Eternally Bound Pt. 02


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"I know," I answered. "Just want to make sure you're okay."

Mom looked over at me, forcing a smile.

"You're a gem," she said through her groggy haze. "I'm glad you're here to take care of your old mom."

Oh, I could have replied to that in so many ways! Instead, I smiled and poured her some more coffee.

"I hope whoever this Shannon is, she knows what a catch she has with you."

"Well, I wasn't looking to get caught... at least not by her."


Mom and I spent the rest of the day lounging around and watching TV. Still in my oversized Colts jersey, and despite her hangover, she looked unconventionally sexy. I loved how her thick, glossy thighs offset my white football jersey, as did her unkempt hair.

I rarely left her side except to get her plenty of fluids and food. She and I started on separate couches in the den, but after dinner she asked me to sit beside her to catch up on shows she DVR'd. Around 7pm we were sitting about three feet apart from one another. By 10pm her head was in my lap while I stroked her hair and back. She was finally coming out of the fog of the hangover, and she sent me to the grocery for some ice cream. Ice cream usually indicated she was in a rare "I don't give a fuck" mood.

After polishing off a pint of Cookies and Cream, Mom settled back down on my lap to watch her shows. She lay on her side with her back to me, but her voluptuous contours were on full display. As I gently stroked her hair, I couldn't help but look at the light from the TV bouncing off the smooth, glossy skin of her legs. Just inches from Mom's head was my full, raging hard-on furiously rising from my shorts.

My breaths grew ragged as I risked stroking her bare arm and her back, and I couldn't stop staring at her thighs and hips. Thankfully, she didn't refuse my advances. Then I felt Mom start to rub my knee. My body twitched at the mere touch, and I knew she could tell I was aroused. The noise from the TV could barely mask the budding affections between us.

I got brave, letting my right hand stroll down her back, but kept my fingers atop the jersey. I reminded myself that I was touching my mother as a lover would. My fingertips brushed across the top of her hips, then went back to her hair. Mom's head shifted as her fingertips slid up and down my leg.

"Mmm," she moaned.

I let out a long sigh as my hands crept toward her hips once more. Mom gave a little shiver of pleasure, and I took this as her permission to continue. Soon, my hand was moving across the full crest of her hip. The slick material of the jersey slid over her skin with my repeated strokes. With each caress, more and more of the jersey slid up, baring Mom's golden skin, and within a few minutes I could see the lower cheeks of her ass.

Silence. Breathing.

Mom slowly sat up, turning to face me.

"I think I'm going to hit the hay, kiddo," she said with a wry smile. "Thank you for taking care of me today."

"Of course." I was baffled by her sudden exit. We gazed into each other's eyes for another lingering second. Mom's smile was intoxicating.

"I love you, Chris." She said the words slowly and meaningfully.

"I love you too, Mom," I replied. "Mother."

She gave a breathless sigh, as if my calling her "mother" triggered something deeper within her. Ever so slowly, I lifted my hand to her hair, gently tucking her golden strands behind her left ear. My fingertips grazed her cheek as I lowered my fingers. Something was happening here between us... an electricity, a spark.

"I love you more," she whispered.

I gave a long exhale when I heard that, as if it were a resounding "yes." Our gaze held firm as each millisecond that passed took us further down our forbidden path. My heart rate soared, peering into her captivating eyes. Suddenly, and quite abruptly, Mom leaned in to kiss me on my cheek.

"Good night, my love," she whispered tenderly, keeping her mouth to my face for a fraction of a second longer. Standing up, she sauntered behind the couch, running her hand across my shoulder as I reached back to pat her hand with mine.

'G'night baby."

"Night, Mom."

After she made her way upstairs I let out a long, bottled-up sigh. I was overcome with an intense feeling of such deep love I never knew I had in me. I could only whisper "Wow" as I tried to comprehend what had just happened. I tossed and turned in bed that night, staring at the ceiling and marveling at the wonder of it all. I never expected to feel as powerful a mix of eroticism, desire and profound love as I did for my mother.


The next day I was relieved to find that there was no awkwardness or weirdness. Mom was her normal happy self, bouncing around the house and talking. Our continued touches and "accidental" brushing up against each other surprised me because I had truly expected her to be withdrawn and silent.

