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"Billy, you're old enough to know that your mom and I have a real relationship now. How do you feel about that?"

He paused for a while, and then smiled. "Before you started staying over on weekend nights mom was having a really hard time. She even was nasty to us kids at times, unusual behavior for her. While she apologized to us it was clear that her lack of companionship combined with her angst about dad was having a really negative effect on her. Now -- except for about an hour after she comes home from visiting dad in the hospital -- she's back to normal. I'm really happy for her, and I understand that you and she are making the best out of a bad situation....I have no issues with you staying overnight."

I actually started crying. That caused him to tear up too. I gave him a minute long bear hug, and then looking him in the eye said "If things change I want you to discuss them with me. I value our relationship.'

Billy smiled. "No problem Uncle Coach," he said, and then laughed.


While I was by far getting the best sex of my life -- so much better that any other I had before paled in comparison -- I did have pangs of guilt daily. I never expressed them to Michelle -- but I knew that she had her own demons to deal with. However, when we were in each other's arms there was nothing but pleasure. She did everything in her power while we were in bed to make me the most satisfied man in the world, and I tried my best to reciprocate.

My guilt even led me to tell Jimmy about my relationship with Michelle. I visited him at the hospital for an hour or two at least two times a week, normally late on weeknights. I would discuss our favorite pro and college sports teams just like we were having lunch together, and tell him how the boys were progressing in lacrosse, basketball, swimming, soccer, or whatever the sport of the season was.

After the sports and family statements I would "get real" for a few minutes and tell him that I was sleeping with Michelle. I tried to put a positive spin on it telling him and she and I were just satisfying our basic primal needs, and that she loved only him. I never got graphic about the sex, but my recitations weren't PG either, and I did often marvel about how he was right that she was the best sex partner in the history of the world. I even sometimes told him that in a typical weekend Michelle would have more than two dozen orgasms, and me seven or eight. Somehow I felt better when I "confessed," although I never really had any expectation that he actually heard me.


The best news for the Andrus family, and both the best and worst news ever for me, came at the same time fifteen months after Jimmy went into a coma, and ten months after Michelle and I had been mutually servicing our primal needs. Jimmy literally "snapped" out of his coma.

That was on a Thursday afternoon, although he would still have to be in the hospital until he could recover his muscle tone, be subjected to numerous physical and neurological tests, and have various forms of therapy. Michelle and I had our last night together that Friday. It was so bittersweet. We both bawled like babies the next morning, but we knew that we had to end it. I was particularly morose because I knew that any sex partner that I had in the future would pale in comparison to Michelle, and even though our relationship was still somewhat "guarded" outside the bedroom, inside the bedroom our relationship was uninhibited and epic.

While my bedroom relationship with Michelle had ceased, my relationship with the Andrus family continued. I still did everything I could to help out with the boys, and to help Jimmy get re-acclimated to life. Once he snapped out of his mysterious coma his prognosis was that he likely could lead the rest of his life in almost the same way as he had before the accident.

I was particularly surprised that Jimmy had no memory issues concerning his relationship with me and within two months of his release from the hospital we seemed to be as bonded as before.

Then a really weird thing happened.

Once I drove Jimmy, little Blake, and Billy home from a football game Jimmy shooed the boys into the house with "You boys go inside, there's something Uncle Blake and I need to chat about."

I thought it might be about his business, which he was almost up to speed in. Instead he hit me with "Blake, I want to thank you for taking care of Michelle in the bedroom while I was indisposed, and for gracefully exiting once I recovered -- that had to be difficult given how enjoyable your sex life with her was."


"Uh...uh...how...uh...didn't, uh did...you know?" I stammered. "Did Michelle tell you?"

"No; I think that Michelle is too embarrassed to discuss it. You told me in the hospital," he calmly replied.

"What the fuck?" was my stellar response. "You could hear me?"

"Yeah...the doctors during rehab have been very impressed with my recall of events and words since from about the third month I was in the coma. I remember virtually every word you told me about your relationship with Michelle; and I know why you told me. Good friend that you are, you were wracked by guilt, but you believed her when she told you that she would get it elsewhere if not from you. I know her, and she wasn't lying to you about that. I am grateful that my best friend really cared for her and the boys rather than her getting it on with some douchebag," he resolutely said.

"God, Jimmy -- I don't know what to say? I still feel guilty as hell and to be honest I would have preferred that you never knew; but to say that I am grateful for your words would be the understatement of the decade," I somehow choked out.

