Extending the MILF List Ch. 11


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"You have no idea what this means to me!" She whispered. "So use me, Sonny, use me good and I'll explain it to you when you are done with me!"

"Okay. How does summer sound?" I grunted. Despite the winter chill in the house, I began to sweat. I levered my body up and down between her legs. She grunted and returned good for good and then wonderful for wonderful. Down into her pliant depths I thrust my cock. Submerged inside of her, her body responding like a cheering crowing making love to a hero from a distance, except this was up close and personal, the thrill of her body incited me to greater action. Her pussy clasped me and milked me with that unique combination of texture and musculature that makes a pussy luscious.

For a time I probed her pussy with my cock but finally I settled into a rhythm, pumping into her with regular consistency. She began to huff and then her body tensed and she bucked under me, just once. I thought I would come as her pussy chewed over the cock implanted in it, like a philosopher masticating an utterly new concept. I deferred said orgasm till later, luxuriating in this woman's eager contribution to our mutual pleasure and, oh god! The pleasure of it!

She opened her eyes, looking up between my arms planted to either side of her head. "Lay on me. I want to feel your weight on my boobs." She whispered. "I, I have very sensitive breasts. I, I can come if they are kissed just right. I have, I mean. You, please, after you come, kiss them for me? God, I miss that so much!" She pulled me down and my full weight settled between her legs. Her hands moved to her breasts, pushing them together and up so they nuzzled my chest as I stretched up over her. Her legs hooked around my thighs and she rocked her body as I rode her. Back and forth, panting while I fucked her, Mrs. Hamilton rose on swell after swell of pleasure till a flood broke through and she shook under me, bucking and quaking while I continued to pump down into her.

"Oh, oh, oh god, Sonny, my god, use me, use me, use me!"

I had a flash of D. Debra, under me like this and realized that the two women shared bust size but not body type. It was the voice that put me in mind of D. Debra. I shuddered, overcome by a complex of emotions. I clasped Dori's ass and hammered into her, rising and dropping the hammer over and over till she was awash with approval and consumed by her orgasms.

"Uh, uh, uh!" She grunted. "Uh, fill, fill me!" She gasped. Her legs were crooked beside me, her heels rode on my waist. I rose up on my hands and slammed us together. Her hands moved to my ass and pulled us together, harder and harder. She grunted and grunted.

My orgasm arrived like a train leaving the station, slow but with increasing intensity and force. By the time it arrived, I was helplessly in love with this woman's pussy. I plunged into her and as I began to come, she went still to receive my cum, cooing as I poured into her.

"Oh, oh god!" I growled, finally coming to rest between her open thighs.

She lifted up and kissed my cheek.

I took the hint and rolled off of her. I marked her slender frame then, despite her outsized tits. I slid down beside her on the light blue sheets. For a while we lay there panting and hissing. Once our breath evened out, she rolled to her elbow and looked down at me.

"Thank you. Thank Dee Dee for me when you see her."

"I, I am not sure..." Suddenly the the dank reality of what I had just done collided with my afterglow. For a moment they tussled but in the end, dank reality shouldered afterglow into the past.

Dori was not apologetic and I did not understand that in the least. I felt guilty as hell suddenly.

"No. Really. This, I, I want to explain. I, I think I want to tell you because sometimes really crazy things become obvious when I speak them out loud to someone else, obviously crazy, I mean. So, just lay there and, and let me play with your beautiful body."

She leaned over my chest and sucked at my nipple for a moment. She lay on me, her weight made so much more pleasant by the distinct drape of her breasts. She rose up, looking down at me.

"My daughter and I have a complicated relationship. When she turned eighteen, after agreeing to remain subject to my authority till then, she began to explore the limits and limitations of her body. I confess, I got all in her face about her, er, her willingness to be used sexually by men and when I tried to stop it, she rebelled. As she rightly pointed out, she was considered an adult, subject to the draft, she could and would have sex with whomever she wanted. I made the mistake of retorting that oh no, she wouldn't and she set out to prove me wrong. She fucked nearly every male teacher she had ever been taught by.

