Erotic Desert Fairy Tales


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The evening passed pleasantly. The women plied him with roast venison, fresh fruits and vegetables, baked delicacies, and wine; but they, themselves, ate only honey. After dinner, they settled themselves on furniture that was arranged around one of the fireplaces. Plionarcta lit a taper in the flame of an oil lamp, and ignited the cordwood that had carefully been stacked on the grating. The fire burned steadily, engulfing them in a comfortable warmth, its sporadic crackling punctuating their conversation.


Eventually, they fell silent, and after a few moments, Baubella stood, took him by the hand, and led him up the stairs and into the boudoir. Bustling around the room, she lit votive candles that bathed the chamber in soft, low light, and ignited incense that filled the room with an intoxicating scent. She seated herself at her dressing table, dabbed perfume behind her ears and between her breasts, and brushed and arranged her hair. Then she stood and faced him. Smiling sweetly, she untied the bow of her abaya and let it slide onto the floor. Slowly, she reached behind her, unbuckled her halter, and dropped it, too, onto the carpet. Then she unbuckled her skirt and let it fall, revealing a black loincloth that hugged her hips and covered her genitals.

She opened a drawer in her armoire, removed her black bear mask, and secured it on her face. Then she walked to him, placed her palms on his chest, and gently pushed him backward onto the bed. Working slowly, she removed his clothing. She indicated that he should sit, facing the doorway, and when he had done so, she sat behind him, drew her warm body tightly against his back, and wrapped her arms around his chest. She began to kiss him on the nape of his neck and the back of his ears. Sliding her hands down his abdomen, she cupped one hand under his testicles and gently caressed them, and wrapped the other around his shaft and stroked it. The blond boy's body shuddered in delight; his breath deepened; and his penis grew rock hard.

She reached onto one of the night tables, and picked up a small bottle of scented oil. Dipping her fingers into it, she spread lubricant onto his penis and testicles. She pulled him backward slightly and rubbed the remaining oil onto his perineum, all the way back to his rectum. Then she pushed him forward again, wrapped her fingers around his shaft, and continued to masturbate him.

Ursula and Plionarcta emerged from the darkened staircase, sat down at their dressing tables, perfumed their bodies, and brushed their hair. Then, they, too, rose to face him, stripped, and

donned their bear masks. They approached the bed, kneeled on the mattress, and began to caress their naked breasts. The blond boy's penis began to jump.

Plionarcta smiled warmly at him. Then she fixed her eyes upon the black marble penis, shifted close to it, and cooed softly. Slowly, she lowered her face, opened her mouth, and closed it gently around the glans. Moaning happily, she wrapped both hands around the shaft and began to fellate the massive penis. After a few strokes, she paused, shut her eyes, and pushed her head downward, trying to reach the testicles with her lips. Of necessity, this forced the penis partly into her throat. She gagged a little, and pulled her mouth upward and away from the sculpture. Then, whimpering with pleasure, she closed her lips around the glans again, and licked its underside. Saliva dripped from her mouth and down the shaft, as she sucked contentedly.

Ursula had been rubbing her clitoris as she watched. Smiling at her sister, she maneuvered to the opposite side of the marble monolith. As Plionarcta released the penis from her mouth, Ursula removed her loincloth, and, with her middle and index fingers, spread open her labia and seated the glans between them. Placing her hands on her hips, she pushed her body downward. With great effort, and by descending slowly, she managed to get the entire shaft inside her. She opened her mouth wide in amazement, and began to bounce slowly up and down, softly whimpering with pleasure.

Through her hand, Baubella felt the boy's penis begin to spasm. She called to her sisters, who swiftly disengaged themselves from the marble penis, and crouched on the mattress, their mouths wide open. Baubella directed the boy's penis upward and outward just as it began to spurt. Thick semen dribbled out, and slid down his shaft and onto his testicles. The two sisters laughed happily, pressed their faces against his groin, and lapped up the warm liquid.

Suddenly, they sat bolt upright, a look of astonishment on their faces. "Oh! Oh! What is this?" cried Ursula. She lowered her head again, sucked up more of the semen, and licked her lips. Greatly excited, she seized one of the votive candles and brought it close to the boy's groin. The three sisters looked at the semen intently; for it was not white; instead, its color was a warm, soft, yellow that glistened like gold in the candlelight.

Plionarcta looked at Ursula and exclaimed, "Sister, is it possible? Could it really be?"

"Yes!" said Ursula. "There is no doubt. His semen is pure honey!"


The women withdrew to the foot of the bed and regarded him with awe. Timidly, Ursula asked, "Are you a god?"

Suddenly, Mother Bee's voice echoed in the boy's mind. "My venom will protect you," she had said. Now he realized the meaning of her words. Thinking quickly, he spoke. "Mother Bee has been watching over you these many years, and is pleased with your devotion. She cast a spell upon me that transformed my body, and sent me to you as a reward. She commands you to honor her by drinking my semen continually until the sun rises."

