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Touched in a crowded elevator.
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My new job takes me from branch to branch 'problem solving', sorting through old accounts, chasing old clients and sometimes organising personnel.

My latest assignment took me to the company's new 'flagship' building. It had just opened but due to problems with the internal layout the top two floors were not finished yet; I was to liaise with the building planner to make sure that it would be ready by the end of the month.

The company had put me up in a local hotel with a car at my disposal, I had been visiting the contractors office to find out the planned date for completion so when I arrived for my meeting it was almost mid morning, I signed in at reception was given a visitor ID card to cover fire regulations and told both the floor and meeting room number that I needed.

I walked to the elevator and pushed the button, as I waited two other people joined me, Jenny a tall brunette from accounts and Peter one of the office managers.

Jenny was wearing a smart charcoal grey suit; nice but a little too severe for my taste, her blazer cut to hide rather than compliment her curvy torso and her trousers had a generous cut so as not to accentuate her backside.

She finished it off with a dark red blouse buttoned to the neck and flat pumps.

In contrast I wore a pale blue silk blouse, sheer enough so that the pattern of my lacy bra showed through, worn over a solid black pleated skirt that ended well above my knees showing a generous portion of my smooth tanned legs.

It was just short enough to be 'interesting' without being unprofessional.

While Jenny thought that showing any 'flesh' undermined a woman's professional image I thought that it was only right to use what advantages I had, especially if it distracted the office males long enough for me to complete a deal before they realised that they were being screwed over. Not that I wasn't brighter than most of them.

I had topped it off with a short matching jacket and rather than wear flats I had on a pair of light blue heels that accentuated my calves.

Peter I always thought of as 'the grey guy' because that was the only colour he ever wore, although today he seemed to have pushed the boat out and was wearing a black tie and shoes. He was slim and slightly effeminate, always immaculate with every hair, (going grey) in place, beautifully manicured nails and he always smelled nicely of expensive aftershave. Rumour around the office juniors was that his marriage had broken down because he was gay; I thought it a little cruel but had my own suspicions because one of my friends, (who is gorgeous) had twice invited him for a drink and twice had been politely but firmly told that dating work colleagues was unprofessional.

Perhaps Jenny had been giving him advice.

They both greeted me with a curt nod and carried on with their conversation not missing a beat, neither of them were my kind of people and I only had to work with them once every few months so the snub didn't bother me.

We entered the elevator without exchanging words, Jenny and Paul standing at the back still deep in conversation. On the second floor the door opened and several people crowded in forcing me to move back as far as I could. The doors closed and elevator began to rise, reaching my destination, the fourth floor, in seconds.

The doors started to open then stopped, the lights went out and we were left in the dark with just a sliver of light coming through a small gap in the doors and a dull emergency light over the control panel to illuminate the car.

To my surprise no one panicked.

"Is this the second or third time this has happened?" someone said.

"Third," a woman's voice replied.

"Security says that it's a glitch in the system, the doors start to open before it has registered that the car has stopped so it shuts everything down.

As she said this as an apologetic, if weary voice came from the tiny speaker on the control panel.

"Sorry for the inconvenience again ladies and gentlemen, we will have you out of there and where you need to be in within the next 20 minutes".

When you are stuck in the semi dark with a bunch of strangers you truly do feel like a sardine in a can, packed in for a few seconds between floors you don't really think about it but this was bloody annoying, everyone seemed 'too close' with no room to stretch or move around.

All of a sudden I felt a hand gently rest on my right buttock, I tensed up but couldn't turn to see who it was or move away from it. The contact had been deliberate, nothing like an accidental brush of the hand that can happen in such situations.

I let out my breath and willed myself to relax.

I hadn't screamed or yelled but I tried to move my hips in an attempt to dislodge the hand, the owner must have mistaken the lack of a vocal protest and my movements as a positive sign and pressed harder against my butt, exploring the shape of each cheek through my skirt cupping them in turn while rubbing a thumb back and forth.

My curiosity as to who it was overcame any feelings of annoyance as I tried to mentally picture who had got into the lift. Besides there was nothing I could do other than scream, the 'perv' was only making contact over my clothes and anyway it was kind of nice, I was quite enjoying the stimulation.

Then the hand moved away.

