Edward and Mrs Milf

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A young man, his mother, and a moonlit swimming pool.
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A very hot, brightly moonlit night, filled with the music of cicadas. A holiday villa on a hillside, somewhere in the south of France. A pool behind the house. In the pool, Edward, nineteen years old, leaning against the side, naked. He looked up at the stars and thought about his girlfriend, Becky. Mum and Dad had let him invite Becky to join him for the first half of their French summer holiday at the villa. She had flown back to England that morning, after a heady week of sunshine, mutual infatuation and sex. They had let him and Becky share a bed, no question. You're both over eighteen, Mum had said, what's the problem? Your Dad and I were married when we were your age. Becky, did you know I had Edward when I was only nineteen? Stop embarrassing me, Mum, he had said. And Becky had smiled prettily and squeezed his hand. Even that had got him hard. Becky and he needed a long walk in the old orchard after that, culminating in one of her exquisite blowjobs in the shelter of large, gnarled tree. Mum had grinned knowingly when they returned to the house for supper.

Edward felt the beginnings of an erection again. Images of Becky filled his thoughts. Her English-rose prettiness. Her clear, delicate skin. Her wide, generous smile. The subtle mischief in her eyes. The gentle kindness that endeared her to everyone she met. The sumptuous curves of her classic hourglass figure. And her gloriously boundless appetite for joyful, uncomplicated, energetic sex. No hang-ups, nothing especially kinky or adventurous either; sex just seemed to come naturally to Becky, and Edward seriously considered himself to be the luckiest guy in the world, as Becky had chosen him to keep that appetite fulfilled. Every night, without fail, she would be pulling at his clothes as soon as the bedroom door was closed. Every morning, again without fail, she would start touching his cock as soon as they were both awake. If Mum and Dad went out for the afternoon, he and Becky would be upstairs in their bedroom before the car was off the driveway. The blowjobs in the orchard. The mutual masturbation under the water at the crowded beach. Yes, yes, yes ... He was getting very hard indeed now. The water in the pool retained the heat of the day, seemed to be almost at body temperature. As Edward's cock pulsed and grew, it pushed into that warm wetness. He felt as if he could fuck the whole world.

He heard light footsteps on the paving behind him. Bare feet. Female. For a second the thought flickered through his mind that Becky, miraculously, might have come back. No, impossible; she had called him from the airport in England when she landed. Then he heard his mother's voice, softly, close behind him.

"Too hot to sleep, isn't it, Eddie?"

A moment of panic, then he realised that even in the moonlight there was no way she could see through the water to his nakedness and arousal.

"Er ... yeah Mum, I just thought I'd come out here to cool down a bit, you know?"

"What's the water like?"

"It's really nice. Still quite warm actually, but cool enough to cool down." Ah, he thought, was that the right thing to say? That's not going to get rid of her.

She sat down on the edge of the pool. Her petite form was engulfed in an outsize white t shirt. "Do you mind if I join you?" she asked.

"Er ... Mum ... I'm ... er ... I'm not wearing anything ..."

"That's OK, neither am I under this - and anyway it's dark!" With a swift movement she pulled the t shirt off over her heard and slipped into the water. Edward glimpsed her small, pale body for a split second, then the water closed over it. She glided under water to the other side of the pool, where her head popped up. She pushed dark strands of wet hair out of her face. "Mmm, you're right, Eddie, it's lovely in here. And look at the moon! Amazing!" Edward smiled to himself at his mother's unquenchable - sometimes slightly wearing - enthusiasm for life and the world.

They stood at opposite sides of the pool for a while, not saying anything. To Edward's surprise, his erection had not subsided in the slightest since his mother had joined him. If anything, it was straining even more. He just needed it to go down before he got out of the pool. Easier to cover up, then. Maybe a bit of mundane conversation would help.

"Er ... Mum ... thanks again for letting me bring Becky here this past week. She really enjoyed herself. It was really kind of you and Dad. Thanks."

"Oh, my dear, you and she are more than welcome. It was an absolute pleasure having her here. She is such a lovely, lovely girl. So sweet, so kind and clever and funny. We loved having her around."

"Thanks Mum, it was great, really." He should have realised that talk of Becky was not going to get rid of the erection, quite the opposite.

