Earth Quest - Villain x Hero

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Struggling in another world.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 05/20/2024
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Continuation of Odyssey Epilogue


"I don't get it. Why am I getting tired if I'm just inhabiting this body?" You questioned. As time passed it was evidently becoming late for the body you inhabited. It was an unfamiliar sense of exhaustion. With an abundance of Soma in the other world you could sustain yourself indefinitely by stretching out your Energy over long periods of time. That may have been possible but you barely had even an ounce of your original body's Energy to spend. Therefore, you were beginning to nod off without even meaning to.

`I guess gnolls were a type of creature born with high Soma, so it's probably unfamiliar to you but normal creatures can't just spend energy to avoid sleeping. To top it off, the body you're rooted to is a bit weak so you'll need to learn to take care of yourself in the form of sleep, exercise and nutrition. You know... Things normal beings have to worry about.` Fin explained in your head.

"What would you know about being a normal being... 'Coda.'" You questioned.

`I was a human at one point, too. Even in our world you were a peculiar entity, you know?` Fin rebuked.

`Just go to sleep.`

You looked up at the ceiling curiously. It's hard to figure out what to do with yourself while speaking into your own head.

"Do you and Mirra get sleepy?"

`No. Because we're not rooted to a body. Though, it feels good to sleep and do all the things that felt good when I had a body. This inner space is set to be exactly like Finn remembers it. So there's always something called 'beer' in the cold storage box and Mirra is trying to learn how to cook. It is... Slow going.`

"I'm telling you, you should be the one to root yourself in this body." You licked your lips.

"I think it'd be better for everyone."

`Wow, thinking with your dick already? You'll enjoy that body just fine, I think. Besides I already told you it's not going to happen. Not only do I not WANT to do that, I need to focus on sustaining Finn's soul to stop him from being absorbed into yours or mine.` There was a short pause, then Fin shouted.

`Hey hey! Is that smoke!? Sorry, Djir, I gotta hang up! Mirra, you're a water-` The voice stopped.

"Huh? Something's burning in my brain? Isn't that bad?" You looked down, then fell back into your bed. You rolled around a bit, smiling and shifting.

`A comfy bed like this actually feels good on such a soft, weak body. I wouldn't have cared in my previous form. Good to appreciate the little things for now, I guess.` You sighed and sprawled out, quickly falling asleep.

You were shaken awake. "Huh? Wuh?" You blinked tiredness from your eyes and focused them on a large human hand with olive skin holding some type of round metal pocket watch. Without even thinking, your eyes followed the little hand in a trance for a full minute. You could not see him, nor move your head to look at him but out of the corner of your eye you could vaguely make out an unattractive older male figure. He was counting down with a deep voice out loud.

"Six... Five... Four..." When he reached one, after about a minute of you just watching the small hand, he closed it.

"Sixty seconds. I have... twenty minutes. Good enough. Don't want this little guy to run out of juice, heh." Jacob muttered to himself.

"Alright, stand up and get dressed, Finn."

"Sure." You said. It was your voice but you could not control the way it came out.

`What the hell? What's going on? Is this hypnosis? My body is being controlled but my mind is still active... Is it because I'm only rooted in Finn's head right now?` You questioned internally as you sat up and swung your slender, shaven legs over the side of the bed.

`Uh...` You just noticed the fact that you were basically hairless all around for the first time. Ironically, your preference for a partner, though you were feeling more and more like you were going to end up on the receiving end. You hooked a toe into a drawer stuffed under the bed and opened it nimbly as if you'd done it a dozen times before.

`My body's moving on its own and I can't even look around.` As you opened the drawer Jacob handed you his phone.

"Thanks." You nodded, setting it down as you slipped from your night clothes and stripped down, quickly replacing those with some black lingerie. You put on a black thong that seemed to capture your small bulge nicely. The back rode up your ass and created a nice whale tale peeking up from between your cheeks.the straps sat high on your pelvis bone.

`Hey hey... I like this sort of thing, but NOT wearing it.` You thought firmly. It was no use. You hummed to yourself as if everything was routine and skillfully put on a tight, lacy bra. You had no chest to speak of so it was purely aesthetic.

"I'm gonna go get the other two."

"Kay~" You picked up the phone and pointed it at your room's mirror.

"Morning Jacob~ Hypnotised Finn here making my morning video for you. Does my body wear this lingerie well? Do you like the look of it?" You propped it up on the desk with something so that it was still running.

