Everything for the Career Ch. 06


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Nothing like that.

Instead, we wore our pajamas, brushed our teeth said good night and cuddled in each others arms under the blanket. And with my head resting on his chest, for the first time in weeks, I slept a deep, peaceful slumber.

It's different to sleep in the most comfortable environment alone and different to sleep with your husband by your side. The latter wins, hands down, ALL the time.

And even as I fell into deep sleep, I could feel his heart beat reassuringly. And I knew instinctively, that it would always match mine.

My husband was back with me by my side, where he belonged. And this time I swore nothing would separate us. Nothing.

On the second night, we made love.

We didn't try anything new. I did not take his penis in my mouth or allowed him access to my anus. Neither did he ask for a blowjob or some erotic position or oil massage.

Instead, we did it missionary position. He, above me, me below him, clutching his ribcage as he came inside me, filling me up with so much of his love and seed. I did not have an orgasm, I was still too wound up, but let me tell you, to feel your man release his load inside you after so much both of you have gone through, and to know that he *loved* to release his seed inside you -- that is as good as, if not better, than an orgasm for a wife.

And after we uncoupled and lay together in each other's arms, in the warm afterglow, Arthur did comment on how contended I looked.

Then, he looked deep into my eyes and surprised me by joking about doing an encore.

I surprised him by accepting it.

This time there were fireworks!


It is only when you have experienced harsh winters, that you can truly appreciate the beauty of spring. I had heard that quite a few times, but I understood it now, only in the last three months after the reconciliation. Understood, what I had been missing my entire life.

Everyday was new. Everyday brought me new hope and life.

There were no pressures of time, no goals to be achieved, nowhere to go in a hurry, no conflicting schedules, no obsession. No more giving up everything for the career. No more trying to adjust. No more trying to ASK someone to adjust. No more nerves. Just peace of mind. And a warm afterglow of life.

The days were lazy.

Arthur and I went out as much as possible. We went to parks. We went to movies. We went to fields of flowers and kissed. We went on picnics and we went to bistros for coffee. We went to relatives, we went to my parents, we had a trip to the Grand Canyon with ALL of us, me, my Arthur, my dada and my mother.

And I did cry once while we were there, silently, when I saw dada and Arthur sharing a joke amongst themselves. Dirty, no doubt, considering the way they both guffawed afterwards. But their closeness was enough to make us feel like a family again.

We planned and executed. Sorry, not executed, DID. Just a left over from my 'old' life.

And there was nothing bigger this time than the approaching birthday of my Arthur. Nothing. I was never there for him, ever, in the last few years. And there was NOTHING that would make me pull away from celebrating Arthur's birthday henceforth.

I was agonizing about what to give to Arthur, when my father, my dada, gave me the perfect gift. An all expenses paid trip to Switzerland.

I was overwhelmed.

Not only was it the perfect gift, but amongst all the travelling he did Switzerland was the ONLY place Arthur never had visited, co-incidence or not. And he was always keen. To go to Switzerland once. If there was anything after the Orient Express, it was skiing down the Alps that Arthur wanted the most. And this time, no force on Earth could keep me away from fulfilling my husband's dreams.

I had been to Switzerland before. As a Vice President. But this time, I would go as a wife. And to be able to ski, with Arthur, while dada and mom cheered us on (Mom always claimed that the Alps made her giddy -- but I think she was just putting us on) filled me with an enthusiasm that left me counting the days to the vacation on Arthur's birthday. After skiing, we would retire to our rooms to make love. Only to begin another day anew. Oh thank you God!

And I thanked God again, for his part in this. Could never have done it without him.


He spilled his hot tea on his pants. He actually did. And then he danced around, trying to get it off him.

I should have known. Mom was too much of a honest woman to keep a secret around.

We were having one of our Sunday afternoon tea session (with tea and cakes -- Arthur never liked biscuits and neither did my dada), when Arthur innocently stated that he never supported genuine fur coats because of the animals involved when mom said that original fur was irreplaceable because it warmed you so much, like for example, when we all would be going on a trip to Switzerland as part of Arthur's birthday celebrations.

That was it!!