"You miss her, don't you Eddie? I can tell."

"Mum?" How could she tell? Could she really see through the water to his hard-on?

"Oh come on, Eddie, ever since we took her to the airport you've been lost in a world of your own. I can see you're really pining for her. It's only natural, darling. I think it's lovely. She's so nice, and the two of you are obviously crazy about each other. It was good to have some young love around the house." A strange turn of phrase, Edward thought. And to his surprise, there was a tiny tinge of sadness in her voice. He knew that her relentless upbeat cheerfulness must sometimes conceal darker and more difficult things. If they were starting to show through, they must be serious.

"Mum ... are you OK?"

She started swimming, with a lazy breast stroke and her head out of the water, in slow circles, keeping to her own half of the pool. "Of course I'm OK, Eddie, sweetheart. It's just ..."

"Just what, Mum?"

"Oh, I don't know, I suppose seeing you and Becky so happy, so engrossed in each other, reminded me of your Dad and me at your age. That absolute infatuation, wanting to be together every second, always looking into each other's eyes, wanting to hold each other, touch each other, all the time. It was beautiful to see."

Under normal circumstances Edward would have been mortified with embarrassment by this point. But the darkness, the moonlight, the water, his and his mother's nakedness all made for such an unreal setting that he felt a certain freedom in what he could say to her.

"But you and Dad are OK, right Mum? I mean, you seem OK to me?"

"Your father, Eddie, is the most wonderful man in the world. He is kind, loyal, loving ... he has worked hard and made great sacrifices for us. I know he would lay down his life for you and me. As I would for you and him, of course." Her voice was still sad. "Eddie," she said, "do your friends still fancy me?"

The question threw him completely. It was true that, throughout his teenage years, his unusually young and noticeably beautiful mother had been an object of desire for all the boys he knew. They'd all want to visit his house on hot sunny days when there was a chance of seeing Ed's mum sunbathing in the garden. And in more recent years this had not stopped, just extended into other areas of life. The local lads looked her up and down appreciatively when they saw her in the pub with his Dad. He had heard mutterings and sniggerings about "Mrs Milf". One or two had even brazenly approached her to buy her drinks - always politely refused. So yes, he thought, my friends still fancy you, Mum, but why the fuck are you asking me this? And, he thought to himself, why the fuck have I still got an erection? He said nothing.

"I mean," she continued, "not wanting to be arrogant or anything, but I'm only 38, I think I'm in decent shape, I know I'm not ugly ... do you think I could still be desired, Eddie?"

"Mum ... hang on ... what are you saying ... you're not ...?"

"Thinking of having an affair? No, sweetheart. It's more the reassurance I need, I guess. You see, my love, your Dad is a wonderful man, my soulmate, my best friend, the rock on which I build my life .... but it has been a long, long time since he has wanted me. Touched me the way I need it. I mean years, Eddie. Years."

Edward's mind reeled, swaying between what she was telling him about Dad and the fact that she was seeing fit to do so, as she carried on swimming in slightly widening circles. For a moment he was speechless. She continued.

"That's what I meant about you and Becky, how nice it was to see you, to be reminded of a life of passion. Like your Dad and I used to have. To see you and her together like that, wanting each other all the time. And to hear you ..."

"Mum! Hear us ... what are you talking about ...?"

"I'm a light sleeper, Eddie. Sound echoes round this old house. Every night I could hear you and Becky. Oh, you weren't very noisy, but once I was tuned in ... that old bed creaks. And I think one night you did it on the floor? Becky makes those lovely little soft yelping noises, doesn't she?"

Edward was flabbergasted. How on earth could she be saying these things? Had she been drinking? Was he dreaming?

"And I loved it when the two of you came down to breakfast late, still flushed, with that just-fucked look in your eyes."

"Mum ...."

"And I had a good guess what was happening on those long walks in the orchard. And that time at the beach, I loved that, so daring ..."

"Mum, please ...."

"So that's why I liked having her around so much. Well, not the only reason, but it was so good to have some passion, some desire, some sex going on around me, even if I was not part of it." Now with each lap of the pool she was coming closer to him. He could feel the movement of the water against his still-hard cock as she swam past.

