Encounter With Corrupt Cops

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A woman shopping is kidnapped by corrupt cops.
10.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 02/19/2022
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The following DARK story has themes of non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality.

What a day. Man, don't ever remember being this busy on my day off. It's what I get for not doing my chores daily like I should. When you don't, they all pile up and get overwhelming. I know it happens because I'm being too much of a workaholic. I barely spend time at home, mainly because I live alone. Why rush home when there's no one there and there's so much to get done?

I walk into the grocery store, knowing this needs to be a quick trip if I want to get all my chores done. I've come just for a few things that I need to get my house in order. Like laundry detergent.

You know I haven't done laundry in forever? It's so bad, and I'm ashamed to admit this, that I have no clean underwear to wear at the moment. So yeah, right now I'm not wearing a bra nor panties. If my Mom found out, she would be furious. She would say how girls that don't wear underwear get what is coming to them, as if it makes me some sort of slut.

Not wearing panties isn't that bad, as it's not like anyone notices, but the bra is an issue. I have F cup breasts which need to be in a bra or else they bounce when I walk. Around the house this isn't so bad, maybe a bit annoying but out in public it is very noticeable. So as I walk I either have to go really slow or keep my arm over my chest to keep them down. Either feels very humiliating to do.

I walk past the cashiers and deeper into the store. When I do, I smile and wave at a cashier that is looking at me. It's sort of creepy the way he does, but he looks like one of those 40ish men that are going through a mid-life crisis and want to hook up with a 21 year old woman like myself. I try not to look grossed out as he continues to stare as I walk away, knowing he must be checking out my ass by now.

A few moments later I'm going through the aisles to find the items I need, such as soap, cleaner, window cleaner and etc. Once I get these things I go to get the final item: laundry detergent. What sucks is that I need a special type as I'm allergic to certain chemicals, and it's hard to find. But after about 5 minutes, I do find it. It was at the very end of the aisle, not even next to the other laundry detergents. Man, I hate how grocery stories are laid out. It never makes any sense.

As I grab the bottle I notice movement out of the corner of my eyes. Two cops enter my aisle, looking very serious. I'm not the only one that notices either as the few people in the aisle notice them as well. Thinking nothing of them, I position all the things I have so I can walk better. Once I get everything as I want, I begin to walk.

"Excuse me, ma'am," one of the cops say as they approach me. I saw them walking towards me but didn't think anything about it. Now they are right in front of me and one already is holding cuffs out.

This is so shocking that I turn around to look behind me. For sure they aren't here for me. I haven't done anything, nor have I ever done anything. I'm just a boring data manager workaholic. But there's no one behind me. There's no one near me at all.

"Please turn around and put your hands behind you," the cop instructs seriously. My eyes widen at this as I feel myself start to go into shock. The world sort of goes fuzzy as I get very cold and feel pale. They are arresting me? ME?!

"W-W-W-What? Why? What's going on?!" I stammer out, scared. The cop with the cuff sighs, as if I'm being annoying. It only serves to worry me even more. Neither of them look happy or that they have emotions.

"Ma'am, please turn around and put your hands behind your back. Don't make us use force," the other cop says, stating it as a clear threat. When he says this, I then notice how much larger they both are than I. They are basically built of muscle and the one with the cuffs has a scar on his face that looks to be from a knife.

"W-W-What's going on?" I ask, my voice quivering as I turn around. Vision of them slamming me down and hurting me play in my mind, which made my body turn on it's own. And I feel like such a coward when I place both hands behind me, knowing what it means. It's like giving up and that feels so embarrassing. But what else can I do? Run? Ha! They would catch me no problem.

"Are you that stupid? You are being arrested," the cop says very coldly as he slaps the cuffs on me, trapping my hands. At this, my legs go weak and I think I may fall over from panic. I mean, I'm being arrested. ARRESTED. What in the world is going on? What did I do?!

"What did I do?" I ask again as they say nothing. Surely this is a mistake. They mean to get someone else. I haven't done anything at all. They must be after someone that looks like me.