With her lax work schedule, Mom was at home a lot. Two days after our "moment," the temperature outside was nearing 80 degrees when I heard Mom call out that she was hitting the pool. We had one of those awesome infinity edge swimming pools, and it helped keep Mom's skin an even shade of bronze all year. Something about a woman's tanned skin stoked the primal fires of my libido. Now that I was back at home and looking at Mom through a far more appreciative lens, I put two and two together and realized that it was because of her that I had always had a fetish for deeply tanned women. As I heard Mom jump into the water, I thought back to what I had said in my presentation about the tribe where each man had to breed his mother to be considered a "full" man. God, what I wouldn't give to be in that tribe now!

I could hear Mom splashing in the pool from the basement where I was setting up the new weight bench. Just as Shannon and I planned, I got the new weights and didn't say a thing to Mom about them. Shannon had said that working out would help keep my hormones in check, so I got busy pumping iron as Mom swam her laps outside. All through my workout I kept replaying the events from our dinner at the Wharf and the day after: My hands resting atop hers in that restaurant, the moments stroking the crest of her hip in the den with my fingertips...

After a while I went upstairs to my room to wipe off. My bedroom window overlooked the pool, and there, below, in the crystal clear cobalt waters swam my mother. The woman who blessed me with life. The woman who reared and nurtured me into a suitor who had returned to seduce her. As her shapely body gleamed in the sparkling waters, I zoned out, focusing on the bronzed hourglass shape in that revealing two-piece black bikini. I loved how the bottom had a sexy high cut that emphasized the sweeping flair of Mom's wide hips. Then my focus shifted to her taut, flat tummy stretching and flexing as she gracefully swam the backstroke.

I had never watched Mom like this before. I studied how her muscles inflated and relaxed with natural grace, and how her efforts gave her skin a healthy, magnificent glow.

"God, look at that," I whimpered. "Jesus."

Mom then began swimming the butterfly stroke, jutting her thick, meaty ass out of the water with each avid lunge.

Primed, my sprouting cock crept along the loose fabric of my workout shorts. "So wide," I whispered feebly, awash in the sensation of how hot and bothered I was for her. I wiped my forehead, surrendering to tsunami of my forbidden desire. Reaching down, I ran my palm along the shaft of my stalk through my shorts, giving it a quick but gentle squeeze as I let out a long moan. Mom dove underwater to spin around for another lap, twirling that glossy bronzed ass high in the air. Mom's body was so limber, sashaying through the crystal blue waters like an Olympic swimmer.

"Love you," I said. "Mother. My mu-"

I couldn't take it any longer. I pulled my shorts down and started jerking off right there. I made a circle with just my thumb and forefinger, but it was more than enough to take me to the forbidden refuge I needed to escape to. I imagined swimming up alongside Mom, running my palms down the bend of her waist.

"Oh fuck," I moaned, still standing at the windowsill. "So beautiful... Mother."

I played out how I would kiss her in the pool. My knees grew weak as the fantasy roamed freely in my mind. I always knew when an orgasm is just going to be fucking amazing. But what made the orgasms I had about my mother so unique was their intensity. My body practically went into seizures, grasping for each breath as my cum stirred within. My whimpers gave way to loud cries and sweat dripped from my forehead. The sheer power of the explosion made me that much more certain that our love was meant to be.

The last sight I beheld before cumming was Mom's ass, shimmering in the pool. I buckled, watching helplessly as rope after rope of my seed spewed onto the window blinds before I sank to my knees. I struggled to whisper "Mother" as a reminder of the forbidden depths I was basking in, visualizing her golden ass and wide, supple hips. I fell backward, howling in the joy of her proximity. I didn't care if she heard me. Hell-maybe if she did it might jumpstart this entire love affair.

More of my cum spattered across the carpet as a myriad of mouthwatering visions swam in my mind, complementing the equally mouthwatering reality in the pool below. I envisioned a flash of Mom in a strapless wedding gown, pledging her life to mine as my bride. My stomach jerked while the strength of this orgasm overwhelmed my senses. Looking down, I watched my cock to continue to spew thick, flowing streams. My lungs heaved as the orgasm pulled me across the plains of forbidden ecstasy. I was cumming because of her, my darling mother. I was cumming because I was in love with the woman who once carried me in her womb.

