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"Yes, Mistress, thank you," he responded as he headed to the bathroom with his cock swinging like a bat.

"I can't wait to see what kind of video you shot for me today, girl," McKenna enthused. "If it's even half as good as what you shot for me before, I'll be tickled pink."

"You asked me to shoot it from my perspective, from how I perceived it as interesting, so that is what I gave you."

"Oh, I know it will be great, thank you. Go ahead and finish your second glass of wine right quickly. I'm counting on your help for this next part."

Oliver returned all cleaned up with much of his arousal dissipated. No one doubted his ability to achieve another rousing erection.

McKenna produced a pair of panties much too large for her. As she held them up for viewing, it was evident that a large hole had been cut out of the seat of the panties. Oliver and Rebecca presented quizzical expressions.

McKenna smiled at them both. "Rebecca, I need you to help me out here. Of course, I'd never ask you to do anything you don't want to do, but I'd count it as a big favor if you could help me with Oliver here."

"Of course, McKenna. How can I help? Is there a special video technique you'd like me to employ?"

"Not exactly. Technique? Yes. Video? No. There will be no video of Oliver's next challenge."

"Well, what then?" Her confused friend asked.

"These panties are your size and should fit you perfectly. As you can see, they're very plain, conservative, thick, and modest panties that will cover as much as possible except for the area around the back door region. I'd like Oliver to leave the room while you change into these panties, will you please do that for me, Rebecca?" Upon hearing this, Oliver immediately left and shut the door.

"What on earth do you have in mind, McKenna? Why would you want me to wear those? Do you want my ass exposed to Oliver while I record the next video?"

"Not exactly. With your permission, I want to order Oliver to eat your ass to orgasm. You'll be wearing these panties, so he won't see anything besides your asshole and the area around it. There will be no direct skin-to-skin contact with your cunny. As a matter of fact, it won't be exposed at all, I swear. The reason I wanted you to change in here is so that I can be assured that you don't wash or clean up. I want to test my slave to see just how obedient he will be. If he passes this test, he will get his reward. If he refuses, well, it will be back to the training board for him. He's quite good at eating ass. You've told me that Royce has never done that for you. I thought this might be a win-win situation. I get to test him and you get to experience something you've never experienced before. No fingers, hands, or tongues will ever go inside your pussy. He will be instructed not to pull them aside or try to remove them. He will go at it through the cut hole and that's it. It's not sex, Rebecca. It won't be cheating in any way. There's nothing special or reserved about an asshole. Oliver might as well be licking your elbow. Come on, girl, will you help me out here?"

"B...but, why me? Why can't you test him with YOUR unwashed backside? What's so special about mine?"

"That's what I need to find out. I already know he'll clean my dirty asshole because I've made him do it before. He did it for me just like you'd willingly cleanse Royce's ass for him if he broke his arms. I want to find out if he's loyal and obedient enough to me to orally clean yours. This will severely test his allegiance and my ability to control him in every way. Either I own him, or I don't. I need to know one way or another. Will you please do this for me, Rebecca, pretty please? You can choose any position you want. The camera will be put away in a drawer. You're perfectly safe here. What do you say?" She entreated.

Rebecca's mind was awhirl. It never occurred to her that she might become personally involved in these events in any way. She was simply doing a favor by making these recordings. On one hand, even though she wouldn't be technically cheating in her mind, she didn't think it would pass the husband test although her pussy would remain covered at all times. On the other hand, Oliver is Uber attractive. This would be a 'once-in-a-lifetime' experience for her. She trusted McKenna with her life. She knows she'd never betray her trust, so she could rely on her and Oliver's discretion. Royce would never learn of the videos she'd made so she could trust that he would never discover this either. Her crotch tingled at the thought of Oliver's tongue searching out her anus with the intent of giving her an orgasm. She wondered if she could even orgasm from rimming alone. She knew he was quite good at it. What would be the harm in finding out? She knew she would be extremely aroused again from the experience so Royce would reap the benefit of this experience. She felt the buzz from the wine curtailing her inhibitions. McKenna remained silent the entire time as Rebecca debated the situation in her mind.