"Shut up," the cop says and then spins me to face him. I'm spun around so fast that it makes my neck hurt. The cop is extremely rough and strong, making me feel like a child compared to him.

The cop grabs my shoulder and pushes me to make me start to walk. The two cops walk behind me, each now holding a shoulder as they walk me handcuffed. Yet even as this happens, I still try to figure out what is going on as my panic starts to overwhelm me.

"But why? What did I do? You are making a mistake! I haven't done anything!" I try to tell them as they walk me, but they aren't listening. Instead, they force me to walk at a fast pace as if just wanting to get me out of the store as fast as possible. What's worse is that as they walk me, people turn and look which makes me lower my head in hopes they don't see my face.

"Sir...sir...please...not so fast," I beg now as they walk me so fast. The speed of it makes my breasts bounce harder and higher without my bra. Each time they bounce, my shirt lifts a tiny bit more. If I'm not careful my breasts could bounce right out of my shirt.

"Ouch!" I say as the cop on my left side cranks and twists on my arm, making me arch my back. When I do this, my chest is thrust forward, making my breasts bounce even harder. Now it's as if I'm asking people not to look at my face, but at my tits as they clearly bounce hard.

"I said shut up," the cop grunts, again sounding annoyed. The other cop joins in, cranking on my other arm, thrusting my chest out more. They do it so hard that I'm practically lifted up by my arms.

My face burns red as I'm sure my shirt is going to ride up at any moment. That my bare tits will bounce free of my shirt and be exposed to everyone. I know it's silly to worry about something like this when I'm being arrested, but I can't help it. Being arrested with your tits out is a sure way to get on the news and not in a good way.

Now we are outside the grocery store, where it feels like thousands of people are watching. I know it's really more like a dozen people, but it doesn't matter. They all are seeing me get arrested. Seeing me being led away like a criminal. And seeing my tits bounce comically. And the next time they see me, that's all they will think about.

"Please stop! Tell me what's going on? What did I do?" I protest, my voice quivering with fear. They still don't answer me. Instead, they lead me to their cop car which is parked right in front of the store, the lights flashing.

One cop opens the back door of the cop car and the other leads me to it. Only they don't put me in like they do on TV. No. The cop literally picks me up by grabbing the back of my pants and my hair to toss me into the back. I leave my feet as he does this, being thrown like garbage into the back of the cop car.

I land on my face, bouncing once. My feet are then pushed in and the door slammed closed. It takes me a couple of moments to get to my senses and fight to sit up. With my hands cuffed behind me, I can't really do anything. I never knew how much you use your arms until right now.

The car takes off driving as I still am face down. After about 5 minutes I do get up into a sitting position. When I do, I notice something really strange. They have put tape over parts of their uniform. I see them because the one driving has a patch on his arm that says "Precinct" but where the number would be displayed is covered in a piece of black duct tape.

This leads me to another scary thought: they never said the reason why they arrested me. That's something they are supposed to do by law. I mean, they could just be assholes and that's why they didn't tell me, but what if it is more than that? What if...this is something different?

"W-Where are we going?" I ask as I notice we aren't driving towards the police station. In fact, we are driving away from it. Everyone knows where the nearby police station is as if you are not careful, you can easily get a speeding ticket with all the cops that are near it.

"I told you to shut up," the cop in the passenger's seat says. It's now I see the two are not talking...at all. Not telling anyone on the radio that they have me, not even talking to each other. It's almost like it's on purpose. Like they don't want me to know too much. Just like with the tape on their uniform.

Fear like I've never felt before fills me. This...this isn't an arrest. I don't know what it is, but it's not an arrest. They are kidnapping me or something. Why? Why me? They came right for me, so I know it is on purpose. Why me? What could I have done to deserve this?

After about 15 minutes the car turns down an old farm road. We are now in a part of the city that I've never been in before. It's on the outskirts of the town, where things look a bit...run down.

The car drives on the farm road until the smooth pavement becomes rocky and rough due to the street turning into dirt. Looking around, I see a house every so often and even these haven't been kept up, if you can call them houses. Most haven't been lived in for years and are missing important parts, like the roof or a wall or two.

