End of a Era Pt. 04


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The last man turned and dropped to one knee; both to steady his aim and to make himself a smaller target. He got off two shots before Johnny emptied his gun into the man. Johnny pulled William to a stop and looked over the three men to make sure they were dead.

"Don't pay to rile a mountain man," he said out loud.

Johnny rode to the hitching rail in front of the house and called out, "Danni, Sarah, its okay now. I got em. They can't bother you no more."

Danni and Sarah came out onto the porch. As they did a fourth man stepped around the near corner of the house and shot. Johnny staggered; the man turned toward the women and raised his rifle again.

Johnny roared his anger and charged his shooter. His scream was a cross between a Cheyenne death song and rebel yell. Johnny threw his empty pistol, striking the man in the side of the head. The gunman almost dropped his weapon and before he could recover Johnny was on him. The man lost his rifle in the struggle and tried to pull his pistol as Johnny beat on him with one hand. Johnny's left arm hung useless at his side.

Pushing the gunman back to the log wall of the house, Johnny pulled his 12 inch Bowie knife and pushed it into the man's middle just below the breastbone. The knife went through the man and pinned his body to the wall behind him. The outlaw gasped and slumped over. He was dead.

Johnny stepped back, swaying and fell to the ground. The last thing he remembered was Danni and Sarah kneeling by his side.


Dillon was the one that answered Jackson's question. In a low dangerous voice he said, "Lenny and Jess won't be coming back. We thought we'd meet with you instead. "

"And who are you?" Jackson asked beginning to worry. There were three angry, capable looking young men facing him.

"I'm Josh Kelly and that's Red McCall," he answered. "We're from the CBC. And that is Dillon Gallagher from the Winterborn ranch."

Jackson looked from one man to the other as Josh introduced themselves.

"Understand you've got business with us," Dillon continued. "Thought you might want to deal with us in person." He watched Jackson's face as the man realized he was in trouble.

"Your dogs didn't do such a good job, you know," Josh said.

"If you want something done right you have to do it yourself don't you know," Red added.

Two of the six men slowly stood and scurried away from the table. That left Jackson and three others still there. Jackson had one hand below the table and started to move the other one down also.

"Put your hand back on the table Mister," Red ordered. Jackson left his hand in sight. "Bring the other one up real slow and ifin there's anything in it I'll kill you where you sit." Jackson did as ordered.

"Now stand up real easy," Josh ordered. "We going to take a walk over to the Marshal's office and tell him a little story."

As Jackson stood the other three men at the table stood with him.

"Nobody told you three to move," Dillon said.

"Maybe not, but we work for Mr. Jackson," one of the men said. "Don't reckon we'll let you take him."

"Besides I want to have words with you," another one said to Dillon. "Understand you killed a friend of mine over to Prescott, Gallagher.

"I wouldn't want to be called a friend of any of those I shot in Prescott," Dillon replied.

"You shot Bill Wilson, did you?"

"Yeah, and I was facing him when I did," Dillon answered. Bill Wilson had been a hired gun and reputed to be one of the fastest in the southwest; Dillon's answer was a warning.

"Well I'm facin you now," the man replied and went for his gun.

The other two men and Jackson all reached for their guns. Jackson tried to pull both pistols at the same time.

Before the man facing Dillon could get his gun out of his holster, Dillon shot him in the forehead. The man's eyes blazed a question at Dillon before the light faded from them. Dillon felt rather than saw Josh put his man down and turned his gun on Jackson. There was no need. By the time Dillon turned Red had shot Jackson and the fourth man.

Red calmly ejected the spent cartridges from his pistol and reloaded. "Jackson wasn't good enough to wear a two gun rig," he said. "That other one wasn't much better."

Josh knelt next to Jackson. He was on his back, gut shot but still alive. "James," Josh turned and yelled. "Send for the doctor and the Marshal."

Turning back to Jackson he asked, "Why? Why did you send those men?"

Jackson coughed up some blood. "You and Gallagher there were killing Allison's chances to be elected Governor. I wanted to scare you so you'd be quiet."

"Do you work for Allison? Are you related to him? I don't understand why you'd send men after us," Josh said puzzled.

"Oh hell, I'm not gonna make it am I?" Jackson asked.

"You're gut shot Jackson. It don't look good," Dillon answered. He had come over to listen. Red was walking around the table kicking the guns away from the dead men.

