Elowen and Thalion Pt. 02 Ch. 03

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Elowen must serve in the fay hospitality rituals...
3.6k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 05/17/2024
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This is the third chapter in the second story about Elowen and Thalion. It should stand alone, but if you're interested in what came before, here are the links to the previous Elowen and Thalion story: One: A Forced Union: https://www.literotica.com/s/a-forced-union, Two: Shadows of Obligation: https://www.literotica.com/s/shadows-of-obligation, Three: A Moonlit Pact: https://literotica.com/s/a-moonlit-pact-elowen-and-thalion-3 Four: A Lover's Dance: https://literotica.com/s/a-lovers-dance-elowen-and-thalion

First chapter of this story: https://literotica.com/s/elowen-and-thalion-pt-02-ch-01

Second chapter of this story: https://literotica.com/s/elowen-and-thalion-pt-02-ch-02

Chapter Three: A Test of Hospitality

Elowen's gaze flickered to Thalion as they rode back to the castle. Harsh lines drew the tendons in his neck tight and his fingers worried at the pad that covered his skydancer's back.

"My—Thalion." She touched his arm. "What is it?"

He covered her fingers with his own. "I dislike the timing of this. Ferin visits and a pit of dark power springs up in my land at the same time. It is very convenient."

A tremble ran through Elowen. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know." Muscles feathered along his jaw. "With The Lord's Flesh we gave the bloomfae enough dust to contain the pit until I can try again."

"We?" She threaded her fingers through his. "I thought it was me they were feeding from."

A smile quirked in the corner of his mouth. "That was part of my design." His mount danced closer to hers and he leaned over, his lips soft on her temple. "I love watching you blush while writhing with pleasure."

A bolt of shame and remembered desire tightened Elowen's groin, and she clung to the skydancer beneath her.

"Exactly like that." Thalion rubbed his thumb along her cheekbone, then let her go. "But we both fed the bloomfae. I cannot expect them to maintain a barrier around that thing without giving them the power to do so, and without their meadow, they cannot create fairy dust."

Ahead of them, Pyreheart loomed at the end of the lane, the ocean booming against the cliffs. The castle glowed as though it stood in the center of a conflagration, obsidian arches providing dark highlights in the flames. Thalion led the way across the drawbridge, hooves clattering on wood. He helped Elowen dismount, his hands spanning her waist.

As he set her down, he cupped her face. The serious look in his eyes gave her pause and her heart thudded against her ribs. He ran a thumb over her lips. "Ferin might ask for guest rights."

Her brow furrowed. "We have already agreed that he stays in the castle, and we will feed him, of course. What more could he want?"

Thalion's silver eyebrows arched. "He is an eirnacht. The journey may have left him exhausted, and he could request replenishment. Normally, I would offer him fairy dust, but given the situation, that's no longer an option."

Elowen's stomach hollowed out. "My—My lord?" He couldn't mean for her...

Thalion sighed and kissed her. "You are the only water initiate in the castle. By rights, he could ask for you."

"But we're married!" Shock thrilled through Elowen, her limbs trembling.

The milling guards and grooms around them froze, heads turning in furtive glances at her exclamation.

"So?" Thalion shot her an irritated glance. "He's not going to take you to a grove and evoke a child."

Humanity weighed heavily on Elowen at that moment, and she stepped back from her sidhe husband. "You said I would always have a choice."

Thalion let her go, his throat-boll jerking in his throat. "You do. If you want to be nothing but my wife, I could refuse him. But as you are also a water eirnacht in training under my tutelage. He is entitled to guest rights. Entitled to you."

Elowen crossed her arms, hugging herself. Another man's hands roving across her breasts. The thought sped her breath, even as fear curdled inside her, leaving a metallic taste on her tongue. She had known no man but Thalion. Yielding to a stranger... The thought of it sent a bolt of desire straight through her.

Inside her, the moondrop blossom reached for the light. She was an eirnacht, and the power demanded its own price. Lifting her chin, she met Thalion's eyes. "If that is your will, my lord."

Thalion looked away. "Obligation and curtesy binds us both." His gaze came back to her. "If he asks for you, I want you to remember the tabu. He's not known for his temperance."

Elowen's guts knotted together, a pulse surging in her groin. Fear and desire, her old friends, raging inside her once more. "Yes, my lord." The words ached her heart, the moment of intimacy in the forest shattered.

