Elowen and Thalion Pt. 02 Ch. 01

Story Info
Elowen fails a lesson and Thalion has to correct her.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 05/17/2024
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This is the second story about Elowen and Thalion. It should stand alone, but if you're interested in what came before, here are the links to the previous Elowen and Thalion story: One: A Forced Union: https://www.literotica.com/s/a-forced-union, Two: Shadows of Obligation: https://www.literotica.com/s/shadows-of-obligation, Three: A Moonlit Pact: https://literotica.com/s/a-moonlit-pact-elowen-and-thalion-3 Four: A Lover's Dance: https://literotica.com/s/a-lovers-dance-elowen-and-thalion

This story will have multiple chapters as well, so look out for future chapters 😊

Chapter One: Duty's Pleasure

Barefoot, Elowen Moonsong balanced on a mossy rock, spray from the waterfall clinging to her skin. Silky and wet, her clothes hugged every curve and line of her body. Her heart played a nervous tattoo against her ribs, matching the thunder of the cascading tapestry of frothy white and crystalline blue.

It was an enormous volume of water to control.

Sunlight sparkled at the top of the gorge, shimmering like the stars in her husband's eyes before uniting with their brethren in the churning pool below.

The power of the torrential dance tugged at her, the ogham rune around her neck growing cool as she absorbed the might of the waterfall. Droplets glistened like morning dew on the silk petals of a moonflower. They caressed her face, seeping into her midnight-black hair. She curled her toes on the rock, releasing the earthy scent of the moss beneath her feet.

Inside her core, elemental power blossomed in time with the booming roar.

The water followed the trail of the gorge but sheered away on the left, leaving a rocky basin dry. That was her goal.

I don't have to control it all. The thought tempered her racing heart. Just enough to fill the basin. That's all. I can do it. This time, I'll do it.

She raised her gaze to the top of the jagged rocks where Thalion, her husband and master in elemental magic, waited. Fleeting sunbeams danced over his silver hair, and his eyes were fixed on her. His presence grounded her like a beacon calling a ship to safety.

Embracing the strength within her, Elowen closed her hand about the ogham rune dangling from her neck, its soft blue glow mirrored in her lavender eyes. The moondrop that represented the water within her blossomed. The flower was her gift, the center of her elemental magic. She slipped her hand into the pocket of her dress and drew out a pinch of fairy dust.

The waterfall roared before her, a challenge and a promise, its unyielding flood calling to her own elemental affinity. She was a daughter of water, and it was time to dance with the torrent.

Elowen extended a hand, fingers trembling as she released the fairy dust into the wind. Gold shimmered in the air, and like a cloud of dandelion seeds on a summer breeze, the dust wafted toward the waterfall. The petals of the flower in her core unfurled, reaching out to touch the essence of the water.

She whispered a prayer to the Gods, her voice mingling with the waterfall's thunderous song. The fairy dust danced and twirled, its luminescence growing brighter as it collided with the waterfall's mist. An invisible thread stretched out from her, guided by her will and the glow of her ogham rune, entwining with the magic-infused mist. The connection pulsed with the power of the waterfall, and Elowen's heart throbbed in rhythm with it.

She tugged at the invisible thread. "Bend to my will. Move with me, as I move with you."

A burst of energy radiated from the moondrop within her, through the thread, and into the waterfall. For a moment, everything stilled, even the eddies of mist hanging frozen in the air.

White froth curved up the side of the cascade. A watery tendril snaked away from the torrent, undulating in the air as it hovered before her. A gasp caught in Elowen's throat.

It's working!

But the thought came too soon, the water wild and unwilling to be tamed. She tried to shape it, her mind vibrating like a hummingbird's wings as she envisioned a cascade flowing to fill the dry rock pool. The water resisted, pushing against the barriers she set, seeking to return to the torrent.

Sweat beaded on her forehead as she poured more of her energy into the task, her focus narrowing. Her fingers fluttered in the air as she pushed at the water, trying to force the blue tentacle sideways. Her insides took flame, red mist climbing up the stem of her silver flower.

Elowen sucked in her breath, thrusting her magic at the water as the threatening crimson of unbalance reached the petals of her power. A rocky outcrop caught her blue tendril, scattering a rain of droplets.

