Extending the MILF List Ch. 24


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"Landon, you weren't wrong. I've been fucking every skirt that winked at me and it's not sustainable. At the same time, I love it. I don't want to quit. But...how do I go on like that?"

"You still in love with D. Debra?" Landon asked. The question caught me off guard. I'd handed her off to Jamie with something like cavalier delight. Did that mean I did love her, or that I didn't? Fuck! Another unwanted bit of junk mail in my male box. I suddenly just wanted to go back to being nothing more than a pocket rocket looking for a silo to sink into and disappear.

Then it struck me. Oh my fucking buttercup! I was growing up!

"You know Landon, that's a good question. Is Darlene in love with you? Given that she gets off on fucking for money? Same question right? You answer that and maybe it will give me a hint."

"I do love her, yes." Honestly, I didn't expect that sort of definitive response from him, not to mention he answered a different question than I'd asked but one that was arguably more important, at least as important. "I mean, we're living together but, well, I am fucking Mom too...and they fuck and what not but, it's not like we are getting married anytime soon."

I grunted. "That's a commercial relationship with contracts and stipulations and fine print and arbitration. No wonder we avoid it. I suck at all that shit." Sometimes I open my mouth and just spew out something true without really trying. The MILF List was Sonny not merely ignoring the rules, but defying them! It was me saying I could be what I am even if it didn't fit the conventional cock and pussy configuration.

"Yeah. Buddy, you have never heard the music the rest of us heard. Like Jim Bridger, you liked being out there poking the bear and going where no man has gone before."

"I haven't fucked many virgins!" I objected, but then had to stop and ask if I'd fucked any virgins at all! Which led me right back to Ahmay and Rodney's second-hand confession, which riled up the chagrin and confusion in me again. Pain? Really?

Landon laughed and yanked me back into the pedestrian present.

"Sonny, listen, the MILF List is yours. We all know that, even if the MILFs and the various sundry females you have gotten onto their backs don't want to acknowledge it. We know it, even if we say dumb shit sometimes. We don't say this but we appreciate it. We do. I just got worried and got everyone else worried, you know how I can be." I nodded. My free hand was petting the hair of the naked female posed on the floor beside the bed. Mavis had moved to the bed, wriggled into her nighty and laid down beside me, unmoving but listening.

"No one is more persuasive than Landon Clark." I said with conviction.

"To everyone but you, Sonny. You never bought any of my bullshit. You kept me honest. Still do. I don't want to lose that. The MILF List is yours. You decide what to do with it." I sighed. Suddenly, I felt more relaxed than I'd felt in days, since that "intervention". This together with the unformed Blue Man idea in my mind seemed to complete the puzzle, I just had to put it together. It came clear to me exactly how unnerved their intervention had left me. My instinct is to avoid confrontation and conflict and find a way for everyone to get a little and that seemed to make such an outcome impossible. At the same time, if they had not been right to some extent, I'd not have felt it so thoroughly! Still, it felt amazing to have him say all this out loud. Even though I had eclipsed Landon in the pussy department...compartment? Department...he was still Landon Clark, my friend!

"Thanks, god, Landon, that's..thanks. Listen, Friday won't work for me so let's get Chris on Sunday after his last performance. My condo." That sounded weird and the fact that it prefigured what was yet unknown in retrospect made it seem even weirder but I felt plenty weird at the time. In that moment the condo felt like it was mine to dispense with as I wished and that such a thought did not swamp me indicates that perhaps I was maturing into this new role, whatever it was.

"What time?" He asked.

I considered. "Say, five?" I'd have Jamie and Rodney arrive at six, giving the five of us time to sort things out a bit. Landon rang off and I lay toying with Candi's hair. I'd not made a big deal out of his back peddling apology. I had little expectation that my blisters or Ellen for that matter or anyone else would have anything resembling a similar epiphany so I needed to be content with this. I decided, quite consciously mind you, to ignore their clumsy ambush and take the intent from it and file the result on me away, take that seriously because it was real...and serious. And the results, it seems were pretty important, many, and new.