I was just thinking that the 'perv' had satisfied his craving for a cheap thrill when the hand touched the back of my thigh just below my hem line, it paused for a moment then began to move back up towards my buttocks, the fingers feather light on my naked skin. I realised that my lack of protest must have only served to boost his confidence and that this time the owner of the hand intended to touch me underneath my skirt. However the minor sense of shock that someone would be so bold quickly turned into a slight tingle of sexual excitement as the hand travelled slowly upward over the delicate skin at the back of my thigh, creeping further and further up my skirt until it gently circled over the firm globes of my buttocks, caressing bare skin as I had worn a low waist thong to go with my skirt.

As the hand came into contact with my nakedness it stopped moving, the fingers only touching me with the briefest of contact.

I thought that perhaps he had been expecting to encounter the soft texture of a pair of panties and was disappointed when instead he had found only bare skin.

But he hesitated for only a moment.

A single finger traced the curve of my buttock and pressed between my cheeks until it found the delicate string of my thong, tugging the skimpy undergarment and gingerly slipping inside.

The toe of a shoe was pressed against my ankle nudging my feet apart and at the same time the index finger tucked into my thong pulled the silky material from between my buttocks, it slipped down following the tiny string to where it nestled between my legs, then back up again.

I could tell that it was an index finger because a thumb had now been tucked over the waist band of my panties as the hand dragged my tiny panties down, peeling the string from between my cheeks the thumb pressing them apart while caressing the soft skin there, briefly tickling over my most sensitive intimate area.

A second hand was rubbing my left cheek in slow circular movements, cupping my buttock to pull my cheeks apart as my thong was tugged down from between my legs, the damp crotch stuck to me for a moment, tugging gently at my lips as it was prised away.

My breath caught in my throat and I stifled a moan, turning it into a cough as I felt a single finger stroke my vagina. It teased along the slit then pressed harder spreading the folds and probing along my tender flesh with long slow strokes, keeping up the exploration of my pussy until I was soaking, the single finger was joined by another.

I suddenly felt the tip of a finger pierce my pussy; I was so wet that the rest of it slipped between my labia easily as my 'abuser' finally pushed the finger up all the way into me with one excruciatingly slow movement until I could feel the rest of the hand crushing against my lips.

It was wrong and I should have said something long ago to stop this but things had progressed so quickly from a harmless grope to being finger fucked, that I had hardly had time to catch my breath, my curiosity as to what would happen next had allowed things to go this far so here I was being sexually abused stuck in a lift with at least seven other people who didn't have a clue what was happening...

and I was so turned on.

As the finger started to pump in and out with a nice slow rhythm my hips started to move in an involuntary response to the stimulation, as I became more aroused the finger began to move more rapidly in and out of my wet hole, pushing up as far as possible so that the hand tickled against my lips on the upstroke.

My legs were trembling and I sagged a little at the knees as the stimulation started to get to me, the other hand left my buttock and gripped my hip so tightly that I she was sure the fingers would leave red marks on my skin, even through the material of my skirt. It held me steady as the initial gentleness of the finger vanished, probing a little rougher as the muscle of my inner thigh started to twitch.

I flinched a little as the single finger was joined by a second, biting my lip to keep from making a sound until the dry finger started to slip in a little easier as it was lubricated by my juices.

The fingers plunged in and out, stretching my pussy as they twisted in a corkscrew

motion, then were suddenly drawn out and rubbed over the outside of my pussy, dragging through the sensitive lips in a torturously slow movement until they brushed my clitoris with the briefest of touches, making my thigh muscle twitch again, my stomach doing somersaults as they were pushed back into me hard.

I had to bite my bottom lip to stop myself from making a sound as my juices ran over the hand assaulting me, trickling over the fingers and wetting the inside of my thighs.

There was nothing I could do except close my eyes and succumb to the sensations tingling between my legs as I began to climax.

It wasn't the earth shattering orgasm that comes with direct clitoral stimulation or being filled with a hard cock, rather a gentle release that flooded through my lower belly pulsing through my groin and making me hold my breath, lasting for a long time until the warm glow between my legs started to calm down.

And all through it the fingers rubbed on the outside of my pussy working the juices flooding out of me over my slippery swollen lips.