Arthur caught on so fast, that he realized about the surprise trip we had planned for him before I could say something to cover it up and I could see his face. My God! It lit up. Like a 50000 watt sheet of bulbs, it lit up.

"Switzerland? My God! JENNYYYY!" he was at his ecstatic best when he got up to hug me. And then dropped the tea cup resting on his knee. I was laughing so hard at that, as he was trying to pick up the cup, wipe the tea off his pants and hug me at the same time.

And while dada was throwing daggers to mom with his eyes, mom was laughing hilariously at the situation, when dada also burst out laughing.

The laughter echoed this afternoon far, and the entire situation was so much like a fairy tale.

I looked up at the blue sky. And thanked God once again.

And in two weeks, we would be in Switzerland. On the Alps. All of us. Our family. Celebrating my Arthur's birthday.

And because of the fact that I wanted to make this occasion really, really special, I wanted to leave nothing to chance. There would be no stone left unturned. And I had all the time in the world to make it special.

Our life, had just turned perfect.


The call came during late afternoon.

It was still a week before our trip.

Arthur picked it up and his face turned serious.

My heart stopped.

Never since the last three months of our reconciliation had I seem him getting so serious. He kept on looking at me as he talked in hushed tones in the telephone. Then he took a deep breath and looked at me.

"It's for you Jenny. It's your bank." he said. There was no emotion on his face, his eyes, or his demeanor.

"Tell them I don't work for them anymore. I am not interested in them anymore. I have nothing to do with them. Tell them to go away." I said.

Hoping this would reassure Arthur.

"Jenny... I... I think you should listen to this lady Jenny." said Arthur. Still holding the phone in his hand. His face was becoming more serious by the minute.

And I was panicking. I didn't want Arthur to have any ideas. After so much, I didn't want to lose Arthur again.

"I am not interested in talking to them Arthur. Tell them and keep the phone down!" I said. My face full of determination.

"Jenny... please, take this call." He said. I had never known him to be so insisting. Ever.

"Arthur...what..." I continued, before he interrupted.

"Edwards has had a heart attack Jenny!!" He said.

Even as my breathing stopped.

"He is in the hospital. The.. the doctors tell that...that he may not survive the night. He wants to ...has requested to see you... says... " said Arthur, taking a deep breath "that you are like his daughter... he wants to see you before he dies...I.." continued Arthur, before I lunged and grabbed the phone from his hands.

I spoke to my long time secretary. And my hands shivered from what I heard. Edwards Sterling III, more a father than a CEO and President, was not going to survive the night.

And I had to grab the chair. The phone fell from my hands as the tears came.

The man who sacrificed his career and position to hope that I, Jennifer, whom he had always called his daughter, would get her marriage together. The man in whose offices and with whom I had spent my youth and teenage, almost like a father to me... on the death bed? It COULD NOT BE!

Arthur rushed to my side as I clutched him tightly. And I began crying. Began rocking and crying. Since the last three months, I had never cried. But today, the sadness overwhelmed me again. And I began crying my eyes out.

And the afterglow of life, the sunshine, vanished in an instant, as I was plummeted from the billowy clouds of my reconciliation to the harsh ground of the real life.


The scene at the hospital was completely different.

Instead of a few close relatives, I saw the entire staff gathered over there. It was a sea of people, that parted immediately to let me pass.

"Please Jennifer..."

"Save us..."

"You're the only one Jennifer... please madam, our children depend on you."

"God. Thank God you are here Ms Jennifer."

"You're the only one."

"Now we'll show them."

"She's the only one who can do it."

Surprisingly, amid the cacophony of sounds in the hospital, these were the words that I kept hearing. I really did not pay attention to them, but it was pretty unnerving. It was as if a very big decision were awaiting Edwards, and I was the only one who could take it.

Charles, Edwards' son, who was around 28 was also there. He saw me, and began crying again. I could make out from his red eyes that he had also been crying before. I hugged him and managed to calm him down. He sat on the sofa, still sobbing. Charles was already a junior manager. No doubts he was being groomed to take over the bank when Edwards retired. But now...?

"Thanks Jennifer." He managed to say, and I pushed all thoughts aside.

I nodded and went towards the room where Edwards was resting.