"McKenna, I...I'm ashamed; I can't let him do that; I'm not clean down there. I'd be mortified to let him even see or smell me there, much less allow him to put his mouth to my dirty backside. Wouldn't that make me more disgusting in his eyes than I already am?"

"Don't be silly, girl. Of course, you can do it. I'm counting on you not being clean. I need you to be dirty down there, otherwise it would be an exercise in futility. Plus, I'd rather it be someone we know and trust rather than procuring a perfect stranger. Put yourself in Oliver's shoes; wouldn't you rather be exposed to a great friend you trust rather than be subjected to a potentially diseased situation? I'm certain that he would prefer you over anyone else besides me. Oliver thinks the world of you, Rebecca," she urged.

That last sentence nudged her off the fence. "Okay, I'll do it this one time since you insist. But if he throws up, I'll be ticked at you for months," Rebecca nervously cautioned.

"Oh, goodie!" McKenna clapped her hands. "Don't worry, you're going to truly enjoy it, I swear." Then she handed her the panties. Rebecca pulled hers off from under her dress, self-conscious that there was a big wet spot on them. Noticing, McKenna encouraged, "Don't be bashful, girl. Anyone would get turned on under these circumstances. It's perfectly normal. But I'll hide them underneath this pillow so he won't see them, okay?"

Rebecca nodded her shy approval and relief. McKenna went to retrieve Oliver. She filled him in on his explicit instructions as he stood there naked before the two girls. Oliver appeared reluctant but was hesitant to register a complaint. He desperately coveted a reward.

"May I ask Mistress Rebecca a question before getting underway?" He meekly asked.

"Of course," both girls responded simultaneously.

"Have you washed or cleaned your backside today before coming here, Mistress Rebecca?"

Before she had a chance to respond, McKenna angrily injected, "Does it matter, slave? What if she took a shit right before she came here today? Should that change anything? What if she ate chili beans for lunch and has had juicy farts all afternoon? Would that alter what I asked you to do? Are you resisting my request, slave? If so, I promise it will not go well for you."

"No, Mistress, of course not. Please forgive my impertinence, both of you. I meant no disrespect. It would be my honor to carry out your wishes, Mistress. Please, Mistress Rebecca, make yourself comfortable in any position that suits you," Oliver obsequiously implored.

Nervously and wordlessly, Rebecca placed herself, fully dressed, on the edge of the bed with her collapsed knees underneath her. She couldn't imagine experiencing what she was consenting to. She was going to allow another man to eat her ass. Her slit was covered. With McKenna's demonstrated control, she felt safe putting herself in this vulnerable position. The tops of her feet were dangling off the edge as she laid her head on a soft pillow. At least he would be behind her and she wouldn't have to look him in the eyes. Though she wouldn't openly admit it, she was very excited that a Greek god such as Oliver would be paying her such intimate attention. McKenna approached her and gingerly pulled Rebecca's dress up over her waist revealing her partially exposed butt to Oliver. The heavy-duty panties covered everything except for the six-inch circular hole that McKenna had cut surrounding her anus. McKenna sat down in a chair next to the bed to observe her slave's performance.

Oliver took in the sight of the massive ass before him. His wife's ass was one-third the size of Rebecca's. He'd never been involved with such a large derriere before and wasn't looking forward to carrying out the cruel orders of his Mistress. Yet, he was obligated to obey her in every way. He slowly knelt behind the obese woman and steeled his resolve to supply his best effort. He placed a hand on either side of her butt cheeks and pulled her crack wide open, exposing her anus completely. Though the obnoxious odor of another woman's unwashed asshole was both unwelcome and unwanted, he closed his eyes and began kissing circles around her ass along the edges of the opening in the panties, inexorably working his way in a spiral toward its wrinkled center.

This was a completely new sensation to Rebecca. The feeling of a man's tongue lathering her rectum was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. It felt better than she had anticipated but not the same as clitoral stimulation. She had touched her bunghole often when wiping and washing herself but this was unexpectedly different. Oliver's initial contact was tepid. She couldn't blame him. After all, how exciting could licking a disgusting asshole be? She was surprised that he had not gagged or emitted any nauseous sounds from the contact. Then it happened. He thrust his face into her ass and attacked it with zest. He was kissing, licking, and yes, even sucking on her asshole. His intimate contact was becoming very pleasurable. Rebecca began to relax and enjoy his personal attention to a part of her body she'd never expected another man besides her husband to see, much less taste.