"She seduced my boss at the time, my sister's husband, his younger brother, so technically her uncles. She blew the UPS guy while I was in the kitchen one summer. When I tried to control her by telling several of the men she brought home that she wasn't of age yet, which was a lie she retaliated by seducing the man I was seeing at the time. She arranged for me to 'catch' them in bed. He insisted it was her fault and she agreed but then she looked at me and snidely informed me that he would never resist her. He didn't. He didn't resist her several times in fact, and I kicked him to the curb.

"We went along for a few months and I avoided every opportunity to have sexual congress with a man. I got increasingly desperate for a little bang bang. I finally got this married man to take me home. We came back to my place and we had sex. His wife was out of town, he claimed. He fucked me into submission but when I awoke, I heard them in the living room. I, I went out and she was blowing him. I watched while he took her on her knees. They fucked for ten minutes while I watched.

"I went back to bed and woke to an empty house, well, manless, anyway. I went out to see where he had gone...I thought I had him for the weekend. Dee Dee told me his wife called. Then she smirked, 'after he fucked me good.' I was furious but we Hamiltons never fight. We get even. Well, we fight then we get even.

"The next time a guy came by to see Dee Dee, she is always late as you pointed out. Anyway, that guy was waiting for her and so I blew him myself. Served her right for being late. He chased her for three weeks but was fucking me the whole time, always in the hour she kept him waiting. She kept him dangling thinking that his lack of sex drive would be altered if she teased him and delayed longer. Finally, she came down and caught us. You know what she said?"

I looked down at the woman talking to my sternum, chin on her clasped hands. "No." I offered.

"She said to him, she said, 'oh, you discovered my mother likes to fuck. Care for a little of us both?' We all went into the bedroom and it was like the sexual Olympics. It was a competition I was determined to win and if you know my daughter, she has the same streak in her. My tits and hair are not the only genes she actualized. The poor bastard never returned. She brought other guys home and kept arriving from her room at unpredictable times but I had not opened up shop to any of them yet. I was teasing them, all, though. They left the house crazed for sex. Dee Dee started coming home with her bra on inside out and that is damn difficult to do unintentionally.

"With her getting rumped and bumped regular like, I thought I could add a little for Dori into the mix. I ensnared a young guy from work and we started a torrid affair. I kept it secret as long as I could but she found out and took to sucking him when she could. I came home early one afternoon to find them having sex in my bed. I joined them. God, it was hot. This kid, he was a bit of a twist and after his noddle stopped snapping, he suggested we have sex, mother and daughter.

"I think he had figured us out. We were so focused on snarking at each other, we did not notice him manipulating us into a very energetic sixty-nine. If Dee Dee never mentions it, she can eat pussy with the best of them."

I thought of my sister and my cock twitched. Mrs. Hamilton sensed the interest and moved a hand down and took a nice firm hold of it. Oh, so nice, so nice I got hard again and plenty hard enough to gain her attention.

Dori got up, cleaned me off with a warm wash cloth, kissed the end of my cock and mounted me, slipping my cock up into her body snug as a pig in a blanket. Then she sat over me, her blond hair mostly dry, forming a short flip over her face. The light from the lamp by the bed put one side of her face in shadow.

"Uh, god, I love cock." She whispered, then opened her eyes, fixing them on me. She wiggled her ass, stirring her pussy with my cocktail wiener. She chuckled. "I like to talk while I ride a cock. You don't mind do you? I mean, some guys tell me to shut up while I'm fucking but, well, I like just the feel of your skin tangoing along the nerves inside me. I just love it and well, if you don't mind, I'll go on with my story."

I was trying to talk around a knot of pleasure caught in my chest. The woman squeezed my cock with her kegel muscles. My eyes started to water. I closed them and took a nice firm grip of her ass. "No, please." I said in a strained voice. "Please, go on."

She rolled her hips and then ground our pubic bones together. "Uh, oh god, where, where was I?"

She was asking me?

"Oh, I remember." She lifted up and thumped her body down onto mine, impaling herself and again.

I grunted but hoped she'd do it again. She settled into a gentle swaying of her tits over my face, gently grinding her pussy on my cock. I am not sure if her swaying tits moved her or she moved them. It looked like a toss up to me.

