Enslaving Chloe Ch. 14

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Master has visitors and I meet another slavegirl.
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Part 14 of the 21 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 05/29/2010
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Edited by Rosmarina (whose advice and assistance are much appreciated)

Please do not reproduce this story without permission.

== Chapter 14 ==

The next morning I was once again able to thank Master in person for owning me. As Master's slavegirl I had been taught that these were to be the first words out of my mouth each day as soon as he awoke. Sometimes I woke up before Master and I would just lay there thinking about the journey I'd taken since I'd become his property. Once he started to stir I'd take Master's cock in my mouth or often I'd start by gently licking his balls, his cock or anywhere else I could reach to bring my Owner gently to wakefulness.

If Master was enjoying my attentions he would allow me to continue licking or else he would grab my hair and push my head down onto his cock if he wanted to come in my mouth while he gradually adjusted to the new day. Some mornings he would fuck me, but not always... Naturally it was his preference that determined what happened and I loved never knowing how my day was to begin. I was there to serve him and happy to be used as Master saw fit, so whatever he wanted was the right choice as far as I was concerned.

Regardless of what was required of me I never spoke until I was sure Master was fully awake. Once he was ready to talk to me he'd let me know. Often he'd pull me up to where I could look into his eyes by grabbing one of my nipple rings and gently pulling until I was where he wanted. Then he would smile at me and I'd repeat my mantra. "Thank you for owning me, Master," I'd say as if it was the first time this idea had occurred to me. I loved the little rituals we had and I'd missed being able to thank my Master in this way while I was with Chloe even though I loved being with her. I was happy to be back in the comforting routines with my Master which had become so much a part of who I was.

I was very rarely allowed to sleep in and I had become used to waking up as soon as I felt the slightest stirrings from Master. Often I was already awake beforehand and I very much enjoyed those times as I was able to lay there and think about my place and all that it meant to me be an owned slave. I would play with my piercings and think how fortunate I was to have found what I'd always wanted and needed in Master's service.

It was up to Master how much time we spent in bed together once he was awake. After serving him in whatever way he required I would repeat my mantra, then we might talk or cuddle. It all depended on his mood, but most often I was just told to get out of bed and make some breakfast.

Today I remembered that Master had informed me he was having visitors so as well as making breakfast I also had some tidying up to do. With his permission I scurried off to wash and then went to the kitchen. It was normal in our household for me to be kept naked unless instructed otherwise so it was easy for me to quickly wash and brush my hair and then get right to work.

I loved being kept naked most of the time while I worked around the house as it reminded me constantly of my position as a slave and even mundane tasks like sweeping the floor or cooking breakfast were eroticised by the awareness that I had no right to any clothing (or anything else) unless my Master allowed it. Also being naked I could more easily see or feel the various tattoos and piercings I carried as marks of my slavery. I often caught sight of one of my marks while concentrating on something else and that never failed to give me a little jolt.

Mostly I forgot that I was marked and unless I had time to play with my piercings like I sometimes did while laying in bed in the morning they merged into my daily life so effectively that my slave markings were easily taken for granted. I often thought that I had been marked just as much for my Master's pleasure as to remind me of my status as a slave. The occasions on which the markings had been made were times that stood out in my memory and I often thought lovingly of how it had felt to be given each reminder that I was Master's property, but otherwise I tended to forget they were there.

I'm really not a terribly focused person and tend to go along with the flow most of the time. I like routines and rituals as they give a structure to my existence as while carrying out my household duties my mind tends to wander. When I caught sight of one of my markings it always caught my attention and I suddenly realised that I was not just washing the dishes but I was a naked slavegirl washing her Master's dishes and I was carrying his marks of ownership on my body to remind me of this fact.

The jolt I felt at this realisation meant that that my random meandering thoughts were quickly turned towards the reality of my slavery and it often shocked me a little to know that my situation was not as *normal* as it would appear if not for my nakedness. I would often stand there tembling slightly and the full force of what my situation sometimes brought tears to my eyes. Not tears of grief as I never felt any sense of loss about what had been taken away from me, but rather tears of joy that Master had wanted me and taken me and trained me. I felt I was a very lucky girl and the markings on my naked body are so precious to me.

Of course I would gradually get back to what I was doing and my mind would wander off again, but there was always a certain buzz of arousal in my system for some time afterwards. Often before it entirely dissipated I would have some interaction with Master that got me going again, so frequently my days were spent in a continuous state of low level arousal, only interrupted by the intensity of serving my Master or having to perform some ritual or other.

For example, even if I was busy with some entirely routine task I was trained to get to my knees and bow my head to the floor when Master entered the room, so there was never a moment when I was not very much attuned to the need to instantly demonstrate who and what I was. I loved the feelings that surged through me as I knelt naked at Master's feet and even though I'd done so many hundreds of times before it always gave me enormous pleasure to be reminded of my slavery in this way.

Being naked was another very particular way in which I was made aware of my status. It was not unusual for me to be naked when Master had visits from friends or business associates. But these were all people who knew that I was his slavegirl and they were not surprised or shocked to see me like that. With overseas visitors I was normally not only dressed but given something special to wear as Master liked to show me off. There were some lovely dresses kept for just such occasions.