Covered in sweat, once I had finally stopped ejaculating I had to laugh at how silly I must have looked all contorted on the floor with my cum all over the windows, my carpet and my skin. I noticed how the dollops of my semen were dribbling from the blinds, marveling at the ferocity of the orgasm I just had. I sat still, paralyzed by deep thoughts, wondering if cumming would be this awesome when I would make love to her.

After being with Mom for a week, it became clear to me that I wanted to move home. I felt that the time here had been a remarkable start to beginning our new relationship. I followed Shannon's suggestions to a T, getting the bench press and subtly doing gentlemanly favors for Mom. I had always been a kind son, but I took it up a few notches, especially on Christmas morning. I had custom-ordered a Swarovski crystal aquamarine drop in a silver-plated setting with a matching sterling silver necklace that hung deliciously low on her chest. The bluish jewel was my birthstone, and the necklace was definitely a "mom" thing. When she leaned in for a thank-you hug I held her just a tad longer than usual, and I smiled to myself when she didn't let go.

There was indeed hope.

I spoke with Shannon Christmas night, and she asked how things were going as I went into my room and shut the door. I brought her up to speed and she wanted to know how my "try/fail" approach was working. I mentioned my idea of "accidently" leaving my laptop out on the kitchen table overnight with my "genetic attraction" presentation video open in a browser, and Shannon felt it was a great way to reinforce the possibility of a mother/son romance. Mom was the nosy type anyway, so I knew she would take a peek if I left the laptop out.

"Be sure to make it look like you're working on school stuff," Shannon said. "The last thing you want is to make your intentions too obvious."

I had a few more nights at home before heading back to school, and New Year's Eve was quickly approaching. Mom had made plans for her friends to come by the house and pick her up to go to a party. I lied and said that I had another party I was supposed to be at; I didn't want to be introduced to Mom's peers until I was more than just a son to her.

To kill time, I decided to hit up a strip club nearby. Thankfully, an awesome big-titted blonde helped me enjoy the final hours of an amazing year of discovery and self-awareness. As the dancer's overly-perfumed body slithered and writhed all over me, I moaned "Mother" over and over again, pretending Mom was my exotic dancer on this fine evening.

At midnight I wondered if Mom was kissing anyone-if Mom was thinking about me as I was about her. I vowed to myself that this would be the last New Year's she and I would spend apart.

On New Year's Day I set in motion my plan to leave my laptop open by parking myself at the kitchen table right after dinner, pretending to be working on school stuff. Mom went to bed shortly after 10pm, and I had my presentation all queued up. All she had to do was press "play" when she came across it. I took a screen shot to mark the exact position of the cursor and the time marker on the video so that I'd know if Mom changed them. By the time I went upstairs to bed I felt a burning urge to jerk off. I had put some awesome MILF porn on my phone for me to watch while imagining it was Mom and I making love. I felt sneaky baiting this trap for Mom, but kept reassuring myself it would only help. I was so excited that I didn't fall asleep until after 4am!

At 9:30 the next morning I leapt out of bed and put my ear to the door to hear if Mom was downstairs. I heard nothing as I stepped out into the hallway. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I made my way downstairs and saw my laptop still sitting in the same position I'd left it in the night before. I had left papers strewn across the table to make it look like I was knee-deep in work. I peeked into the garage and saw Mom's Acura gone. Racing back to my laptop, I examined the screen for changes. Breathless anticipation.

The time marker had indeed changed, and so had the position of the cursor! I gasped and put my hands over my mouth in disbelief. A small, minor victory, but a victory nonetheless. Mom had actually watched my presentation on consensual, romantic incest. "Jesus," I breathed. "She saw it. She really saw it."

I smiled as I stood up, so in awe of my victory. I quickly picked up my phone and called Shannon. I was beside myself as I stumbled my way through my news. Shannon was in stitches as she listened to the joy and elation in my voice.

"Chris," she said, giggling. "You started something so few have dared to do." She then added, more seriously: "I am so proud of you, darling."

She finished with a reminder that I shouldn't say or do anything differently when Mom came back home. I'd have to just wait and see what would transpire.


Mom came home around 5pm while I was in the basement working out. I heard the garage door open and felt my heart start to pound. That now-familiar pang in my stomach returned, twice as strong as before. As I heard her walk in I kept up the reps on the weights. My shirt was soaked and I peeled it off just as she called out to me.

"Hey, I'm home honey!" she yelled down the stairs.