"Might as well tell you now," Jackson said. "I don't work for Allison. But he promised that if I helped him get elected he'd appoint me as the head of the Department of Mining for Colorado." Jackson looked up at Josh. "You realize how much power I would have? You realize how much money that appointment was worth?"

Red had stepped closer and heard Jackson's explanation. "Well now you can be the head of the mines in hell, you son of a bitch."

The doctor came into the saloon at a run. He saw the group in the back of the room and hurried to them. The Marshal was right behind him.

"Those three are dead but Jackson's still breathing Doc," Josh offered. The doctor knelt by Jackson and began to cut away his shirt.

"Just put your guns on the table boys," the Marshal ordered. He held a double barrel coach gun at the ready. "Take it easy and do it now."

Red turned and faced the Marshal. "I don't reckon I'm gonna let you take my guns tonight Marshal."


"Daniel. Take the rest of the children out back and stay there until we call you," Sarah ordered her son as she knelt next to Johnny. "Danni get some water heating and send John back out with one of the paring knives and some clean towels."

They'd just started cooking supper and the stove was hot. Danni sent John back to his mother with several towels and a knife. She poured warm water from the kettle sitting on the stove into a flat bottomed dish pan. Setting the kettle back on the stove to heat Danni took the wash basin out to Sarah.

Sarah had slit Johnny's shirt open and put a towel on his wound to stop the bleeding. Between Danni and Sarah they cleaned the area and tied towels tightly against the wound. Johnny was a big man but they managed to get him up and into one of the downstairs bedrooms.

As they tended to Johnny's wound Danni said, "Josh told me those first two men planned on going over to Winterborn after they were done here. I know Oso is at the ranch but maybe I should warn them about the attack on us. There could be one planned for them too."

"I think you're right," Sarah agreed. "I'll take care of Johnny and you go to the Gallagher's. Be careful Sis."

Danni quickly changed to a split riding skirt and ran down to the barn. She saddled Itsa, one of Josh's horses and the son of Diablo. Her horse Sunny nickered at her wanting to go.

"Sorry big fellar," she said. "I need to get to Winterborn and back as fast as I can." Danni took a minute to stroke Sunny's forehead. "Itsa's strong and very fast."

She led Itsa out of the barn, mounted, and put him into a high gallop. The big horse seemed to be happy to be out of his stall and even happier to be running. He extended his head forward and put his ears back to hear Danni's commands and ran as fast as the eagle he was named after.

I hope I'm not too late, Danni said to herself.


Josh was worried because Red had that crazy look in his eyes. Dillon stood and faced the Marshal. He gave a small smile and stepped between Red and the lawman.

"It's okay Red," Dillon said. "Boys I like you to meet Marshal Tom Ryan." Turning back toward Red and Josh he added, "I worked as Tom's deputy for two years over to Wichita Falls in Texas."

"I'll be damned," Tom said. "Dillon Gallagher. What are you doin in this part of the country?"

"Got a ranch down to Fountain way," Dillon answered. "These two are my neighbors and good friends. That's Josh Kelly and Red McCall."

Lowering his shotgun Tom said. "You boys own the CBC, I've heard about your ranch." Turning to Josh he said, "You must be the Kelly that raises horses. Damned fine animals from what I hear."

In spite of the seriousness of the situation Josh had to smile. "Nice to meet you Marshal Ryan. Dillon's told us about you and your shotgun," he said pointing to the scatter gun in the Marshal's hands.

"When did you and Juanita move to Colorado?" Dillon asked his friend.

Tom's face went a little slack and he sort of hung his head for a few seconds. "Juanita got the fever and died Dillon. It was just over a year ago." Ryan paused and added, "Couldn't stand to stay in Wichita Falls so I sold the boarding house and came up here." He brightened a little. "Stayed in the same line of work though."

The Marshal stepped closer to the doctor. "He gonna make it Doc?"

The doctor stood and shook his head. "He's already gone Marshal Ryan. Best have James send for the undertaker."

"Dillon you and the boys come over to the office and give me a statement tomorrow morning," Tom requested. He turned toward the bar and said, "James you're a witness, you better come too." Looking back at Dillon he added, "Won't be a problem but I will need something to show the judge."

"If you say so Tom," Dillon agreed. "We'll see you after breakfast."

