Eric Olafson, First Journeys (Vol 2)


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Olnatar slashed his claw across the face of the Weapons operator hanging to his left." Unleash it now!"

He then activated his personal Escape pod and said to the command crew." You will fight to the last while I organize the battle from another ship."


"Secondary Shields gone Sir! 12 Percent Hull damage, FTL Drive damage! ISAH field symmetry no longer certain. Reaching FTL threshold no longer safe."

Saxa turned. "Did you send our distress call? Is the Log Drone on its way?"

"As Ordered Sir! Drone is away and we have contact to Fleet Command. The closest help is twelve weeks out."

He said to his XO. "Pack as much crew as you can in our auxiliary craft and fly as far as you get back home. Stay on the relay buoy route!"

The Commander reacted and did as he was told.

"Saxa slaved the controls of the stations and fired the Translocator canon. One of the attacking ships now within range exploded almost instantly as a five kiloton TL bomb at the point of detonation rematerialized in its engine room. He send out another Loki and destroyed the already severely damaged first attacker. The Ivanhoe's FTL Directed Energy projectors opened up on a third ship, but at the same time was hit by three more discharges of these powerful alien weapons.

The Ivanhoe had enough FTL auxiliary craft for everyone. The XO called him." It's time to go Captain! All Aux Craft but one is gone."

"I gave you an order Mister. I stay with my ship and risk to go TL! The Ivanhoe is not done yet. I got plenty of energy. Now go!"

"Aye Sir and good luck! The Ninth Fleet is on its way!"

The Ivanhoe got hit again. Repair robot resources already stretched to the limit. He cut of Life support to all decks, and pushed the accelerator. The Computronic warned that the Isah Field was not symmetric. An absolute necessity to safely pass across the FTL threshold into Quasi space, asymmetry meant chaos condition not predictable. He risked it anyway. The Ivanhoe, with over 50 percent hull damage vanished from this reality in a bright white flash. Neither pilot of the still cloaked P5's had ever seen such a flash when a ship went into Quasi Space. One of the pilots, an Ult wished he had tears, he certainly felt like crying as he saw his Captain die.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 23: Where are they?

"Hey Eric, are you asleep yet?"

I opened my eyes and looked at an Elly. "No I couldn't really sleep. I was thinking about Ninio and Potsema and that human I still don't know his name. You're Deadan, right?"

"No I am Plemo, Deadan went to look for them and now he is gone for almost 40 minutes. The human's name is Rodney Barack"

"I guess I have slept after all. Aren't the instructors concerned?"

"Both of them sleep as well and I didn't want to alarm them and get the others in trouble if they just forgot the time."

I got up. "We might as well see if we can find them. This Space port doesn't look so big. How much time do you think we have?"

"About two hours."

"I think we better make an effort, otherwise they do get in trouble."

I could not put it in words but I had an odd feeling that the missing cadets weren't late because they had a good time somewhere. I adjusted my weapon belt and checked the charge on the TKU and dialed the setting to four. Plemo made a sound like a balloon loosing air, but then checked his blaster as well."You're right, bad things happened already twice today."

The Space port was well lit but quiet. The Yokuta did not have any space ships on their own and this facility had been used by their Nogoll masters. I was sure this would change soon and perhaps one of the business men was a representative of Arthur's and one of these would soon open up. I wondered what the local Rib burger would smell like.

Plemo and I walked down the concourse, it was not like a Union Space port with lots of businesses, it had been a military installation and most of the doors had steel shutters before them, perhaps storage rooms or offices of some kind. We finally reached the end of the long corridor where the entrance doors were, outside was the road leading to the city in the distance. "Do you think they took a taxi or something and went back to town?" I asked Plemo.

He moved his ears and wrinkled his trunk. "I would not put it past Ninio, if he was determined to get music, but I would hope he was smarter than that. They had strict orders not to leave the port.Besides we should have run into Deadan by now. He certainly would not have done that."

I heard a metallic noise and turned. It came from a metal door to the side that was not completely closed. A sign in Yokuta writing above it, the door kept moving and repeating the metallic sound, as if it was animated by a draft of wind. "Can you read that?"

Plemo squinted his eyes. "Only partially. I don't know all Yokuta glyphs. It says something about Train, Wares, Connection, and if I read that right it says something about shop or shops below."