What was it Blue Man...that's too awkward, I'd call him Mr. Blue...what had Mr. Blue suggested really? To offer the MILFs et. al. to others with the understanding that they had to pay to get onto the MILF List...a whole new version. The MILF list would become the list of people my...I hesitated in my mind here but then plunged forward...my sluts would select. My mind fingered and fussed with the idea but it was still nascent and unformed, so let it percolate...a term that has lost it's meaning mostly.

I moved a hand down to Candi's neck. She had her collar on and I'd idly fingered it while I moved the pieces of the puzzle around in my head. When the reverie ended and my focus broke, I tugged on it, rolling onto my side, ready to sleep, peering down at her.

"Up." I said. She looked like I'd hit her. Mavis made a noise and I twisted round to look at her. Eye roll and head shake from Mavis. "What? You're kidding me!" I growled. Suddenly I had this longing to return to being the kid who panted after pussy I could never have and thought shooting hoops with my friends was the best life had to offer. Ah the innocence of my youth, six months ago.

"Pet. Sonny. Pet." Mavis said in her best "mom" voice. Made me shudder.

"People sleep with their pets. Well, I mean on the bed. I know people who get bullied by their cat."

Mavis shrugged making her satin-coated breasts ripple and roll in a way that made my mouth water. I'd fuck her again, eventually, but I had to get through this moment first and I had no idea how. I thought of Landon and my other friends and I just relaxed. Having friends makes things okay, even when we feel crazy and awkward. They don't care, they don't leave, even when you start to change. Friends are good, even when they irritate you. Remember that shit.

"They don't sleep under the covers with their owners, Sonny. You're aren't suggesting that, are you?" I glanced down at Candi. She was looking up at me with a mixture of forlorn anxiety and dreading fear. "Don't you want to sleep in bed with us?" I asked looking down at her. She shook her head vehemently. "Not even on the bed?" She shook her head again. Cuffs and gag were gone. I idly wondered about the plug in her ass.

"My god, Sonny, you have no idea what you are doing and you do it just right. When a pet doesn't speak like this, but feels content enough with you to remain silent...that's pretty amazing and you have no idea." Mavis was speaking to me but it felt like I wasn't in the room, like she was having a seance to speak to me when I wasn't dead yet. I was right there, for heaven's sake and she made it seem like I wasn't. Like I needed that existential angst added to the list. Bitch.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked peering over the edge of the bed at the knelt pet beside it. I flipped through all her names wondering which to use in this context. My indecision betrayed me but I got it right in spite of myself. "Pet?" The girl fairly beamed. In direct answer she curled up where she was, her arm under her head.

"She sleeps on the floor." Mavis said, smiling at us like a proud papa. Yes, I get the contradiction or irony or whatever the fuck it is. No mother ever looked like that, well, except Mavis.

"Fuck me." I grunted. Pet lifted up her head nodding eagerly. Insatiable it seemed. Mavis chimed in.

"Yes please." She said with a lilt in her voice.

"She's not sleeping like that." I growled and called room service for extra blankets and pillows. I left her curled on the floor to hit the toilet and again. The guy brought the blankets and pillows and I tipped him, then wondered if I should have had Pet blow him. No idea where that thought came from. I was channeling someone and it weren't me. I turned out the lights and dropped blankets and pillow beside Pet. She made a to do out of arranging them circled them a dozen times before sinking down and pulling the blanket over her. I had turned down the heat both because I like a cold room and because Mavis put off more heat than a nuclear reactor in meltdown. I went to sleep.

