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One wrong step leads to another.
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"So why do you bother to come in here if you aren't having fun?" A female voice asked me.

I looked over, this wisp of a girl wearing very little had parked herself on the bar stool next to me.

One of the dancers, I realized. I had seen her up on the stage minutes earlier. I didn't pay any attention, even damn near naked there was nothing about her that interested me.

I guess my mood was showing, it didn't help that I was on my 3rd whiskey and coke, or was it my 4th?

Hell, I lost track and I didn't give a shit.

"Go away!" I growled.

"So, you are not only pouting, you are an asshole too?" She actually laughed.

I didn't answer, I just tipped back my drink and signalled Sissy, the chubby bartender. She was already just waving the whiskey bottle over the top of the glass of soda, Sissy knew me pretty well.

I figured she was trying to keep me sober, maybe hoping?

Not fucking likely, not in my current mood.

I had been in this dive quite a bit lately, and was doing a pretty fair job of making a bigger mess of my life.

"I'm not pouting!" I finally told the skinny thing, since she sat there with an expectant look on her face.

"Yes, you are. Either you got fired, your wife has been cheating on you or the only stock that went down today was yours." Another big grin crossed her face.

"I don't have a wife." I muttered.

That wasn't quite true, my wife Patty was somewhere with someone probably by now and it sure as hell wasn't me.

"Stick around, I have to go to work but you look like you could use a friend." She got up and headed back stage.

"It seems that Lee likes you, Danny." Sissy said, sliding another soda with whiskey fumes on top at me.

"On me." She grinned, turning just the right amount so that I could see her left tit, sitting there on a shelf bra.

All of it, too, Sissy did that constantly. Way back I got to see both of them, plus the rest of her since she sort of took me home and molested me.

I was single back then and it was fun, we both knew it was just for kicks and that was it.

Friends with benefits, I guess is the term. Sissy was one of those women who was happiest when a cock was all the way down her throat and I do mean all the way.

Until you have had that done to you by a female that absolutely loves to do it, you just have not had sex.

The skinny girl on stage was moving around with energy, all she had on was that wisp of cloth at her groin and some sparkly pasties.

I tried to ignore her but those silly pasties had sparklies on them, they kept catching the light which drew my eyes.

I could tell since she kept looking my way that she was trying to get my attention.

The local government had rules, up on the stage they had to keep their nipples covered, behind the bar with a blouse and skirt on there was no such rule so the best show was sitting at the bar.

Of course we could drive the few miles to outside the city limits, out there the dancers wore nothing, and spent most of the night with their legs spread as far as they would go.

But those were much more rowdy joints, I didn't like them, too many guys. Bouncers in there, big ones. Let a fart slip and you could get thrown halfway across the parking lot.

Even the cops rarely went out that far, it was safer in downtown with the muggers, rapists and drunks looking to get into a fight.

Plus it was quieter in this dive, I could sit and drink.

"Hey, wait for me!" I heard just as I was getting up to go try and drive home. I knew if I turned right and went down 12th street to Walker road, there was not much chance of seeing a cop.

"What?" I asked, turning back.

"You invited me to breakfast." The skinny thing was standing there.

"No I didn't."

"Yes, you did! You don't look that drunk to me." She slid her arm into mine, waved at Sissy who had a shit eating grin on her face, and tugged me towards the door.

That is how I met Lee.

There is no way in hell I would have ever paid any attention to her, but there was also no way in hell I could avoid talking to her.

She just would not stand for being ignored.

We talked, lord did we talk. Somehow I ended up telling her the whole fucking story, why I did I don't have an answer for.


Patty. I met her when she was a waitress, one of those watch her for days, finally getting up the courage to ask her out things.

Later I realized there was no need to wait, if she liked a guy she would go out with them.

As things turned out, she liked me best of all and we ended up an item.

I am not sure of why on that, either. Maybe because I am one of those guys that not only will spend a solid hour with my nose and tongue down there, but I enjoy the hell out of doing that.

