say no.

"Sure!" I said and I opened my mouth like a hungry little bird. She brought her hand down to my face and inserted the finger with the cum on it in my mouth. I had tasted my own cum before, so nothing new there, but I took the opportunity to really suck on my mom's finger again. I was trying to show her how good of a sport I was and just how much I loved her and her finger. As I release her finger she pulled it back.

"So what do you think of your own cum honey?" she asked with a smile.

I was going to just say something like, it's okay or I like yours better. But remember the in depth review my mom gave if her taste, I pressed myself to do better.

"I found it creamy, well textured and kind to the pallet." I started trying to wrap my review into what a wine drinker might use to describe a wine. "Having never tasted another man's cum before, thus having nothing to compare it to, I would have to give it a 10 out of 10 simply because I know who my mother is and as good as she tastes, I'm likely to taste good also."

"Oh honey!" she said. "That was the best review I've ever heard."

"Does it make you want more?" I asked with a grin.

"Yes honey!" she said with a giggle. "But I doubt you have any left today silly"

"Ha, you're probably right." I said knowing that I think that last climax was going to be my last for a while. Not that 4 was a lot for me. It was just that each had been so much.

I just set back about 9 inches from her pussy to watch her play with herself. She then started to rub her clit back and forth.

"Maybe you can give me some more tomorrow honey" she said.

"I would love to!" I replied.

"Good!" she said as she continued to rub her clit. She looked down at me watching her pussy.

"Oh honey, you're leaking out of me." she said with quick breaths in her excitement. As I looked down, I could see my cum starting to roll out of the bottom of her pussy and down to her ass. It was incredible to see. It was a cream pie that I had provided the filling. I was hypnotized watching it all spill out of her.

"That is so sexy!" I said.

"I'm cumming honey!" she said and looked right at me. "Watch me cum honey! Watch me cum"

She moved her hand across her clit at breakneck speed. I could smell her scent and hear the sound her fingers made as they moved rapidly across her clit. I could see my cum leaking out of her and where it pooled around her asshole on the chair.

Her hips started moving closer to me and then back away. Then closer and then back away. I thought about getting even closer and hoped that she would start to buck like last time and then accidentally be in the way of her pussy as it rammed into my face. As just as I decided not to do that because I would feel as if I were stepping over a boundary, she bucked towards my face. At that moment, I guess maybe because I was hoping it would happen, I was ready for it and actually though sometime of gentlemanly reflexes, I pulled away and avoided a pussy to face collision.

There was only one buck from her hips and after that, she slowed and then just stopped along with her hand that had been going a mile a minute on her clit. She just sat there for a while to catch her breath. I just sat there looking at her beautiful pussy. It was a mess. Her clit was swollen and ready for sex. Her lips were even bigger than before and all matted and misaligned half sticking to each other while the other part laying open casually to reveal a nice gap in her vagina. And in the center of that gap as a nice flow of her own juices mixed with my cum.

"I wish you could see how sexy you are down here now." I told her in a soft voice.

"Oh honey, you're just being nice now" she said.

"Not at all, I really don't think I've ever seen anything so sexy." I told her.

"You're sweet honey." she said and with that, started sitting back up in the chair. As she did sit up, she left a pool of cum on the chair and smeared a trail of cum from the pool to where she eventually sat about 12 inches back. We both noticed it as the same time and looked down.

"Bunny trail!" she said and giggled.

"Now that is art." I said.

"Ha!" she said as she lifted herself up on the chair in a bit of a gymnastic move. She was trying to stand, but was doing it in stages as to not disturb the art she had left on the chair. The stage she found herself in now was her standing on the side of the chair with her dress still pulled up to show her pussy. She then placed both feet on the same chair arm and dismounted. She then dropped her dress back down and went over to where I was sitting and collected her panties.

"I guess that it's kinda sexy honey." she said

"How much of that cum do you think is mine and how much do you think is your juice?" I asked.

She bent down for a closer look. She actually got on her knees for a really close look. She then lowered her nose to it and smelled it.

"Hmmm, smells a bit like pussy, but smells like your cum also." she said. She then lowered her mouth to it and sucked some of it in her mouth.