It seemed that Jimmy really did believe what he said, and there was no obvious acrimony as I continued to treat his family as my own. While things with the boys were great, I did notice that Michelle was a little warmer to me than she had been pre-relationship but it was disquieting that sometimes I caught her staring at me, or just gazing into space.

It was about three months after Jimmy's conciliatory talk with me, on a Tuesday night, when there was a knock at my condo door shortly after I had gotten home from work and changed from my suit into shorts and a T-shirt. It was Michelle, dressed in a raincoat despite clear skies.

"Blake, I have to see you about something," she mumbled more than said. There was a expression in her coal black eyes that I hadn't seen, or at least noticed, before. They seemed to have a somewhat desperate look.

I really didn't want to be alone with her, but by the same token she was a friend obviously in need of some help, so I invited her in.

Michelle got right to the point.

"Blake, Jimmy has changed since he got out of the hospital. He's not nearly as passionate as he was before and I'm suffering. I think back about our time together and what I'm missing now, and I need to have a sexual relationship with you even if it's just once a week," she blurted out while at the same time removing her raincoat -- the only article of clothing that she had on aside from her high heels.

I tried to resist; I honestly and truly tried; however the more she pressed me and literally begged, the more I thought back about the most sexually fulfilled time of my life and I could feel my resolve weakening. I even tried locking myself in my bedroom, but as I earlier said she was the strongest woman that I had ever met and in order for me to close the door on her I would have had to really hurt her -- something impossible for me to do. When she was able to push one of her elongated protruding nipples close to my mouth it was all over except for the resulting guilt.

Given Michelle's desperation and the fact that I hadn't been laid since the last time that I fucked her now more than four months ago our sexual intensity was even greater than in the past -- something that I didn't think was possible.

I fucked her vagina twice and her tits once in the next two hours, and our body parts were never completely out of touch during that entire time. When she quickly showered -- without my "help" -- and put her raincoat back on after that two hours or bliss she kissed me hard. "I need you to call me on my cell to make arrangements for the future," she said, and then exited my condo.

I never ate dinner that night. I never did anything except shower and stare mindlessly at the TV, not even realizing that shows that I absolutely hated and never watched were on. When I finally woke from a restless sleep the next day I knew what I had to do.

I could NOT become the asshole that my ex-wife June had been screwing.

I had to bail!

With the help of a great recommendation of my present boss despite the short termination notice I gave him, and help from my father's contacts, in three days I had three interviews lined up in the city where my parents now lived, and had given my landlord notice that I was vacating my rented condo. I broke the news to the Andrus family that Saturday.

The boys cried.

Jimmy teared up.

While everyone else was emotional Michelle exited the house. I knew that she was going to the shed in their backyard. After giving some lame excuse which the others bought I searched her out. I found her shell-shocked in the shed.

I grabbed both of her wrists and held her tightly. She initially tried to get away but I was determined and held her fast. As we stared into each other's eyes I told her that I had fallen in love with her -- which was 90% true -- but that I couldn't stab Jimmy in the back or become the asshole who had been screwing my ex-wife -- which was 100% true -- so that I had to leave. I smashed her gigantic boobs into my chest and kissed her hard, then turned and left, got into my car, and started my 1500 mile drive to my new life.


In my new home I did keep in touch with the Andrus family, mostly through social media, but also by phone. Little Blake and Zach (the second youngest boy) came to visit me twice, for a week each time. I analyzed videos of Billy's power forward play in High School, and gave him some tips. I even talked on the phone with Michelle twice -- with other family members present -- once to congratulate her on having a fifth child.

The fifth child -- a little girl, the first female child of any male of the Andrus family -- they named Amanda. With four older brothers she was really going to be spoiled!

Except for my love life things went well for me in my new city especially at work. I enjoyed my job and was making really good money for the first time, and actually able to buy outright a very nice three bedroom house on a big lot, and with a swimming pool and basketball half court. I did date, and got laid occasionally, but Michelle had spoiled me for any other woman. I never found anyone close to "special."

It was almost four years after I had left the Andrus family -- I was forty one -- when I started to have trouble communicating with them. For a period of about two months I rarely got emails or texts returned, and had no phone communications. I was at my office on a Wednesday in the summer when I got a call on my cellphone. Caller ID said Michelle Andrus, although it was a number that I didn't recognize.

"Hi, Blake Jacobs here," I answered, unsure if it really was Michelle.