Patty came home with me that very first date, we sat around in my living room kissing and feeling each other up. Then she hopped up, saying she needed to go freshen up.

I heard my shower start, she was in there for a full 20 minutes. I took the opportunity to slip into my half bathroom and wash things up myself, since by then I was expecting to get some action.

I went out and sat back down, then the shower shut off and she came out a few minutes later.


OK, so that was to the point.

Patty was very experienced, that was obvious. She knew exactly how to turn a man on, not that it took all that much work for me. Hell, I was barely 25, Patty was only 19.

Where she learned it all I never knew and didn't ask.

Sex back in the early 70's was kind of like a nice way to say hello or I like you.

The fact that she had been around didn't bother me all that much, I had sort of been around myself.

Patty did have one awesome talent, she knew how to make a man explode using her hands, now some might say any female knows by instinct how to do that.

No, they don't! The vast majority can make the thing go off, sure they can.

But the ones that can create a little orgasm, followed by a repeat, then another, then finally so huge a man's eyes fail them and they damn near pass out?

That is rare, and I don't know how to explain it. Something about changes of pace, timing, a little squeeze at exactly the right second.

I do know I loved that, and up until that very moment I had never experienced sex like that.

So here I sat, still half drunk, trying to explain this to a woman I had barely met over burritos at 2:30 in the morning?


"So, go on. What happened?" Lee asked me. I realized I had fallen quiet, my thoughts drifting off to all that went on.

"Sorry, I spaced out."

"That's OK. Tell me more." Lee sipped her cup of hot Tea, smiled.

I began again, explaining how Patty was kind of a social animal, she liked having friends around. There seemed to always be someone at our place, often parties and sometimes just one or two couples.

One evening we were hitting the sauce pretty good, until everyone wandered off early since it was Wednesday and they had to work the next day.

Bobby, a friend of mine stayed and so did Chuck, one of Patty's girlfriend's boy friend. Sara was the girlfriend's name, she was off somewhere out of town, lord knows doing what.

The conversation got sexy and teasing, Patty was sitting there wearing a soft blouse and slacks, her usual around the house look. A natural redhead, she wore round wire frame glasses, freckles all over the place, and perpetual bumps in the front of her blouse since she didn't even own a bra.

Bobby wisecracked that he wished Sara was around, he was in the mood for a hand job.

Now Sara was Chuck's girlfriend, he shot right back that Bobby could just wish. We all chuckled at Bobby's teasing him.

Then I shot my mouth off, telling them that Patty knew how to blow a man's mind using her hands. I guess I bragged a little bit.

Chuck said that every woman on the planet knew how to do that, they were born knowing how.

"Not like Patty can, she is so much better than anyone it's not even a comparison." I shot off my mouth some more.

There were some more comments back and forth, until finally Bobby challenged me to prove it.

"You asked for it!" I told him.

I looked over at Patty, she grinned, then started laughing. Then she shot me a questioning look, realizing I was serious. I just shrugged, I didn't like Bobby challenging me very much.

I half expected her to refuse but instead she got up.

The next thing we knew, Patty was on her knees in front of Bobby's chair, his pants down around his ankles and his little 5" pecker sticking straight up.

It didn't take her 2 minutes before she had Bobby shooting off, then his eyes widened as she kept right on and he stayed hard.

Sure enough, she managed to get a second shot out of him before he went limp.

"Jesus!" Bobby muttered. Patty got up and went into the kitchen, came back with a wet towel and cleaned Bobby up.

Now Chuck and I sat there and watched that, Chuck's eyes were as big as silver dollars.

"Man, you were right! I never got my nut twice like that before!" Bobby was tugging his pants back up when he said that.

Then Chuck began asking Patty what it was that she did that was different. She told him that all she did was squeeze at the right instant to stop a boy from going off, then start again.

That was the word she used, "boy."

Next thing I knew, Patty was tugging at my pants so she could demonstrate on me. I didn't resist a lot, in seconds Patty was showing the two guys what she did and how she did it.

