Extending the MILF List Ch. 03


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"How did she end up taking Sid Kingston?" Sammy asked, intent on having it all out.

I nodded. This I thought I could tell without confusing anyone. "Remember that weekend Sid came home?"

Chris grinned, that old shy grin of his, as he had been that day. "Do I ever. Scared the living shit out of me. That was the day I learned that being scared shitless did not deflate my cock."

Hmm, that explained something. "Well, he caught me the night before. Before we did Melissa. I found Annie trussed up on the bed, on her knees, blindfolded and just begging to be fucked, so, well, I did."

"I remember that. I fucked her like that too." Landon said. "We all thought you were the one who set her up for us. God but she loved that. Tied spread eagled on the bed, blindfolded and just waiting to be fucked. That was really something! Wait, that wasn't you?"

I nodded, then shook my head. "Nope. I think Sid did that. She was on her knees when I got there, not on her back. I figured you guys were accommodating her so I plugged in and went to town. When Mr. Kingston appeared, I was hammering her good and I figured I was going to die so I just kept on. Figured it was best to die coming if I could." I glanced at Chris. The game was back but it was not the one we wanted to watch so it was being ignored. Wyoming was up on Rice. "It was then that Sid explained about his relationship to his wife, which is, ah, somewhat corporate. Annie had been fucked by all of us by that time, I think and she was so loose, so stretched, Big Sid lay down and she proceeded to fit his fourteen inches or whatever it is into her little pussy. I did her ass. She came and came and came and eventually Big Sid was buried into her right up to the hilt. She looked like a balloon blown too full of air, her skin was see through, and she came and came. I think that was the main reason he did not object. We warmed her up and he got his. She came like a hurricane on him. I think I earned something, getting her mixed into our little martini. Sid has had very few situations where he could fuck her but with our help, she managed just fine."

"Tell us about your Mom." Sammy said.

"Well, during this little blitz, he let on that he was looking for a new US attorney, his previous one developed a conflict of interest because..."

"I don't give a shit why, Sonny." Landon growled, the ball game forgotten.

I was wondering where Tawny was but knew it could be a while. Shit. "I recommended Alissa to him. He, ah, he has a rule, he only does business with males because then he can fuck their wives, daughters, mistresses, mothers, whatever, whoever. That way, he can be intimate with them without fucking them. It is part of how he does business, he requires his opposite number to afford him access to privately held pussy."

"Jesus H. Christ." Landon swore. "Sid Kingston? He fucks the wives and...er..."

"Daughters, mistresses, even wives of his associates as part of the business deal. Now how he manages that with his horse cock, I am not sure but on the other hand, a lot of women have a three-car garage by the time they have a kid or three. So, Alissa posed a problem. He could not fuck her and she only had little Sammy there to offer and Sid does not swing that way, lucky for you, Sammy my boy. Sid Kingston has a hog's leg, a horse cock, a horny howitzer. He would have stretched you thin as plastic wrap, if he liked boys." Sammy looked distinctly uncomfortable. "Sid was in town because he was looking for new representation. He wanted someone close to home and Alissa's firm was on the list. But he had a rule never to fuck clients or partners—in reality or metaphorically. So he had a problem."

"Hurry it up, Sonny." Sammy growled.

"Well, we worked out a deal. If Alissa traded herself to me, I could give Mom to Sid—which she wanted in the worst way, by the way, once she heard about his huge cock—and Alissa signed Sid for her firm as a way to cement her partnership there. Everybody wins." I saw the light go on in Sammy's eyes. Suddenly I felt good about this whole deal. He would finally understand what was going on between me and his mom.

In fact, he was nodding. "I get it, Sonny. Mom had been really upset about her job for months and then suddenly everything was great. I thought it was because we fucked her but it was because you settled things with the partners and she got her partnership like it was originally supposed to be! She was going to drag us, or me any way, out to California. Shit man, you saved us!"

I felt embarrassed but then I understood why he saw it that way. He was giving me a lot of credit for the wrong reasons but in the end, it all worked out the same. So I just grinned, happy to have his gratitude, to say nothing of his mother.

