Erika's Arctic Nudist Camp


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Odd spoke, his voice loud."Welcome to Svalbard's first naturist adventure. I hope you are enjoying it so far. Will you join us in a toast to the enterprise your brave Erika has embarked upon?"

Erika's brother looked up. Her mom momentarily stopped pulling at her son's cock."Why ain't you naked? I'm not drinking with anyone not naked. What do you say mom?"

"Nope. Me neither. Come on Erika. Clothes off."

Odd signaled his assent. Erika shook her head. He leaned over to her and whispered."We have to," then put down the cups and began taking off his clothes. Erika watched him and slowly did likewise. In a minute both of them stood there naked. A noise from the side signaled the appearance of Erika's father. He arose and lurched in to the center of the tent. Erika was mortified to see his huge erect cock poking out in front of him.

"Hi Dad," her quavering voice giving her away.

"Erika. After the toast would you like to suck on this?" He waved his cock at his daughter looking at her with wide-eyed, wild animal eyes.

Odd spoke from behind her, his voice firm. "Of course she would. But first, a toast to you all, yes?" Odd stepped forward and presented her mom with a cup, holding out the other to Eddie. They took them. Odd signaled Erika to do the same for her father. Reluctantly she moved towards him. His eyes were red and staring, his cock erect. She held out his cup in one hand, her other keeping firm grasp of her own. Her father moved closer to her, breathing fast and heavily. As he took the cup from her hand he pressed forward and his wet cock poked her in her belly. She shuddered again. She heard Odd's voice, commanding, from behind her.

"Here's to the success of your enterprise! Now drink, and let's get on with the party."

Even as her father's cock was pressing into her belly, she forced a smile, lifted her cup, and drank down her water. She nodded encouragingly to him. Erika's father drank it all down. Then he dropped the empty cup, grasped Erika's hand, and placed it on his cock, wrapping his own hand around hers so she could not release it. She could feel her father's cock throbbing in her hand. Erika started to despair. But within seconds the cock became less hard. His grip loosened and he took a step backwards. His eyes glazed over and lost their bestial glint.

"I'm so. Tired." He muttered, and sank to his knees. Then he curled up on the groundsheet and closed his eyes. Erika looked down at him in wonder and wiped her hand on her thigh. She turned around. Naked Odd was standing above the unconscious forms of her mother and brother, also curled up on the floor. Her family were all asleep. He looked pleased with himself. All of a sudden it was as if they were alone in the tent. Erika found the relief overwhelming. As long as her family was going to be OK. Odd walked over to her, his naked body glinting in the light.

"Odd, what's happening?"

"Erika, I'm very sorry about this. I have a relationship with a ... powerful woman who lives here in the wild. She must have seen us on that day near the lake. She is very jealous by nature. This is her doing."

"Will they be alright? Now what do I do?" she asked, looking down at her unconscious family.

Odd stepped closer to her. He took her hand to comfort her."They will sleep for many hours. Erika, I don't know what they will remember when they awake. Perhaps nothing. Perhaps everything. Most likely a dreamy recollection of debauchery. If they wake in a tidy tent, in their sleeping bags and in their sleeping garments, it is possible that their memories will be dismissed as dreams. Especially if you are present and act as if nothing has happened. They are unlikely to share these sort of dreams, don't you think?"

Erika looked at him, his eyes were direct and full of sympathy. Perhaps also guilt. She hoped with all her heart that he was right. "Yes. Will you help me?"

"Of course. Let me go and get dressed." He turned to retrieve his clothes.

She caught his elbow. "Odd. I am remaining naked. It is very messy here. Easier to clean my skin than my clothes. Especially when bears are guarding the door."

"You have a practical mind, Erika. I will do likewise. Don't worry about the bears."

They set to, both naked. First they cleaned the tent. Erika sponged the mess off her mother, while Odd did the same for her father and brother. It was hard. Erika stole glances at Odd in the dim light, his body working and sweating as they manhandled the sleeping bodies, his sweet cock dangling. Twice it brushed against her and he muttered apologies.

"It's quite alright," she said.

In an hour and a half it was done. Odd and Erika flopped down near the heater and considered the fruits of their labor. Three sleeping forms, all tidy in cots and sleeping bags. Tent clean. Well, cleanish. No sign of an orgy. Erika felt like she had survived a battle. By the skin of her teeth.

"Wow. You wouldn't know anything had gone on," Erika said, as she sat next to Odd. She looked down at his long legs stretching out, his cock resting to one side in a thatch of dark hair. An hour ago the very thought of sex revolted her.

But things change.

Odd turned to her. "I apologize again for this. It is all my fault."