The blond boy stacked pillows near the edge of the bed, reclined with his head propped against them, and opened his thighs. The bear women responded by kneeling in a semicircle around him. Then Ursula laid down prone upon the mattress with her face between his legs. She grasped his penis, lifting it gently, lowered her head, and began to suck his testicles. Once again, the blond boy's body was suffused with an electric thrill, every bit as exciting as the one he had experienced with the forest witch. Ursula's mouth strayed slowly up the underside of his shaft, kissing, licking, and sucking, while she cooed with affection. She pushed her free hand between his buttocks and the mattress, and pressed her middle finger into his anus. Clamping her lips around his glans, she slid her mouth downward over his shaft and simultaneously twisted her finger inside him. The boy gasped in astonishment and pleasure. Ursula repeated the delight, over and over again, until his penis shuddered and sprayed honey onto her palate. When he had finished spurting, she disengaged from him, turned, and opened her mouth so

that her sisters could see the glistening gold liquid pooling on her tongue. She close her eyes, swallowed, and moaned with pleasure.

Baubella and Plionarcta hugged each other excitedly. Baubella reclined upon the mattress. Plionarcta spread open her sister's legs, lowered her head between her thighs, and licked her rosebud. Laughing happily, Ursula laid upon her back, grasped Plionarcta by the hips, pushed her face between her legs, and likewise licked hers. The blond boy stroked his penis and watched. The sisters thrust and moaned and sucked and screamed until they had mutual orgasms. Then they laid upon their backs, breathing heavily.

After some moments had passed, Baubella rose and crossed to her armoire. Opening the door, she retrieved a decanter and four goblets. She poured out equal measures of its contents, kept one goblet for herself, and distributed the others to her sisters and the blond boy. "This potion will enhance your passion and increase your endurance," she said to him. They drank rapidly, and drained their goblets. Immediately, the boy's penis swelled and lengthened. Standing quickly, he seized Baubella, pressed his lips to hers, and kissed her passionately. Then he lifted her and threw her onto the bed. Fumbling with the clasps, Baubella tried to remove her loincloth. The blond boy grasped it by its waistband and tore it off. Breathlessly she opened her legs, and allowed him to plunge his penis inside her. Immediately, he began to thrust violently. Baubella screamed with pleasure.

At the sight of their sister being ravished, Ursula and Plionarcta locked lips and fell upon each other passionately. Ursula removed her sister's loincloth, pivoted on top of her, and lowered her pubis onto her face. Plionarcta obliged by licking her clitoris while Ursula reciprocated.

When Baubella reached a climax, Ursula disengaged from Plionarcta, pulled the blond boy off her sister, and threw him down upon his back on the mattress. She grasped his throbbing penis, guided it into her vagina, and began to rock her hips forward and backward. The blond boy reached up and caressed her breasts. Then he wrapped his arms around her back, lifted himself, sealed his lips over her left nipple, and sucked passionately. Ursula closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure. Grasping his head, she pulled it from her left breast, and pushed it onto her right. The boy complied and sucked her nipple.

Ursula's body shook violently as a massive orgasm overwhelmed her. Lifting herself off the blond boy's groin, she turned, grasped Plionarcta by the back of her head, and pushed her mouth against his penis. Plionarcta complied and fellated him vigorously. Then the blond boy pushed her back onto the mattress, mounted her, and ravished her.

For the remainder of the night, he made love to each of them in turn repeatedly. Each time, his penis spouted an immense load of honey, which they lapped up eagerly and swallowed. As the sun crested the mountains, he experienced a massive orgasm, and, bellowing loudly, spurted half way across the room. Then he collapsed in exhaustion and relief. The sisters laid in a circle around him and covered his body with kisses. Then, happily entwined in each other's arms, they all drifted off to sleep.


They awakened to a deafening crash that shook the walls and floor. They sat up and listened carefully. A second crash shook the cave. Someone was attempting to batter down the marble door. Dimly, they heard the sound of horses, weapons, and armor coming from behind the portal.

One by one, the bear women turned and kissed the blond boy passionately. Still wearing their masks, they sprang from the bed, ran to their armoires, took out their warrior clothes, and put them on. Then they pulled their gauntlets from the wall, and fastened them to their wrists. Baubella snatched up her spear, and Ursula and Plionarcta strapped their scabbards onto their backs and drew their swords. Baubella turned to the blond boy and kissed him again one last time. Then they raced down the staircase just in time to see the marble door crack and collapse.

The great room rapidly filled with dust and smoke. Through the haze, a turbaned soldier raced into the cave carrying a torch, and threw it into the bookcase. With one swipe of her bear claws,

Ursula beheaded him. Flames sprang from the bookcase and spread to the tapestries. The sisters screamed in rage, bellowing their war cry.

Armed men rushed into the cave. The women formed a chevron and began to mow them down. Blood spattered everywhere. The cave reverberated with the screams of the dying. The women growled like bears as they struck down one soldier after another. Amid the smoke, dust, and noise, despite the shouts of their commanders, the soldiers were unable to coordinate an effective assault. But the bear women knew their home ground and did not need to see clearly in order to defend themselves. Baubella turned and watched as the flames spread throughout the cave, consuming all of their treasured possessions. She began to weep. Her grief bolstered her rage. With renewed force, she sprang upon the invaders and killed ruthlessly and efficiently.