The hand was held tight over my pussy as the little tremors subsided and the twitching muscles of my inner thighs calmed, the flood of juices becoming a damp dribble.

When it eventually withdrew from between my legs the fingers were dragged slowly over my lips and up between my buttocks, spreading my juices there in a last lingering tease.

As a last parting gesture my panties were very gently pulled over my buttocks and up between my legs.

I realised that throughout the experience my eyes had been closed, luckily for me the lights stayed off as I reached into my bag and took out some tissues, cleaning up the best I could.

Not a minute later the lights came back on and the doors opened, I glanced around but thankfully nobody seemed to be paying me any attention, nobody appeared to have seen or heard anything although there was a slight musky odour in the air.

I knew that I must have looked flushed but anyone who noticed this would have probably put it down to being stuck in the elevator.

As everyone started to file out I kind of shuffled to one side to let whoever had been standing behind me pass.

To my surprise the only one who could have possibly touched me was Peter, 'the grey guy' I was actually in shock! I didn't know whether to congratulate him for proving the 'gay' theory wrong or slap his face for taking advantage.

I cleaned up in the ladies washroom, luckily there was no evidence of what had happened on my black skirt and it wasn't creased or ruffled, although I had to ditch my soaking panties and was forced to take the meetings 'commando', which in itself was kind of exciting.

After the last meeting of the day I returned to my office, on my desk was a single rose and a typed note in a small envelope, it read.


From your wonderful reaction to my touch I know that you enjoyed our little game as much as I did. I took a chance because I have heard exciting things about you and on advice from a mutual friend I read your stories; from those I knew that you liked a little fun in public.

Sorry but this morning was too tempting an opportunity to pass up.

Hope you will not be mad at me.

A friend.


Peter had been in the meetings with me most of the day and I had been surprised that his attitude had not changed one bit, he gave me a few puzzled looks as I perhaps looked in his direction for a little too long while giving my presentation and was just as quiet as usual when I tried to engage him in conversation during a break.

He was either ashamed and was trying to blank the whole episode or obviously arrogant enough to think that he could get away with it without being confronted.

To be honest I was a little angry that he would think it was acceptable to 'touch me up' in a lift and then not even speak to me when I gave him the opportunity and had every intention of letting him know how I felt when the phone rang.

It was Phil from security, he had transferred from our old building and I had known him for a few years, he was always quick with a smile and full of stories.

"Hello Jules." He said "I wonder if you could spare a moment in my office."

Thinking that the firm had eventually sorted out my pass key so that I wouldn't have to report to reception I took the elevator down to the basement level where the security office was located.

Phil had his usual coffee in hand, "pull up a seat Jules." He said, indicating a chair in front of a bank of monitors.

"I was thinking I would hear from you earlier today." He said.

Puzzled I asked why.

"Check out the far left screen." He said, leaning forward to press a button.

The image came up and it took me a minute to realise it was the elevator I had taken that morning, Phil reached forward again and fast forwarded to the moment it had stuck.

"You see Jules," he said, "the lift system has its glitches but the CCTV is state of the art, it even works well in low light and I picked up something interesting this morning."

The camera was angled down from one side of the car; it zoomed in as a hand moved forward and pushed up my skirt, it was impossible to see what was going on from the position of the camera, but pretty obvious from the way the hand and arm were moving. The camera pulled back and I gasped in shock.

It hadn't been Peter who had touched me.

It had been Jenny.

I was in a daze as Phil said. "I can only guess what she was doing Jules, but if you want to take it further I can have the tape burned to a disk, we only keep these for a few days before they are wiped as they are in low security areas."

He turned the coffee up around in his hands.

"Must say I was surprised you didn't say anything."

I smiled at Phil. "What can I say; if I had screamed I might have gotten the wrong person in trouble...I thought it was Peter."

"Anyway I kind of enjoyed it at the time."

I thought for a moment and said. "Can you get a copy to me anyway; I would just like to let a certain person know that I know it was them."

Phil promised that I would have a copy by the next morning, as soon as I had it I left it on Jenny's desk with a note of my own.

Next time ask,


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Very well written , not the cheap stories on the internet but well thought out and executed. Class !!!

FloridaTeddyBearFloridaTeddyBearover 1 year ago

Loved it, although not as much as it sounds like you did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


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