Elowen and Thalion Pt. 02 Ch. 02

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Thalion is drained and needs Elowen's submission.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 05/17/2024
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This is the second chapter in the second story about Elowen and Thalion. It should stand alone, but if you're interested in what came before, here are the links to the previous Elowen and Thalion story: One: A Forced Union: https://www.literotica.com/s/a-forced-union, Two: Shadows of Obligation: https://www.literotica.com/s/shadows-of-obligation, Three: A Moonlit Pact: https://literotica.com/s/a-moonlit-pact-elowen-and-thalion-3 Four: A Lover's Dance: https://literotica.com/s/a-lovers-dance-elowen-and-thalion

First chapter of this story: https://literotica.com/s/elowen-and-thalion-pt-02-ch-01

Chapter Two: A Passionate Hunt

Elowen sat at the long wooden table in the great hall of Pyreheart castle, its obsidian arches reflecting the early morning light. A fire blazed in the hearth, echoing the harsh beauty of the red stone of the castle. Despite the months spent between these walls, she still sometimes startled at the crimson color.

Banners and tapestries softened the unrelenting shade--Thalion's silver lily, scenes of Gods, and a giant rendering of the fortress itself, looming on the cliffs of the western sea. So it had been in her girlhood home of Aurelian, though colors and scenes had been markedly different. A gentle pang of homesickness brushed across her, and she looked away from the fire.

Aurelian also lacked the muffled roar of the ocean, the briny scent intertwined with the aroma of baking from the kitchen below.

I wonder how Lysander is. Elowen smiled at the thought of her brother in his castle, probably eating breakfast as well. She tore a hunk of bread from a rye loaf and smothered it in berry jam, the sweet aroma making her mouth water.

She had lived in Pyreheart all winter, her marriage sealed by Brehon Law and Fairy Power. And somehow, it had become home. Though she missed her brother, she doubted he would understand her life and desires now.

Opposite her, Thalion picked out slices of smoked fish, and offered the platter to Diarmuid, the sidhe priest who broke his fast with them this morning. His midnight black skin absorbed the surrounding light, lending him an otherworldly aura. Crystalline blue eyes reflected a kindly wisdom older than stones of the castle. He'd given Elowen good advice more than once, and she smiled at him across the table. The blue glow of his gaze mirrored the shiny silver cauldron necklace that dangled from his neck--a symbol of his devotion to Cerridwen. He declined the fish, returning Elowen's smile and sipping at his mead cup instead.

Thalion swallowed a bite of breakfast. "Is everything in the village in order?"

"Yes, my lord." Diarmuid inclined his head in a seated bow. "Whatever Lord Ferin is here for, he'll find nothing amiss and no hint of weakness among our people."

"Good." Thalion tapped his mug, and a servant poured mead.

Elowen gasped as a swirl of color burst into the room, interrupting further conversation. Bloomfae--the tiny fairies that lived among the wildflowers--swarmed around the table. Their iridescent wings caught the morning light and refracted sunbeams that danced around the room in agitated rainbows.

Thalion exchanged a startled glance with Diarmuid, their eyes stretching wide.

Barely larger than a hummingbird, the tiny fairies' bodies resembled the sidhe in miniature--though suspended between giant dragonfly wings.

Fairy dust scattered from them and turned the air dense with power.

Elowen folded her hands together, nails biting into her palms. The substance was a physical manifestation of bloomfay lust and they never wasted it. Her shoulders drew a tense line.

An older fairy with wings like tarnished silver flittered towards Thalion. He bowed in midair, his voice like the jingling of tiny bells. "My lord Thalion Moonsong of Pyreheart, I am Kernow."

Thalion held out his hand. "Good morrow to you, Kernow. What is the meaning of this?"

The little bloomfay alighted on Thalion's palm. "My lord, we are from Foxglove Meadow." The hollow in his throat deepened, and he bowed again, a jerky motion that lacked the grace normal to bloomfae. "A dark fire has arisen from the earth, my lord. It consumes our grove, and despite our efforts, we've not been able to stop it."

Elowen gasped, covering her mouth. The bloomfae made fairy dust. Without their bowers, magic would not be possible. Without their presence, the life of fairyland would fade.

Kernow's gaze flickered to her, his fear reflecting her own.

Thalion held up a finger. "Is the fire growing even now?"

