Endangered Ch. 11


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She was honestly too shocked by the extent of his powers to have processed just how she felt about the apparent recklessness of the way he used them. He went to the God-damn Moon! Her fiance was a walking, talking spaceship. If he could do that then... well, she didn't know really. What couldn't he do? Who was she to complain if it kept her broodmates and their children safe?

Was a phone call so hard though? Perhaps it was. She frowned, she would never have agreed to him taking Hailey to the Moon if he'd asked her beforehand. Then he would have been put in a position where he would be tempted to lie or go behind her back.

Annabel yawned. Damn, she was too snoozy for this.

Immi's shallow breathing and occasional twitches were just adorable. Annabel lazily ran a hand down the sprite's spine to cup her perfect, little blue rump. The only thing that could make the moment better was if Chris was there, wrapping them both in his arms. It seemed like they'd barely seen him lately, and not in their bed where he belonged.

As if summoned by Radek himself, her phone started vibrating angrily on the coffee table, shattering the peace of their mid-morning laziness. Annabel's eyes opened reluctantly, and Immi grumbled sleepy protest as she reached to see who could possibly be so rude as to disturb her. It was the weekend, damn it.

The phone's screen announced that her mother was calling, and Annabel groaned. It was so tempting to swipe the call toward the red symbol, to reject it. But it was her Mom, and she deserved a little more respect than that. Bartholomew stirred on her tummy, sensing her apprehension. Ever since her engagement, and Chris' brief elevation to the status of local hero, her mother had been pestering her.

"Hi Mom," she answered with false enthusiasm and another stifled yawn.

"Hello dear," Barbra Somerset was almost giddy with excitement to get her story out. "So. I stopped by to talk to Pastor Franklin on the way home from the grocery store this morning and he said that he would be delighted to fit your ceremony in next spring. He's already reserved two Saturdays when he thinks the cherry trees will be in bloom, won't that be wonderful?"


"I know, I know. The photos will be spectacular, and the whole congregation can be there. Merryl Jefferson will have a fit when she finds out that I convinced the pastor to reserve the dates for you. He couldn't help himself when I reminded him that Christopher stopped that terrible shooting. I'm still disappointed in you for even being in a despicable club like that, young lady. His bravery helped open my eyes, though. He's a good man, even if he isn't devout. Your father has been grumbling less about it lately, too. It'll be up to you now to bring your husband into the Lord's fold, Annabel."

"Mom, I don't... aahh," she gasped, her eyes flying open as Immi latched onto her sensitive nipple through only the thin fabric of her slip. She stared daggers down at the coy sprite, who grinned defiantly back around her prize and raised her leg to rub against Annabel's crotch. If only her mother could see her now, this nightmarish wedding obsession of hers would surely vanish. She wondered if her Mom would just up and faint at the sight of the winged, blue beauty molesting her.

"Oh, don't you worry about a thing," Barbra continued obliviously. "I've already got a plan floating around in my head for the ceremony and some great ideas for the vows. I even ran into Linda from Creative Catering last week and they would be delighted to do the food for such a high-profile wedding."

"Mom!" Annabel sat bolt upright, dislodging her amorous blue limpet to tumble into her lap with an indignant yelp. That was the last straw. She'd indulged her mother's fantasy for far too long now if it had come to this. "Creative Catering?! If all I wanted at my wedding was stale club sandwiches and a selection of fried-frozen nibbles, I still wouldn't hire Creative Catering. And this isn't high profile!"

"Well, you should have told me that before I talked to Linda. I'm going to look very foolish if I have to go back and tell her we're using someone else."

"We?! Mom, this is my wedding!" Annabel's temper rose, her nostrils flaring with months of slow-simmered anger. This was so typical of her mother, hijacking and twisting something that should have been wonderful. She knew exactly why too, she must be getting all sorts of kudos amongst the congregation's wives. After Chris' time in the spotlight, she was using their engagement to peck her way up the social order. Well, she was in for a rude awakening. "In fact, I'm not getting married in Laramie. We're not even getting married in a church!"

"Lord, have mer..."

"Just shut up!"

Immi's eyes widened in shock, and Bartholomew scampered around onto the skin of her lower back, cowering from his Mistress's rage.