"I bet Sid insisted that you own her, like you have it set up. That weekend, the week after Aunt Melissa uh participated in a little airtight ho-down, Mom was actually happy. I thought it was she liked being on her knees for you." He glared at me, "you have been neglecting her. She is getting a little crazy. I told her about you chasing Double D and that made her feel a little better but still, fucking is fucking and there really is no good substitute. I would be happy to fill in for you." Sammy grinned that shit-eating grin.

I nodded my thanks without acknowledging his suggestion. "So, well..." I hesitated, wondering how much to tell but it occurred to me; these were my boys! I should tell them everything. "Annie apparently told Sid about us, about me and he was impressed. He had Annie suck me while he talked to me and discovered that even fearing that he was going to kill me for porking his wife, I could still get hard with her lips sucking my cock. I think that impressed him. But, it turned out, Annie had been free lancing. Her willingness to take us on had been her idea and that was not in their marital agreement. So she had to pay."

I grinned in spite of myself. This part, while nothing had come of it yet, it was so fucking cool, I loved telling my buddies about it. "Annie has a niece, she lives out in California somewhere. You know how family is so important in a Chinese culture? Annie is from a very rich, influential family in China and everyone looks to her or once did, before she married Sid. There is a story behind that but it is not mine to tell. Anyway, Sid tells Annie that she has to arrange for her niece, Jillian, to be mine, to you know, fuck. That is Annie's punishment for going behind Sid's back. I think that was the point. She liked going behind his back."

The guys were silent.

"What about now." Sammy finally asked. "Is she still going behind his back, with us, I mean?"

I shook my head. "No, he told her she could get all she could stand. Told me he liked that she was getting some, even if she was outside the lines. So Sid and I worked it out. Now, ah, I need to tell you something else. Alissa, she had a client, her firm actually who wanted a lay down assistant."

"Lay down assistant? What's that?" Brent did not always get metaphors or figures of speech.

"You know, a capable assistant who would fuck him as he wished, and I suppose anyone else he wanted, for that matter. He wanted someone to vet a girl, a woman for him, find the right fit. Alissa's firm had managed to get a shot at that but was stuck as to how to go about it without developing a sour reputation they did not want to have. They did not want to end up representing XXX rated producers or whatever." I looked around. Everyone was honed in.

"I, you know the week or so before Thanksgiving? I met a guy, a Chinese guy Sid sent my way. He, he wanted good old American MILF and Sid sent him to me. The guy has a beautiful wife but he thinks it is not cheating if he buys pussy so I had to charge him."

"You sold one of our mothers?" Landon said darkly.

I looked disbelieving at him and held his stare a good long time till he had the good grace (or good sense) to look away. If my rejoinder was to the point, I might reference a fact he had not actually disclosed to anyone else. I nodded. "The guy fenced me a girl, the daughter of a friend of his and I fucked her in his limo, while he did her friend. He liked that. I agreed to sell him some MILF and discovered he had never done a woman's ass before. I offered to show him how."

Sammy nearly split a gut laughing. "Ass lessons!" He said after he caught his breath and could speak. "Now I have heard it all!"

Landon was staring at me. This was getting good. Never ask for truth, it can have blow back you simply cannot predict. I looked him right in the eyes and that was when my relationship to him changed, to all the guys. Despite being cash poor, I quit being the shabby poor cousin and best of all, I quit feeling like I had to do more and be more because I was cashless. "I thought immediately of Kyla and set up a meeting." I smirked. Something flickered in Landon's eyes as though he knew what was coming.

"I decided to use Alissa to demonstrate how to fuck a woman in the ass."

"Why not your mother?" Landon asked tightly.

"This was business and using up my mother on this would have been a risk. You forget, I am poor as a church mouse. This has potential income attached to it." I met Landon's intense gaze. He did not look away. "I should mention that by this time I knew that Landon was heavily into Darlene Emerson. I saw them meet and do everything but strip and fuck...but that is another story. I met Mr. Cheng at the Bedford bar. Kyla arrived and shortly after that, Darlene appeared." Landon's face got really tense, his brow knit like he was dropping the kids off at the pool, or trying to without success.

"Darlene followed Kyla to the hotel, because, well I think she suspected Mrs. Clark was up to something or something was getting up in her. She was not supposed to be there and it screwed up everything. She told Cheng that she was Kyla's daughter and that he must have thought about the whole 'mother-daughter' thing. He denied it but anyone could see he was intrigued. He was waiting for a client and lo and behold! The client showed up and who was it but dear Darlene's daddy dearest."