Charlene was there too. With her two kids. They looked like waifs. Charlene was the victim of an abusive husband who had abandoned her after taking off on all her money and divorced her while she was eight months pregnant with the twins. Edwards had got her a job. Being uneducated and not having any real skills, she was in the packing and forwarding department. She managed ok on her salary. Edwards always used to ask me to take care of Charlene.

"If she loses this job at FCB, I don't know what she is going to do." He used to say.

"Miss Jennifer!" she rushed to me. "Thank God you are here. You are the only one who can help us. We'll all lose our jobs Ms. Jennifer. Please, help us." She pleaded with me.

"Please ma'am." The twins spoke in unison. Looks like Charlene had told them to do so as soon as she spoke to me. They looked too scared. They were looking at a cruel side of life so early on in their age. It was not fair.

I nodded, as if to give them reassurance and continued on my way to Edwards' room. I went inside, not really understanding what was going on but my priority was Edwards.

Arthur accompanied me till the door where Edwards was admitted. He waited outside while I went inside.

The contrast was startling.

Compared to the cacophony outside, it was dead silent inside. And the hissing and beeping of machines made the hackles on the back of my neck stand out. I took a moment, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness.

"Hey babe!" The voice was weak. And it sounded like a man on the verge of death, trying to make it sound as if there was nothing wrong with him.

"Edwards..." was all I could mutter before the room distorted with my tears.

He had to have at least 5 tubes inside his body, the arms, the legs and other tubes attached to his neck and heart. My God! He looked so frail. He did not look 70. He looked 100.

"Edwards...what..." I began, choking up, before he beckoned me with his head. "What happened to you?" I asked through my tears, as soon as I sat near his bed.

"I got old, kid." He smiled.

Still the same old Edwards. Still the same old steel in him.

"What... why, I mean, when?" I asked.

"Since the surprise coup attempt by Christopher." He said.

Christopher Chanel was one of the biggest banking AND insurance institution in America. While they were just one layer short of the depth and width of FCB, they more than had triple our force and revenue internationally. Christopher had many a times, tried to take over FCB. But Edwards had refused. FCB was Edward's blood, sweat and tears. And he was not going to sell his soul, which is what he called FCB, to anyone.

But this surprise coup was nothing really surprising.

"How?" I asked him. "Did you miss the signs?" I asked.

"No." replied Edwards, with a smile, "I just kept missing a certain Vice President."

My heart constricted and throat choked. Yes, it was true. Edwards had never grudged that I wanted to leave FCB to save my marriage, but we both knew the cost.

And even today, he missed me. He did not talk about the loss of reputation or business that was a direct result of my walking out. He just talked about missing me.

I suppressed a shudder and embraced him. And I was shocked at how thin he had become. I had to refrain myself from crushing him.

"Jennifer... I..." began Edwards. His eyes were already wet with tears. "I have a favor to ask, child."

"Sure Edwards. Whatever you want. WHATEVER!" I said.

"Look Jennifer, I have always treated you as a daughter. And I've never asked anything from you. But this time, I will. Can you promise me that you will give what I want?" asked Edwards.

"Of course Edwards!" I said. "You will not have to ask twice!"

"Thanks Jenny. I knew I could count on you." He said. I put my hands on his, careful not to press the tubes attached to the back of his hands.

"Jennifer, FCB is my child Jenny. And I don't want to give it to someone else." He began.

I nodded in agreement.

"The only way to bypass this takeover from Christopher is to amalgamate FCB with the Hiro Bank, the FCB supporter in China, ensuring that the board brings in enough Directors, to vote down this takeover, as you know it's an independent legal entity." He continued. I nodded in agreement again.

"But the Hiro Bank board wants more powers and concessions in their dealings with FCB, if they are going to support us." He continued.

"Powers and concessions that cannot be given without certain commitments from their ends and without... hard negotiations." He said.

A chill rose down my spine.

"I need a powerful negotiator in Asia, Jenny." His eyes were beseeching at this point. They were also getting very wet.

And my breathing was becoming troubled.

"I know you've just recovered from an almost broken marriage, but I need someone dependable to lead the negotiations. Someone who can think independently, someone who I know has the highest moral standards. Someone I... I can trust!" he breathed painfully. Talking so much must be hurting him.