Then Chuck undid his pants and pulled himself out. I looked, the thing was huge, hell, he had a good inch or two on me and I come in at a solid seven inches.

I guess we were all lost in the drink and sexiness of the moment, Patty had one hand on me and the other one on Chuck.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Bobby with his pants open again, furiously jerking on his little thing.

This was getting out of hand but I didn't know what to say.

Patty's mouth was hanging open, her eyes were closed and she was alternating the strokes. In a haze, I saw Chuck's hand slide down the front of her blouse, she tipped her head to put her cheek against his forearm but did nothing to stop him.

Chuck was feeling up Patty's bare breast right in front of me! I felt myself go limp, and sat up.

"Hey!" I said.

Chuck looked at me and withdrew his hand, Patty let go, suddenly acting aware.

That stopped all of that, the rest of the evening we all acted kind of sheepish.

I was a little bit miffed at Patty, the next day I made a comment about her letting Chuck feel her up.

"You started it! Besides, I had his fucking COCK in my hand and you didn't say anything. You acted like that was what you wanted!" She shot right back.

OK. So she was right, I should have been slamming on the brakes way before things ever got to that point.

I went over and hugged her, trying to ease things, in short order we were in the bedroom and I was doing my best to stake my claim on her being mine and all mine.


"Is that it?" Lee asked me, I guess I had fallen silent again.

"No." I answered.

"Well, go on then."

I told Lee about Chuck, he never was one to keep his mouth shut and I guess he spilled the beans about that stupid incident to Sara.

He was of a mind that it was funny, Sara didn't see it that way at all.

Sara of course confronted Patty, they had quite a fight about Patty "fucking around with Chuck behind her back!" Which is exactly the way she put it.

Of course that came right back to me, Patty and I had our own fight. Somehow in there I became the asshole, the instigator of the whole mess.

For maybe two weeks things were a bit cold around our house, but then all of a sudden things were forgiven.

We had makeup sex that really can't be described.

Sara and Chuck showed up one evening acting like nothing had happened at all. I wasn't about to bring the sore subject up so I just went with the flow.

Then they stayed the night in our spare bedroom. They had before of course, but just a couple of times.

Sometime after midnight, I felt Patty slip out of bed, nothing unusual there. She often got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.

I felt her slide back into bed, then I felt her hand on me. That kind of thing makes me respond nicely. She was teasing, too, her hand going up and down on the shaft of my dick, not touching the head at all.

In short order she went under the covers, I felt wet lips slide over me.

Something was obviously different.

I sat bolt upright.

It was Sara! I knew it was because I reached out to touch what I couldn't see and my hand touched a breast that was way too large to be my wife.

"What in the fuck?" I said loudly.

"Shhhh! It's OK. Patty and I made up and we decided the best way to even things up was to swap." She said. It was so dark I could not make out her face, but she was close enough I could tell she had no clothes on.

"Where is Patty?" I demanded.

"She is with Chuck, relax. It's OK." Sara said.

"No it isn't!" I got up and went down the hall, opened the door. There was a night light in there, bright enough that I could make them out.

Patty on her back on the bed, her legs pulled way up high as Chuck pounded away at her.

I hit the light switch, it took a couple of seconds for them to be able to see it was me standing there.

Patty started to smile, then she realized I was not happy.

"Danny! It's OK, you can be with Sara."

I turned and went back to my bedroom, got out some clothes and dressed. Sara sat there on the bed looking at me, she had the covers tugged up over her lower body but her tits were bare.

All three of them were standing on my porch yelling at me to stop as I drove down the driveway.

Now I would give one hell of a lot of money for a picture of that, all three of them naked. I didn't even think of that back then.

That was six weeks earlier. Patty and I had tried to talk, each time it ended with accusations, a big fight.

Yea, partly my own fault, but I didn't actually fuck anybody and she did!

By then I also had my suspicions that Patty and Chuck had done more than just the one time, things had looked too familiar that crazy night.