The fire inside her consumed her moondrop and Elowen slumped, her heart pounding, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Cold and heat mingled on her skin, and she swayed in the wind of the waterfall.

Thalion leaped over the edge of the gorge, diving into the still pool like a stooping hawk plunging for its prey. Elowen dropped to her knees as her husband hauled himself onto the rock. He lifted her, cradling her body against his.

She wound her arms around his neck. "Hot."

"You're unbalanced." His deep voice rolled around her as he navigated the tangle of moss-slick rocks with grace. They emerged from the misty realm of the waterfall onto the riverbank. Verdant and tranquil, it lay in stark contrast to the thunderous display of the waterfall in the gorge.

Fire clawed inside Elowen as Thalion set her down, toes digging into a quilt of green moss that blanketed the ground. Wildflowers blossomed around them, releasing their scent in the shadowy afternoon.

He cupped her face in both hands and kissed her. His mouth drew the heat from her lips, and she fed from him. He crushed her against his chest, tongue thrusting into her, teeth grazing her lips. She moaned and burrowed into him, seeking more, needing more.

His hand tangled in her hair, and he pulled her away, the stars in his eyes whirling faster. "You pushed it too far. Again. What did I say?"

The growl in his voice evoked lust and fear, giving birth to full-blown desire that pulsed between Elowen's legs. "T-To stop before the fire consumed the flower."

His eyes narrowed. "And did you?"


"No, who?"

A small grain of defiance, part of the game between them, made her step closer to him. His grip on her hair tugged against her scalp, the pain increasing the pulsing beat in her groin. "No, my husband."

He tightened his fingers. "Who am I?"

She ran her hands over the wet cloth of his shirt, the cambric weave clinging to his muscular chest. "My husband, the Lord of Pyreheart."

Using her hair as a handle, he swung her around. A solitary rock jutted from the mossy soil, waist-high to Elowen. Smooth and flat, it rose like an altar before the cathedral of nature. Thalion's hand on her neck forced Elowen down to its stony embrace.

"Brace yourself." His voice held the growl she loved best. It promised exquisite cruelty.

Fear and defiance warred inside her as she placed both hands on the rock. She wanted to submit. He wanted to hear his title from her lips. She wanted to deny him. The first pricks of moisture gathered on her nether lips and her legs trembled beneath her.

Before she could truly savor the burning need, he flipped her skirts up, exposing naked flesh to the cool air.

His hand slapped her buttocks, a stinging smack that sent the first tendrils of pain snaking through her. "Who am I?"

Defiance won, and she threw back her head. "My master in the eirnacht arts."

He smacked her again, five stinging blows. "Try again."

A flicker of the fire in her belly faded with each strike, the sparks flying into him. But the inferno still raged in her flesh. Her nerves prickled, each ending smarting under his attentions, heightening desire.

She needed him.

She wanted more.

Tilting her head, she met his gaze. Her lip curled. "The conqueror of Aurelian."

Stillness rode the air, his fingers tightening on her neck. She wallowed in the malice of his smile.

With a single jerk, he pulled her up. "Take off your dress." Her hands hesitated on the laces of her corset, and his fingers dug into her flesh. "If I do it, I'll rip it off you and you'll ride naked back to Pyreheart."

That threat chilled the ardor of defiance, even as desire fluttered in her belly like a trapped butterfly. Elowen loosened the laces, pushing the red dress from her shoulders to pool around her ankles. Her gossamer white chemise clung to her, wet as his shirt and hiding as little. She raised her hands to strip it off, but he shook her. "No. Leave that."

Just a stone's throw away from the altar stood a thicket of trees, their boughs intertwined as if in an ancient dance. Thalion forced Elowen's head down and marched her to the thicket, his strength thrumming through her.

What is he going to do?

The fearful question mingled with the rising tide inside her, and moisture thickened on the fine hair of her womanhood.

A proud hawthorn tree stood sentinel at the edge of the copse, its gnarled branches reaching for the heavens while its roots delved deep into the earth. The thorns on its limbs sent terror dancing through Elowen.

Thalion's fingers drew taut on her neck, the chemise bunching on her breasts. "Should I make you pick one of these?"

Her skin rippled as the silken cloth brushed her nipples. "N-No, p-please." Almost the 'my lord' slipped out. Desire cascaded inside Elowen like the waterfall thundering down the gorge.