Suddenly, Plionarcta collapsed, pierced through the heart by a spear. Ursula screamed and beheaded the man who had wielded it. Then she became berserk. She abandoned her defensive position with her sister, and charged out into the daylight.

After a few moments of shock, the blond boy had sprung into action. As he donned his clothing and withdrew his sword from under the mattress, his mind was reeling. Why had the bear women kissed him and then gone off alone to face the invaders? Why had Baubella turned and kissed him again? Hadn't all three been plotting to kill him in his sleep? And what was this powerful feeling that was suffusing his body with rage, not against the women, but against their attackers. The blond boy had never been in love before, but he concluded that this must be what it feels like. And then it struck him; the bear women had not sprung upon the enemy to defend their home; they had attacked to defend him.

He ran down the stairs and searched through the haze until he saw Baubella. She was bleeding from many wounds. Surrounded by four soldiers, she was standing her ground and viciously swinging her spear. The blond boy ran and took up a position behind her. Baubella felt the warmth of his body, and knew instantly that it was he. Back to back they fought the enemy. The boy began to roar with rage. His sword sang in the wind and sprayed blood in all directions as it cut through one man after another. An arrow pierced his shoulder. He broke off the feathered end, reached behind him, and pulled out the remaining shaft and arrowhead. Blood trickled down his back, but he did not feel it. He struck down another soldier, and then another.

Then little by little, the screams of the attackers diminished. Baubella dispatched one more man, and then, silence. Still standing back to back, they pivoted first one way, then the other, peering through the dust, their chests heaving, their bodies drenched in blood and perspiration, but nothing moved. Eventually, the dust settled. All around them, the contents of the cave were crackling and collapsing. The flames threw an orange light upon the scene, and they saw the cave entrance gleaming in the sunlight. Cautiously, they made their way through the broken portal and out onto the scree.

The remaining soldiers had retreated and were now beating a path down the mountain. Baubella gasped, "Temple guards. They were temple guards from the monotheist sect. The high priest must have sent spies to find us."

Then she dropped her spear and cried, "Oh, no! No, no, no!"

Lying by the thicket, surrounded by dead warriors, was Ursula's blood drenched body. Baubella crossed the clearing and sank onto the moss. Cradling her sister's head in her lap, she wept inconsolably. The blond boy walked across the clearing, kneeled beside her, and wrapped her in his arms.


So it was that Grandfather first met Grandmother. After binding their wounds and burying Ursula and Plionarcta, they began to walk down the mountain. In a clearing at the foot of the hills, peacefully grazing, was the war horse that had conveyed him to the forest witch. Grandfather hoisted Grandmother into the saddle, then jumped up and sat behind her. In the late afternoon, they camped by a stream. They consumed food that his servants had packed in his saddlebag, made love, and discovered that his semen was no longer made of honey. Seven days later, they appeared at the gate of the family compound. His parents and siblings ran across the cobblestones and embraced them, took them inside, tended their wounds, and gave them fresh clothing. It was only then that Grandfather, looking in a mirror, realized that his hair had turned gray. And so it remained for the rest of his life.

The Last Days of Al-Kharijah

Many years passed. Grandfather impregnated me, and eventually I bore him five beautiful children. The witches continued to tutor me in the skills of sexual delight, and Grandfather experienced much happiness as a result. But the dark cloud that had been hovering on the

horizon finally overtook us: Grandfather died. The new Sheik was one of my cousins, a boy that I have never liked. He was vain and easily manipulated, and soon after ascending to the throne, he allowed the monotheist sect to be established in the kingdom.

The clerics wasted no time in seizing power. They poisoned the minds of the royal family sufficiently to convince them of the sinfulness of all sexual pleasure. Secretly, the men of the court acquired concubines and prostitutes to slake their sex drive. While outwardly endorsing the strictures of the new religion, they continued to have sex and sex play as if nothing had changed. But something important had: sex was no longer associated with love. The kingdom ceased to be a joyous place. The clerics persecuted the witches, and one by one, had them beheaded. Then they set their twisted sights on the women of the harīm.

And so, dear reader, whoever, you are, I have set down this account, and tonight will secrete it in a place deep in the earth, where very likely it won't be discovered for centuries. By then, sadly, our culture will be gone, and I greatly fear that true sexual joy will have perished from the world. I leave you with this testament: that no matter what the holy men may ever say or write, I and my sisters, and generations of royal women before us, have done nothing for which we or you should feel any shame or guilt. On the contrary, we have given much pleasure to many, and produced many happy, healthy babies who, when grown, have served the people of the kingdom well.

Out there among you, Mother Cobra has told me, among my descendants, someday, one special woman will come forth who will restore the connection between sex and love. May you live in those happy times.

I, Jazeera bin Abdul Azziz bin Sultan bin Mofstaffa al Bedou, send you my salutations and my love. Remember me.

The End

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