"I need you to go to Asia and negotiate on behalf of FCB." He stated.

I jerked up from my chair, shocked! No. NO! NO!!!!!

This could not be happening to me. Not to ME!

"Please Jenny... all I ever ask you is to save my... our bank Jenny... please..." he was now actually begging me! I had NEVER seen Edwards beg!! OH MY GOD!!

"Edwards...." I started.

But then his eyes went from wet to teary. And he, the man I had known never to bow to anyone or anybody, broke down!

"PLEASE Jenny... Please... please...I need your...help. Pleas..Please." was all he said. All he continued saying.

I was going mad. I was going crazy. A hundred different emotions and thoughts were running through my mind. This could not be happening to me! God was playing a bad joke!! His sense of humor was absolutely getting perverted!!!!

I gulped and choked on my own tears. And the first thing that came to my mind was how this would affect my relation with Arthur again. Our relationship survived a break once, I knew, it would not, twice. And Arthur meant more to me than anything in this world.

But then, while I knew Arthur for over 15 years, I knew Edwards even longer than that. He was almost like my father!! And I could not abandon him too!!!

I took a deep breath and relaxed. Then I turned to Edwards.

"When... I'm just asking Edwards, mind it... okay... its not ... affirmation...look...okay, when were you..." I asked.

"Next Week." He replied. Tearfully. "Next week, if you can travel to Asia for four days Jenny, our bank will be saved. I know it." He continued.

It could not have impacted me more if someone had stabbed me in the heart with cold steel. The shock was too great for me to even enable me to talk cohesively!! What Edwards was asking... was on Arthur's Birthday, no less!

"I... I don't know Edwards... it is Arthur's birthday... I've never celebrated... I want to be with my husband Edwards... I... " I was stammering now.

"Take Arthur along Jennifer. I have no problems... but please my... daughter, please!! Save our bank!!!" said Edwards.

And to see this proud man, who never had anything but love for me as a daughter, who had always thought about my betterment over his bank, beg to me, broke my heart.

But the choice was not simple. I knew Arthur. Very well. If I did not go with him on *THIS* birthday, our marriage was over. OVER! Again. Arthur would interpret this as the BANK coming between our lives YET AGAIN!

No, Arthur would go into a destruction mode if I broke *HIS* heart too!!! And I was caught between two opposing forces!!! I was being crushed! I could not breathe, could not think, and could not even decide what to do!!!!

Before I composed myself and reached my chair again, the machines suddenly began beeping and then it was positively like a siren. I could see Edwards shuddering; looking at the ceiling, not really focusing anywhere, in what I think was another attack.

I was right, as the door slammed open and three doctors and five nurses pushed inside with a variety of instruments. I was forcefully asked to leave and I could hear one nurse say "My God!" before I opened the door and stepped outside.

Arthur was waiting for me. I cried and flew into his arms. I was shivering and the closeness of your loved ones so near to death had unnerved me. Unnerved me very badly. He reassured me, ran his fingers through my hair as I cried hard.

"What did he say?" asked Arthur.

I looked to his face. My life, as I knew it, had just reached the final circle of hell.

(To be concluded in EVERYTHING FOR THE CAREER – The Final Conflict)

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FillDirtWantedFillDirtWanted3 days ago

There's a good story somewhere in all those words.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Gah my eyes! The last section about people at thr Bank all begging her to save their lives (not just jobs) was so painful to read. And the reconciliation was "the magic occurs here". This series went downhill fast...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Blech. All her words to Arthur are meaningless crap (as he feared) if she goes back to save the Bank, because of course if she does, then everyone will need her to keep saving the Bank.

However, given this author's proclivities, I suspect at some point Arthur will nobly tell Jennifer to save the Bank and suffer in silence again until he finally understands that she is a seriously obsessive compulsive spoiled Princess. Except only the first part will make it into the next chapter.

tangledweedtangledweedover 4 years ago
OMG, what a soap opera of a story.