"You and Dad hated Chris," Annabel seethed. "You've said terrible things about him for years. Well guess what?! You don't even know him, and you haven't known me for years either. I'll be forever thankful that I met him, not only because I love him like nothing else in this world, but because he opened my eyes to your bullshit! I'm not getting married in a church, I don't even know if I want a Christian ceremony anymore."

Her mother gasped, and promptly began sobbing. It was a blatant, age-old guilt trip. Annabel took Immi's small hand in her own and continued more calmly into the phone. She was really going to say it, it had needed to be said for a long time now. She could feel the tears welling already. Catharsis held out its warm hand, beckoning her toward release.

"Mom? I didn't fall obediently into your brainwashed, prejudiced little world. You need to learn to deal with that. I want to get married somewhere warm. Maybe on Chris' farm in summer, or next to a mountain stream, or... or on a tropical beach somewhere! And it will be intimate, just close friends and family so I can do the food myself. You and Dad aren't invited right now. I know that despite the sermons and the hymns you sing every Sunday, you're mean inside. You're bigoted, xenophobic, small-minded, and nothing would please you more than if I ended up exactly like you!"

For several seconds, the only sounds coming through the phone were each other's heavy breathing. In that quiet moment, Annabel nurtured a tiny spark of hope that her Mom would somehow take her words to heart, that she might change. The Revelation was going to crack her parent's insular existence as ruthlessly as the eggs she'd used that morning for omelets. Her faint hope was that they could somehow open their eyes to the realities of the world around them before they were faced with that sundering. Hope shriveled like a cut flower at her mother's next words.

"What did I ever do to deserve such an ungrateful, wicked bitch for a daughter?! To think, I argued against your father sending you to a good Christian school when you started up with that godless boy. Well now look what he's done to you. What an idiot I was! I'll pray to God for your redempt..."

Annabel hung up, anger and sorrow making her gifted magic writhe dangerously. She didn't want to hear another word of spiteful rhetoric from her mother's mouth, lest she do something truly stupid. Bartholomew was already gnashing his little teeth that anyone would dare say such things to her.

Immi stood up and wrapped her slender arms around Annabel's neck. She snuggled close, trying to pour all the love and comfort she could into her Mistress.

"It will be okay," she whispered against the long strands of Annabel's chestnut hair. "We'll find just the right beach, it will be perfect. We'll all be there for you, Annabel."

"I know," Annabel choked, more warm tears beginning to trickle down her cheeks. "I know I needed to say that, but why can't they just be good people?"

"People are just people. Look, it could be worse," Immi consoled, squeezing her friend tighter and fluttering her wings in sympathy. "My father tried to marry me off to a horrible elf as a spell-slave. I had to hide out in the Ether for years to escape that disaster, until I found you and Master."

"Thank you, Immi. I love you."

"And I love you, Mistress."

They held each other, Annabel running her fingers through the sprite's loose, midnight blue tresses to massage her sensitive, pointed ears. Gradually, her raging turmoil calmed until all that was left was her affection and gratitude for her diminutive lover. She was so lucky to have Immi as a companion. As friends, they could share anything. It made things like this bearable when Chris was away or occupied with other members of his brood.

Annabel decided to reinforce that affection, carrying the sprite back into their bedroom for a long, languid session of lovemaking. She could play Immi like a master musician now. Producing just the desired notes of passion was easy with the skillful use of fingers, lips, tongue, and even teeth.

They were at it for hours, the almond-sweetness of Immi's addictive, creamy juices drawing her ever back to the growing sprite's blue-lipped nethers. In the end, she brought Immi to one final, screaming climax by stretching her wide with two fingers, promising it wouldn't be long until she helped guide Chris inside her.

They whiled away the rest of the morning, and much of the afternoon with their shiftless amour.


"I don't know about you, but this is alright." Chris admired the shower, every aspect seemed elegant. From the taps to the tiles, to the wide stream of high-pressure hot water. The whole damn bathroom they'd been snuck into reeked of affluence and history on a scale he hadn't encountered before. It almost put the plans for his own bathroom to shame, but not quite.

"I don't care about the shower! Look at that fucking leech, it's getting fat on you!" Hailey hovered behind him, grossed out and fascinated at the same time.

"Don't poke it," he tisked, running his hand through the spray to check the temperature. "Aren't you going to check yourself?"

"Are you sure this wasn't all a ploy to get me naked?"