Erika shook her head. "No. It is your girlfriend's fault. So she tried to humiliate and kill me and my family - all because of a harmless handjob on the lake? What a crazy bitch!"

Odd sighed and looked down at her. Erika thought that he, too, seemed to be relaxing as she watched his gaze meander over her naked soiled body.

"Erika, I have no choice. I am not allowed to leave her. I will never father children. This woman is not as other women. I can't explain. You wouldn't believe me."

But Erika had seen Astrild leap up the mountainside and did believe him. Erika now knew that they had to leave Svalbard as soon as possible. She was not safe. Her family was not safe. But there was one way Erika could get her revenge against this evil woman right now. And she would enjoy doing it.

She turned to him and sat around facing him. "I enjoyed touching you by the lake. Would you like me to do it again? No-one can see us in here."

Her hand crept onto his thigh. She noticed his cock was thicker than it had been a minute ago. Odd remained silent. She could see his dark eyes flickering as he looked at her body. She moved closer to him so that he had a better view of her. Her hand moved down inside his thigh and her fingertips touched his cock.

"Are you afraid?" she asked. Erika knew that she had to have this man. Her mind was made up. It was not just to get to even with the witch. He had saved them and he was brave as a lion. She wanted him. But would he let her? She leaned forward and nuzzled his ear. "I want you inside me," she whispered, as her hand drew circles on his cock shaft. She could feel his cock hardening and she grasped it gently, just holding it without moving. She could feel it throbbing as it slowly got longer and thicker.

He drew a deep breath. "I don't know Erika. I think I may already be a dead man."

She closed up to his ear again. "Then what do you have to lose? Don't you want to cum in me? I want your sperm inside me so badly. You have earned this, don't you think? We have both earned it. I will be gone tomorrow. Forever."

Odd leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Erika knew that silence was assent. She started to pump his shaft as she laid her head against his neck. She knew that they were both exhausted. But she was determined. She dipped down and took his less-than-clean cock head in her mouth, savoring its salty taste. She could feel her own pussy wetting. She looked up at him and saw the fatigue in his eyes. But his cock was stiff as an iron rod. She straightened up and swiveled around on her ass. She took his hand and laid down on her back. Then she drew her legs up and apart.

"Come on. Kneel between my legs." He did as he was told. She took his cock and gently guided it to her pussy lips. He lurched forward onto his hands, placing them either side of her. His cock entered her smooth as silk. Erika moaned. Then he stopped.

"All the way up inside," she commanded softly. He arched his back and entered her another few inches.

"Ouff," she whispered as she felt his cock head push against her all the way up inside. He stopped again.

"Thrust into me. Come on."

He started to thrust. Erika herself was so tired, but right now she wanted this above all things. She wanted this mans seed inside her. Odd breathed heavily as he thrust into her. She lifted her legs higher.

"Faster," she said. Odd went faster.

"Cum in me. As soon as you want. Cum in me."

Odd thrust away, holding his body weight off Erika with his hands. Erika grasped his tight ass as if she could squeeze the cum out of him. Erika felt his long hard cock thrusting inside her and wanted him to finish. Odd's breathing changed and all of a sudden she felt his sperm flooding inside her. She laughed out loud in delight. Norwegian sperm. Her first ever.

Now that murderous bitch could go fuck herself.

His cum jetting into her flipped a secret switch inside her and to her surprise she felt herself cumming. She wriggled and moaned as his stiff cock disgorged itself inside her. She could feel her own juices mixed with his cum sliding out of her pussy onto the floor they had just cleaned. Oh well.

Odd's thrusts slowed and then stopped. Exhausted, he let himself down onto Erika and they lay there together as his cock grew soft inside her and their crotches squished out his cum and her secretions. Soon he became too heavy, and she gently pushed him off to one side. She grabbed a blanket and they both fell asleep under the radiant heater.

Five hours later Erika woke up. To her relief, her family was still sleeping soundly. She roused Odd, who quickly awoke. They washed and dressed. Odd poked his head out of the tent. The bears were gone.

The Next Day

Odd said goodbye to Erika at the departure gate. Her family was silent and groggy. He heaved a sigh of relief as their Scandinavian Air 737-800 hurtled into the sky, and he watched it bank to the south as it headed for Oslo. He looked in his pocket at the Plan B he had lifted from Erika's bag when she was not looking and threw it into the trashcan as he left the airport. After a visit to the Governor's Office Odd updated his will ( everything to his sister in Trondheim), picked up some things from his apartment and drove up the Longyear Road. At the end of the track he pulled off to the side and shouldered his pack. After a moment's thought he picked up his rifle. Then he set off.