"Hi Blake; this is Michelle. I hope that you're still doing well," she started out.

We chit-chat for only a minute, then she got to the point. "Some members of the Andrus clan are travelling to your city this weekend. Are you willing to receive a few visitors?"

"Sure -- who's coming?" I asked.

"Not sure of the exact contingent yet, but we promise not to overwhelm you," she replied with a lilt to her voice.

"Sure -- come on, I'd love to see you guys. When do you expect to arrive?"

"Early afternoon -- probably one o'clock -- on Saturday if that's OK."

"I'll be ready -- let me give you directions in case your GPS is malfunctioning," I responded.

As quickly as the call came, it was terminated.

I was perplexed, yet pleased. I thought that I had done something wrong and that the Andrus family members had been ostracizing me, but apparently that wasn't the case.

Even though I normally keep my house neat and clean -- I am only one step removed from a clean freak -- I wanted to have everything ship-shape so I hired a cleaning service to do a completely thorough cleaning, had a handyman fix a few minor things, bought a few items to add a little aesthetics to the place, and made sure that the pool and basketball court were in tip top shape.

On Saturday at 1:04 p. m. -- not that I was watching the clock -- Michelle pulled up in her seven passenger van. Out hopped two excited boys -- little Blake (who wasn't little any more) and Zach, both of whom had visited me the previous summer. After I wrestled them down, I saw Michelle approach holding the hand of three year old Amanda.

I had only seen some not-too-great photos of Amanda. When I saw her in person I knew what this trip was about.

I gave Michelle a hug. I knelt down and offered little Amanda my hand but instead she hugged me, a sweet but powerful little girl hug.

Michelle -- now forty -- looked no different than the first time that I met her. She had an exposed midriff, showing off her six pack, and her ass and thighs beautifully stretched out her shorts. Then there were those fabulous tits -- looming like twin peaks over the landscape. I chuckled "You look good -- still 152 ½ pounds?"

"No -- this morning I was 151 ½; I'll have to bulk up a little," she chuckled back.

I quickly determined that these four were the only ones visiting; Billy, Sean, and Jimmy were not coming. I made them lunch, and then gave them a tour -- with Zach and little Blake pointing out many things that they were familiar with including the slide into the pool and the retractable net behind the basketball backboard support.

It was a hot day and the kids begged to go swimming. Amanda already knew how to swim, and Zach was a doting older brother who we could trust to keep an eye on her, so Michelle and I sat sipping ice tea in the shade where we could see the three kids cavorting, but didn't have to be mother hens.

"So -- when did you find out that I am Amanda's biological father?" I unceremoniously asked. As soon as I saw Amanda live it was like looking at the photos of my mother when she was a toddler, including her very distinctive eyes and forehead.

"I was certain that you were as soon as I found out that I was pregnant, about a month after I left your condo when we fucked each other senseless that Tuesday evening days before you left. I was in my most fertile time, off the pill, and Jimmy was only marginally doing the job at that time," she nonchalantly replied.

"When were you going to tell me?" I inquired.

"Shortly after Jimmy figured it out -- which he did about two months ago, which is why the communications from our end have been lax," she again nonchalantly responded.

"How did he find out?"

"DNA test."

"What was his reaction?"

"Just what I hoped -- he filed for divorce."

"Why was that what you hoped?"

"Because I want to be with you, not him. Ever since his accident he hasn't been the same -- and even before it he didn't measure up to you in the bedroom," she replied staring through me with her coal black eyes.

"What makes you think that I want a relationship with you?" I asked.

"Because having sex with me is the most fun you've ever had in your life -- plus you love my kids so much that there is no way that you don't want to raise your own," she sneered as much as said.

"Are you divorced yet?"

"I will be in a month. We already split up the property by agreement. Jimmy is keeping the house. Billy will be in college this fall and Sean wanted to finish High School in his home town. I got full custody of Zach, Blake, and Amanda, and they were happy to come and live with Uncle Blake -- even Amanda when told by her brothers how great you were, and when I explained to her in the best way that a three year old could understand that you were her real daddy," Michelle declared.

"Where are you staying tonight?"

"Here, of course; our luggage is in the car, and our belonging will arrive by truck Monday. The boys will sleep in the room with the bunk beds just like they did when they visited you the past two summers; Amanda will have the guest room and love it once we fix it up; and I'll be in bed with you. I don't know how much sleeping there will be -- especially the first week -- but we will be sharing your bed," she coolly replied.