Landon's face changed, like I had hit him with a used condom. I give him credit, he never made a peep though. "He was nearly apoplectic that his beloved daughter was in a hotel bar clearly dressed like a hooker. Mr. Cheng was completely impassive. I arrived—I had been talking to you, Landon, I believe that was when Mr. Wills first appeared back at his house and discovered...well that, again, is another story. I told Mr. Emerson that we were on the way to a costume party and Alissa was chaperoning. Kyla had scampered off to the bathroom since I presume she knew Mr. Emerson. I told Mr. Emerson that my best buddy wanted me to take his girl to the party since he couldn't. He wanted me to keep her out of trouble. He really was looking forward to meeting you, Landon."

Landon's face had turned perfectly scarlet. He just nodded, a choking sound in his throat.

"Mr. Emerson left. We walked him out to his car and Darlene I almost did it right there in the parking lot but we got hold of ourselves." Everyone glanced at Landon but he was holding a pair of queens and gave no indication that I was talking about his girlfriend, even though everyone already understood that. When he did not react, they all looked back at me like it was a scene from a sitcom. "We went back inside and Mr. Cheng was somewhat dubious about doing anything else. I thought that was the game. This was the interview for the pussy hunting job and I was SOL. I forgot to mention, Cheng knew this mysterious person who wanted a lay-down assistant and Sid made it clear to me that I should show him every courtesy. Kyla, however, insisted and Cheng was charmed by her. She persuaded him so we went up to his room. He refused to let Darlene participate. She refused to leave so she got to watch. I showed him how to fuck a woman in the ass, demonstrating on Alissa and he, finally, did Kyla. Front then in the ass."

"That was where we made mom airtight, at the Bedford that weekend." Landon muttered.

"When Darlene joined us. She had been watching the rest of the weekend and had become increasingly insistent. She knew Kyla planned to return with the rest of you and get what she wanted, a ride on the airtight railroad, and Darlene crashed the party. You all know the rest."

The silence was textured only by the flashing of the pictures on the TV.

Finally Sammy quipped, "What does any of this have to do with your Mom?"

I almost told them the unvarnished truth but then I swerved and gave them a little different version. "Mom wanted Sid and Sid wanted Mom so she asked me to trade her to him. I did."

"For what?" Brent asked, like he was taking notes.

"To keep Annie, you know, available." Not strictly true but might as well have been. Sammy knew this, I thought. "I gave her to Sid and I am pretty sure that is what she wanted. He invited her to ride his pole in Hong Kong and off she went." I shrugged. I had no intention of telling why she left, that she foresaw the impending coitus between her son and daughters, which she herself had instituted and encouraged and she did not want to be around when we discovered her collusion in making that happen.

The garage door started going up.

"Does, do your sisters know about all this?" Chris asked, his eyes fixed on me, the blue almost black in them.

I thought for a moment about telling him 'yes' and waiting to see if my buddies would connect the dots, or as it were sister to brother with all the permutations of that connection for the MILF list but decided that Tawny was not ready for that. I mean, she was not ready to admit she was fucking her brother to his friends with the likely consequences of such an admission. Then there was the reality that my sister knew about the MILF list...not that was all too much. I hesitated but finally shook my head. "I don't think so. Explaining how Mom, that is, why Mom disappeared to China has be a bit of delicate process but I left it mostly to Mom. She mommed them and they seem to be, at least unwilling to make an issue of it."

"But they knew we, er you were fucking her." Brent mumbled.

I nodded. The garage door to the kitchen banged open.

"Sonny, come help me get the beer out of the car!" She shouted in her best 'witch' voice.

I staggered to my feet.

"Such a lap dog," Sammy said shaking his head. "Bounds away whenever she whistles."

Chris glared at him and I left them. Someone unmuted the TV, Rice had just scored and was within six.

Tawny waited at the door and when I approached, she hit the close button on the overhead door and went down into the garage.