Whew. Good. Her normal, bland greeting was just as it had always been.

"Did you get the mail?" she asked.

"Yeah," I yelled back. "It's on the counter."

"Okay, thanks honey."

I finished my workout and decided to go say hi. Wiping my face with a towel, I walked into the kitchen where she stood dressed in a maroon sleeveless sweater and snug black skirt. It must have been a work day for her.

"Hey Mom," I said awkwardly.

"Hey handsome," she said, turning around with a glass of red wine in her hand, flipping through the mail with her free hand.

"Wow, nice," she said as she saw my sweat-covered chest and arms. "Well thanks," I started as I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. "I've got a long way to go, though."

"Don't we all?" she replied, taking a sip of her wine.

I replied with a sly smile as we made eye contact. I could easily tell that Mom was being flirtatious. "Listen honey," she started. "I know you have a couple of nights left, so I wanted to see if you'd like to do something nice."

"Really?" I asked, leaning back against the counter.

"Yeah," she began. "Like go somewhere, maybe. Just us. You know. They have a lot of great 'After New Year's' specials at these resorts I saw online."

"Wow, that sounds awesome." I said. "I'm game!"

"Yeah, just something low-key and nice."

"Yeah, I gotcha. And you know, Mom," I started. "I've been thinking about this a lot..."

Mom froze in apprehension, as if shot in the heart. Her hands tightened around the wine glass as the tones of our voices quietened, dancing about the edges of this forbidden dominion.

"And... well, I'd really like to transfer back here and finish my degree in San Diego."

Mom blinked, clearly grateful I wasn't starting a conversation about our obvious attraction. "Really?" "Yeah, you know, I just miss being home and things. It's just so far away. You know... from here... you."

There was a long moment of silence.

"What about... what about Shannon?" Mom asked quietly.

"She understands," I said. "She knows I want this. Besides, I don't love her."

Mom gazed down, as if standing atop a thousand-foot cliff. Her eyes were wide with hope, optimism and terror.

"Does she know that?"

"She knows I'm in love with someone else." I said, looking right at her.

Mom and I stood still, staring at each other. I could hear her short, ragged breaths, and I'm certain she heard mine.

"Well," Mom's voice trembled. "I'm sure... whoever she is, she's lucky to have you."

I pushed myself from the counter. She knew full well who I was referring to, but I took the bait. "I'm hoping she feels the same."

Mom turned away, refusing to face the emerging truth. Was this finally it? Was this the moment I had prayed and longed for? I dared to take a few steps closer. Raising my hands, I carefully opened my palms to place them on her bare shoulders.

Finally, skin to skin.

I sighed heavily, my mouth in an "O" shape. Touching my mother's skin felt as intense as walking on fiery hot lava. Mom shivered at the sensation. Hell, I did too.

"Chris," she said softly.

She bowed her head. I could tell how difficult this moment was for her. The wine glass trembling in her hands proved that.

"We could... go to the Four Seasons," she stammered.

"I'd love that," I whispered as I began rubbing her shoulders and back.

"Me too."

"Together. Never apart."

"Ooooh." She set her wine glass down. "I'd love that, Chris."

"I know you would, Mother."

"Ohhh God... love it when you say that," she whimpered like a helpless child.

I took it another step, snuggling her from behind, embracing her with my appreciative arms. I buried my face in her loose tresses that cascaded about her shoulders, my spirit soaring in the closeness of my muse.

"Oh Mother, yes," I whispered.

Mom let out a louder moan this time, clenching her fists. My cock tightened my shorts as I did my best to keep my hard-on from brushing against her. Twice it grazed her ass, and both times Mom buckled in my grasp but didn't move away.

"Oh Chris," she uttered. "Dear God."

My fingers dug into her as I pushed my cock against her backside, throwing my earlier caution to the wind. Mom and I both gasped.

"I've waited for you," I finally confessed. "For so long."

A half-moan, half-cry came from her as she looked over her shoulder at me. Her hand reached back to grasp my head, cradling my head as if to pull my lips to hers, but she stopped short. "Chris," she whispered.

I opened my eyes to catch her gaze. Our faces mere inches apart, I felt my heart about to explode with longing. "We can't," she said, turning around to face me. "No, Chris."

"Mother," I replied, tracing her jaw with my fingertip.