"Mum, please, I don't think you should be talking to me about this ..."

"Why not, Eddie? You're the closest adult to me, apart from your Dad. Why shouldn't I confide in you? Look, Eddie ... imagine for a moment you're not my son. Imagine I'm a friend's mother. Am I still beautiful, Eddie?" There was a laugh in her voice, but desperate sadness, too.

"Mum ... what do you want me to say ... I can't imagine that I'm not your son, but yes, yes, you're beautiful."

"Thank you, Eddie." She swam closer than ever, very nearly brushing against his cock, then suddenly stopped, trod water for a moment and then leaned backwards, rising up till she was completely floating on her back at the surface, limbs outstretched in a star. In the moonlight Edward could see the taut curves of her slim thighs and belly, the dark shadow of her pubic hair, her stiff nipples, her big breasts partly buoyed by the water. He knew he should look away. But he did not. His cock strained and throbbed in the water. "What is beautiful about me, Eddie?"

"Ah ... um ... well, Mum, you're really pretty ... er ... nice eyes ..."

"Thank you, Eddie. Is it just my face? Just my eyes?"

He wanted to disappear but at the same time did not want this to end. "Oh ... ah ... Mum, it's like ... well, all of you, really." Then he blurted, "You've got a great figure." It was true. She was small, with a slim, nicely proportioned form and a noticeably large bust. Eye-catching.

"Thank you, Eddie." She came out of the star position, swam towards him and started to tread water very close in front of him. Her eyes seemed black in the moonlight. He was mesmerised by them. For a second he thought he felt the light touch of her small hand on his hard cock. Surely not ... must just have been a swirl in the water. And again. Oh Jesus.

"Mum, what are you doing?"

"Don't tell me you don't want this, Eddie." She was holding his shaft now. He wanted to tell her to stop, that he didn't want this. But he didn't. Couldn't. Because it wasn't true. He remained motionless as she used her buoyancy in the water to manoeuvre so that she was rubbing his cock against her hairy mound. Using it as a sex toy. "You want this, Eddie, you want this as much as I do." He could not reply. "Ever done it like this before, Eddie? No? It used to be a trick of mine with your Dad, in the days when he fucked me as much as you fuck Becky. Hold still."

Somehow, she swung her legs up so as to plant her feet high on the pool wall, either side of Eddie's body. She had been a good gymnast as a girl, so the story went, till her breasts got too big. She grabbed Eddie's shoulder with one hand, held his cock steady with the other, flexed her knees into something that bore a grotesque, if horribly appropriate, resemblance to a birthing position, and guided her tilted pelvis forward. A little adjustment, one last push and he was inside her. Inside his mother. She embraced him around the neck and rocked gently backwards and forwards.

"What's up, Eddie? It's not the first time you've been inside me, sweetheart. Welcome back, my love." He could not speak or move. "Eddie, my baby, you've got such a nice big prick, like your Dad's, only yours is hard for me now and his never is. Oh, Becky's a lucky girl."

Edward was delirious with desire and shame. A beautiful woman was fucking him in a moonlit swimming pool, impaled on his cock, which felt massive and inhumanly hard inside her. His mother. What kind of fucking pervert was he? Oh Becky, Becky my love ... He held still, told himself that he had not started this, he had just stood there, she had tricked him, she had taken him inside her. But his erection belied his protests. Her big tits bobbed in the water, the nipples hard and puckered. She quickened her movements. "Eddie, Eddie, you know how I really like it? I love it from behind, Eddie. I fucking love it from behind. Fuck me from behind, my love." She pulled away from him, placed her hands on the side of the pool and let her bottom drift up, her legs flexed and spread as if in a breast stroke kick.

That was the end of Edward's pretence of passivity. Until that moment he had only stayed still, if erect. But now he moved round behind his mother and positioned himself at her cunt. She reached round to guide him in, but he pushed hard to get all the way inside. She moaned loudly. Surely that would wake Dad. The moonlight glistened on her small, round buttocks. Becky loved it from behind, too. Edward grabbed his mother's hips and began to thrust, strongly and steadily. He was fucking her now, no questions, no excuses, hey, at least this is honest no-nonsense fucking crazy Oedipal perversion, he thought to himself, as he tried to shut out the fact that he was fucking his mother, by focusing on fucking his mother. He was holding her now by her hips so she could take one hand off the side of the pool and frig herself as he fucked her. He felt the rapid rubbing of her fingers on her clit, close to where his cock was sliding in and out. That was a favourite trick of Becky's. Jesus fuck, had Becky been giving her tips? Such a lovely girl. We loved having her around.