They forgot to throw a three legged dog into this sob story about how she is needed so desperately.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

I have really enjoyed this story, the entire long thing. Let's end it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Thank you, man I would have been pissed if I had to wait 4 years for the ending

Well nuanced and thought out, great writing, I hope hubs lets her go to China.OldBearSwitch

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through....

Thanks for the offering.

rightbankrightbankabout 10 years ago
talk, talk, talk,

and more drama just for the sake of conflict.

negative, depressing, unhealthy people circling their collective drains.

FD45FD45over 10 years ago
This is what makes good writing

The author has his faults. MANY faults on his use of language. He badly needs an editor.

HOWEVER, even despite that, with this chapter, he embodies the things which make great writing.

It isn't necessary to make the EVILEST bitch in the world to make the reader emotionally engaged. It doesn't take Matt Moreau levels of humiliation, cock cages, women giving sloppy seconds, having another man's child.

All of these are bad, but there is an element of inhumanity in that style of writing which always makes the reader say 'whoa! Do I KNOW bitches that vindictive?"

But this! A simple couple on the cusp of dissolution and now a call by her mentor/father figure to save the most important thing in his life. No evil. Just a simple competition between two very real and sympathetic needs.

Kudos for this. I don't know if you will mess up the rest of the story (and I certainly didn't buy how Ms. Vice President suddenly became so empathetic overnight), but THIS conflict will be remembered and cherished.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago
Loving it

Best chapter yet. The story really seemed to move along and become very engaging. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I have read a lot of stories on this site in a lot of categories, but this is the only one that made me cry. Especially when he calls her jenny and she cries, i bawled like a baby. Dont listen to anons, its people like me that count. People whose hearts you touch.amazing. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Pompous,arogant, inept prattle.

Typical Pommy writer. Wimpy and gutless. Nothing more to say. "1" !

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago

What else to say. Jenny has to go. Will Arthur understand? One last chapter. I hope it ends well.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdover 12 years ago
Even that she had to give it a thought meant the marriage was over

Why put him through more pain; get a divorce & move on. He will never accept now that he is #1 in her life.

DWornockDWornockalmost 13 years ago

No one is indispensible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Maybe just a tiny bit over the top???

"Save me, oh save me!" "Only you can save me!" "Save the divorcée with the two small children!" "NO ONE at a major world bank can save us but you!"

All that was missing from the hospital was a crippled Tiny Tim with broken crutches, "God bless us every one!".

I have to admit I do like the story though and, dang it anyway, can't wait to see how you resolve it. In any semblance of the real world a compromise would be reached but it's your story so have at it!

kelly_kellykelly_kellyover 13 years ago
Oh dear...

Just when I thought it'll end with — "Happy ever after" — you came up with that twist, and what a twist! The description said "reconciliation" so that twist came as a surprise — I wasn't expecting it. I'm really looking forward for the — "final conflict".


Mongo837Mongo837over 13 years ago
Dont count on it

Arthur is a vagina . Like I said above we are not talking about King Arthur are we . Some people in this world are the Knights , with drive , ambition and fortitude . And some are shop keepers , complacent , wanting better without the drive or ambition to get them there , coasting along in life until they can hang up their apron . This guy is a shopkeeper .It took this guy 15 years to grow a pair . WTF!!!!

RePhilRePhilover 13 years ago
Brilliant story

Excellent story and writing. You have developed the charators beautifully so much so that I am actually hoping Author steps up to help her save the bank ..... Be daring go for it!

daveftworthdaveftworthover 13 years ago
Great story!

Often it is the husband that is so career centric to the point of losing the family. The question we are wondering--can they make it? It's your story and your choice on how it goes. Did he hear the comments from the others? Does he know what the bank is up against? After her explanation, I'd probably right in something like, "I won't go if you don't want me to. I won't go as an employee and I want you with me if I do. You know how to read people. I need you. They all need you. Then we'll go to Switzerland. I'll go only if you think I should." Of course-I'm not much a writer, but I do enjoy the dynamics and the emotion in the story. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
A story with real meaning

This story may be fiction but it is one one of the very, very few on this site whcih actually says something important: your partner is the most important person in your life - treat them accordingly. And bugger me, if it isn't well written, too! Well done. Please don't be too long with the final chapter.

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