What if going to this man pleased her? What would such a wanton thing say about her?

Thalion rubbed along his jaw, his eyebrows quirking as he looked her up and down. At last, he shook his head and offered his arm. "Come. We must greet our guest."

Smoothing down her skirts, she took the proffered arm, and they entered Pyreheart Castle. Juxtaposed with the soft glow of the setting sun, a hard line of tension rode the air in the great hall. Denizens of the castle filled the benches, trenchers of food crowding the tables. The subtle scent of salt mingled with exotic incense, blue smoke drifting from hearths already lit against the coming chill.

Lord Ferin Sundrenched sat at the high table, his skin glittering as gold as his banner. Servants buzzed about him, fetching wine and laying out a feast with an assortment of delicacies.

Thalion's herald, a slender sidhe with silver hair and an air of authority, stepped forward. "Presenting Thalion of Pyreheart, Lord of Elemental Fire and Lady Elowen, Initiate of Elemental Water." His voice reverberated through the grand hall, drowning out the murmur of conversations.

Elowen's blue gown shimmered like a cloudless summer sky against Thalion's crimson tunic. Benches scraped on stone as the courtiers rose and bowed. Thalion ignored the crowd, sweeping Elowen up to the dais with resolute authority. Her breath caught in her throat as a smirk wreathed Ferin's face, his rump seemingly glued to his chair.

Thalion extended a polite smile that didn't reach his eyes, muscles drawing to rigid lines under Elowen's grip. "My Lord Ferin. You seem to be making yourself quite comfortable."

The room filled with a hush, heads swiveling between the two eirnachts.

Ferin shoved out the chair where Elowen would normally sit. "I spared you the embarrassment of greeting a guest in the courtyard."

"So thoughtful." Thalion's low bass crawled around the hall. He seated Elowen and took the Lord's Chair, sandwiching her between the two fire eirnachts. "Was your journey pleasant?"

"A little tiring." Malice glittered in Ferin's starlit eyes, his brows quirking. "Your hospitality would be much appreciated."

Elowen's heart thudded against her ribs as Thalion cupped her face. He spoke over her, breath tickling her breasts. "You need refreshment after opening a single waystone?"

Ferin sneered, an ugly expression that sent a thrill of fear dancing down Elowen's spine. "Let us say I came hungry to your house."

Thalion kissed her cheek. "What do you think, my lady?"

Her hands knotted in her skirts as she strove to keep her voice even. "If Lord Ferin requires assistance, I can accommodate him, my lord."

"This promises to be a pleasant night." Ferin bared his teeth from her other side. "At least for me. I was expecting a dryer response from the dour lord of Pyreheart. Or is the dust pinching after your failure?"

Thalion's thumb pressed on Elowen's neck, a tense grip communicating sudden anger. "Have you been creeping along my hedges, Ferin?"

"For those of us who belong to Twilight, it is not so unusual to deal with corrupted flames." Ferin leaned back in his chair, bracing a knee against the edge of the table. "I could help you, for one of those bargains the Unseelie are so fond of."

Thalion's nostrils flared. "I neither require nor request your assistance."

Their battle across her sent tendrils of dread through Elowen, and she turned her head to Thalion. "My lord, shall we dine?"

Before he could reply, hard fingers closed on her thigh, crushing the cloth of her dress. "I'd rather eat you." Ferin's words sent a bolt of desire through Elowen, even as she cringed back toward her husband.

Thalion's arm slid around her shoulders. "Guest rights entitle you to one location. Would you like to claim her here?" Elowen shook under his grip. Despite his love for an audience, Thalion had never taken her so publicly. She quivered at the thought, caught between shame and need.

Ferin laughed, his fingers creeping up her leg. "As amusing as taking your wife in your hall would be, no. I want time and tools to work with."

Thalion's hand tangled in her hair. "If you keep speaking like a human, I will respond like a human and challenge you to the banroth." He smiled, cruelty curving across his lips. "In fact, perhaps I should do that."

Ferin's eyes narrowed, but his fingers shook on Elowen's leg. "A duel will not remove the obligation of guest rights."

"No." Thalion's fingers walked across her neck, and she leaned into his touch. "But you'll accept sharing her with me, or we shall dance with fire."

Elowen's eyes cut to Ferin. The Twilight sidhe dropped his gaze, though his fingers still dug into the soft meat of her leg. "As you will. Shall we retire to your dungeon?"