Oliver's enthusiasm never waned; it only grew. His expert pervasive technique was very effective. She could feel wonderful tingling throughout her entire nether region. Though she wasn't anywhere near approaching an orgasm, she had copious warm and fuzzy feelings that were exceptionally pleasant. Oliver began to moan in low guttural tones. The vocal vibrations elicited from his deep voice electrified her experience. Her inhibitions were melting away as she enjoyed Oliver's efforts. She wiggled her ass slightly from side to side in response, allowing him deeper penetration. She felt his tongue stabbing into her, opening her up by its insertion. He was extremely talented at rimming. She secretly hoped that this experience could be repeated somehow.

Then something unexpected occurred. Did his finger just swipe across her clit? Maybe it was just an accident. No, there it was again, a slight caress across her slit. Oliver was following the letter of the law laid down to him. There was no skin-to-skin contact. He was incidentally caressing her crotch on the outside of her panties as his oral assault on her anal cavity continued unabated. She felt his nose pressed tightly in her crack as he wormed his face back and forth, enhancing her pleasure. Her passion rose exponentially as the slight clitoral contact slowly increased in frequency and intensity. Should she complain? Did she want him to stop? Hell no! She was growing to love what was being done to her. There was no way she was going to discourage what he was doing to her. She was irresistibly being led to the pinnacle of pleasure. He now had one hand spreading her butt cheeks and the other dedicated to tantalizing her crotch. The intoxicating sensations induced her labored breathing. She couldn't hold off much longer. She didn't want to. She began squeezing her anal ring around his tongue, welcoming and encouraging his advances. Without realizing the conscious thought, she found herself gyrating in concert with his rhythm.

Chapter 8

The pace increased with his elevated groans. He could sense her impending release. Rebecca's body began pulsing as she involuntarily squeezed and released her PC muscles as her orgasm neared. She stretched out her hands on the bed and grasped the covers tightly as if seeking some kind of foundational support. The revelatory experience overtook her exactly as McKenna had instructed him to do. Oliver was a man on a mission and he was about to accomplish it. She tensed and lingered as long as she could but eventually succumbed to his onslaught. Rebecca involuntarily groaned loudly as wave after wave powered through her entire body, emanating from her ass. She could feel her anal ring tightly confine his tongue with each pulse. The man was relentless. He didn't even slow down until she was exhaustively spent. She'd never been so skillfully guided through an orgasm like that before.

"Okay, Rebecca. So how was it? Was my slave good enough to earn a reward do you think?"

"Mmmmmmm, he was much better than I had anticipated. If my vote counts for anything, I believe he has earned a great reward!" Rebecca dreamily enthused.

"I must admit, Oliver. You seemed hesitant at first but I'm proud of you for following through on my instructions. Rebecca gives you a passing grade so I agree with her, you have earned your reward."

"Yes, Mistress, thank you," Oliver eagerly replied. "And thank you, Mistress Rebecca. It was my pleasure to serve you. Your response to my humble effort was superb."

Rebecca moved around to a seated position on the bed. Oliver stood up to stretch his legs. He'd been in a kneeling position for quite some time. She was surprised to see him sporting a full erection. Had he become inflamed and aroused at her passionate release? Did SHE turn on this hunk of a man? Did he find her attractive in some way to induce this brazen sexual display? Such thoughts were overwhelmingly intoxicating to her. Still fully dressed, Rebecca stood and kissed his cheek. He meekly smiled in return. She could smell the scent of her ass on his face.

"It appears as though you've worked up some desire, sweetie. I'm wondering if you enjoy the taste of Rebecca's ass better than mine. No matter, I have an idea for a great way to relieve you of that straining pressure. Lie down on your back in the center of the bed. I'm going to get the camera out so Rebecca can record you receiving your reward."

With the camera once again in hand, Rebecca powered it on, anxious to discover what his reward would be.