"The skirt is going on now, and the top. I hope you enjoy it~" You were speaking in a practised, sing-song tone as you wore the skimpy little short skirt and tube-top well. You tussled your hair a little, blushing.

"Ah..." You bent over, reaching for a box of makeup. You applied it to your face adeptly, then turned around, smiling and flashing a peace-sign.

"Fully prepared Femboy son-in-law prepped for duty, hee hee~" You placed the peace sign over your head, bent forward towards the mirror, then moved and bent forward so that the camera was focused on your rear as you shook it and did a little dance. In an instant you stopped and grabbed the phone, looking at it.

"Good I think..."

`What's good about this?` You thought.

`I-I'm not aroused at all! This definitely isn't me doing these things, since I can't control my body!` You told yourself as you brought the phone outside your room. You met Fionna. At a glance she could have been the spitting image of Fiona, but there were some obvious differences when you looked at her more closely. Taller with a more curvy shape. She was also older than your current body, which meant she was your older sister.

You gave a little wave. "Ahoy. Morning~"

"Morning~" Fionna winked slyly. You alleviate your concerns, noting that she was also in a trance more or less.

"Ready for work?" She was still adjusting her long hair. She stretched a scrunchy in her hand and tied her hair up into a high ponytail.

"Yep yep." You nodded, walking downstairs with her. You both walked shoulder-to-shoulder towards the kitchen as if programmed. You and Fionna stopped at the entrance, watching a woman that must have been your mother bending over the sink. She was moaning and gasping. You could see his thick, long bent cock pushing in and out completely, getting soaked by her juices as her ass slapped back against his thrusting lap. She looked over at you two and smiled, offering a loose, two-fingered salute.

"Ahoy~ M-morning~" She panted.

"Morning~" You and Fionna said in unison. You both stood around seeming to be waiting for something.

"Stupid... Bitch... Getting touchy about grabbing your ass in front of your kids? How 'bout this?" Jacob grunted. He was salivating, drool sloughing from his open mouth ontoMelissa's slender, arched back.

"I can't wait..." he panted.

`His body is old and weak. He can't even take what he's doing right now. This older guy.. How would anyone fall to him? It must be the device he had. I need to figure out more info since I'm awake and aware. But he won't just let that shit slip on his own...` You groaned internally at the dilemma.

"I can't wait until this lewd shit leaks even more into your normal lives. The byproduct of doing this over and over again. Eventually it'll just become the norm! Hah!" He gave one last thrust, pulling out to nut all up Melissa's back."

You couldn't help but blush a little internally. `Big load for such a weak guy... Hm. Maybe he's a bit stupid. Though I guess he could never expect that I'm awake during this. I'll just last through this easily and then-` Your body started moving on its own again towards him as he turned to you two.

`Oi! I'm a giver, not a taker! Resist!` It was useless. You squatted down next to Fionna, who did the same. You handed your phone up to Jacob obediently as he took it and turned it around, chuckling to himself. He was barely paying attention as he pushed his wet, dirty cock between you two.

`B-big...` You remarked. Externally you let out a performative moan and mewled.

"So biiig~" And with that you began going to town licking all up one side, making slurping and sucking noises galore alongside your sister.

`M-my head's actually spinning a bit. I'm not into this... It's my body.` You told yourself desperately.

"Going in~ Aaaah." As a final act you sucked the dirty, thick cock between your soft lips, making a red ring around it as you pulled it deeper. Your eyes shut and Fionna rubbed your back as you flinched and cringed to take it right to the base..


"Just like that. Good job~" She complimented.

`Not a good job! This is not what I do... Not for this ugly bastard, anyway...` You whine, pulling back. Thankfully it was soft when it went down your throat, but it was still big. Unfortunately you felt like your mouth and throat was used to it. You licked your lips happily, giggling and making a peace sign into the camera.`

"Hoo..." Alright. Jacob was sweating.

"This is good for this morning, at least. You all go get cleaned up. Be quick about it! Only five minutes each! Melissa, you wash up in the sink."

"Yes." She nodded, wiping herself down with a cloth while he watched.

You felt traumatised and ghostlike as the hypnosis wore off and you could move again. You were shaking and on edge. You automatically hid the evidence and donned some clothes that were probably normal for you. An Academy uniform, though the underwear wasn't changed and you probably didn't have time to change all of it. You just made sure you weren't wearing the bra before leaving your room after putting everything back together as best you could. You left the room and saw Fionna leave, also dressed with wet hair. She looked at you strangely.