Three hours later he reached his cabin, or what was left of it. The roof was still on but the windows were shattered and all his possessions flung down the slope. His bed had been destroyed. He sat for a while in the debris trying to figure out where she had gone. He headed back down the slope to her caves. Which one was she in? A trail of blood led into the one on the right. So she was hungry. It was late evening and the sun was low enough to send rays far into the upper part of the cave. He followed the trail of blood inside. Fifty feet inside the cave he came upon the carcass of a fox. Gore was splattered about. He heard a noise at the back of the cave where the rays of the sun petered out. He unslung his rifle and cradled it in his arms. He wasn't sure it would do any good, along with his badge and uniform, although they were all real enough. He walked on.

He did not expect to see her first. She was an Ice Sprite. He stopped when the light became dim, dancing about in colors as it refracted through melting ice at the cave mouth. At any other time he would have marveled at its beauty. He heard a sound behind him and turned around, towards the cave entrance.

There she was in front of him silhouetted in the sunlight. She was naked and wet from the melting ice. That was how she kept cool in the summer. The pale sun lit her up from behind as if in a movie, her tall slender figure haloed by its rays. Her hands on her slim hips, her feet in fifth position, her knees slightly bent as if ready to spring like the wild animal that she was. She dropped the piece of meat she was holding and wiped her bloody chin with her hand. He noticed that her breasts were smeared with red, some dribbling all the way down her snow white belly to her pussy. The contrast was quite startling. Her face was in shadow, with the light behind her and he could not easily read the expression on her face. She spoke.

"Why the strange clothes? The foolish weapon?"

Odd reached in his pocket and produced his police badge. It bore the official seal of the Governor and the word Skogvokter in bronze. He threw it on the ground at Astrild's feet. He pulled out a piece of paper and waved it at her.

"I'm here on official business. This was signed by Governor Kjerstin this morning. It is a license to kill 'any non-human entity threatening the safety of Svalbard residents or visitors without legal consequence'. She said that makes me Svalbard's answer to James Bond. "

Astrild took a step forward towards Odd. "Who is this James Bond?"

"Never mind."

Astrild stopped within a foot of Odd. He could smell her lunch of Arctic Fox and the damp mossy cave odor on her skin. He could see the red blood on her face and belly. Now that she had come closer he could see her face. He had expected anger. Fury. He half expected to die. But he saw none of this. She reached out and touched his cock. She smiled at him.

"How many years has this pleased me?"

Odd put down his rifle. He never had any intention of using it anyway. She smiled at him. A smile of love and warmth. But Odd knew she could act, and despite his feelings for her he did not trust her. He knew that at her very core she was a wild beast. Odd stood still, while she felt his balls through his rough woven pants.

"You tried to kill me yesterday. Now you are so loving. Tell me what is going on, Astrild."

"If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead. That bitch you worked for, she was the one I wanted. Ragnar saw you together. I changed my mind because...well, you'll find out. I told him to save you in the night."

He took a step backward, away from her. He knew how strong she was.

"Astrild, the Governor will not tolerate attacks on tourists. You are on the protected secret species list, yes. Like the Trolls on the mainland and the mermaids. But one less Ice Sprite can be accepted. Marinejegerkommando at Ramsund are being mobilised. Your bears will not be able to save you. Some may even be killed. Do you want that?"

Her expression changed to anger. He knew that by threatening her he took a terrible risk. But he had been sent to deliver the message. He knew that anyone else delivering this message would already be dead by now. Her eyes fixed on his with a ferocious glare.

"This is my realm. I can kill whom I want."

He stepped forward towards her. He took her bloody hands in his. He saw her breathing deeply in an effort to get control of her anger. She spoke.

"I have something important to tell you, too. But first - do you promise never to be unfaithful again?" She looked into his eyes, he could see her gaze boring into his soul. It would be hard. So hard. Never to have a family. He sighed.

"Yes, I do. Astrild. What is your news?"

"Let me show you."

She knelt down before him and undid his belt. To say that Odd was not in the mood for love would be a massive understatement. But he knew that was not an option. He stood patiently while Astrild removed his belt, pulled down his pants and extracted his unenthusiastic cock from his underpants. The dancing rays of sunlight lit up her face and breast. She was a bloody mess. But she was still beautiful.

"Poor thing. Let me stroke him."

Astrild scooped a generous measure of fox blood and fat from her filthy body and plastered it onto Odd's cock. She started to knead him with both hands, pulling him about like piece of floppy pastry. If he put out of his mind why his cock was so slippery, perhaps he could enjoy it. Another thing bothered him. Odd knew that their discussion was not complete.

"What is your news?" he repeated.