He laughed, the deep rumble rolling around her and licking at her soul. "I can taste your need, my wanton little wife." He shook her like a terrier with a rat. "I could make you say yes, but not today." His breath lingered on her neck, and she shivered. "I have a different plan to cure this defiance." Hand harsh on her hair, he dragged her to a hazel covered in early spring buds and hauled her upright. "Choose one."

Three branches jutted out from the trunk. The thinnest was the breadth of Elowen's little finger, the thickest matched her thumb. She bit her lip as her breath came faster. It would hurt as much as a cane. The fire inside her screamed for the thickest switch, but a year with Thalion had taught her caution. She gestured to the middle one, her fingers shaking too much to point.

He ripped the branch from the trunk and forced her down once more, marching her back to the altar. She expected the command to brace, but he pushed until her cheek kissed cool stone.

His hand pinned her there, breasts mashed against the altar. "I'll stop when you beg."

The words ignited flames inside her and she thrust out her buttocks, yearning for the sharp cut of the hazel wand. He swung, switch whistling through the air. The first blow striped across the bottom of her cheeks, a line of agony that lanced the aching need burning in her belly. Elowen writhed on the altar, biting her lips to stopper the desire to submit.

Fire washed out of her, the unbalanced elements evening out with each cut of the switch. As the third stroke landed, she danced in place, pain thrilling down her legs.

Thalion dug his fingers into her back. "Unless you want me to beat your soles, keep your feet on the ground."

Elowen gasped, the threat drawing everything in her lower body tight. She dug her toes into the moss, clinging to the altar with desperate fingers.

By the sixth strike, tears gathered in her eyes and the moisture between her legs rivaled the wetness of her clothes. The flames inside subsided to smoldering embers, the first glimmers of water appearing. She wanted to submit, opened her mouth to say the words, but the switch whistled through the air again. Breath left her as Thalion caught one of the earlier cuts. Exquisite torment sang through her and she spread her legs, a wordless gesture that he understood all too well.

The switch sang again.

And again.

And again.

As the last blow cut across her buttocks, she sobbed, the begging words he wanted spilling from her. "Please, my lord, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Please, my lord."

The whistle of the switch paused. He ran his hand down her back and dug cruel fingers into her thigh, his thumb inches from her womanhood. "Beg for me to stop."

"Please, my lord, no more." Elowen closed her eyes as the cresting wave curled inside her and she squirmed between his harsh grip and the stone altar.

Thalion lifted her, plundering her mouth with his tongue. The fire inside her fled with his kiss, flowing into him as his water glided into her. They fed from each other's lips as their elemental power danced between them.

He crushed her against his chest, forcing his leg between hers. The silken fabric of the chemise brushed over her lady's jewel and Elowen gasped. But his harsh mouth would allow no pause.

His hands dropped to her striped buttocks, fingers digging into the bruises left by the switch. "Ride me."

She followed his insistent grip as the wave of desire pulled back--the world holding its breath. Need throbbed in her groin. He jerked her backward and forward. Harsh and unyielding, he squashed her womanhood into the leather of his trousers. She ripped free of the kiss and cried out as the long-cresting wave broke over her.

The ogham rune between her breasts glowed blue and a tiny moondrop blossomed within her.

Thalion held still then, and she writhed on his leg, the inner walls of her womanhood fluttering. She clung to him, pleasure riding her from every aching line carved by the hazel wand. Sobbing, she rode back and forth, seeking another inch, another moment, another line of pleasure. She collapsed against his chest as she slid from the peak of desire, a fine film of water covering her inner core.

He cupped her face as the aftershocks trembled through her body. "That was to force obedience." Need roughened his voice. "But I still owe you a punishment."

Elowen lowered her gaze, shivering inside her skin. "Yes, my lord." Within her core, the moondrop barely filled the space.

His thumbs soothed along her cheekbones. The languid touch moved down to the chemise, and he drew the garment over her head. It joined the red dress on the ground and his fingers pinched her nipples. The pain sent a bolt of desire straight to her loins and she gasped, pushing against his hands, seeking more.

Thalion laughed and smoothed out the red marks on her white flesh. "Lady's choice, front or back."