I arrived by the car and she did not even wait. Her hands found my belt and in moments she had extracted my cock and fit it between her lips. My story had left me wanting and her reaction fit my mood, despite my buddies being "just in there". She hummed as she sucked my cock into her mouth. She sucked hard and my whole cock disappeared into her mouth. She worked it down into her throat and then choked a bit, backing out and expelling it into the cold air. She stood up. She just looked at me.

I let my eyes drift down to her chest, then to the pleated skirt, a little short for this time of year. I noted the business suit was gone and wondered when she changed. Women are such mysteries but it meant she was surely thinking what I was thinking. I have the fashion sense of a mail box but it struck me odd that she was wearing a short pleated skirt, brown and it did not reach her knees. Curiously I took one pleat between thumb and forefinger and lifted the skirt up her legs. She wore thigh-highs, I discovered and beyond that, nothing. The moment her pussy came into view, she hissed. My cock was still bare, my pants down around my knees. Her hand found my cock and bent it down towards her pussy. The head tracking down her belly and abdomen. I bent my knees and leaned into her, pressing her against the car. She growled, directing my cock between the lips of her pussy. She groaned as my cock slid into her. Her body clinched and I was caught, seized tightly in her slick little hole. I arched my back, withdrawing a bit and then pushing it back into her. This time her body complied and I slid deep into her body. She cocked her hips forward to receive me and I ran into her until I was firmly rooted deep in her body.

Tawny grunted, her body shaking as I penetrated her. In the muted distance I could hear the football game. I smashed her against the cold car, surely the reason she shivered so violently. She moaned as I penetrated her and one knee rose up my thigh to my side, pressing against my body. She grunted and I pulled back a little and rammed my cock into her, hard.

"Oh, oh, oh Sonny!" She hissed, my name emerging like a sort of flat whistle. Her body bucked once and she buried her face in my chest. Her hands pulled at my shoulders, clinging to me while her body responded to the penetration. She shook and then bucked once more and just like that my cock pulsed with the pleasure being in my sister yielded. She enveloped me, wrapping her arms around my neck till her lips found mine and she kissed me, hard. My orgasm crashed into us, I coursed with the feeling of her body being filled with cum. She guessed my condition and sighed while I pumped into her. She held still, till I was still and then she kissed my cheek.

"They are going to think I brought a truck load of beer home." She tittered.

"Or they will think I am out here fucking you." I panted back.

"You think so?" Tawny responded brightly. "I think I'd love to have them see us. You know? Like Mom, with you inside of her like that. My god, Sonny, I dreamed, I dreamed of you and Mom, fucking, you between her legs, your lean ass pounding up and down. I think I came in my sleep."

"You are such a perv!" I chortled as I pulled my cock out of my sister, fully aware of the irony; so I was being ironic. Tawny gets me.

She laughed. She pulled up her dress and looked down her body at her bare legs. Streaks of our cum ran down her inner thighs, disappearing into the black stocking bands that held them in place. She looked up at me. "Better take some beer to your friends. Tell them, tell them I wanted to make pizza and you were trying to talk me out of it. You lost. Then you can come fuck me, in the kitchen, with them right there!" Her voice was a low hum.

I had no response. The idea planting of the flag with my buddies right there, around the corner from us, that thrilled me. I confess. I was enveloped by Tawny's apparent desire to have risky, public sex. Oh the fun I could have with that. I stood up and backed away, taking my time about doing up my clothing.

Tawny just watched, she was fully dressed still. "I like it that you came so fast. It, it means you want me. A lot."

I grinned. "It's been twelve hours. I was backed up." I grabbed a six pack of beer and left her. She could put the rest away.

The guys were jittery waiting for the Ohio State and UCLA to come on. This was not the Rose Bowl but it would be good. I handed out the beers.

"What'd she do, bring up a dozen cases? Took you long enough. What were you talking about?" Chris said, his voice a low monotone.

"My blister wants to make us pizza." I said.

"Jesus tits, what did you tell her?" Sammy howled.

"I tried to talk her out of it." I growled. "I wanted her to just go pick some up but she was having none of that. You know how sisters are."

"No. I don't. Just Aunts." Chris responded. The other guys glanced askance at him. "You caved, didn't you?"

I nodded. "It was easier."

"So she is going to be out there banging pans while we watch football?" Brent groused. "We should have gone over to my house."