"No," he sighed, happy that she seemed to be bouncing back okay from their run-in on the President's lawn. "I think that would be a little elaborate, don't you? Though, I will confess a healthy male curiosity."

"Humph." Apparently satisfied, Hailey began struggling to get out of her damp coat. "Um, will you help me?"

"Help undress you? What sort of a stupid question is that?"

He took the few steps to her and gently helped pull her dress over her head. Off came her undershirt, revealing the bronzed, upper swell of those magnificent breasts, and the appealing curves of her abdomen. A close inspection revealed two leeches squirming unsuccessfully at the base of her right butt cheek. Attracted by the warmth and scent of blood, they were thwarted by her double-layered stockings. Chris quickly dealt with them.

It was finally time to singe off his own clinger. It had gorged on enough of his blood by now to almost warrant naming. Only a tiny hint of fire magic against its black skin made it drop instantly. The thing was sluggish on the bathroom tiles, too heavy to make a credible escape. He picked it up, held it over the very expensive looking sink, and incinerated it vindictively.

"Good riddance," his growl faded with the fire as he turned to Hailey. "Well, this adventure of ours keeps getting weirder and weirder."

"Yeah," she said, eyes darting furtively to the running shower and back to him.

"Do you want to? I was going... I mean I can leave, or whatever," he stumbled over his words like a smitten schoolboy.

Her lips pursed in a maddening little smile, pink and inviting as she shimmied right out of stockings and salmon-pink panties as one.

"Oh, Hailey," he breathed, eyes glued to the fully-fleeced treasure at the apex of her thighs. "I had it all wrong, beauty can outweigh even your brains."

The matching bra fell to the floor, freeing perfect, heavy breasts to sway and settle.

"Shut up," she flung herself against his chest, not caring that his skin was still cold from the rain. "I thought we weren't going to make it back there."

"I know, Mini Moo, but we're okay. I'm sorry."

He took her in his arms, kissed her soundly, and carried her under the tepid waterfall. They held each other close, warming under the flow. The stress of the bizarre attack slowly melted as they explored the soft pleasures of just holding each other, skin against skin.

Chris' boxers were soon soaked, then discarded to partially block the drain. It was their first time naked with each other, and they took tentative advantage. He ran his hands over her shoulders, down the contours of her back as she pressed herself into his chest. For a while they just hugged, feeling each other.

"I shouldn't have tried to run," she finally whispered. "I got so scared. I'm not like Lillian or Claire, I'm weak and..."

"Stop." Chris squeezed her tight, cutting off her self-flagellation. "You are not weak, Hailey. You might have faults, we all do. Confidence might even be your greatest, but we can work on that. I'm not sure what it's going to take to make you see yourself as I do, an amazing, gorgeous, incredibly intelligent young woman. I won't ever give up on making you see yourself like that."

Hailey felt so small wrapped inside his arms, so protected. His heartfelt words made her want to both melt with desire and cry at the same time. She settled for a little sniffle.

"Trust me, you're incredible, so stop comparing yourself to my mates. You do trust me, don't you?"

"Yes," she sighed, kissing gently at the skin directly over his heart.

"I will always do my best to keep you safe, even when you get scared and almost land us in more trouble," Chris chuckled now that they were past the ordeal. "I might fail terribly at times, but I'll try."

"Okay," she breathed, looking up at his handsome features. "And I'll try to be a little more confident."

They held each other in content silence a while longer, but the closeness of youthful bodies and gentle touching soon ignited more carnal desires. For Hailey, breathing his maddening scent, touching his soft skin over hard muscles, being touched back so gently, it all set her insides smouldering. His eager member was stirring too, thickening. She could feel it, dragging warmth up the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. Their eyes met, and he gave her the most unapologetic, goofy grin she'd seen yet, rolling his eyes.

"He can't help himself it seems," he murmured wryly.

Boldly, she pressed into the base of it, leaning close to look up at him. Her soft thatch of fine, golden pubic hair pressed against his thigh, nipples flattening delightfully against the firmness of his almost-edible musculature. She stepped away to give his insistent penis space to rise, lest it attempt to lift her off the ground. Hailey's breath hitched as it nudged against her plump, engorging labia on its way to stand tall and proud between them.