"No, my lord." Kernow held out tiny hands, palms outward. "We've drawn a circle around the incursion using fairy dust. It is contained, but still it burns the earth, leaching all that brings life." The swirling colors in his eyes darkened and he stared at his bare feet, toes scrunching on Thalion's hand. "The circle consumed all our tribute, my lord."

Elowen's breath caught, and her gaze flickered to her husband. The bloomfae owed him tribute in fairy dust for living under his protection. If they could not pay... She leaned forward and touched his hand. "My lord, surely it is not--"

His fingers closed hard on hers, grinding the little bones together, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. "We shall see. Kernow, you will guide us to Foxglove Meadow."

The bloomfay's eyes flickered to Elowen, but he bowed in submission. "Yes, my lord."


Elowen shifted on the slight leather pad of her skydancer as Kernow led them to Foxglove Meadow. Beside her, Thalion rode in silence, his expression stern and set. Elowen half turned to meet Diarmuid's eyes. The priest gave her a reassuring smile, but Thalion's silence since the breakfast table offset that scant comfort. She stared ahead, ignoring the guards who trailed behind them.

The road curved through a long finger of wild forest, and Kernow beckoned. "Just around here, my lord, my lady."

As the curtain of emerald-green leaves parted, a breathtaking dreamscape unfolded before them. It was easy, ensconced in the banality of the castle, to forget she dwelt in the heart of fairy. But Foxglove Meadow, bathed in the soft, warm hues of the setting sun, dispelled all thoughts of the human world she had left behind.

A riot of wildflowers grew in the meadow, their vibrant colors streaking the landscape with the brushstrokes of a mad painter. Foxgloves towered over the rest, their bell-shaped blossoms of purple and pink a stark contrast against the surrounding verdant greens. A sweet, intoxicating perfume laced the air, mingling with the crisp scent of dew-soaked grass.

But the promise of tranquility was a lie.

An orange pit crackling with darkness yawned wide in the center of the meadow, an ominous vortex of malevolent fire. It bubbled and pulsated, radiating a menacing aura of heat and death. Around it, all life had withered, and stark skeletons of dead plants stood sentinel within a circle of fairy dust.

Elowen gulped, fear fluttering through her like the beating of crow wings. The slender golden dome seemed a very slight defense against the malevolence of the pit. Her eyes darted sideways to Thalion's stern face. "My lord, what would cause this?"

Fine muscles feathered along his jaw. "A mingling of earth and fire, fed on stolen power and blood." He reined in the skydancer at the edge of the dome and dismounted in a single fluid motion.

Elowen followed him down, grabbing the reins of his skydancer as he stepped right up to the edge of the fairy ring.

Thalion's eyes narrowed on the corrupted pit, a spark of fierce determination igniting in his gaze. His hand clenched around his ogham rune, and otherworldly firelight sprayed through his fingers as he called upon his magic.

Elowen held her breath, her senses attuned to the shifting currents of elemental energy. Power sang through the air. She hugged herself. If he grew unbalanced, she had to be ready. The acrid taste of terror burned on her tongue even as her womanhood rippled.

Thalion raised his hands, tendrils of living flame curling from his fingertips, snaking their way towards the dark pit in the heart of the meadow. His fire shone with a deadly intensity, calling forth dark shadows from the woodland edges.

A snap of his fingers sent the tendrils diving into the pit. Black and orange energy seethed with magical fury as the crimson blaze lashed into it. The roiling madness in the ground hissed with fury as the fire fought the unnatural darkness.

The malevolent power burbled like a tar pit and gave way before Thalion's cleansing heat. Clenched muscles in Elowen's gut relaxed. He would sear away this horror and they would prepare for Lord Ferin's visit.

But relief came too soon.

The sides of the vile pit folded inward, and it ate the cherry-colored flame, like some foul-mouthed creature feeding on the living. Elowen sucked her head lower, shoulders drawing protectively up to her ears. Her heart beat a fearful tattoo against her ribs.

He was using so much power.

A growl of frustration escaped his lips as he fed more power into his spell. His feet sank into the soft ground, the ogham rune flaring brighter as he pushed fire from his spread palms. But the pit gobbled up his magic, the flames disappearing down the monstrous maw.

Elowen sucked her breath in as his complexion turned paler, his usually vibrant eyes dimming. A chill radiated from him, replacing the heat she always associated with her fiery lord. As if in a mirror image of her lesson, water filled him, drowning out his fire. The elemental balance shifted and pushed his magic out of alignment.

