East of the Sun, West of the Moon


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She too gave Ruth a gift to carry with her, the golden spinning wheel. "Maybe you'll find a use for it," said the old woman.

"Thank you, thank you so much," Ruth said wearily as she accepted the small spinning wheel and wrapped it carefully in her bundle.

Ruth got on the horse and set out. She did not find the east wind that day so she camped under a cliff for the night. She rode on the next day and it neared nightfall before she got to the east wind's house. At last, she saw it and rode down to the house. She staggered as she got off the horse and sent it on its' way. She took her bundle and knocked at the front door. The door blew open and the girl entered.

A handsome blond man sat at the table, which was filled with a simple feast. "Please come in, you have traveled a long way. Sit at the table and sup."

Ruth did as she was bid. Finally, when she had eaten her fill, the east wind asked what she had come for.

"Kind east wind, you have seen many things under the sun and in the sky. Do you know the way to the Prince, who lives with his stepmother in the castle east of the sun and west of the moon?"

"Yes, I have often heard tell of it, the Prince and the castle, but I don't know the way there. I have never blown so far. But, if you want, I'll go with you to my brother the west wind. Maybe he knows, for he's much stronger. I'll carry you there on my back."

He came to stand before her. "But first, look around you. This is a good house. A beautiful place to live. You are a strong and beautiful woman. I would have you for my wife if you agreed and you could stop your search here."

Ruth gazed up at the tall man in surprise. "I... I thank you but I love the Prince. I must find him."

"Very well," the east wind replied with a sad smile. He led her outside and bid her climb up on his back.

Blushing furiously, Ruth did as she was told and off they went in a rush.

They arrived quickly at the west wind's house and the east wind called out to his brother.

"Brother," he said, "this is the girl who was supposed to have had the Prince who lives in the castle east of the sun and west of the moon. She has set out to find him, and I have brought her here. Would you know how to get to the castle?"

"No," said the west wind, "I've never blown so far; but if you want, I'll go with you to our brother the south wind, for he's much stronger than either of us, and he has flown far and wide. Maybe he'll tell us. I'll carry you to him on my back, if you want?"

The east wind set off home and the west wind smiled at Ruth. "You are truly a beautiful woman, are you sure your Prince is worth all this? I would happily let you stay here with me, share my bed and take care of you?"

Ruth blushed and demurred. "I love my Prince and I must find him."

The west wind laughed, "very well, climb up on my back."

They traveled to the south wind, and the journey was quicker even than it had been with the east wind.

When they got there, the west wind spoke to his brother, the south wind, on her behalf. "Could you tell us the way to the castle that lays east of the sun and west of the moon? This girl is the one who was supposed to have had the Prince who lives there."

"Is that so?" said the south wind. "Is she the one? Well, I have visited a lot of places in my time, but I have not yet blown there. If you want, I'll take you to our brother the north wind. He is the oldest and strongest of us all, and if he doesn't know where it is, you'll never find anyone in the world to tell you. I'll carry you there on my back, if that is what you want."

The west wind blew away and the south wind stood before the girl, looking her up and down.

"Look around you. This is a good house, a beautiful place to live. You are a strong and beautiful woman. I would have you for my wife if you agreed and you could stop your search here."

Ruth gazed up at the man in surprise. "I thank you but I love the Prince. I must find him."

"Very well," the south wind replied. He bid her climb up on his back.

He bent one knee and bid the girl onto his back. When she was on he stood.

"Ah, it is a pleasure to have such strong legs wrapped around my body."

Ruth blushed as he leapt into the air and they left his house at a good clip. They were not long underway. When they reached the north wind's house he was so wild and cross, that he blew cold gusts at them from a long way off.

"Blast you both, what do you want?" he roared at them from afar, so that it struck them with an icy shiver.

"Well," said the south wind, "you don't need to bluster so, for here I am, your brother, the south wind, and here is the girl who was supposed to have had the Prince who lives in the castle that lies east of the sun and west of the moon. Now, she wants to ask you if you ever were there, and can show her the way, for she wants so much to find him again."

The north wind sighed at the story.