She shook her head and took his cock in her mouth. He felt the special feeling of an Ice Sprite blow job. There was nothing quite like it and his cock started to get bigger immediately. But it was not all good. Right from their first night together, when she had slept with him all those years ago as a young man, she had taken him in her mouth. But on that night she warned him that if he ever came in her mouth she would kill him. It was an important safety tip he had taken to heart. So he never could really relax when she sucked him. But she was OK with him coming on her breasts, although she always complained it made her hot. So that is what Odd expected today. By now he was hard (which he found unbelievable, really).

She disgorged him and had a rest, playing with his cock as women do. Gently waving it about. She even giggled as she slapped on more blood and fox fat.

"It's quite difficult not to bite it off, it tastes so good. You are lucky I have so much self-control."

Odd, who knew that she did not know the meaning of self-control, bit his lip and hoped the day would end with his cock still attached. She took him in her mouth again. Using her hand to pump him at his cock-root, her hot icy tongue swirled about his cock-head faster and faster. Odd felt good. The day was turning out better than he had imagined. He supposed he could stay away from the tourist women. If it meant so much to Norway.

He felt it stirring in his balls and travelling to the root of his cock. It was a very familiar sensation and he pulled away from Astrild. But she denied him. She was much stronger than him and kept his cock in her mouth, even pushing it down her throat farther than she had ever done. Odd became anxious.

"Astrild, my Lady. I must cum. Please release me!"

But she did not and two seconds later Odd's cum flooded out of his cock into the Ice Princess's mouth. It was a first for both of them.

Odd knew she had commanded it and awaited her reaction. He watched her swallow, his cock still in her mouth. The she let him go, and his cock emerged, still dribbling with cum. She looked at it with curiosity. Then she licked off the dribbles and looked up at him, her eyes wide and surprised.

"Salty like the sea. So much better than I imagined. Good."

Odd waited. He wasn't going to ask again. She saw that he was waiting.

"I need it. Your seed. I am carrying a child. A new Ice Princess. You are the father. I need your seed frequently until your princess is born. It feeds me. Indirectly, it feeds her. I can take it in my mouth or I can take it here. Your choice." She cupped her pussy and wriggled, laughing.

"I did not think this was possible," Odd said, reeling with shock. No-one ever knew where Ice Sprites came from. But now he did. This was an important discovery. The Governor would be pleased. Odd himself was ecstatic.

"Are you sure?' he asked.

She whacked him over the head and he bounced off the cave wall. She helped him up and clasped him to her.

"I'm sorry," she said, as she cradled his head."I'm not as emotionally balanced as I usually am."

"It's OK. I'll ask the Governor to call off the Marinejegerkommando."

She kissed his head and he felt much better.

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bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123over 3 years ago

"Erika's Arctic Nudist Camp:" - The story does have flavors of realism. The location, locale, towns and Island;s name, etc are real-world Norwegian entities. The stories main theme, Ice Sprite Astrild, etc., is fairy-tale genre, mixed with a few theme doses of incest realty. The incest adds splices of realism with the inclusion of induced incest drunkenness and intoxicated debauchery. As others have alluded, the story is hard to genre categorize as there are several main topics. The story is well written; much thought and much research of the fairy-tale subject matter are very evident

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
More strange than erotix.

While interesting in some ways, the story was basically pointless. All his sex was to no purpose, because it led to no enduring bonding. Astrid was the only one with purpose.

The author alluded to the ice princess's existense, but did not explain how she fit into any world.

Bizarre is not enough for a story.

bondi_beachbondi_beachover 6 years ago
Extraordinary story

It's hard to categorize this story, and that's a strength. It's hot, yes (well, I could have skipped the watersports, however), but also with enough twists that I found myself stopping every once in a while to refocus. It ended when it should have ended, but I would have welcomed an extension to tell us what happened if Erika decided to pursue her business venture.

Thanks for sharing it.


Dark_StormDark_Stormover 7 years ago
Hard to categorize

This is one of those times when I wish Literotica allowed more than one story genre to be listed. Is incest the appropriate category? Non-human? Erotic Horror? This story easily fits all three, although given the main storyline of the ice sprite, I think the latter two would have been the most appropriate. Although, Lit being Lit, I know someone would have bitched if they came across incest without being warned ahead of time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Umm... Odd

Not a story you would expect from Literotica.

Strange tale, but we'll told. I did read all the way to the end and then wanted to turn to the next page...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Nice story

Held my attention and the added suspense was great.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Nicely done

Imaginative and well executed. I do not agree with others about the ending. It is a classic short story ending. Abrupt and with a little twist.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Yes, A Grand Tale...

...with a slightly lame ending.

(And might I have read this - or something very similar - a few years back?)

Scotsman69Scotsman69almost 8 years ago
This remarkable tale of sexual imagination

earned a rare five stars from me. Despite an ending which did not do justice to the rest of the fine story.

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