Thalion staggered back, haggard lines radiating from his mouth. The ogham rune around his neck faded to a dull ember, the fiery glow extinguished.

"My lord!" Elowen leaped forward, her stomach dropping. She wrapped her arms around him, bracing him before he fell. Goosebumps rippled across him, his body cool under her hand.

Bloomfae flittered around them in agitation, their wings buzzing through the air.

Thalion turned his head, the stars in his eyes narrowing to pinpricks. Hunger shone there, a starving need.

She knew what he needed.

Without hesitation, Elowen ran her hands into his hair and kissed him. Elemental water spilled from him in a gushing torrent, flooding through her body.

He embraced her, painfully tight. "Elowen..." His voice held a hoarse note she had never heard.

"I am here, my lord." She clung to him.

He pushed her away. "If I hurt you, truly hurt you, I want you to say 'rainbows'. If you do, I will stop. Do you understand?"

Nightmares bubbled up through Elowen, getting stuck in her throat. He had explained the concept of a tabu, a word to end their rough play, but they had never needed it. Her groin contracted to painful tautness. What would he do to her?

"Yes, my lord." Her voice came out in a whisper. "What do you need?"

"Run." He pointed at the forest, his voice a low growl. "I will give you a ten-count and then I'm coming for you, my wife." Menace ached in every word, his fingers closing on her arms hard enough to leave bruises. "Run!"

Elowen snapped from Thalion's hold, her muscles screaming as she bolted toward the forest's shelter. Her chest heaved, primal terror ignited by a streak of electric desire, ratcheting her heartbeat into a riotous rhythm.

A twilight world swallowed her whole as she sought the shadows of the forest. Sunbeams splashed through the leafy veil above, creating shifting patterns of light and dark on the leaf-littered floor. Ancient trees towered, their gnarled roots laying deadly traps beneath her desperate feet. She stumbled. Fingers scraped against rough bark, keeping her on her feet. The rich scent of damp earth spiked her senses, the musk of forest life stoking her growing arousal.

Pushing off the tree, she threw herself back into the chase. Sweat trickled down her neck, her panting breaths echoing through the still air. She was an animal fleeing from a predator, yet the predator was the one she craved.

Desire pulsed in her groin, turning her thighs slick with moisture.

Leaves crunched beneath her boots, whispering secrets to the undergrowth. Green and brown blurred around her, the forest a rushing vortex of color and scent. The chase reduced reality to the pulse pounding in her ears and the metallic taste of fear on her tongue.

A flash of silver--a spectral wraith darting through the trees behind her!

His proximity ignited a thrill in her belly, a dance between dread and yearning. She sprang over a fern, her ankle twisting beneath her with a sickening jolt. Swallowing a cry, she rolled between two oaks, the sharp pain swallowed by a greater fear.

A flash of Thalion flickered through the trees--eyes a blaze of predatory intent. A swarm of bloomfae seethed around his head, their eyes amber in the forest dark.

Elowen stifled a gasp, burrowing beneath a sprawling bramble, her heart pounding wildly. He passed, a prowling hunter oblivious to his prey. His powerful form melted into the forest.

She was alone again.

Her blood surged, wiping away the pain. She sprang from her hiding spot, her shaky strides carrying her deeper into the forest. The scent of water drifted on a light breeze. Hope blossomed. She could heal her ankle. She could escape. The world outside her panic shrunk to the single thought of survival.

A flicker of silver. Thalion? Her skin prickled, her breath hitched. A shudder of fear and anticipation ricocheted through her.

Run. Hide. The primal command forced her onwards. She wanted him, needed him. But he had said to run.

The promise of water and safety lured her onward.

She pushed through the encircling trees to a tranquil clearing. A burbling stream cut across the middle, shimmering in the sporadic sunlight. Relief punched through her fear. Elowen rushed forward, her limping gait carrying her closer to the promised healing.

A whirlwind of silver and green exploded from a nearby willow.


He surged forward with the raw force of a tempest, his hand locking onto her arm with an iron grip. Terror and need tangled in a savage dance in the pit of her stomach, the dread of being caught battling the raw thrill of his touch.

His silhouette loomed over her, casting her in shadow. Stormy eyes alight with a predatory hunger stole her breath.

A glittering cloud of bloomfay brushed past her, their eyes like a thousand burning coals in the twilight. The hunger in those gazes echoed the silver predator's need.

Thalion's steel grip trapped her, only a few tantalizing steps away from the stream. His breath blew hot against her neck, his body radiating a heat that made her ache for him. The world fell away as Elowen struggled against him, striking his broad chest with closed fists.