My extreme fear level rises even higher when the car slowly stops on the side of the road. It stops right in front of another car and a waiting man. The man is leaning against the front of his car, obviously waiting for them.

It's the cashier from the store. The creepy 40-year-old one that was staring at me.

My mouth drops open as both cops get out of the car. They both go and talk to the cashier, to which its clear they know each other. They have a conversation where they all share a laugh. They then talk more, pointing back at me a few times.

Oh shit. Oh fuck. This is bad. This is really bad. You hear about things like this on TV or in the news, but don't think it can happen to you. What are they going to do? Kidnap me? Sell me? Steal my organs? Kill me?

"Noooo," I groan as one cop walks to my door and opens it. When he does, I back up to the other side of the bench seat, prepared to kick when he tries to grab me. He notices this and shrugs, making no effort to reach in.

"Come on, get out bitch. You have 10 seconds, then I'll taze you and drag your lifeless ass out instead," he states. He says this not as a threat, but fact. That he doesn't mind doing what he said. That he will taze me and pull me out with my body twitching.

Not wanting to be tazed, I start to scoot over. Feeling scared and cowardly, I move all the way to the open door where I turn and put my feet on the ground to step out. When I do, the cop grabs my upper again to lead me towards the other men. He then stops me when I'm but feet away in front of them.

"See, told ya. Look at those tits. Bitch knows it too, she ain't even wearing a fucking bra," the cashier exclaims, talking as if I'm not here. My mouth drops open as my face burns red as he talks about my breasts like that. I look at him in disbelief of what he just said. That he is so openly disgusting.

Oh dear. Oh me. This...is bad. That's why they brought me out here. They mean to take me...sexually. They are going to force me. Oh, this is bad.

Looking around, there doesn't appear to be anyone, anywhere. In fact, I bet I could scream as loud as I can and not be heard but by these three. And if I did get away from them somehow, where would I go? They would track me down before I got to any sort of help. In any case, who would I go to? The police?!

I gasp loudly as one of the cops reaches over to grab the bottom of my shirt...and lift. He jerks my shirt upward until both of my breasts are exposed to the three men. And he holds my shirt up too, making sure they all get a look at my breasts.

Humiliation like I've never felt rolls over me as I stand there letting him do this to me. It is more than just humiliation. It's...it's...I dunno. It's the feeling of being owned. Of being helpless. Of being...an object. For I could run off, or kick him, but instead I stand like this letting him expose me.

As I stare forward, my vision goes a little fuzzy as I seem to go into a daze. It's a strange daze too, one that seems more like a dream than reality. It feels like this because I feel more than just humiliation, but arousal. I've never been treated like this. Never felt so humiliated. Never felt so scared. Never felt so darkly aroused.

"Those are some big fucking tits. I mean, look at them jiggle when she breathes," the cashier exclaims, pointing at them. He then reaches over and slaps my right breast to send it into my left. I yelp at this as I wasn't expecting it, and take a step back, but am pulled back to where I was by the cop still holding me.

In my mind I give the three names, for no reason than to have something to do as the cashier slaps my tits again. The cop holding me will be called Cop A and the other Cop B and the casher is The Cashier. Besides the scar on Cop B's face, the two cops look like standard cookie-cutter cops. They both even wear the same sort of sunglasses.

"Make them bounce bitch," the cashier demands. I look at him after he says this but don't say anything. It's here that I make a few connections in my mind. I figure he must have seen me at the store, then called his friends here. They use the power of being cops to get the victim to go with them...so they can do this.

"Do it or we do it for you," Cop A, who is still holding my shirt up warns. I look up at him, not wanting to find out what that might mean. But before I can do anything, he tugs up on the shirt much harder until he gets it over my head. He keeps pulling until my shirt is now pooled around my cuffed hands, leaving me completely topless.

"Bounce those titties, bitch," The Cashier says in a taunting manner. The way he says this combined with the three staring at me topless makes me feel a weird powerful feeling. Still in that dream-like manner, I recognize the feeling as being aroused. No, beyond aroused. The feeling is very intense and is unlike how I've ever felt before. It feels so intense that my heart is pounding like a hammer while I want to start crying in fear. It's so terrifying but a part of me is loving this.