"Well, he's not getting lucky today," she looked down between them, her hand tentatively brushing the side of his shaft. It was daunting, and yet exhilarating to think about him slipping inside her. Even his balls seemed enormous, bulging below and to either side of his thick root. When she worked up the courage to gently cup one, the heavy orb defied her little palm. Warm, soft sack spilled onto her wrist as she looked up to his handsome blue eyes. "Jesus Chris, I knew Lillian was teasing me, but I didn't really think it would get like this. I brought a nice large toy to practice with but..."

"How many times do I have to tell people not to take Lillian to heart?" he sighed. "Hailey, you must have heard about the enchantment I used on Susan?"

"Um-hum," she nodded, nibbling her pink lower lip.

"Well, there's no rush for us to do anything. I'm enjoying just being close with you."

Her silky, wet pubic hair was tickling his skin maddeningly. Magnificent wet breasts pressed against his torso. The little minx began moving her hips side to side, creating the delightful promise of friction trapped between their bellies. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

"I know," she rose on her tiptoes, clinging to his solid forearms in the steam. They kissed again, slowly, tenderly, both of them trying to express the depth of their growing feelings for each other. As they parted, she surprised herself by levering his throbbing member down between her thighs to nudge at her tepid folds. "Mhh, this is good. I just wanted us to try it naturally, the first time anyway. I thought if I were used to something large, it would be nice for both of us."

Chris shook his head in disbelief, scattering droplets around the spacious stall.

"I appreciate the consideration," he said gently, trying his best not to thrust against her inviting little pussy. "We'll do it however you want, I trust you to be practical about this. The most important thing to me is that you enjoy it when we have sex."

Hailey smiled happily, pecking his collarbone before looking down between her breasts again at his excited monster. It truly was a thing of beauty. She was fascinated by the outlines of bulging veins she could see beneath the outer wrapping of velvet skin. The fat, reddened head had wedged itself underneath her vulva, introducing itself to her apprehensive little quim.

"You don't have any hair down there. I trim up a little bit sometimes, do you want me to..."

"No," he cut her off, taking her firmly by the shoulders. "You do whatever you want. I personally think your fluffy-stuff is perfect just the way it is. Dragons just don't have any."

"Thanks," she demurred, suddenly embarrassed that she'd shown him that insecurity. "We'd better get you cleaned up before we get too distracted. We're not here for the Presidential bathroom suite you know."

"I could quite easily forget all about that right now." He devoured her glistening, bronzed curves with ravenous eyes. A finger traced the magnificent slope of her right breast, making her eyelids flutter adorably. "You know, we could just magically disappear ourselves away somewhere."

"Tempting," she moaned, just coming to grips with the delight of slowly pushing her throbbing clit against the spongy ridge of his crown.

His erection promptly ruined the moment. In its excitement, it gave a mighty lurch against her sex. A gush of slippery precome splashed against her sensitive, pink flesh.

"Eeeek!" Hailey squawked, sapphire-blue eyes wide with astonishment and a little indignation as she looked up at him. It felt like the monster was about to try bulldozing its way inside her. "Stop that!"

"Can't help it," he rumbled, stepping away from the tempting, pixie-like blonde. One big hand couldn't help lingering to tweak one of those perfect, cone-shaped pink teats. "You'd better get out while we're both still in control. I think it would be bad form to get caught fucking in the President's guest bathroom. What would Rogers say?"

"We'd probably be shot."

"How's that for a headline." Chris scowled, she hadn't moved, and there was a devilsome little smirk on her lips. "You were getting out?"

"Yeah, I guess I'd better," she smiled a little wistfully, finally turning to the glass door. What had gotten into her? She felt powerful, her bison, stamping and snorting, close to the surface. It felt like she'd just been zapped by a static shock of sexual energy. The muscles of her core were quivering in anticipation. She had the sudden urge to pull the sort of moves she'd seen her Mom use around the house before Dad inevitably chased her up the stairs, giggling all the way to their bedroom.

At the stall door, suspecting exactly what it might do to his throbbing member, she made a show of bending over right in front of him to retrieve his boxers, offering him the perfect view of her naughty, juicy, golden-fuzzed little box. A glance over her shoulder sent a shiver of thrill up her spine as she slowly straightened. He looked hungry, almost scary, ready to gobble her right up. She made her escape before he could pounce, punctuating her exit with an absurd little wiggle of her hips.