He grabbed her hands, hooking a foot behind her knee and riding her down to the ground. "Got you." The primal growl in his voice thrummed in tune with her beating heart. He pinned her hands to the ground above her head. "Now we'll take you."


The word made her squirm harder, seeking escape. He laughed and grabbed the top of her dress. With a single jerk, he ripped open the bodice, exposing her breasts to the forest air. Like a striking hawk, his mouth latched onto her nipple, teeth clamping down hard. She squealed in pain and tried to wriggle sideways, but he held her trapped beneath him. With each bite, each pinch, each suck, more water spilled from him, the drops scattering into her.

The bloomfae hovered in the air like a silver cloud with orange lightning flaring through it. One of them laughed, lewd and shrill. "Let us see, my lord!"

The dress vanished entirely as he tore through cloth and thread. Thalion wrestled her legs open. The bloomfae cheered, sharp whistles filling the clearing. Blushing heat spilled over Elowen's cheeks, and she tried to cover herself.

"No." Thalion grabbed her hands, his knee forcing her legs apart. Fierce need reverberated through his voice.

Averting her eyes from the tiny fairies, Elowen tilted her groin up. Water flooded from Thalion, filling her, overflowing from her core. His flesh grew warmer, and he loosened his belt. Hard and thick with need, his cock brushed his belly as it leapt free.

A female voice jerked Elowen's attention away from Thalion. "Spear her, my lord!"

Humiliation cascaded into Elowen, desire rippling the walls of her womanhood. The cloud of bloomfae hooted as the tip probed at her swollen lips. She sobbed, straining against his iron grip, needing him inside her, ashamed of being so exposed.

Thalion withdrew from her, and she arched, aching for him. His hands wrapped around her waist, and he lifted her onto his lap, so that his cock nestled against her back. Spreading her knees, he exposed her womanhood to the cloud of glittering bloomfae, their orange eyes whirling in the dim forest light.

Elowen sobbed and tried to cover herself, modesty curdling in her throat, igniting a passion that made her writhe against him. "My lord, what have I done to deserve this?"

"Nothing. But I want it and they need it." Thalion bit her neck, and she cried out in torment. "No covering." His breath whispered over her. "Spread your lips for them to feed. Unless you want me to toss them out of their home for failing to deliver on their tribute."

Elowen froze, her hands closing to fists between her legs. Thalion leaned his head on her shoulder and smiled--a cat with a mouse in his claws. The fairies chittered excitedly as they swooped through the air, their burning eyes crawling over her naked form. Elowen gulped. Thalion liked others watching. His eyes burned with pleasure, but the ogham rune around his neck lay quiescent and cold against her back. Water still drowned his core.

Above her, the fairies twirled, the passage of their flight brushing across her like petals falling in the wind. Her stomach knotted at the thought of letting them feed from her lust. But...

They didn't deserve to pay the penalty for losing their tribute.

Her gaze cut sideways to Thalion. His teeth hovered over her neck, his grip keeping her legs spread wide. Finger by finger, she opened her hands and spread her nether lips. Her womanhood pulsed in the air.

Thalion nibbled at the lobe of her ear. "Good. Touch yourself."

Blood drained from Elowen's face. "My lord?"

His teeth threatened her, sharp edges grazing tender skin. "Do not make me repeat myself."

The degradation thrilled through Elowen, driving her ardor higher. Not only on display, but engaging in an act never meant to be seen. Her throat thickened, strangling her breath, and she fought to close her legs.

"No." Thalion spread her further. "Touch yourself and stay open for them."


The thought hovered in the air between them, but shame and lust rode Elowen, the muscles in her thighs jerking and twitching, her slit aching for his cock. Pain and obedience she had grown used to.


Her breasts tingled as she closed her eyes, her body thrilling at the thought of those tiny fay touching her. Tentative fingers played with the damp hair above her slit.

"Here they come." Thalion held her steady as her thumb rolled over her jewel.

Butterfly wings fluttered past her legs, and diminutive hands and mouth covered her naked flesh. Their soft caresses glided over her body like the finest silk, each touch igniting a burning pinprick of passion.

Two of them latched onto a nipple and fought in midair, rolling over each other like a pair of dragonflies. A third, a female, dove past the battling males and clamped onto Elowen's breast. Sharp claws dug into the nipple and Elowen threw her head back in a scream.