Her breath caught. The thought of the switch cutting across her breasts made desire drum between her legs, but a tendril of fear cautioned her. The hazel branch stung--almost as much as a cane. She worked saliva into her mouth. "Back, my lord."

He gave her nipples a cruel twist that made her sob for breath, even as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"Down." His hand pinned her to the stone altar once more. Cold granite ground on her bare nipples and rubbed against her belly. Fear mounted her as the wooden wand drew a line down her spine to her cleft. "You still bargain like a human." Cruelty shivered in the air, and sudden terror spiked in Elowen. He rarely reminded her of her human heritage.

She cut her eyes sideways. "My lord?"

The stars in his irises whirled together into a solid line of light. "Spread your cheeks."

Elowen's buttocks clutched at each other. He wouldn't... "My lord... Please."

Thalion tapped her with the switch. "You chose this. Do you wish to cease your lessons in magic?"

Tears burned in her eyes. He would. "N-No. My lord."

"Then split your cheeks and mind you keep them open, or we'll start over. Three strokes."

Hands shaking, Elowen reached back and pulled her buttocks open, exposing her puckered rose to the cool river air. The tip of the switch ran down her cleft and drew back. She clenched her chattering teeth.

Whistling through the air, the wand cut over her rear hole. The top of the rod curled with the force of the blow, stinging the flesh of her back. A sob tore from her throat and she bucked against Thalion's savage hand, agony feeding the fledgling flower inside her. Darkness crowded the edges of her vision and water glided over her spirit.

The pressure of his hand lessened, and lips brushed over the knob at the end of her spine. "One." His deep voice thrummed through her. "Ready?"

Her fingers grew taut, muscles clenching as she opened her ass even wider in silent reply.

The second blow laid a trail of anguish between her cheeks, following the path of the first. Elowen drifted on a sea of torment, moonlight spilling through her body. Her power bloomed, bulging against her skin. Stars flashed at the edges of her vision. In her groin, the cresting wave of pleasure grew.

Thalion drew back the switch for the last cut.

An eternity passed, time dilating weirdly as she held her buttocks apart for him. The hazel switch sang of pain and pleasure. Elowen screamed in searing agony as it lashed into her. She thrust back, wanting more, yet begging for it to stop. Water soaked into her inner core, feeding her moondrop, returning power to her soul.

"Please, please, please." The words spilled from her as she held up her ass, her womanhood one throbbing tangle of need.

His hands dug into her hips. "Say what you want."

"Fuck me, my lord, please." A distant frisson of shame drove her ardor to new heights.

Thalion's cock plunged into her slit. "Hold your cheeks open."

Sobbing, Elowen obeyed. The walls of her womanhood fluttered on his hard, silken length. His fingers dug into her puckered rose, seeming to seek the head of his cock sheathed deep inside her. The brutal touch against the raised welts sent shockwaves racing through her body and she wriggled under him.

Silver tinged with fire spilled from Thalion, calling to her. Her power broke through at last, the moondrop fully restored.

Their light danced together as he thrust. In and out, he stoked the fire higher, finger after finger stretching her ass, filling her to the brim.

Elowen thrashed beneath him, the altar cold against her breasts, her body on fire with need. "Please, please, please, please."

The wave trembled at the crest.

He growled and pumped harder, his cock impaling her. Hooked fingers dug into her, and she bucked, her back arching.

The wave broke, and she screamed his name as he threw his head back, spending himself inside her like a shooting star. Sunlight scintillated to silver as their joined desire spun through them, fire and water roiling through their bodies. Their elements twined about each other, strengthening ardor, feeding their power. Feet rooted to the earth, he held her at the crest like a colossus before a storm. Over and over, pleasure raced through her body, the scent of honey flooding the air.

But even magic had its limits.

By inches, the wave receded in swirling eddies and Elowen shivered against the cool stone as his cock slipped free. Thalion gathered her up again, cradling her naked form against his chest.

She plucked at the cambric weave of his shirt. "Why do you always get to keep your clothes and I always end up naked?"

"Because I had the good sense to pick an emberdew rather than a moondrop." He kissed the tip of her nose. "Do you want to heal?"

Elowen stretched, luxuriating in the strength of his arms. "Yes." Though he had not broken her skin, the bruises would sting, riding home.

He carried her to the river, setting her down on a mossy rock and holding out a pinch of fairy dust. "What happened?"