"So where is your head at now? What are you going to do?" Lee asked me.

"I don't know, I guess we are going to get a divorce."

"It kind of sounds to me like you two should have been talking before things got that far instead of dealing with it after." Lee said.

"Yea, probably."

It was like after I told her the story, there was nothing more to say. We sat and sipped our hot drinks quietly.

"So? Would you like me to come home with you tonight?" Lee finally asked me.

"Sure, I would." I guess I already figured things were heaed that way anyway. Otherwise, why would she be sitting there with me in the first place?

"You know, you are the first one." She said with a smile.

"What? You mean, you are a virgin?"

"No, silly. I mean, since I started dancing." She laughed at that.

Well, things were rather clear at that point.


Lee's body was completely different from Patty's, she was far more muscular, her breasts far smaller and very firm. Lee was also very eager, by the time we ended up in bed most of the booze I had drank had worn off, the Sun was already coming up.

I woke up to her small hands fondling me, then she leaned over and put her mouth on me. Only the very end would fit but she did try.

"You are kind of big." Lee grinned at me as she slid up my body, then slid back down with what would fit.

Just as we were building, I heard a noise. With what was happening, that really did not register.

The bedroom door swung open, I looked up.

There stood Patty, Sara right behind her looking over her shoulder.

Patty turned and walked out, pushing Sara back as she did.

"Man, you are a fuckup, aren't you?" Sara said, then she left too.


Now, it is six months later, Patty I guess did not have a sense of humor about that, I know I didn't.

I mean, I caught her cold fucking Chuck, why would she be pissed off at me fucking Lee?

Those crazy hand jobs that night started things off, next was that situation of Patty fucking Chuck, no one said anything to me.

I suppose they just assumed I would be up for that, the truth is that while Sara was certainly pretty, I didn't want to be with her.

And I sure as hell didn't want my wife to be with anyone else.

Lee? She is still here. She keeps a perfect house. She is a wonderful bed partner. That day that Patty surprised us, we were still married but it was over as far as I was concerned.

I tell myself that, anyway. That sure as hell is over now, though.

A couple of weeks after Lee sort of moved in with me, and she went on with her job. I went a few times to watch her dance, at first it didn't bother me, it wasn't until later that it began to.

The agency she worked for booked her into that place way out on the highway called the Apollo club, some of you might know of it?

Yea, full nude. Lee left for her gig that afternoon, she was on the 3 until 6 shift. I got off work at 5, went over there.

Lee was on stage when I got there, naked. She didn't see me, she was walking more than dancing, and she wasn't opening her legs very much.

She also didn't look very happy.

I stood and watched for about 10 seconds, then I walked up to the stage and told her to go get dressed.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"I am taking you home, you just quit." I said.

Lee grinned and reached out to hug me but of course we couldn't do that, they had bouncers in there the size of freight trains. Then she turned and almost ran back stage.

We got out of there alive, barely. The manager was really pissed off, yelling something about her never working in this town again.

Well, I already planned on that.

One of his goons followed us all the way to my car, I could tell he had it in his head to do something. I turned and opened my jacket, he saw the little .38 I keep in a holster. Yea, I have one of those permits.

The guy decided to go back inside the club.

Sometimes I think about Patty and her one amazing talent. She could do a hand job that is probably worth a fortune, nobody else has ever come even close.

Well. Lee has, I have been training her. At the same time, she has been training me. That's actually a lot of fun.

I also heard through the grapevine that Patty and Chuck are an item now?

That one made me stop and think a little bit.

Then I realized I didn't give a shit.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I disagree with iameasel and wonder203.

It isn't a bad story, it's a good story, life happens that way. Just a few happenings and a few incidents that have the potential to change your whole direction... ESPECIALLY when you are young, and being led along the path of life because of inexperience and lack of wisdom. That also explains why it meanders a little bit.

And as for the ex turning up just when he has Lee there? Some women seem to have a sixth sense.