"I bet that is what Ninio deciphered too, and that is where they went, unless they went the other direction from the lobby."

"No I am sure they came this way. Besides the other corridor leads to the boarding gates and the landing field." He then went straight for the door.

"Slow down Plemo. I don't have a good feeling about that."

"I think they took a train to town and found out it isn't running back because of the festivities or something like that."

It was a plausible hypothesis; still it would not explain Deadan not coming back. Unless these trains only ran in one direction or something like that or they simply got lost. My hand rested on the butt of the blaster as Plemo opened the door. "It's just a flight of stairs leading reason to get nervous." He said.

A cool breeze wafted from the open door, the walls were naked gray concrete and we could only see to the first landing. The light came from long tubular lamps on the ceiling, one of them flickered erratic and emitted an electric hum. I had the urge to turn around and tell the Instructors. I would have felt better if two marines in destroyer suits were going down those stairs instead of me. I could not explain why I had this strong feeling of something being very wrong. Our friends could be in some sort of trouble and any delay could make it worse on the other hand I would be responsible for them being reprimanded if it turned out to be nothing. Both the Elly and I went slowly down the stairs. As we reached the first landing, the door on top fell shut with a heavy thud and the lights went out.


Interlude 25: Distant events, present

Olnatar had been celebrated as a hero, as the one defeating a huge alien ship.

He had to tell the events many times over and now was the grand Initiator of the fleet and in a brand new ship.

He was leading the largest fleet ever assembled and commanded by a single Siucra back into the direction where the boats and little ships of the Plato went, that survived the destruction of the big ship. They had left a trace of little sophisticated robotic devices behind marking their way. These robotic devices would self destruct before one could be secured, He was not sure what the purpose of these things were, but he was certain they would lead them to a planet or perhaps several planets filled with offensive lifeforms daring to wear the offensive shade and advance into holy space. His mission was simple, sterilize those worlds and secure one or maye two of these big vessels for closer study. It would be to the glory of the Masters to destroy and eradicate them. He commanded over 1000 ships all equipped with Holy Fire casters.


The crew of the USS Ivanhoe in their small fleet of twelve D 20 shuttles, 8 P5-Specter and two science scallops had traveled back towards Union space as far as their engines allowed. Even the specters could make it 200 more light years; Commander Marcus Rullus made the decision to have the little craft stay together. Only the specters, based on the Wolfcraft fighter were armed. All the craft were cramped to the last possible space with the 600 beings of the Ivanhoe crew with the bulk of the numbers in the two multi role scallops. The Ivanhoe had been equipped with escape pods, but launching pods with such a hateful enemy nearby was most likely suicide.

The scallops were slow and did not have a very good long distance range. The life support systems strained beyond limit, Rullus was not sure how long they would last. They were still over 6000 light years from the fringes of Klack space and the nearest Union Out Post. The ninth fleet was on its way and thanks to the relay chain they were in direct contact with fleet command. However they were able to look into the other direction as well. They could access the Buoy scanner and sensor data and saw the huge alien fleet approaching, two buoys had already been lost.

Even though they had virtually no space to move, some of the scientists worked analyzing scanner results, language patterns, and weapon and tech specs.

A hail came in on Union Com. "This is the personal honor guard of her majesty the Queen. Her Majesty and sovereign ruler of the Klack Hegemony ordered us dispatched and come to the help of our brothers and friends in distress. We are well ahead of the Ninth Fleet and should arrive within two hour."

Nn'tik, the former OPS officer of the Ivanhoe, made a pulling motion with his upper right arm in a very human expression of an emotion." Yes!"

Someone padded the chitin back of the Klack and said." Let's hope they brought enough ships! Those aliens will be here in approximately ninety minutes."

Nn'tik had a hard time turning in the crowded confines. "My friend, the honor guard has only one ship. All other armed Klack ships are under Union Fleet command."

"We should warn them! One ship won't be enough."

"The Klack put his Antenna gently on the face of the human officer" What is the largest Space ship my friend?"

"The Devi of course!"