"Yes, I know where it is," said the north wind, "a single time I blew an aspen leaf there, but afterward I was so tired that I couldn't blow a puff for many days. But if you really wish to go there, and aren't afraid to come along with me, I'll take you."

"Yes, with all my heart, I want to and have to get there if it is at all possible. I won't be afraid, however madly you blow us there."

"Very well, then," said the north wind, "but you must sleep here tonight, for we must have the whole day before us, if we're to get there at all."

Ruth was very glad for though she was anxious to be on her way, she was so tired that she could barely stand.

The north wind caused a feast to be laid on the table and bid her eat. As she did, he stared across the table appraisingly.

"You have a good appetite. That is a good thing in the woman. You are clearly strong and quite beautiful. You would make good breeding stock. I have never taken a wife. Perhaps you should stay here with me."

Something about the north wind told Ruth that he was not asking her to decide. He would decide for her but perhaps she could say something to sway him.

"North wind, I thank you for your kind consideration, but I am the Prince's woman. He waits for me and I was meant for him. Please help me find him again?"

The north wind looked at her, considering her plea. "Very well," he said sourly. "Sleep well, we will leave early in the morning, it is a long journey."

Early the next morning, the north wind woke her. He puffed himself up, and blew himself out, making himself so stout and big that he was gruesome to look at. Off they went, high up through the air, as if they would not stop until they reached the end of the world.

Here on earth there was a terrible storm, acres of forest and many houses were blown down, and when it swept over the sea, ships wrecked by the hundred.

They tore on and on, no one could fathom the distances they traveled. All the while they were still over the sea, and the north wind grew more and more weary. He was so out of breath that he could barely bring out a puff, until at last he sunk so low that the tops of the waves splashed over Ruth's heels.

"Are you afraid?" said the north wind, with a sneer.

"No," she said resolutely.

They weren't very far from land by now, and the north wind had enough strength left that he managed to throw her up on the shore under the windows of the castle. He was so weak and worn out though, that he had to stay there and rest many days before he could go home again.

It was dark and Ruth imagined how she must look after blowing with the north wind across the world, so she found a place to sleep.


The next morning, Ruth sat down under the castle window and began to play with the golden apple. She tossed it up into the air and the light glinted on the golden surface. The first person who saw her was the long-nosed Princess who was to have the Prince.

"What do you want for your golden apple, you girl?" said the long-nosed one, as she opened the window.

"It's not for sale... for gold or money," Ruth replied.

"If it's not for sale, for gold or money, what is it that you will sell it for? You may name your own price," said the Princess.

"Well, you can have it, if I may get to the Prince, who lives here, and talk with him tonight," Ruth replied, not daring to hope the Princess would allow it.

The Princess was so greedy for the golden apple though that she readily agreed.

"Yes, that can be done." She sent someone down to fetch Ruth and have the golden apple brought to her.

The Princess smiled slyly as she took the golden apple. Just let her try to talk to the Prince that night.

Ruth was shown to the Prince's room after dark. She rushed in happily, sure that everything would be set to rights now. But he was fast asleep.

"Darling, wake up!" she called to him. She shook him and cried, but she could not wake him.

So she lay down and slept by his side and the next morning, as soon as day broke, the Princess with the long nose came in with her guards.

"Out!" she ordered.

Ruth thought to argue but looking at the guards she decided it would be best to go quietly, for now. She held her head high as she walked slowly from the room and left the castle.

Ruth did not give up so easily though. The Princess with the long nose had shown her weakness. That day, Ruth sat down under the castle windows and began to card with her golden carding comb, cleaning out some fleece she had brought with her to spin, and the same thing happened.

"What do you want for your golden carding comb, you girl?" said the long-nosed one, from the window.

"It's not for sale... for gold or money," Ruth replied.

"If it's not for sale, for gold or money, what is it that you will sell it for? You may name your own price," said the Princess.

"The same thing as last night. A chance to be in the room with the Prince and talk to him."

The Princess with the long nose laughed at the foolish girl. "Fine, you may come again tonight."