"W-what?" You asked indignantly.

"Hey hey... What's with that tone?" She lifted a brow, standing with her hip cocked, looking at you closely.

"Sorry... Sis."

She sighed, and shrugged. "Are you gonna go out like that? Fix your tie and your buttons. What the hell... Are you hungover from partying?"

"I'm not partying." You claimed.

"Cat's out of the bag on that one, Bro." she stepped forward and straightened your tie and redid a few of your buttons as she said with a smile.

"Already know you have a secret party life. You were trying to pin it on Jacob, too. Tsk. Not gonna say I'm not impressed, but you should've tried to be a bit better about hiding it. I think it's kinda cool. To be frank."

Your eye twitched. "What?"

She finished, pulling back. "All the videos. You were clever to try to bring them up first like you didn't remember." She shrugged.

"But even the doc said there's nothing wrong with us so that can't be used as an excuse. You think a ghost is in your body and controlling you?" She smirked.

"Fat chance."

"Listen... Sis." It felt weird to say.

"That Jacob guy-"

"Give it a rest. He's here. Mom likes him. Time to just accept it. Besides-" You saw her cheeks flush lightly.

"He's kinda fun and cool when you get to know him."

Your eyes widened. `The leaking... That's it.` You walked downstairs awkwardly, the weird taste still stuck in your mouth. As you reached the bottom your mother, Melissa emerged from the kitchen.

"Finn, I heard you went to see your dad..."

You cocked your head to one side. `Did I?` She sighed and continued.

"No use playing dumb." she patted you on the shoulder gently, then just bent down to hug you.

"He's not coming back. Jacob's going to be your dad, okay? Listen... There's a lot of things you don't know about John. He's... Look, just know that he's in there for a reason and we don't go there for a reason." She explained.

"I think Jacob got into that stuff in the attic." You mentioned.

Melissa leaned back. "John's stuff? Who cares? He's in a psych ward and barely cares about us. Why should I care about him or his shit?" She stated frankly.

You nodded slowly. "That..." You couldn't say anything.

`The John hate is good. It's appropriate and her attitude would be great if it wasn't also propping up that ugly bastard. This mother and sister are completely fooled. Fin!` You shouted internally, waiting. Melissa waved.

"Going to work, sweetie. Have fun at the Academy."

"Academy..." You looked down.

"I'm in school?"

"Yes! Now go, you're going to be late again." She ordered.

You arrived at the front of the Academy. `Why the hell isn't Fin answering?`

`Yes, hello?` You heard a female response.

"Mirra? Hey! Get Fin, this is important."

`Master is aware. This is the issue. When he checked in on you he saw what was happening and had a nervous response. He is currently recovering.`

"Shit... That was probably really close to home for him, huh? Even after all these years."

`I assume that is correct? You seem to know more than me. Anyway, Master is unavailable right now so please try again later.`

"Hey hey! What the hell are you talking about? Aren't you in my head?"

`A misconception. Myself, Master and Finn are in a separated space within your body's mind. To look at things happening outside we must turn on something called a 'television' and flip it to the right channel and the right setting and I do not have ANY idea how to do that. Master barely does... The only way we can even speak to you is through this odd 'phone' device. It rings when you call for one of us but we need to pick it up and speak into it. I unfortunately burned part of this space when I attempted to utilise these arcane cooking contraptions so the space is also in recovery. You will need to figure some things out on your own. Please try to gather more information about the common utilities of this world... And a cooking instruction book. Master would like something called 'fried pork belly.' since he saw it in a food coupon flyer.`

"I- I got so little of what you just said." You admitted.

`Sorry. I need to go comfort Master. I am shutting this device off.`

"Wait, Mirra! Shit..." You cursed.

"Heeey! Rabbit. Talking to yourself?" You heard a jovial tone belonging to another boy. You turned to look and saw Mark. you found that you could somewhat apply names to faces, but overall if you tried to pull anything specific out of Finn's brain it was useless. You were not even sure what someone would do at an 'Academy' or what it was for. You barely knew where you were except that it was called 'The Suez.'

"Forget you heard that, Mark." You ordered.

He stopped, lifted a brow. His two goons slid up beside him, laughing. "Woah! Rabbit's got an attitude today? This is new." One with a bandage over his nose remarked.