She was murmuring to him now, crazed with arousal. "Yes. Oh yes. You gonna come for me? You gonna come for me, baby? Come in Mummy's cunt. Come in Mummy's cunt. Come in Mummy's cunt." Again and again. He thrust faster. This was only going one way now. The words "Come in Mummy's cunt" became blurred, "Cumh-Mumh-cunh ... Cumh-Mumh-cunh ..." She seemed to be close to climax. "Umh-umh-unh ... Umh-umh-unh ... Umh-umh-unh ... Umh-umh-unh ..."

And then she came, with soft yelping noises a bit like the ones Becky made. She twitched and shuddered and moaned; her vagina throbbed around Edward's shaft. He let out a great animal yell that echoed from the hillside, and pumped her full of cum. A long groan. Emptying his balls into his mother's body.


He stayed inside her as long as he could. Slowly his erection subsided. His cock slid out of her, in another grotesque parody of his birth. Even by the moonlight he could see blobs of his own jism floating in the water as it oozed from his mother's cunt.

His mother's cunt. Oh Becky, Becky, he thought. I've come in Mummy's cunt. I've come in Mummy's cunt. And nothing can ever be the same again.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

Good short story. I like character development. The character of the mother was well done. Unfortunately, the son was not mature enough to recognize his mother was a woman with sexual needs. Hopefully he will mature, both psychologically and emotionally, to the fact he can love more than one person at a time.

ROCKY70ROCKY70almost 5 years ago

Your words ring in my ears, Come in mummy's cunt, again and again..........................Thanks for the read

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
So hot!

Came twice reading this ....fucking incredible!

SampkyangSampkyangover 7 years ago
I don't know why???

But I love incest stories. I have NEVER had thoughts of my mom, but when I was about 15 I wanted my sisters. One was actually hot for me but never let me play. I felt her pussy once, it was wet with desire and my finger slipped inside her, but that was all I ever got, an accidental slip inside her pussy...

thebug37thebug37over 8 years ago
Mom - Son - Pool

Nothing like a nighttime swim in the pool with mom. Except mother and son became more than just parent and child in a well written five star story. Shorter than I enjoy reading but you captured the entire family enjoyment in a beautiful one page story. Thanks for enjoyable reading.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I like this, the poor boy being seduced by his mum. It's just a pity it wasn't longer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Not so good

I usually like these kinds of stories but this one was way to rushed. If Edward didn't have a girlfriend and the Mum didn't act like such a slut then it might have worked well. Slow it down a bit and don't give it a shitty ending.

MarkHughesMarkHughesalmost 11 years ago
Not to my taste, but well done

Oedipal incest is not my thing at all, but if you're going to do it, then do it well - and you do. For such an outrageous story, it is remarkably convincing.

daddygoesdeepdaddygoesdeepabout 11 years ago
This story

Is so frigging HOT. Wow!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I'm happy to be the first to comment on this excellent story.

This is a great story of hot motherfucking. The highly gifted author knows to push all the right buttons: "What's up, Eddie? It's not the first time you've been inside me, sweetheart. Welcome back, my love." What a turn on! A mother reminding her boy, the first time he's got his big stiff prick up between mom's legs, that his young prick is now up his own mother's mommy-hole, the same wonderful hole between his mother's legs that he came into the world from as a little baby. And then, the repetition of "your mommy's cunt, your mommy's cunt." It's enough to drive Eddie, or any other son, into a fuckfrenzy. He keeps slamming and pounding his mother's incomparable cunt like there's no tomorrow, till he finally unloads his young balls up the twat of his dreams, shooting his mom a great big twatful of his warm creamy semen. Eddie and his mother know exactly where a boy's sperm belongs--up his own mother's mommy-hole.

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