When Ruth got to his room that night, she found him fast asleep again. This time she called, and shook, and cried, and prayed. She didn't let up through the whole night, but it was no use. She couldn't get life into him. As soon as the first gray peep of day came, the Princess with the long nose came, and chased her out again.

Ruth resolved to use her final item for trade. She again sat down outside under the castle window, this time with the golden spinning wheel. She began to spin with it and the Princess's window soon opened.

"What do you want for your golden spinning wheel, you girl?" said the long-nosed one, from the window.

"It's not for sale... for gold or money," Ruth replied.

"If it's not for sale, for gold or money, what is it that you will sell it for? You may name your own price," said the Princess.

"The same thing as last night, the chance to speak with the Prince."

The long nosed Princess laughed heartily at that. "All right, you may come again tonight."

Ruth went to his room again that night, resolved to do her best to wake him. But when she opened the door, he was wide-awake, sitting up in bed, reading. She ran across the room and threw herself into his arms, pressing kisses to his lips, his cheeks, his temple. He held her close and kissed her back.

"But why are you awake and why were you so still and dead to the world the last two nights?" she asked, bewildered.

"It's a simple enough though treacherous tale. There have been some Christians held in the room next door. This morning they told me that while they were sitting in their room, they had heard a woman in here; crying, praying, and calling to me for two nights in a row."

"This evening, when the long nosed Princess brought me my evening drink, I pretended to drink it, but poured it out the window. I surmised that it was a sleeping potion. And so I am awake to greet you. Now, tell me how you found this place. It must be a very harrowing tale."

So the Prince held her close as she told him the whole story of how she had come there.

"Ah," said the Prince, "you've come in the very nick of time, for tomorrow is to be our wedding day. But now I won't have the long-nose, and you are the only woman in the world who can set me free. I'll say that I want to see what my wife is fit for, and beg her to wash the shirt which has the three spots of tallow on it. She'll agree, for she doesn't know that you are the one who put them there. Only Christians, and not such a pack of trolls, can wash them out again. I'll say that I will marry only the woman who can wash them out, and ask you to try it."

Ruth was reassured at his plan and they kissed again as they lie on the bed together. The Prince held her tightly to his body, his hands caressing her as she lay on top of him. His hands slid down her back to her buttocks and pulled her tighter against his aroused manhood. Ruth blushed at feel but did not pull away. The Prince's hands continued to squeeze and caress her buttocks as his tongue dipped into her sweet mouth.

Ruth felt the air across the back of her legs as the Prince pulled her skirt higher and higher until his hands could slip under to her bare plump butt cheeks. Ruth gasped as he pinched and squeezed her and the air played over her bare flesh. The night breeze from the window blew between her legs, tasting the moisture that was collecting there. For a moment, Ruth almost thought she could hear the laughter of the sly south wind, but then it was gone and all she heard were moans of her Prince and her own sighs.

The Prince's fingers dipped lower, sliding along the cleft from her butt cheeks to her wet center and dipped in.

"Oh!" Ruth gasped with pleasure at the feel of his fingers invading her body; wet, swollen and alive with her heartbeat. His fingers found her most sensitive places and caressed her until she pushed herself against his fingers and tore her mouth from his to cry out.

"You are so beautiful," he murmured. "Your lips are swollen and wet, your face flushed, your eyes wide and dark. Let me see the rest of you."

When she did not object, the Prince eased her off his body and to the side. Ruth lay back and looked up at her handsome Prince as his fingers opened her clothes and removed them from her body.

The Prince sighed with pleasure at the sight that lay before him on the bed, Ruth's gentle curves and soft white skin before him. He leaned down and pressed his lips to the hollow of her throat then pressed kisses down her chest to her exposed breasts. He cupped one breast in each of his hands and kissed the rosy tip of each and sucked one into his mouth, then the other.

Ruth felt a moan well up through her body from the pleasure she was receiving at the Princes' hands. She clutched at the blankets beneath them. Through the haze of pleasure, a thought burned in her mind.

"Please..." she whispered. "Please let me see your body too. I want to touch you."