Marshal Ryan had to wait until the bodies had been collected by the County Coroner. It wasn't a very long wait. In spite of being a now famous resort, Colorado Springs was still at heart a wild cattle town. The Coroner was used to being called out at all times of the day or night.

Saturday morning Dillon, Josh, and Red had breakfast at the café. They met with Marshal Ryan and gave their statement as to the events at the saloon. After visiting for almost two hours with Tom Ryan they left the Marshal's office. They settled their accounts with the livery stable and the boarding house and were on the trail back home by midday.

The ride could be made in an hour if they pushed the horses hard but it wasn't necessary. Josh let Red and his horse Jasper set the pace. Jasper never rushed or ran until he was forced to. It took three hours with the horses just loping to make the trip.


Johnny came up out of the dark place where he'd been. Slowly opening his eyes he saw he was in a big bedroom and felt himself lying on a feather bed. If this is hell, it ain't half bad, he thought as he drifted back to sleep. He woke once again as Danni was wiping his forehead with a cool damp cloth.

"Howdy Missy," Johnny said and went back to sleep. The next time he woke he could see that it was night time. The lamp in the room gave a dim light and the window showed darkness. He woke and went back to sleep two more times during the night, staying awake longer each time.

Waking up again, Johnny tried to sit up and wished he hadn't. A pain like nothing he'd ever felt shot through his left shoulder. It slowly forced him back down into that dark place again. The next time he woke he said to himself, don't think I'm gonna move until I find out a bit more.

Johnny was able to move his head and his eyes. Yep it's a bedroom alright, he thought as he surveyed the room. The lamp was still burning but the window showed the glow of daybreak. Looking to his right he saw Danni asleep in a rocking chair placed next to the bed. Must be in the big house cause it sure don't look like the bunk house, he thought. He felt a warmth and pressure on his right side and looked down. Next to Johnny, sound asleep was Clint. The boy was curled up against Johnny with a little arm thrown across Johnny's waist.

"My little cub," Johnny said softly. Using his good right hand he brushed Clint's long hair out of his eyes. When he looked up again, Danni was sitting up and smiling.

"Glad you're back with us Johnny." Danni stood and walked over to the bed and looked down at her son. "Clint refused to leave when he saw you. He was making such a ruckus I put him down on the bed to keep him quiet." She grinned and added, "You can see where he ended up. Here let me take him so you can rest easier."

"Leave him be Danni," Johnny said smiling. "Little guy is all tuckered out from watchin over me." Johnny put his head down and went back to sleep.

The next time Johnny woke there was a giant standing in the doorway. That's the biggest man I ever did see, he thought. "Who are you?" Johnny asked.

The big man stepped into the bedroom. "I am Oso Senor Burrows, from Winterborn," he answered.

"Con mucho gusto," Johnny replied.

"Senora Danni came to tell us of the attack. I thought it would be a good idea for all of us to be in one place so I brought Elizabeth and the little ones over here." Oso stepped next to the bed. "Rest Senor, I will stand watch."

"How long have I been laid up?" Johnny asked.

"Just one day Senor. The men attacked yesterday afternoon late," Oso said. "This is Saturday."

Johnny started to peel back the bandages on his left shoulder to see how bad he was hurt.

"Leave that bandage alone Mister," Sarah scolded him as she came into the room.

"Yes em."

"The rifle bullet went all the way through Johnny," Sarah explained. "Danni and I washed the wound with coal oil and got the bleeding stopped. If you pull the bandage off you could start bleeding again."

Oso stepped away from the bed as Sarah brought a cup of water to Johnny. "We'll keep an eye out for infection but if you take it easy for a spell you'll be fine," Sarah told him.

"Yes em," Johnny replied and laid back. After Sarah left he asked Oso, "What about the dead men?" Know who they were?"

"It's not important right now," Oso said. "I've moved them out of sight and covered them until we can get the Sheriff out here. Maybe he can find out who they are, I mean were."

Johnny gave Oso a small hard smile and said, "Or maybe we can just throw them in a canyon. Coyotes and vultures have to eat too you know."


Josh, Red, and Dillon came down a small rise and crossed Black Squirrel Creek. The main trail continued on southeast. To the east a trail branched off toward the CBC; to the west the trail led about three miles to Winterborn.

"Reckon this is where we part ways," Dillon said. "I'll head on home to Elizabeth and the kids."