"He's right. What's with the attitude?" Mark asked harshly.

"I'm asking my rabbit to go for a run and grab something for me from the store and you're talking back?" His eyes widened intimidatingly as he stared you down. The boy was stronger and taller than you for sure. You sighed.

"Did you just sigh!?"

"Yeah? What of it? Is going to the store and getting things for you what an 'Academy' is for? That doesn't sound right." You thought out loud.

Mark blinked. "Eh?"

The other goon crossed his arms curiously over his chest. "His way of talking is a bit different, no?"

You stuffed your hands into your jacket pocket, hoping to find some sort of weapon. Instead you were only met with gum wrappers.


Mark drew out his phone and grinned, flashing a picture of Finn kissing another boy. Both were red in the face within the image.

"Remember this? You don't want this to get out, do you?"

You squinted at it. "Huh. Yeah, I would."

"You-" Mark paused.

"What? You... would what?"

You leaned back, rubbing your chin quizzically. "Yeah. I'd turn that guy inside out. He's my type. What of it? Send it around, do what you want with it or bring him to me. I don't really care." Mark's jaw dropped.

"Come to think of it." You grinned, eyes centering on Mark.

"You're also kinda my type." Your eyes wandered up and down the bully's form enticingly. Mark's face became bright red.

The next thing you remember is waking up in the nurse's office. "Huh?" There was a woman with dark hair in a white doctor's coat reading a magazine. She spoke without looking over at you.

"Three kids brought you in saying you tripped and fell. I'm required by regulation to ask you if you are being-"

"I mean... I probably got punched, right?"

She lifted a brow and turned to look over her glasses at you. "Probably."

You rubbed your head, throwing your legs over the side. "Mark, or whatever. I told that guy he was my type and he probably slugged me. Seriously, this weak body of mine." You mumbled.

The woman stared at you with wide eyes, then let her lips curl up into a smile."Pfft." She held back a laugh and stood up from her seat to walk over to you. She tended a bit more to your bruise, rubbing a bit of something on it while her breasts were practically pushed right up into your face. Your cheeks flushed.

`This body also reacts to stuff like this, I guess. Useless mounds of flesh is all they are? I guess this is what it means to get excited by them...` You huffed.

The woman stepped back. The tag on her coat said Iravani. "Thanks Miss Iravani." You nodded to her, standing up.

"You're a bit different from usual."


"You're not usually this chatty, or this confident." She smirked, handing you something round on a white stick.

"The hell is this?" You stared at it like it was a piece of trash.

Iravani laughed out loud. "Candy... You don't know what candy is?" She unwrapped it, stuffed the red orb into her mouth, sucked on it a bit then leaned forward, stuffing it into your stunned, wide open mouth.

`G-gross! Girl spit- It's- It's...` You blinked, sucking and rolling it around.

`Actually pretty good. Wow! I wanna give something like this to Fin." You grinned widely.

"Thanks Miss." She was surprised when you walked past her, straight out of the Academy infirmary with just a little wave.

"Hmm. Very different. Should I report it?" She stared at her clipboard, then shrugged.

"Nah." She went back to reading her magazine. A few seconds later you wandered back into the door.

"Miss. Where do I go?"

'Your class, Finn." She stared at you blankly.

"W-where is that?" You questioned awkwardly, looking like someone who just got found out.

"Uh, Let me look it up and write it on a piece of paper for you." As she's doing that she asks.

"So.. Are you feeling dizzy? Unbalanced? Do you think you need to go to the hospital?"

"God's sake, lady, just gimme the damn paper. I'm probably late or something." You snapped at her. She handed it to you, watching you go with a confused expression. She eyed her clipboard again as you left.

You sauntered into the nearly full classroom with your hands stuffed into your jacket pockets. You were still sucking on the candy that Miss Iravani gave you. As you entered the teacher barely looked up from what they were reading to the class. You stopped, looked around from the back and spotted an empty seat in the back next to the window. You shrugged and wandered over to it. You plopped down, leaning back in your seat. You smirked, pulling the stuff out from inside the desk.

`Pencils? I recognize these. Pens... Nice.` You turned your head to look at a red-haired girl. You matched the name 'Asuka' to her face and then noticed she was staring at you with wide, horrified eyes. You smiled and waved, leaning forward. As you did she leaned very far back.