Erica Versus The House


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Thank you—BOING! said her clit.

Once she got started, this turned out to be far easier than she thought...and a hell of a lot more fun, too. As she went on, she came up with mostly more TV and film actors to tickle her sexual fancy: Ted Danson, Malcolm-Jamal Warner, John Cusack, Eric Stoltz, Michael Schoeffling, Michael J. Fox, Kirk Cameron, Jason Bateman, Rob Lowe, Christian Slater, Kevin Bacon, John Stamos, Andrew McCarthy, James Spader, Robert Downey, Jr., Emilio Estevez, Charlie Sheen...

...LIKE, OH, MY, GOD...

Before she knew it, she was hornier than ever. She heaved for breath, furiously grabbing, rubbing herself, visions swimming through her brain of being scrubbed and bathed by all these gorgeous men. When she was finished being cleaned off, in her fantasy, she imagined one of them—any of them—lifting her from the tub in his burly, pilose, muscular arms, and she felt her body swelling and blazing with hot passion from head to toe.

Oh, more, more, please, my gods, MORE! begged her pussy, intentionally pluralizing the "gods" in question.

Her absence of any sexual activity these last couple of months had thoroughly taken its toll on her mind, and her cunt. Thank goodness she was under water, because her red-hot pussy was on fire. Steam rose off the hot water, and Erica's blazing body, clouding up the mirror and her own eyes. Sweat generated on her brow and quickly began running down her nose and cheeks. She didn't know if she could choose only one celebrity on whom to focus; she was having such a good time with all of them.

This was of course all happening only in her mind. It wasn't as if she were doing anything immorally wrong here. On the contrary—this felt perfectly right, through and through.

Check that; this felt...totally, fuckin'-A, awesome.

Endless visions of the handsome gents danced through her brain as she energetically plunged herself. Her rock-hardened nipples broke the surface of the water, and she pinched and tweaked them with her free hand, finally adding them to the mix and heightening everything multidimensionally. Incomparable passion carried her rational mind away.

Waves rode across the water, splashing Erica in the face and spilling over onto the carpet outside the tub. She couldn't believe she had held off on doing this for so long, but was now glad she'd waited, her deprivation logically building intensity stored up from all her abstinence. By the same token, she was almost disappointed she hadn't waited even longer.

The men worked their magic on her in her ongoing fantasies as her body began uncontrollably, spastically jerking and thrashing. She cringed, clenching down with her pussy on her fingers, squeezing her eyes shut, scrunching her face and biting down on her lip just enough not to break the skin. She furiously massaged her clit, stabbing inside herself with her right hand, trying to reach up and get at her g-spot. She slid further down on her back and lifted her legs from beneath the water.

Now able to reach far enough, she concentrated hard on her crushworthy celeb hunks, held her breath and jilled herself, extending her middle finger just far enough up inside her to rub her g-spot. She quickly nailed the reach and the rhythm, rubbing it repeatedly, and let the explosions begin to hit.

Unstoppable screams forced their way out. Erica flexed all the muscles she could locate and crushed her hands between her thighs. She let every part of her upper body except her face sink under. She could barely even discern if she was coming or not. But something orgasmically big had to have been going on here. Her pussy sparred with her mind for control of which would steer the wild waters of the big 'o.' Finally, any remaining fragments of her mental matter gave way, and her cunt took over.

"OHHHHHHFFFFFFUCK!!" she screeched, leaving the gravitational pull as her spirit rocketed to Heaven. There were no limits how far she could go right now. Electrical currents inside her shot between her clit and her g-spot and zapped unreal surges of sparks and lightning through her, the likes of which she'd easily never come close to feeling before. Her body trembled and her legs shook powerlessly, heels sitting on the ledge of the tub, toenails digging into the cracks between the tiles.

She couldn't begin to determine how much longer the orgasm had to run its course. She simply surrendered to its supremacy and let herself be cradled in the mindblasting passion. It was amazing; she had to take a moment to ponder it. She couldn't believe she could achieve such astounding sensations from simply touching certain spots on her body a certain way.

She needed air, but the seemingly endless orgasm wouldn't allow it. What was more, she didn't even mind so much. If this was the last feeling she got to experience on this Earth, she felt she could die a happy woman. Luckily, the orgasm released her from its dizzying grip and she floated back into her body, gasping for oxygen.