A tense line spanning Elowen's shoulders loosened. At least Thalion would be there. Tabu or not, Ferin stank of fire and danger and death.

"No." Thalion gave the other eirnacht an icy smile. "We shall dine first."

Though the mere thought of food stuck in Elowen's craw, she was grateful for the respite as Ferin removed his hand and the servants carried in the first dish.

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Elowen stumbled over the lintel into the round room at the top of Pyreheart's tallest tower. The shutters stood wide, allowing the night breeze to flow through the space and she rubbed at her arms, cold and fear laying goosebumps across her skin.

Thalion and Ferin followed her, the door banging shut behind them with a finality that made her jump.

Ferin's hand on her lower back pushed her forward. "Very nice." His voice held a low growl that nibbled along the edges of her spirit, shivers of fearful desire racing through her.

She knew every piece of equipment in this room. The cross-shaped whipping post against the wall, the padded bench long enough and broad enough for her body to be tied to, the saddle-rack where Thalion liked to spread her.

But by the couch that stood before the fire there was a new addition—an unknown chest.

"Well?" Thalion crossed his arms over his chest. "What would you have of her?"

Ferin laughed, low and cruel. He pointed at Elowen. "Strip."

The command fanned the flames of desire. She quivered before them, shame driving her need higher. Thalion's cool expression gave her no hint of his wishes. Elowen gulped and loosened the laces of her corset with shaking fingers. The blue gown slithered from her shoulders, pooling around her ankles. She met Ferin's burning gaze, her hands fisted into the chemise.

"All of it." The stars in his irises whirled together, glittering with malice.

The silk whispered along her skin as she pulled the undergarment over her head. Her hands slid to cover herself, but Ferin slapped them away. "Lace your fingers behind your head, present yourself."

Elowen's gaze slid to Thalion, but he remained remote. Her heart crushed inward, even as need fluttered through her. Had the moment in the forest even existed between them? She buried her hands in her black curls, arching her back.

Ferin pinched her nipples, forcing them to attention. His hands slid over her breasts, exploring the valley between them while she shivered under his touch. His thumbs traced her ribs, gliding over her belly and down to tangle with the hair covering her womanhood. Elowen blushed, even as her muscles rippled, need an ache between her legs.

Ferin smiled into her eyes and spread her thighs, plunging hot fingers into her slit. Elowen cried out in humiliated delight as his palm crushed against her mound.

"Already wet." He probed inside her, making her inner walls ripple. "Is that because humans like being on their knees?"

"She is a water eirnacht." Thalion traced the silver chain that held Elowen's ogham rune. "She aches for your fire because she is fairy." His fingers flicked her breasts, the pain an old friend. "What's your obsession with humans?"

"I've had a few of them recently." Ferin extracted his fingers and held them to her lips.

Obediently, Elowen suckled, tasting herself on him, salty with the soft scent of moondrops. Thalion walked behind her and drew his fingers up her back. She leaned into his touch as he breathed on her nape. For a moment, she forgot about Ferin, tilting her head to her husband.

A heavy hand smashed across her breasts. "No." Ferin twisted her nipples and Elowen gasped, arching her back. "Tonight, I lead." He jerked her away from Thalion and pointed at the chest by the couch. "Those are my toys. Pick three."

They would be used on her. The thought thrilled Elowen—fear and lust and the pain of Thalion's distance warring inside her. She stumbled forward at Ferin's urging, aiming for the foreign box. The harshness of his commands awoke a firestorm inside her.

Booted steps followed her to the couch.

"Where have you been fucking humans?" Thalion's voice held a faint note of disdain.

"Bryton," Ferin said as Elowen knelt by the box.

Thalion sat on the couch, crossing his long legs. "The Romans are not a foe lightly treated."

"The Romans are gone—or at least their legions are. Anyway, I have no desire to discuss politics tonight." Ferin slapped Elowen's rump, hard enough to sting. "Choose, girl."

The chest held paddles, floggers, canes, blindfolds, clamps... As she stretched past a tawse, her fingers brushed the box's wooden side and came away damp. Inside her core, the moondrop of her power shuddered. The putrid stench of the pit in the meadow climbed through her nostrils. Her eyes cut sideways, but Ferin's gaze stayed on her back, his trews bulging with fierce need.

Elowen walked her fingers down the corner of the box, following the trail. Touches of magic lingered in the corners, faint traces of darkness that grumbled a song of stagnant water. Fingers clamped around her neck.