Sometimes I was actually introduced by Master as his girlfriend or his sister. If so I was expected to play the part. If he wanted a very specific role acted out he occasionally discussed it with me beforehand, but more often I was simply expected to act out the role I had been given even if I had no idea of what that was until Master casually mentioned it to his visitor in my presence without any prior warning. I always enjoyed acting in whatever role was assigned to me. Sometimes I was instructed to act as Master's housekeeper, or at other times I was his maid and required to wear a slutty little maid outfit I also had.

When I dressed as a maid our visitors knew exactly what I was despite the costume I wore since it consisted only of a very short apron and a frilly cap. I had to serve Master's guests as they ogled my exposed body since I was not allowed to wear any underwear. There was plenty on view as I was under instructions to deliberately exhibit myself by bending over in front of everyone as I served them. Master liked to tease me on occasion as he knew how much I got off on being humiliated in this way.

What I wore when people came to Master's house depended on who they were and what kind of impression Master wanted to give them. Although I was rarely told who his visitors were I had learned to guess some things from the kind of instructions I was given. It was always interesting for me to see what role Master required me to play on different occasions and as I worked I began to wonder about what would be required of me today.

While I busied myself preparing breakfast I tried to remember exactly who our visitors might be. They could be people I had met before during our travels in Asia. All I knew for certain was that they were some Asian business associates of his, so I assumed they would be males. I did not know anything else, not even how many people there were going to be. More than one was the impression I had, but Master almost never told me exactly what to expect.

I was just a slave so it was not necessary for him to tell me every detail. I would simply obey his instructions anyway no matter what they were. I think Master liked to keep me pretty much in the dark as a way of tormenting me. He knew very well what a curious thing I was and that if I didn't know something I would wonder about it and imagine all kinds of outcomes.

Even though I knew that it was silly of me to wonder about such things, I enjoyed imagining all kinds of scenarios even though I realised that most would be nothing like what eventually happened. I began to day dream about having to offer our guests my body as a way of welcoming them. Master did not usually do any such thing but I sometimes wished he would, and so my imagination began to create all kinds of erotic scenes where I was casually given to some stranger, and then...

Before my ever active mind could wander much further Master appeared for his breakfast.

He sat at the table and after prostrating myself at his feet I served him. I never prepared anything for myself. Master decided what I was permitted to eat at all times. For most meals we had at home I prepared a little more than I thought Master would want so there were usually some left overs on his plate. That would be my meal.

Sometimes Master put some food into a bowl and I would eat out of that at his feet. In any case I would always kneel at his feet while he ate. If he felt so inclined Master would give me a small morsel from his plate to eat out of his hand or off a fork. I especially enjoyed being fed from his hand while I knelt naked at his side. In my opinion there is no more erotic way to eat and I loved to clean his fingers with my tongue after each mouthful. Otherwise I would wait until he was finished and he put his plate on the floor, then I would just eat what he had left on his plate for me while he enjoyed an after-meal glass of fruit juice (or after dinner, wine).

Once he'd jad breakfast Master usually retired to his study to work on business-related paperwork or catch up with his emails. That was his normal routine. Today he did the same and I supposed that he wanted to be up to date with things before his visitors arrived.

I had not been told to wear anything or otherwise prepare myself so it looked like I would remain naked apart from my collar and my jewellery which now included my new clit bell. I washed up the breakfast things and put everything away, then I busied myself tidying up the living room where I knew the visitors would be received. Finally I once again brushed my long hair, put on some lipstick and perfume, and made a final check in the mirror to ensure I was as presentable as a naked slavegirl can be.

Once I realised that I was to be naked I knew roughly what to expect. The only surprises were usually after the guests arrived because I never had any idea what Master might require until he gave me an order. Since I was a slave it was not necessary for him to explain anything in advance. I just did as I was told no matter how surprising, shocking or embarrassing it might be to carry out my instructions. My duty was to obey without question regardless of any other considerations.

My feelings are not a consideration but Master knows me so well as to already have a very good idea how I am likely to react in any situation. Often he likes to push me just a little out of my comfort zone as Master also knows I enjoy having to go beyond the familiar and predictable. I am proud that no matter what is asked of me Master can have total confidence I will not embarrass him and that I will obey him unconditionally.

It is an article of faith for me that Master's wishes come first and if I ever had any problem with what he asked of me I would never show that in front of his guests. Instead I would wait until I had an opportunity to talk with him after they'd gone. He always makes time to review the day with me --- usually just before we go to bed. He often has a glass of wine or a cup of coffee last thing each evening and while I kneel at his feet he will talk to me while giving me the occasional sip of his drink and he will ask if I have anything I wish to discuss with him.

That time together is when I know I can mention how something he'd required of me earlier in the day had affected me. Most often I would tell him how much I'd enjoyed the experience but if I'd had any difficulty following his instructions I could mention that as well and we would discuss it. As a result of having such discussions over a long period Master knows what I like and what I find difficult, but it's always up to him if and when he takes any of this into consideration.