They don't need to be geniuses, it's instinct. They seem to know what's going on, or turn up just in time to discover what they need to know.

Just like my wife.

iameaseliameaselalmost 3 years ago

Truly bad. I man that with all my heart.

Patty just happens to show up when he has another girl over. The one time she checks on hubby and brings her friend. Not even close to good writing.

As for making it all even by swapping...how does anyone equate her giving a hand job and swapping as making things even? That would be Sara giving the dip shit a hand job. I havent read many of yours and the ratio of good to bad stories isnt weighing heavily in your favor at this point.

jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago

Start a little sleaze and you end up with a lot of sleaze.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago
Good story

I enjoyed this one. Patty took things a little far and couldn't get back.

wonder203wonder203over 5 years ago

Kind of all over the place, not like your normal writing.

magmamanmagmamanover 8 years agoAuthor
I keep getting requests?

Old story here, I got an email about it so I went back and reread it myself. Long since forgotten that I even wrote it, to be honest.

Quite a few want more of this short story, not sure I understand why. The truth is, if I were to tell the truth, there is no more. There was about a year of being together, no different than man and wife except we never did the official part.

Didn't want to, she didn't either.

I do remember Lee, quite a gal. Skinny, scrawny, flat chested, cute in a way. She was fun, she was not what those of us who come here to read could ever call a whore.

She needed someone, so did I. I was at the point of likely becoming a short 3rd page paragraph in the local newspaper, loving Patty and hating her at the same time. Depression is a serious thing, Lee brought me right out of that, right back into the sunshine.

During the year and change we lived together, she never cheated on me and I didn't on her. That I am sure of.

Love? Nope. It wasn't that. It was friends, good friends, at a time when both of us needed each other.

I could have had other women back then, just didn't. Lee didn't like to dance for men, she did it to survive like a lot of young women do in what IS a man's world. She was also very good at it.

I liked her. She liked me. When she told me she got a government loan to go to college, and it was 2000 miles away, I understood.

Then we had some goodbye sex, some of you might understand that, also.

Everything comes to an end.. everything. I was happy for her, sad she was gone.

My wife Debra and I ran into Lee several years ago. Still scrawny, still cute, four BIG kids and driving a very expensive Mercedes, a diamond on her finger that would have taken me a couple of years to pay for. Her husband is a computer guy, invents stuff, makes a pile of money. A good guy, she told me. She did fine, and we filled a hole in each other's lives that needed to be filled.

This IS the rest of the story, all there is. There. I guess I just wrote it.



mambrkemambrkeover 8 years ago

Great short story, any chance for Part 2?

sugnasugnaover 8 years ago
Good Trade

He made a good trade.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

one should always trade up. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
So Chuck had a huge cock

And you'll notice that Patty registered no surprise, or made no comment when she supposedly saw it for 'the first time'. Surprise fades with familiarity they say. Just another cheating slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Another slut

Who had obviously been fucking around long before the night she wanked them off....swinging is always a risk and she blew it when she decide to swap and he got pissed off about that....always one or the other will want to go too far....

krosis666krosis666over 10 years ago

Not Patty and Chuck's first time. The way he was feeling her up in front of her husband and she didn't stop him shows an intimate familiarity with each other. They obviously fucked in the weeks leading up to being caught together. Move out, move on and trade up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Swinging is fucking dangerous and stupid...

...and anyone who doesn't realize that hasn't had the fortune of finding out the hard way (or knowing someone who found out the hardway).

As for the story, tight characters and plot. I like how you developed the hero's love for his new bride via his discomfort of her showing her self to other men. Much can be said about the possessiveness of a man and how much he truely loves a woman. Natural instincts.

tazz317tazz317almost 12 years ago

some like the old-fashioned 1 with 1. TK U MLJ LV NV

norcal62norcal62almost 12 years ago
You have a way of making a poor situation really depressing.

Guess it's the type of characters and cultures you know and write about.

The story lines have some good elements, but tend to wander afield, generally dissing women in one way or another.

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