"Bring your brood over tomorrow about midday," Red suggested. "We can go to the lake and have a picnic."

Josh nodded in agreement. "It'd be a good way to get the bad taste out of our mouths."

"Josh it bother you that we killed Jackson and his men?" Dillon asked.

"Not bother exactly. We were protecting our families and I'll kill anyone that tries to harm them," Josh said. "I just hate to see all those lives wasted I guess."

Josh shook himself. "Enough about bad things. Y'all come on over tomorrow and we'll have a good time."

Dillon nodded, turned west toward Winterborn and Elizabeth and put his horse Buck into a lope. Josh and Red made the turn east toward home still letting Jasper set the pace. It was four miles to the CBC ranch house and they had covered about half of it when Red sat up straighter in his saddle.

"Rider coming up fast behind us," he warned Josh. They turned their horses to face the rider.

It was Dillon coming at a high gallop. He pulled up next to Josh and Red. "Elizabeth left a note that there'd been an attack on your place. She said your families are okay but your friend Burrows had been shot. Oso, Elizabeth and the little ones went to your ranch."

Josh didn't say anything in response. He turned Diablo, kicked him into a gallop and gave him his head. "Run like hell big fellar," he yelled at his horse.

Red was right behind him. He spurred Jasper and said, "Time to go to work." In four steps Jasper was at a full gallop.

Dillon followed, losing ground with every step. Buck was a good, strong horse but he didn't have the speed of Diablo and Jasper.


Danni was sitting beside Johnny's bed spoon feeding him some soup. He had complained that he needed real food. "When we're sure you can hold this down, I'll cook you a big steak. Quit fussing and eat this soup," she replied forcing the spoon into his mouth.

In spite of his shoulder Johnny sat up straighter in the bed. "Riders comin and comin hard," he said. "Y'all warn Oso and get the kids into the house."

Johnny started to get out of bed but Danni gently pushed him back. "You won't do us much good if you start bleeding again. Oso can handle most anything and Sarah and I have been in more than one battle." She went to the night stand and pulled Johnny's pistol out of the draw. Handing it to him she said, "Here, I'll send the children into your room and you can protect them for us."

Taking the pistol he checked to make sure it was loaded and leaned back against the headboard. Very shortly all the children, including Elizabeth's, were in the room with him. Daniel went to the window to keep watch. John and William gathered the rest of the kids into a back corner. Trained em good, Johnny thought.


Josh and Diablo were the first to ride into the large clearing in front of the ranch house. He sawed on the reins pulling Diablo to a skidding stop. As he dismounted he saw movement at the side of the house. Josh pulled his pistol and turned in that direction. He lowered his weapon when he saw it was Oso.

"Everyone's okay amigo," Oso said. "They're in the house." He pointed to the front porch as Danni came rushing out the door.

Josh turned as Danni threw herself into his arms. As they stood there, Red and Jasper came into the yard. Red dismounted and Sarah rushed to him.

Elizabeth came onto the porch and looked down the valley as Dillon rode in. She met Dillon as he dismounted and hugged him.

"Are you alright?" Josh asked. Red echoed the question to Sarah.

Danni nodded. "The kids are fine too but I'm glad you're home."

Sarah told Red she and the children were okay. "We might not have been if it wasn't for Johnny," she told Josh and Red.

"Elizabeth wrote that there was an attack and he'd been shot. Is he okay?" Josh asked.

"He will be," Danni replied. "Come on. He's awake and guarding the children."

Sarah almost chuckled at Josh's puzzled look. "I had to give him something to do to keep him still. So I asked him to guard the kids. It was either that or tie him to the bed." Then Sarah did laugh. "He was all set to grab a rifle and greet whoever was riding in."

Josh, Red, and Dillon walked into the house with their wives. Oso followed smiling at the families. On the way Danni and Sarah told them about the four men and the attack on the house.

"I had a bead on the man on the right when Johnny came charging in and rode right over him. The man never moved again," Danni explained. "By the time I turned to the second man Johnny had already shot him."

"Never saw a man so angry or bent on killing someone," Sarah added. "I tried to get a shot at the third man but Johnny had ridden into my line of fire so I had to hold off. It didn't matter Johnny emptied his pistol into him."

"Johnny rode up to the porch and dismounted," Danni continued. "The fourth man came around the corner of the house and shot him. I thought Johnny was done for," she said shuddering.