Sometimes Master likes me to be unobtrusive and kneel quietly by his chair but I am always on call to serve drinks or in other ways assist in looking after his guests. At other times I am actually part of the entertainment, expected to display myself in various obscene ways, or even to suck the cocks and lick the pussies of his guests on demand. There are no limits on what might be required of me and I am never quite sure what to expect. It certainly keeps the adrenalin pumping when you are a naked slavegirl who is required to obey without question no matter how unexpected or challenging the orders you're given might be.

I only knew that the visitors had arrived when the doorbell rang as Master preferred to answer the door himself. Sometimes I did go to the door with him, especially when I was acting as his housekeeper and then I would take the visitors coats or whatever they were carrying such as umbrellas. Other times I might accompany Master to the door crawling at the end of a leash but this was usually only in the evenings when Master was having a dinner party or some other social occasion as at such times he liked to show me off as his pet.

This time I waited naked and on my knees by his favourite chair in the living room while Master went to the door to greet the visitors. From past experience I knew that after greeting them he would show them into the living room. Then he would take his usual seat next to me and ask his guests to be seated on some chairs and a couch arranged so they could clearly see me kneeling at his side. That way he could talk with them and have me on hand to do whatever he required. I knelt there and awaited his instructions.

I could hear the voices of the visitors as they came down the passageway which led to the living room. There seemed to be two or three male voices speaking English with some kind of accent. As they entered the room I saw with surprise that while there were two men of Asian appearance as I had expected there was also a small Asian girl with them. Since she had not spoken I was surprised to see her.

By "small Asian girl" I don't mean that she was a child. While it was difficult to guess her age I thought she was around 18 or 20, but she could have been a little older. Many Asian women are small in stature and slightly built so they look much younger than they really are. I was visible as soon as they entered the room and I could tell that the male visitors had noticed me right away. The girl was looking down as she walked and I didn't think she was immediately aware of my presence. When Master came over and sat next to me while at the same time waving them to their seats the men looked from me to him with obvious respect. I didn't know what to make of all this but as always I knelt there demurely as I had been trained to do.

Once the male visitors were seated I was able to observe them more closely without being too obvious. I noticed that the girl knelt at the feet of one of the men and I was amazed to see that he held a beautiful silver chain attached to a lovely collar around her neck. The chain was so fine it looked purely decorative unlike the more sturdy metal leash Master sometimes used for me but the effect was charming. I was surprised that one of our visitors seemed to own a slavegirl, just like me!

I was always interested to meet other female slaves. It's kind of like when people own dogs and while their owners talk the dogs sniff each other a bit and maybe give the other dog a lick or two. I always felt that way with another submissive girl. I wanted to sniff them out and find out about them, and maybe (if they were nice) play with them a little. Master usually allowed me to do this if it was appropriate, but on this occasion I knew I could not go over to the other girl despite my curiosity and that I must stay where I was.

I was quite intrigued as I'd never seen an Asian slavegirl before. She looked so delicate and was very pretty just like a China doll, I thought. She was wearing a beautiful dress which came high up her thighs when she knelt. Her collar was also very attractive with what looked like gemstones around it. She also wore a green jade bracelet but no other jewellery that I could see.

The man holding her leash seemed to take the fact that she was sitting at his feet for granted as he paid her no attention at all. I guessed that he was used to having a slavegirl on a leash as he began talking to Master about some business-related matters without mentioning her. The talk was to do with the buying and selling of Asian antiques. Master was in the antique business and obviously the visitors were people with whom he intended to have dealings in some way. He never discussed his business with me so I knew little about it. Instead I wondered about the girl. Why did they bring her along if this meeting was about business?

After some initial discussion Master ordered me to get our guests some drinks. I had already prepared a tray with everything so I went to the kitchen and brought that in, then served each man in turn on my knees. I served the man with the slavegirl first as he seemed to be the most important. The other man was apparently some kind of associate but I couldn't quite work out their relationship. I did not offer the girl anything as I knew that whether she got anything to drink would be up to her owner.

Just then the man asked Master if his girl could have a saucer of milk. He said they'd been travelling a lot today and she would be thirsty. I got a saucer of milk from the kitchen and placed it on the floor in front of her and she immediately got down on all fours and began to lap the milk from the saucer. She did it very gracefully with delicate little swipes of her tongue so that there was not a drop of milk on her chin. She was just like a little kitten and must have had a lot of practice licking milk from a saucer like that to do it so perfectly.

I was entranced.

While I sat there watching the girl and marvelling at her skill at drinking from a saucer the men chatted casually. I was not really paying attention to what they were saying as my focus was on my fellow slavegirl. I was intensely curious about her. I got the impression that Master already knew the men quite well as there were no introductions and I gathered that he had dealt with them previously.

Master was also curious about the girl and asked about her. The man holding her chain called her Ming Ming and said that she was "new". I guessed this meant that he had not owned her very long. He said something about having purchased her in Hong Kong but didn't give any further details so I was left to wonder about all kinds of things. At least now I knew her name!