"Taste more like your cum than my pussy." she said. "So I'm going to say 95% you, 5% me."

"Who knew?" I said amazed at how sexy she was having just down that.

"Here, come down here and you try it also." she said.

"Sure," I said again using the same logic as I did when she asked me to taste my own cum last time.

I lowered myself on my knees right next to her. When I did I looked at here. We were close enough that I could smell my own cum on her breath. I then bent down over the cum streak and smelled it.

"I love the smell." I said. "I really can detect pussy."

I looked back up her and winked. She lifted her eyebrows and smiled back.

I then lowered my mouth to the cum and licked some up.

"Yummy I said." said in a surprised tone. "I think 95% me 5% you is a really good blend"

She giggles.

"Here, help me lick up the rest." I said and started to slowly start licking more of the cum up. I really did not know what would happen next and I only half thought that she would join me in licking up the cum. But, just a few seconds later, she bend down and starting licking up the cum from the other end of the pool. Now I had the bulk of the cum to lick up as I had started on the part that she was sitting where it started leaking out, so my progress was slower. She started on the smeared cum side as was making quick progress. Our faces where about 3 inches apart, both likcing up the cum from the leather chair.

The feeling was incredible kneeling with my mom licking up cum that I had shot into her and that then leaked out of her along with some of her juices as well. My mouth was full of mostly my cum. It was really about all I could taste. Still, I know somewhere in all of my cum was some of her juices and that kept me licking and sucking it all up. Plus, since she was doing the same, she was basically sucking up my cum. My cum was in my mom's mouth now that was just in her pussy. If my cock was not totally worn out from today, I'm sure that thought alone would have given me an instant hard on.

As our faces got closer and closer, the cum trail was almost going. As we reached the end of both our tracks, I moved my tongue just a bit to make sure to touch hers. As they did, it was a new sensation. Having my cum covered tongue touch my mom's cum covered tongue was a thrill all by itself. Right after they touched, she giggle a bit letting her know it was all playful.

"All done!" I said as I looked at her. She just smiled at me with her mouth closed. She then took my face in her hands and pulled me close to hers. Not knowing what she wanted, I just went along with it offering no resistance.

"Open your mouth" she said. Although it sounded a lot more like she was talking with a mouth full of water. Did she want a kiss? Without thinking too much about it, I opened my mouth. When I did, she winked at me and brought her mouth to mine. She opened her mouth right before our lips made contact. As soon as they did, I realized that she had kept all the cum in her mouth, and now, we were both enjoying a very cum fortified french kiss. Our tongues touched each other and we both enjoyed the taste of our combined fluids. The kiss only lasted a few seconds until she pulled away and then smiled at me. She then finally swallowed what cum she had left in her mouth.

"We are delicious together honey." she said and smiled at me with her perfect set of white teeth.

"Yes, yes we are" I said with a smile after swallowing the extra cum she gave me from her mouth.

"Thank you for today mom." I told her. "It was incredible. You are incredible. I love you."

"You're most welcome honey and I love you to." she said and smiled back at me.

...to be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Were you drinking when you wrote this chapter. So many mistakes words left out and misspelt some rubbish phrases. You really should proofread before posting. So dissapointing as you story up to now is excellent

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
5555555555555555555555555555555555 I nevr shot so moch and so far

Your story and this chapter was amazingly sexual Thank you.

rodavrodavover 7 years ago

I guess sexual intercourse is going to happen soon.

It would be nice and exciting if one day the son is taking a nap in the sofa and the mom has a unique way of waiking him up for supper. The son though that he was dreaming of the smell of pussy and the smell became more stronger, and when he finally opened his eyes he realized and saw that it was real because there was a pussy very close to his face and and the clit and some hairs tickling his nose. It came out it was his Mother waking him up with the smell of her pussy. Looking down at him smiling as she was holding her pussy lips open with her fingers to release more musky, pungent, intoxicating pussy odor. Then lovingly said to her son, " Time to wake up honey."

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
To the closet gay guy

you can come out, boy.

You really didn't enjoy the story, didn't you?

Even after reading it a couple more times, jerking off to it, you still don't like it, right?

Anon, you are so full of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

What a lame story

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