So I do as they want and bounce my breasts. I bend my knees and then stand up straight to make them heave upward and bounce down. I put effort into this too, making them wildly bounce after a few moments. As I can tell they are loving this, I do it harder, even make them clap together, which is oddly painful but extremely pleasurable.

The men laugh, clap and make many comments about my breasts as I bounce them. From "Look at them go!" to "bounce those titties bitch," they treat me as nothing but a toy. And what makes it worse is the more they make fun of me, the harder I bounce my tits.

"Alright stop before you knock yourself out with them," The Cashier says with a lewd smile. I notice know that only The Cashier is ordering me now and the cops are silent. Is The Cashier the one in charge? Maybe he's paying them?

"Now, be a good little bitch and tell us how those tits belong to us for as long as we want," The Cashier orders. After he says this, I just look at him as I don't think he said what I think he said. It's so unbelievable that I think it's a joke or that I misheard. No one could be that crude. No one could be so disgusting.

"Do it bitch or else we gonna cuff those tits of yours," he threatens, looking like he really likes this idea. This again makes fear run over me. Cold blinding fear that is brought on by a single image in my mind of myself with both breast forced into cuffs.

"My....m-m-my t-t-tits belong to a-all of y-you," I say in a soft, scared tone, stammering almost every word. When I say this, they all laugh, making my face turn red again. They are laughing at me in the worst way. Laughing at me while topless and saying how they are going to abuse me.

"Say it again, louder. And mention who your pussy and ass belong too as well," The Cashier says, motioning with his hand for me to repeat myself. This makes me close my eyes for a moment as a powerful wave of humiliation hits me. It hits so hard that I'm not sure I can say it. But I know I can. I know this because I feel how my womanhood is tingling with desire. That dark part of me is loving this.

"My tits belong to all of you, as does my pussy and ass," I say much louder now, nearly yelling it. Once again they laugh at this, enjoying the show. Not to mention my embarrassed expression.

"Good girl," The Cashier says, clapping a few times to show how much he is enjoying himself. The cops still stand where they are, almost like statues but laughing statues.

"Now...tell these nice cops how you want to be fucked by all three of us. That you want us to shove our cocks not just in your mouth, but in your pussy and up your ass," The Cashier now orders, sounding darker in tone. I sway after hearing this, another powerful wave of pleasing humiliation moving over me. This time it makes my legs wobbly, as if I really am going to fall over. If not for the cop still holding me, I think I might have.

"I...I..." I try to say, not sure that I could say something so horrible. It's like my brain figures if I say those horrible words, it'll really happen. But if I don't, they won't do it. That I'll be let go or something as long as I don't say what they want me to say.

"I...I want to be fucked by all three of you. I want you to t-t-take my...my...my mouth, my pussy and my...my....my ass," I stammer out suddenly, surprising myself. Right after saying this, I feel myself go pale. Did I really just say all that?

"Now...say it while bouncing those fun bags," The Cashier says, a shit-eating grin on his face. Right after I hear the two cops snicker, all three loving the power of making me do what they want, no matter what it is. Only this time I immediately do it, knowing there's no way out of this. So I actually start to hop up and down to make my breasts bounce for them as tears start to fall down my cheeks.

"I want to be fucked by all three of you. Fucked in the mouth, pussy and ass because you own everything, including my fat tits," I say, my tits bouncing heavily up and down. The Cashier laughs hard at this, commenting what a cowardly submissive bitch I am. Cop A looks on as I bounce with a surprised expression while Cop B wears a look of disbelief. It's clear they were not expecting me to do this.

"Enough of this," Cop A says as he holds me. He then yanks me by my arm backward. He pulls hard, nearly making me fall over as he ragdolls me. I'm then pushed forward by him, where I crash into the cp car.

Being extremely rough, he slams me against the hood, pressing my face against it where I feel the heat of the engine. It's almost hot enough to make me scream in pain, but thankfully not that hot. But he does press down hard, making me feel how the engine has heated up all of the hood, making my face and tits feel the increased heat.