When she caught her breath, her eyes fluttered shut, and some span of uncountable minutes later, she woke up, let herself out of the tub and drained the water. As she dried off, returned to her bed and collapsed in, she found herself unable to remember or care about the worries awaiting her on the other side of sleepy-time. Whatever torture the sorority sisters had in store for her and her friends next wouldn't unease or faze her in the least at this moment. For right now, everything was perfect.

She fell asleep in her pool of honey-like afterglow.


January 12th, 5:00 a.m.

Just when Erica, Tabby, Alexandra and Elaine thought the sisters couldn't raise the hazing stakes any higher, Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings greeted them with nothing less than a gauntlet of different challenges and "bonding exercises." Thursday morning opened for the pledges with a pleasant naked crawl between each other's outspread legs, with the added mandate to sniff and lick each pussy along the way, and report to its owner what it smelled and tasted like.

The basic training similarities picked up subsequently, forcing the girls to clean the bathrooms with their toothbrushes—hoping only they would again obey to the sisters' satisfaction, thereby sparing themselves the anguish of having to use their tongues instead—jump rope double-dutch style on a giant pile of Legos, take a few laps around the college campus and, naturally, bathe one another. Finally, they were given only top hats and canes, and tap danced to entertain the sisters.

The showers were also stepped up a notch, as the girls were given razors and shaving cream and ordered to groom each other's womanly areas. To make matters worse, in and around a dozen other methods of embarrassing punishment, on Friday they lost Alexandra when she defeatedly told them she couldn't take any more. Twenty-four hours later, on Saturday, Elaine met the same fate. On the evening of Saturday, the 14th, Erica called the four of them together in a meeting in her dorm.

"What are y'all doin'?? You're not gon' just let them win, are ya?! Come on, it's only one more day! We can do this!"

"Um...E.," Tabitha had replied, "...Actually, dudette, I, like...kinda gotta talk to ya about that..."

"Wha—...oh, Tabby, not you too!"

Erica couldn't believe it. Her three remaining teammates, including the girl who'd given her the pointers and encouragement to ease her foot in the door from the beginning, were abandoning her. She felt heartbroken, and a little betrayed. She knew she couldn't feel too stabbed in the back—it wasn't after all as if the girls were deliberately and contently leaving her in the lurch of their own free will and choice. They had been pushed past their limits of tolerance and sanity. They couldn't stand the torture any longer. "Come on, Erica," they told her, "We're supposed to be pledging a sorority, for God's sake, not joining the army!"

"Well, I'm sure as hell still not just quittin'!" she asserted. "Have y'all forgotten what drove us to be here? All the friends and parties and cute guys and opportunities and scholarships we have to look forward to??"

"Yeah, but, Erica," said Alexandra, gently laying her hand atop Erica's, "Is it worth it? I mean, really, really worth it? I mean, even if we did get in by this point, I don't think I'd even be able to enjoy it. This past week has seriously traumatized me. My feet are kicking my butt! I can barely even walk! I never understood what was so notorious about this place until...until now."

"Erica, babe, you gotta listen to her, she's right," Elaine chimed in. "Believe me, I wish we were as strong as you about this. But everyone has a breaking point, and...I'm just so sorry, but...I think we've just hit ours already."

"But...but..." Erica tried to penetrate to an unimpeachable argument, but she kept hitting walls. She sighed and looked down.

"...I don't wanna do this on my own."

The girls felt bad, but they didn't know what they could tell her.

"Oh, Erica, I'm, like, so sorry too," said Tabitha. "I know this must seem like I'm double-crossing you after all the stuff I told you back in October. But E., I swear, honest to God, I had, like, no idea it was gonna be like this. The other houses I've been to, I mean, they put us through a little crap, but nothing close to the likes of this. I mean, this...this is friggin' hellacious. It sucks. I thought I could handle it, babe, I really, really did. No foolin'. But...I can't. It's, like, interfering with everything I had planned. I'm, like, flunking my classes, I can't sleep, I keep having nightmares, I don't have the energy for dick anymore—literally OR figuratively..." She shook her head. "I'm sorry, E., I really am, but...I can't do it. I just...I'm just not gonna make it."