"No my friend. The Devi is the largest ship in the fleet capable of landing on a planet. The Bison Fleet tenders are technically space ships and are bigger than the Devi, the long freight tugs making it across the bridge with freight too large for the trains, are often 100 kilometers long and more, but soon you will see something few non Klack have ever seen." He then said. "However I too would rather see the Immortal warror appear along with the Devi and the First Fleet and tear these upside down hanging Kermac thralls a new one!"

"You sound more human every day, Nn'tik." A Purple throat Shiss wedged in between other crew members observed, while two small furry Holdian were sitting on his broad shoulders avoiding being trampled or crushed.

"There is no need to insult me, Old enemy! I am as Klack as can be!"

Everyone knew that the two were the best of friends and Nn'tik was playing on the fact that the Shiss and the Klack had been enemies for millennia. Nn'tik was of course not offended but very happy that the racial distinctions and habits slowly eroded and the huge collection of different civilizations slowly but surely became one new civilization.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 24: Downstairs

In this complete darkness. Something inside me made me close my eyes, just as I did riding on Tyr's back. I could sense my surroundings, felt every heartbeat of Plemo and I learned that Elly had two hearts. I felt the stairs and the faint electric residue in the lamps.

The stairs transformed with a metallic hum, into a steep declined slide. Plemo had no warning and was sliding away before I could warn him. I managed to hold onto the hand rail and prevent the slide, but Plemo and most likely the others where sliding into a death trap and the fastest way down was sliding, but I would not slide unprepared. I drew the blaster dropped onto my butt and let go.

I heard voices below, commanding voices and raised the blaster... There at the bottom of the stairs that now were a slide ramp two figures, perhaps 150 cm tall large heads and armed. I sensed Plemo float in mid- air struggling against some unseen force, but with my new sense I saw the head of one figure almost if glowing. Psionics!

I did not hesitate, I fired right at the center of that bright perceived glow, and Plemo fell instantly. The other figure turned his brain and something on his chin started to emit energies. Whatever the figure wanted to do, it was too late my second beam sliced right through his head.

Plemo screamed, more out of anger than fear." I am going to get you!"

I yelled back." It's me Plemo, Eric! I killed whatever was holding you. I noticed a circuit board on the wall and pressed the contact. With a sharp clack the Ramp went back into stair form and a second switch turned on the lights. Plemo ripped his blaster out of his holster and even though I never seen an angry Elly before, I knew he was furious. Two dead beings still armed with strange shaped blasters lay on the floor, most of their heads were gone, burned to molecular ashes. "Plemo calm down, right now!" I said with a sharp tone." Get up those stairs and wake the Instructors. Tell them we need help."


"No argument! Now go! I need to guard this panel so no one turns the stairs to a ramp again!"

"Yes Sir!"

He turned and stomped up the stairs. Only after I heard the metal door slam I went to my knees. I was in a short corridor, with some sort of conveyor belt on the left hand side, it was not active. It disappeared after a few meters through a square opening with a slated roll gate closing that opening, next to it a metal door. The door was rusty and had dirty glass panels in the upper half. I kicked the dead alien's weapons under the frame of the conveyor belt. Now I could stay here and wait for the professionals to arrive, which would have been the smart thing to do, but I resigned trying to go against my own nature.

There were friends in danger, that much was clear as fresh water ice. I had no idea who these white skinned small men were in those stupid looking robes, but if there were two there might have been more!

On my knees I crawled towards that door. If someone was behind it. They were warned something had gone wrong.

I pressed myself as much as possible against the wall and gave the door a push at the bottom three bright beams perforated the door at the same moment. If I had still been standing at least two of would have hit me. A shower of metal sparks burned my back and I clenched my teeth not to make a sound. The door swung back in its frame, I heard steps from beyond the hinged swing door coming closer. From the gap between floor and door I saw four Elly like feet. Someone in the local language said. "Whoever it was you got him. Our masters will be pleased!"

I was glad they had uploaded the local language into our brains and hour before we landed.

I aimed the blaster's muzzle at that gap and the feet behind and fired describing a small arch while keeping the trigger pressed.

The beam dug a bright glowing fan shaped pattern into the concrete and glowing slit of molten metal drooling on the floor. Someone was screaming in agonizing pain.