This was more urging than the Prince really needed and he pulled back, quickly off the bed to the side to rid himself of his own clothes. Ruth rose up to help him pull the clothes off his body. Though she was more hindrance than help, the Prince was quickly bared and she looked at him in the lamplight. His broad chest heaved with exertion and desire. She followed the tapering hair of his chest down to the manhood that jutted proudly from the thatch between his legs. Fascinated, she reached out to tentatively touch it, her fingers sliding lightly down the shaft.

The Prince groaned and Ruth drew back quickly, her gaze going to his face. He reached out and took her hand, drawing it back to his shaft, "No, touch me more."

He took her hand and wrapped the fingers around his manhood, already somewhat slippery with the moisture escaping the tip. He guided her hand in sliding up and down his shaft, his hips beginning to move with the rhythm.

Ruth's eyes flew between his shaft and his face, fascinated by the effect it was clearly having on him. Was this how she had looked when he touched her just a few moments before? It looked almost painful but also clearly full of profound pleasure.

The Prince stilled her hand on his shaft and looked down at her. He moved toward her, his hands going to her Ruth's shoulders, pressing her back onto the bed. He climbed back up on the bed over her and pressed her legs apart as he looked into her face. She felt the end of his manhood pressing between her legs, sliding up and down the sensitive area before pushing in just a bit and holding still.

His lips pressed to hers and he gazed into her eyes, "My beautiful Ruth, I think you're ready for me? Are you ready to take me into your body? It will only hurt for a moment. Are you afraid?"

Ruth had no fear in her heart and she smiled, "No, I am not afraid."

This time the Prince believed her. He pushed in slowly, stopping when he felt the barrier. Then, with a short thrust, he broke through. He held still for a moment to let her recover then began stroking inside of her with his manhood.

Ruth felt completely connected to her Prince as she gazed into his eyes and he touched her from within. His right hand reached up to stroke her full breast as well and felt the muscles in her body tighten up. She thought she would explode, and then she did. It was even better than when he had touched her with his fingers. Lights danced behind her eyes. She heard her Prince groan and felt him slow to a still.

They held each other through the night, talking as they had done before but this time touching again and again. Before sunrise they hurriedly dressed and the Prince lay down as though he had slept through the night.

When the Princess came for Ruth, she smirked at her disheveled state. Obviously, she had not been able to rouse the Prince.


Later that morning, the Prince entered the great hall and addressed the court. "Before I wed, I'd like to see what my bride is fit for."

"Oh?" said the stepmother, with a smirk.

"Well," said the Prince, "I've got a fine shirt which I'd like for my wedding shirt, but somehow or other it got three spots of tallow on it, which I must have washed out. I have sworn to marry only the woman who is able to do that. If she can't, then she's not worth having."

The Princess with the long nose smiled her unpleasant smile. "That's no big thing."

She took his shirt and went to wash it, with an entourage trailing behind. She set to work with a will but the more she rubbed and scrubbed, the bigger the spots grew.

"Ah!" said the old troll woman, her mother, "you can't wash. Let me try."

But she had hardly touched the shirt, before it got far worse than before, and with all her rubbing, and wringing, and scrubbing, the spots grew bigger and blacker, and the shirt got ever darker and uglier.

Then all the other trolls began to wash, but the longer it lasted, the blacker and uglier the shirt grew, until at last it was as black all over as if it been up the chimney.

"Ah!" said the Prince, "none of you is worth a straw! You can't wash. Why, there outside sits a beggar girl. I'll bet she knows how to wash better than the whole lot of you. Come in, girl!"

Ruth came in.

"Can you wash this shirt clean, girl?" he said, a smile playing around his lips.

"I don't know," she said earnestly, "but I think I can."

Almost before she had taken it and dipped it into the water, it was as white as driven snow, and perhaps whiter still.

"Yes," said the Prince with satisfaction, "you are the girl for me."

At that the old troll woman flew into such a rage, "You were promised to my daughter! You can't go back on your word! You ungrateful wretch!"

As the crowd, watched, she exploded on the spot, and it seemed to set off a chain reaction. The Princess with the long nose exploded next, and then whole pack of trolls after her. Perhaps it would be closer to the truth to say they disintegrated since there was nothing left, thankfully. Such a pack of trolls could have left a horrible mess.