Erica's pleading eyes bore into her. "...Not even just one more day?"

Tabby dropped her gaze to the floor and again solemnly shook her head.

Elaine jumped back in. "Erica, we all really admire you for being so strong and resilient through this, and having the guts to finish it all off. I wish the rest of us were that tough. I know it's hard for you to understand, but...they've just broken our spirit."

"To say nothing of my insteps," added Alexandra, rubbing the bottoms of her sore peds.

"And we're all in agreement on this," Elaine went on. "Erica, we all really wanna see you get into the sorority. You obviously want it more than any of us, so do it for us. We know you can do it."

Erica at first wasn't sure what to do or how to feel. She didn't immediately know how keen she was on giving her last day of hazing her all, on behalf of her friends, upon this news that they were bailing on her. She took a generous amount of time to think about it that night after they left her alone. She kind of wanted to have a sleepover with them, but if the sisters burst in on her in a surprise room inspection, or for any other reason—Erica would put nothing past them at this point—and found her friends now where they weren't supposed to be, they could all be blackballed right out of here.

Finally, Erica made her decision. It was only one more day, and she was going to go through with it. She did still feel a bit hurt and abandoned, but she reminded herself, again, the others didn't desert her in the sorority for the purpose of hurting her. They had no choice. They had to preserve their own sanity and well-being. If as they said, they merely weren't as strong as she, so be it. Erica would stand by her word to them and not quit. So help her, she would make it into Sigma Delta Psi, by God, and she would do it for her friends. By hook or crook, sink or swim in the hell or high water...she was getting in.

There was no way she was going to let these ruthless sisters beat her.

And once she was an official sister, she could invite ANYone she liked to her slumber parties.

But first, on Sunday morning she had to explain the absence of her remaining fellow pledges...or so she thought.

To her surprise, the sisters did not inquire as to the whereabouts of her buddies. Instead, to her yet greater surprise, they informed her that they genuinely admired her persistence and fortitude. Furthermore, they told her that she had earned a small morsel of their actual respect. Erica was dumbfounded. Were they actually treating her with...civility?

"That's right," nodded Sandy, as if reading her mind. "Make it through today, you're one of us."

Erica's heart rate almost tripled. Even though she already knew this was true, hearing it reinforced from the sisters' own lips was surreal. After weeks and weeks of this final goal nearing into sight, here it was, awaiting her, mere hours away.

"What do I...wh-what do I have to do today?" she queried, almost whispering.

"We're so happy you asked," smiled Babs. "First, perform your exercises and hit the showers. Then! Today is the birthday of Miss Cortlin, the Sigma Delta Psi house mother. A custom-made cake has been ordered and baked for her by the Goodies Bakery on 33rd and Rochester. You must collect it, on foot, in your panties, nipple stars and five-inch heels—it will cost $20—return with it and serve it to Miss Cortlin personally, whereupon she will present you with your final examination."

"That's it," Danielle confirmed. "Do that, pass the win."

"But, um...doesn't the bakery have a whole 'no shirt, no service' thing?"

"You'll call from outside. There's a pay phone in a booth at the corner," Barbara appended. "The cake will be brought out to you. Tell them to keep the change. You will then return to the sorority house with it."

"But-but...what'll I do if a cop stops me and asks why I'm dressed like a Playboy bunny?"

"That's not our problem, kiddo," reiterated Sandy.

"You'll find a way to handle it," instructed Helen. "You have until 4:00. If you do not return by then, we will assume you are no longer interested in the opportunities of Sigma Delta Psi, and you shall be shown to the door."

"Oh, and...we're putting a pedometer on you, to make sure you walk the whole way," added Sandra, grandly displaying it. "You try to drive, or hitch a ride, and the pedometer doesn't read the full're out. Come back without the're out. Anything happens to the're out. Got it?"

Oh my gosh, thought Erica. She knew this wouldn't be easy, but...

...Oh, my good gosh.

She refueled herself with the reminder of her passion and drive, and her promise to achieve this for her friends.

"Sisters, yes, sisters. I'll do it. I won't let'cha down."

"Just remember, Smith...this vitally important. You let anything happen to it—ANYthing—you're history."