I kicked the door open, rushed through, avoiding the semi liquid concrete by a fraction, and jumped onto the conveyor belt, remembering the third beam. Two Yokuta with badly burned leg stumps lay on the floor, one in shock and the other still screaming. A third stood about five meters behind them. Holding a weapon but didn not immideatly react or shoot. I aimed the blaster, holding it with both hands. "Drop your blaster."

It was as if he was fighting or resisting himself. He wanted to lower the blaster I could see that, but against his will it raised. He was controlled by someone or something. I didn't want to kill him. So I fired into the ceiling, showering him with sparks, hoping to distract him. His instincts were stronger then whatever controlled him and he raised his arms to protect his face. Now he was a Yokuta, at least double my mass and two heads taller, and I had no idea if they had any vulnerable spots, but I holstered the gun and attacked with a running tackle, hit him midriff and all the force I could muster. He was driven back but not as much as I had hoped. It felt as if I had ran against one of those big sand filled leather bags we had at fight school. I just knew I could not have done that with a Yokuta on top of his game, his left hand brushed my ear with a powerful hay maker and the burning pain felt as if he had taken my ear clean off. I retaliated with two left right combinations aimed into the middle of his face where the trunk meet the eyes, and rammed my knee into what would be the stomach pit of a human opponent. If he was to connect another one of his punches I would have been done for. So much for my decision not to wait for back up.

He made a tooting sound as I hit him again this time right at the trunk, and he stumbled back, while I avoided another punch by the width of a hair. He was trying now to aim the weapon he still held. Either I ended it now or I had to shoot him as well. I stomped my heavy boots on his open toe sandal like shoes and that had the desired effect. He yelped and raised a leg and gave me a wide open target for an axe handle blow to his trunk! He fell back wards, and I kicked the blaster out of his hand.

It took two more kicks against his head to make the Yokuta stop trying to get back up.

This seemed to be some sort of postal depot. The conveyor belt ran along a row of chairs, most likely occupied during normal operations to sort whatever was coming down the slide and along the conveyor belt. The stairs converting to a ramp was not a real trap but a slide for mail or packages and had some industrial or ware housing purpose.

Four pill shaped dark red man high capsules in the middle of the room looked out of place, did not fit with the rest of the equipment. A little square box was strapped to the middle of each had a read out displaying foreign glyphs in bright red changing in a steady pace. While I was not able to determine the exact purpose of these cylinders, I had no doubt the boxes were timers. Something very bad would happen if the timers had reached the end of their countdown that was obvious. No one else was in the room. I did not see Deadan or the others and thankfully no one hostile either.

Not knowing if I doomed everybody including me, I pulled my knife and cut the strap that held the first timer box to the large metal container... It came loose. Now what? I had a live bomb counting down in my hands! There were three more like it!

Over there, across the conveyor belt a metal chute. There were chutes like this across all the now abandoned sorting or work stations. I cut all the boxes off and threw them each in a different chute. I noticed the cold sweat on my forehead now stinging in my eyes. I heard some machinery starting up from the first chute and the conveyor belt started running.

The Conveyor belt disappeared through another portal at the other end of the room and I simply hoped on and lay flat on it.

Just then there was a muffled explosion and the first chute emitted a flash cloud of fire and smoke, heartbeats later the other three did the same, the conveyor had carriedto a hole in the wall and through it into the next area of this underground ware house place. The first thing I saw was Deadan He was not moving and lying on the floor, Due ue to that I overlooked the robot arm that grabbed me, by the left shoulder in a painful crushing grip and was about to stuff me in some sort of machine. I fired the blaster against the robot arms base and dropped to the floor. My left arm was next to useless; the robot claw must have broken my shoulder, or at least dislocated it. I could not say but it hurt like hell, at least it was making me forget making my still throbbing ear. Before I rushed to Deadan, I recognized him by his uniform; I took cover behind a large crate and looked around. The place was some sort of assembly plant, with machinery, conveyor belts and towering shelves. Millions of corners for someone to hide and take aim. The machine behind me so it turned out was similar to the robot in the Nilfeheim XChange warehouse that I had seen. Back on Nilfeheim the sttionary robot wrapped fish and Tyrannos. This machine packed anything that entered via the conveyor in a shrink wrap plastic skin and placed it onto a pallet.An empty pallet exiting the machine. I would have been on if hadn't escaped.