"The kid, Seymore was his name. He had my daughter and me have sex with each other. He, god, I am so embarrassed to be telling you this when we only just met!" She closed her eyes and seemed to concentrate on fucking me.

I was tinkering with a response. I had to find one. Finally I lifted my ass up, driving my cock deeper into the recesses of her pussy. I have always loved recesses. She groaned and swayed. "Mrs. Hamilton," I started, using a very strained voice, "I think we are past the mundane pleasantries of casual social interaction, don't you think?"

"You mean casual social intercourse?" She replied, her eyes fluttering open, her rich lips smiling down at me. God, she was such a happy person compared to her tightly wound daughter.

"You were eating your daughter?" I prompted. I shivered with the thought, proving once more the mind-body connection. I suddenly had a blurry vision of D. Debra ears deep in the woman riding my cock. Fuck me, I had a moment. I think my cock felt that fondness and grew another virtual inch.

"She was eating me. Too, I mean. Well, he just sat there and, and, and told us what to do to each other and we did it. Like mindless little ninnies. Goddamn him. I got rid of him though but that's another story. The fucker batted from both sides of the plate...another story. Anyway, uh, uh, he sat there and told us to do stuff, like, you know, kiss her tits, now your turn. Lick her pussy, kiss, suck my cock while she eats you. It went on all weekend. Can you imagine? He laid us side by side and did us, bringing one nearly to orgasm and then switching rides, rides, that's what he called us. We were two sweet rides!

"And we just followed along. We both thought it was all about proving we were better than the other. It was a contest, a challenge to prove who was sexier, who could take him better or suck his cock better. Uh, uh." She rolled her hips, poking the head of my cock into some velvet linen closet or other that made her bow her head and shake a little. When her eyes reopened, she continued. I must say she seemed to like describing having sex with her daughter. Goddamn if my stars weren't aligning. I wonder what configuration of the planets indicates you are going to be fucking mothers and daughters together?

"She, Dee Dee kept insisting that she could make me come better than I could make her come and we toyed with each other. It wasn't sex, it was more like Simon Says. Then, god, on Sunday, he did our asses. He fucked us both twice in the ass and neither of us could sit right. He left us tangled up in the sheets Sunday night. He could fuck, I tell you! I think he batted both ways just to give each one a rest.

"We got up and did our weeks but Friday night we found ourselves at home together and we opened a bottle of wine and finally discussed what we were doing. We realized we had really fucked up. We let this guy twist us around his dick and for what? We agreed right then, well, by Sunday actually, after some pretty intense screaming, we agreed that we'd not let a man do that to us ever again, well, unless we wanted him to, if you know, uh, uh, uh, what I uh, mean?"

I did. Boy, did I!

The woman bent over me and kissed me on the lips. "You feel so good inside me." She whispered. "God, it has been months. Where was I?" She rolled her hips and then went still and just lay down on me. Inside, the walls of her pussy contracted with little micro clenches. Her breasts were plush against my chest, forming puddles of pleasure. She lay her head on my chest, bowing over the mounds of her breasts. They did not flatten out exactly but remained insistent, demanding my attention. I kept a good hold on her ass, even as she rested and talked into my ear.

"We, we decided that if we brought men home, we'd both fuck them. We wanted to share our men with each other and, well, that was the only way we could figure out how to keep living together. My idiot ex-husband or his lawyer left a clause in our agreement that so long as my daughter lived in the same house and had no expenses that were not shared with me, he'd keep supporting us, paying her schooling, my mortgage, that sort of thing.

"If she moves out, she has to pony up not only living expenses but pay for school and also my support is at an end, so we both have motivation to stay living together. She wants to get a Master's." Here Dori giggled. "I think that is just to fuck with her father, which is not to say she can't do the Master's or that she isn't smart. My daughter is fucking brilliant, too smart by half, my ex always says. That makes her dick with men, just to prove that when one treats her like a dumb blonde, she can lead one around by the nose or dick or a leash. She, my daughter looks at men like, uh, oh god, like, like a, oh that's so good, do that again."

I grunted. I had just been shifting our weight and touched some magic nerve deep inside her. I doubted I could reproduce it and I was tired. I tried but quickly gave up. Disappointed, she resumed rolling her hips, searching for that pleasure point again, trying to make my finger magic once more. She hunched over my cock, grinding it into her over and over. It was like she was trying to paint a wall with a ballpoint pen.