She worked out, and took the precaution of an extra hot shower. She bathed until she was literally sweating in the searing spray, and her feet were as red as lobster claws. Good, good, she thought. If I'm this hot, I'll last longer outside. She got "dressed"—which took literally about fifteen seconds—grabbed her purse, made sure that she had enough cash, and that at least two bits of it was in the form of a quarter, steeled her nerves, and stepped outside.

OH, was it cold. It was barely 30° out here. Oh my God, I could freeze to death! she thought. She could hardly believe she was going through with this. She hadn't been anywhere off campus in less than full garb. Trying to look as inconspicuous as possible—which was accomplished only in her mind—she casually made her way towards the corner of 33rd Street and Rochester Avenue. It was a long, long walk. Her feet ached terribly in these wretched heels. Her uncovered heart pounded furiously beneath her freezing naked breasts. She shivered frantically, hugging herself, rubbing her arms.

She had to be careful. It was so cold outside, her nipples had become diamonds, and were poking out under the stick-on stars almost far enough to peel their adhesion from her breasts. The sisters hadn't said anything to her about reapplying the stars should they fall off, but if this were the case, they may not stick again. And this would land her in quite a fix.

Miraculously, she must have done a better job of secluding herself than she thought, because she was not stopped practically once the entire three miles. She did have to endure some whistles, dumbfounded looks and suggestive remarks along the way, but she paid no heed. She just kept on the trail. Most normal folks in close proximity to her chose tactfully to remain silent, much to her relief. If one of them engaged her in conversation regarding her current state, she had no idea how she'd explain.

Simultaneously panting, sniffling and shivering, she smiled as the bakery at last came into view. She recognized the pay phone booth, and took a quick second to thank God she'd actually made it.

The shelter of the phone booth was even nicer than anticipated. It was so nice, in fact, she stayed inside for several minutes and put off making the call just so she could sit, warm up a spell and rub her painful feet, her near-total nudity shielded by the decals covering the glass. She didn't know how much time she had left, but she desperately needed this break.

When she'd recovered enough energy, she stood, removed the sliver of paper from her purse with the number on it, deposited the quarter and dialed. She followed her instructions, paying for the chocolate marble cake she was given—"n-n-no ch-change neces-s-s-sary, th-thank ya!"—and reversed course. She didn't look back, she just kept forward. Her legs were ready to just give out halfway back to the SDP house, but she knew the only way to make it was to just simply make it. She just kept walking.

Three more miles later, a human ice cube named Erica Hillary Smith arrived back at the sorority house, barely thawed out. She got inside. Seeing no one at first, she located a clock. 3:27.

Oh! Thank you, God! Thank you!

She brought a chair and sat in front of the clock with a full box of Kleenex, emptied it in twelve minutes, threw the (tissue) box away and adjourned to her room. She sat the cake on her bed, took off the pedometer and enjoyed a lukewarm shower, gradually heating the water as her body warmed up. The one bright spot about being hazed naked was that she lost no time getting dressed. She toweled off, grabbed the cake and headed for the multipurpose room.

The sisters were waiting. "Well!" said Barbara, looking pleased. "Ten minutes left! Cutting it a bit close there, Miss Smith!"

"Ah!" praised Sandy, taking and checking the pedometer. "Good girl! On foot the whole way! Well done, Mary Lou!"

Their taunts didn't bother Erica in the least. She'd made it, that was all that mattered.


January 15th, 3:50 p.m.

Before allowing her to bring in the cake, the sisters blindfolded Erica, cuffed her hands and feet together good and tight, and linked their arms in hers, guiding her in. Actually, only Babs and Sandy accompanied her; the rest of the sisters and the house mother, Miss Cheri Cortlin, were already inside and seated. Once Erica was blind and secured, they opened the doors.

"Now just remember, young lady," warned Sandra, "Watch your language."

"That's right," agreed Barbara. "We and Miss Cortlin do not like bad language, and do not condone it at Sigma Delta Psi."

Erica was confused, and a little worried. "...But, I haven't said anything."

"Just wait. You'll see."

"Well, you won't see see," corrected Barbara, prompting some laughter between her and Sandy. They popped open the top of the cake box. "And remember also: don't you dare let anything happen to that cake."