"Choose." Ferin's low growl thrummed through her, driving the stink from her mind. They were bound in obligation to guest rights. And it might be nothing. Later. She would tell Thalion later.

Groping blindly, she produced two clamps attached to a chain, a paddle with silver studs on one side, and a wooden wand carved with a rounded nub at the end. Without prompting, she knelt at Farin's feet, her heart hammering against her ribs as she laid out the items.

He picked up the clamps, running his fingers over the sharp edges. "Chest out."

Elowen breathed deeply, arching her back. Her breasts tingled. A shiver wracked through her as Ferin rolled his fingers over her nipples, plumping them. Cold metal bit into her tender flesh and she gasped, her legs spreading of their own accord, desire a beating pulse in her groin.

His chuckle rolled around her and he thrust the wand between her legs, a cunning nub rubbing over her jewel. A weight on the chain between her breasts pulled down, the pain heightening the need thudding between her legs.

"Please, my lord." She jerked her hips forward, but he withdrew the wand.

"No. This is a reward you have not earned." He buried his hand in her hair, dragging her to kneel before Thalion. "Lay your chest over your husband's lap."

"What game do we play here?" Thalion's fingers stroked over Elowen's back, her clamped breasts mashing against him.

"Gag her with your cock." Ferin ran the paddle over her thighs and buttocks.

Thalion unlaced himself and his pale manhood sprang free, already stirred to attention. Elowen closed her lips over his head, swirling her tongue along the length of him. Ferin's fingers splayed over her back, pinning her to Thalion's lap, the clamps on her breast grinding into his legs.

The paddle hissed through the air. Silver nubs smacked into Elowen's tender flesh, and she cried out, her pain drowning on Thalion's shaft. Heat spiraled out from her buttocks, the sharp edges of the paddle drawing lines of torment on her ass. Between her legs, a wave of desire drew breath.

Ferin's fingers plunged into her. "Wetter than ever. Maybe she is an eirnacht after all."

Degradation drove the burning need inside her. She spread her legs, silently begging for more. He laughed, his fingers toying with her, making her squirm on Thalion's lap, her breasts squishing in their clamps.

"Starlight will spill from her tonight." Thalion's hand kept her head still, and he rocked his hips, burying his cock in her throat a few times. "Will you believe then?"

Eagerly, Elowen sucked at him, soft mewling escaping from her mouth. She wanted him. She wanted them both.

"I'll bet your light comes before mine." Ferin's voice went low.

"I'll take that bet." Thalion released her head and Elowen licked along his cock, her lips trembling. She was like a bone they fought over, tearing her back and forth between them.

Ferin's hand pinned her once more, and the paddle blazed into her rear, blows falling like rain. He had a different technique from Thalion. Faster, giving her no time to absorb the individual blows.

The pain flew from exquisite to agony, her skin taking fire. Silver nubs left imprints of torment on her skin. Lines on her thighs and buttocks crossed each other, and she sobbed, choking on Thalion's cock.

And still the paddle sang through the air.

Circles of color sparkled in her vision, the world turning fuzzy around the edges. She turned to light inside her own skin, writhing with every strike.

In her core, the moondrop blossomed.

The heat of the paddle stopped. "Well, well, well." The voice spoke from far away, widening and narrowing over Elowen's ears. "Eirnacht after all."

She pushed her buttocks upward, seeking more. "Please, my lord." Begging words tumbled from her lips. "Please beat me. Please fuck me. Please."

"Oh, that is nice." The man behind her laughed. "Hear how your wife begs for me, Thalion?"

"I told you." She knew the voice that spoke, the hand that pulled her away from the taste of honey. "She is an eirnacht and longs for fire." An iron grip on her neck pushed her forward, bending her over the saddle-rack. The chain dangling from her breasts clinked against her ogham rune. "You take her mouth."

"You think her mouth can bring my light?" The tip of a cock probed at her lips.

Elowen braced her hands on warm hips and suckled at the head, her hips squirming against the wood. She ached with need, her lips and tongue eager on the man before her, even as her nether regions remained empty.

"I know it can, but we'll see if it does."

Abruptly, a blunt tip parted her folds, plunging into her slit, and she gulped down the cock in her mouth, her cheeks working frantically along its length. A smooth object slid into her ass and Elowen cried out in ecstatic pleasure. A wash of silver consumed the tower room, and she milked the hard length inside her.