McKenna explained, "This is what some call a camel-toe slide. Oliver knows that he's only allowed in my pussy for extra-special occasions which takes him months of exemplary service to earn. So for now, I'll give him the next best thing. Instead of intercourse, I'll reward him with outer-course. Would you mind squeezing some of the lube into my hand from that bottle over there, Rebecca?"

"Sure." She filled her palm with sex lubricant.

"Alright, start the recording. I can't wait to watch this later," McKenna grinned.

Rebecca began the video recording and framed both of them in the camera's imager. McKenna took the lube and liberally coated his cock and balls with the viscous liquid. Then she rubbed the remainder into her crotch, making sure it was well lubed. Rebecca watched with fascination as McKenna mounted her husband in the cowgirl position. But instead of putting his cock inside of her, she pressed his cock flat against his stomach with the tip pointing to his head as she sidled her crotch astride it with her pussy lips spread apart, straddling his cock. She began slowly sliding forward and back, as her cunt-lips slid erotically across the underside of his large cock. These were practiced moves. It was clear that she had done this many times before. The outside of her pussy was sliding up and down the underside of his cock in a manner that was very pleasurable to her man. He tentatively moved his hands to her breasts and began massaging them, more for his benefit than hers. His timidity intimated that this wasn't always allowed. Rebecca moved around to capture the unusual sex act from multiple angles. She had never seen this maneuver before. Oliver was clearly enjoying it as was made evident when he began gyrating his hips in unison with her motions.

With the camera up close, the microphone could pick up the squishy sounds emanating from the engaged flesh. After about five minutes, his hands moved to her hips as he helped steady her rhythm to a pattern consistent with her ultimate goal.

"Come for me, baby. Show Mistress Rebecca how much you enjoy earning your reward. Make it squirt for us, honey. Don't hold back. Give it to us, NOW!"

Almost as if on command, Oliver spurted his load in successive jets of pearly liquid up his chest as McKenna slid forward and backward along the underside of his cock rapidly for all she was worth. To enhance his pleasure, she reached around and massaged his balls as he came. His anguished groans made clear the intensity with which he felt his release as his hips jumped during the outer-course technique. Rebecca caught the event in high definition and could feel twinges again in her groin as he came. She was hoping that this would not be the last time she interacted with them, but the conscious thought revisited her that Royce must never know. Even though she believed her actions to be innocent on her part, he might not understand. One undeniable revelation came to light for Rebecca, she was now utterly convinced that Oliver would obey McKenna's every command without hesitation.

Upon her return home that evening after shopping with McKenna, Rebecca practically raped me. Of course, she found me a willing partner. I still didn't know what to make of it. Were the girls going to a strip club or something? Whatever was going on was getting her all worked up and she was bringing her appetite home to me.

I chuckled, "I'm going to have to start insisting that you go shopping with her more often."

Rebecca playfully slapped my arm, "Don't forget, we're going out with them tomorrow night, their treat, McKenna reminded."

"I haven't forgotten. I wonder if their newfound enthusiasm for treating us to a night out is connected to Oliver's wish for his company to be given one of our national contracts."

"Must you be so negative? Anyway, what would be the harm in that? I'm sure that Steed Mechanical would do a splendid job with whatever opportunities you tasked them."

"Oh, so you represent them now, is that it?"

"No, silly, but would it be so bad to give them a chance? That's all they're asking for."

"Shall I now reciprocate and begin advising you on how to run Valentine Accessories?"

"Point taken. I'll shut up now. But if Oliver brings it up, please at least be polite about it, okay?"

"Of course."

Our friends picked us up and we had a wonderful time. I certainly didn't want to get in the way of her friendship with them and potentially dampen Rebecca's new fervency for sex. I carefully watched for any signs of inappropriate conduct among them but saw nothing. Oliver doted solely on McKenna. I did catch Rebecca gawking at Oliver a time or two but he seemed oblivious, taking no notice.

The girls typically ate lunch together every day since they worked at the same company. But lately, they had taken to going out to eat rather than lunching in the break room. Rebecca wanted to talk openly with McKenna and she didn't want to be overheard by anyone.

"You've known Royce for a good while now, McKenna. We've been out together as a foursome many times. I want your honest opinion. Do you believe that I stand a good chance at training him to be as submissive to me as Oliver is to you?"