Of course I wanted to exert my dominance; I wanted to let her know that I was no pushover; I wanted to show her that she couldn't just show up here and tell me how my life was going to play out. I wanted to do all of those things.

But I didn't.

I looked over at little Amanda giggling as she jumped into little Blake's arms in the pool, and my heart swelled with paternal pride.

I thought about how excited my parents would be to be grandparents.

I looked over at Michelle's sleek muscular thighs and vividly remembered the honey pot between them.

I ogled Michelle's prodigious tits virtually bursting her top.

I stared into Michelle's eyes and could feel the passion from them penetrating my brain.

So -- after a minute delay to maintain the illusion of control -- I replied "Sounds like a plan."


Michelle and I have now been married for three years. There are no more kids in the offing because she had her tubes tied when Amanda was born, but Zach and little Blake are just like my own -- and Amanda is the light of my life.

As I stroked my cock through the heavenly valley between her soft supple tits for the fourth time this week I thought about how lucky I am that my best friend had an industrial accident -- and how shitty it turned out for him. I would feel bad about it except that ejaculating onto Michelle's chest and chin, or in her still tight pussy (she had a second vaginoplasty six months after delivering Amanda), makes me feel nothing but pure unadulterated joy -- and love.

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JensensloverJensenslover22 days ago

Nope, ending didn't work and NO 14 year old is going to speak they way this one did.

Pinto931Pinto93123 days ago

Would have been better if Jimmy hah relapsed. Our hero became the cheater he despised.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief2 months ago

Sorry but this one left a bad taste in my mouth. It must not have been that strong a love between Michelle and Jimmy for the cheating to happen, no matter what they called it. Just goes to show, don't ever let your best friend screw your wife if you want to keep her. This story is just the same where a "friend" worms his way into a family, shafts the friend and screws the wife except the author tries to put a good spin on it here. Michelle seems very shallow and narcissistic, just wonder how long Blake will be able to hold on to her?

LadyLoreLadyLore4 months ago

I agree with my husband @PhoenixLore1981 he became the very thing he said he didn't wanna become what is to stop her from doing to him what she did to her ex husband when he is no longer able to keep up with her in the bedroom due to nature and age the answer to that question is nothing will stop her if she's just looking for the lay in the world that will be a search that will never end there is always going to be someone better that's why a marriage is a lot more than just sex

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19815 months ago

I have read and commented on this before im doing it again he became the very thing he didn't want to become that is a cheating asshole with a cheating slut she's going to do to him what she did to her first husband when the time comes that his sex drive dewindles and her's is still going strong shes going to go out and find someone else who can match her drive its been proven most of the time I mans sex drive starts to drop off the older they get and woman's picks up for a few years before dropping off the rare times is when a woman starts off with a really high sex drive it starts to drop off without getting higher first and man who had low sex drive picks up for a few years before dropping off but normally it's the woman who drive gets higher before it gets lower

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19817 months ago

To timriv she was about,5/10 and 152 pounds i wouldn't say she was overweight that's pretty average waight for a woman of that height but I will agree he was a asshole and she was a slut

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19817 months ago

So he became the very thing he didn't wanna become in the end this just goes to say once a cheater always a cheater

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magician7 months ago

BFD. What about poor Jimmy? He got fucked. Lost his wife and best friend and there were no recriminations on either of their parts. What a fucking, cold hearted ending you wrote. It definitely could use a better ending MtM

Calico75Calico7510 months ago

Good story. I read it yesterday and continued to think about it enough to find ut again to comment. The two main characters both win some and lose some. Jimmy loses a chunk of his life and is eventually cheated on, but has a great family of kids and gets rid of the great fuck who is really a bitch after years of sexual experiences with her. I choose to believe that he finds a nice woman who is loyal to him to be with him in his golden years. Blake is cheated on, but finds a surrogate family he enjoys for years and has his own child to raise. He also gets a demanding woman who cares nothing about him and will either cheat on him or leave him for a younger guy eventually. But he also gets the best fuck for years. It seems he is good with that. Complex characters except for the slut. She is pretty one dimensional, but that's the point for the story. Well done!

MarkT63MarkT63about 1 year ago

Still just another cheating slut wife story. Well written though...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I agree with Kumakunshu... Also I find the whole idea that someone can't choose to be faithful because they get "too horny" or "have a high libido" amusing. People choose to cheat, their bodies don't.

oldtwitoldtwitalmost 2 years ago

Good story, well thought out and written, nice normal characters and descriptions

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