"So, so she started teasing men but not by dangling pussy in front of them and then jerking it away. No, no, she, uh, she oh yes, yes, oh god."

The story vanished in a haze of orgasm. Mrs. Hamilton jerked and ground on me for a few minutes and then eased back into the saddle. Back to rolling her hips and drawing stick figures on the walls of her pussy with my pleasure stylus.

"Dee Dee would find a guy and bring him home and, well, she'd ask my opinion and if we liked him, I'd do him. She'd do him. Then, if he was still around, we'd do him. I'd find guys and we'd, we'd uh, oh god, we'd share. It was sort of fun, giving guys that ultimate thrill of doing the daughter and mother at the same time. We teased them with each other, promising the mother and daughter tryst. If one of us didn't feel it, the poor guy got the boot. They'd go muttering about being this close to that fantasy of finding a mother an daughter who could fuck the same man and not kill each other in the process. We were a pair of unicorns, a phantasm that men almost never believed. We were a mother and daughter who could be in bed together with a man and give him every aspect of that fantasy. Most responded well, it inspired them in wonderful ways."

"So? What happened?" It seems fucking weird to be into a story while a woman fucks you but it added something to it, like a bass guitar to most rock music. Without it you still have the story but it isn't, it's not as rich.

"She, my baby fell in love. She may be smart about a lot of things but her own emotions sometimes escape her notice. She fell in love and I mean hard. She isn't the only daft one in this family because I had no idea what was going on. I was intoxicated by fucking men with my daughter, it made us closer and provided an intimacy mothers and daughters long for but rarely share. When she met Gabe, things changed and I just didn't want to notice. I refused to see till it was too late. They were getting heavy and one day he dropped by and I took him to bed, like I'd done with others before him.

"He disappeared. He, he was a nice boy, conservative, not the sort that would understand the attraction of doing us together. I figured that out about half way through the first blow job. I was asking myself what my daughter saw in him while he was banging away at my vagina. He was artless, which in time I realized was just lack of practice but also he fought in inner guilt demons which distracted him from Dori's orgasm. I was too dumb to notice what was happening and to selfish to see it for what it was.

"After it was over, he, he fell apart. He was inconsolable and I was mystified. I figured they were bumping uglies from the start and this caught me totally by surprise because they weren't. He was a wait-till-we-get-married type of guy and I pretty well put that to the torch. I wore him down to the stump. He was a virgin and was defenseless against my girls. Once he saw them, I drained his swamp and developed it for commercial use and he never knew what happened. His resolution never stood a chance once he got his hands on mama's boobs.

"Well, he never recovered from doing mama. Dee Dee couldn't get him on the phone, he didn't answer texts, unfriended her on Sexbook, which seemed weird why he was on that anyway. Anyway, he curled up like a worm after you touch it with a burning match." She stopped suddenly. She leaned over and glared into my eyes. "No. I am not a psychopath. Neither is my daughter. We, we just think what is good for the goose is good for the gander."

She resumed riding me. My cock was happy and numb, no way he was giving up before she finished her story, even if I had to jam a pencil up my butt. Well, that might be extreme but I was getting a peek behind the D. Debra facade and I was utterly fascinated.

"Anyway, when Debra found out she flipped out. Now, during the time she was dating him, she had fucked several men nosing around mama's jade garden so she really had no reason to be pissed up. As I said, she was in love but oblivious, so was mama. Oblivious I mean, we both did not get what was happening till it had already happened. When she figured out what had happened, she came apart and we had a big huge screaming fight. It was horrible. I did what I'd done before plenty of times with her dates but she changed the rules and both did not acknowledge it or communicate it to me. The result was terrible and we were both guilty just of different things. She was so hurt and she attacked me to escape the guilt. We lost all connection and what had been a very comfortable sexual arrangement disintegrated in anger, bitterness, and loss.

"That was right at the end of last summer, before school started again." She stopped. "I said we don't fight? Well, that might be an exaggeration. We fight but we don't stay mad. If it accomplishes nothing, then, then we get even but we don't stay angry."