I woke in the night with lusty Mavis cuddled up against me. She moaned in her sleep when I rolled her onto her back. I was brilliantly hard. I fingered her cunt and found her dry and tight. I rubbed and tiddled until she grew wet and then I pushed her legs open and mounted her. She was awake by then but not talking, thank goodness. Whether she was rolling her eyes or not I couldn't tell but as a voyeur, she didn't seem to mind the attention. I sank into her rich plush goodness and her body accepted me like the prodigal cock I was. We enjoyed a long, leisurely fuck. I kissed her and she kissed me back. Her hands caressed back and sides and then face and hair. She sighed and asked permission to cum in dulcet tones. I allowed it but kept fucking her and she was soon asking again. I glanced to my right and saw in the gloom the eyes and hair of Pet watching us fuck. It felt, "weird" is the word I use a lot but this is the definition of weird. Not the ultimate mind you, that was still in front of me, numbered in the dozens. At least.

When I finally came, it felt so good I fainted. I went completely limp, like a blanket covering those fine contours of woman I had just fucked, feeling like for the first time. I'd taken her almost as an afterthought and she seemed so naturally complacent about my choice that I didn't give the matter any thought until I was spent and lying between those rich thighs, gasping for consciousness and grasping for air. I'd finally had her, taken her, fucked this woman and she was there waiting, ready, but not eager in an untoward way, just, usably delicious. I rolled away from her with a groan. I lay supine and limp for a while but then roused to find her dipping fingers into her cunt and licking them off. Mavis noticed me looking at her.

"What? I taste good...you should give me a try." I had an early class and didn't dare take her seriously. The next thought was more alien, that I should let Pet have a taste, but I went to sleep before I could pursue that.

Friday was a full day, three exams in the run up to spring break that started the end of next week. I kept busy. I'd taken Pet with me but was focused on school and ignored the stares attracted by her shadow presence on my leash, her preening exposure, she flashed a few assholes but never spoke, not a word. I was fixated on school but the truth was that was a distraction. The only real buzz and dazzle I got was a deep soul kiss before heading off from Mavis which I didn't quite understand. She tried to explain over breakfast that me not fucking Pet pleased her and Pet as much as fucking her which sounded nuts to me, or the fucker in question needed lots more practice. I was running from my own mind though so didn't hesitate to contemplate her words, just as a good distraction until school took over the reins. When I did hesitate, stuck in traffic or idling at a stop light, both specters haunted me...the pain Ahmay sought and the twisted desire of Carol Lynn Northcutt but behind it all Mr. Blue, Mr. Mysterious lurked with the question he introduced glancing off my struggling mind. I still had no answer but I'd obtained some equally interesting and confabulating things to consider, so I did, consider them, endlessly and constantly.

I had a study group in the afternoon I'd mostly skipped and had to spend more time than I expected with them because I'd been such a bad boy. I give them credit that having Pet crouching at my side didn't distract them. Not sure what that means. I had stopped at lunch to call Rodney and Jamie to reschedule, pushing them to the Sunday Condo at six. They both agreed. Jamie told me to call my sisters. I didn't. His suggestion forced me to think of them on the new version of the MILF List...hmmm, that just doesn't fit any longer does it...so beyond the MILF List is just The List, right? Extending the MILF List had been wonderful but now, moving beyond seemed to be the case, though I did have things to finish up before I closed that chapter. This chapter. I wasn't fully beyond the MILF List yet so extending it was still the thing. I didn't feel pressure to finish or leave them elegantly undone, I finally felt I had a handle on the future. That lasted until I headed home and faced the prospect of the rape of the first Mrs. Northcutt.

I gathered up the cuffs and ball gag and headed to the address, following the GPS slavishly until I arrived...I circled the house making the map bitch squawk until I turned her off, found a place remote from the house and parked. I walked round to the house and ventured into the backyard. I had found a comfy pair of black slacks and a black turtle neck. My first inclination had been to leave Pet home, er, at the hotel, but she seemed so distraught at being left behind, I took her with me, but with a blanket as I had no inclination to take her into the house with me. I know, why, why, why? Either leave her at the hotel or take her inside but something about what I was about to do shamed me and I didn't want her there to see, should it happen that I lost my nerve.

That idea haunted me, that this could actually be beyond me. I'd been pushing women around for weeks, forcing them to accommodate their own sexual mores in ways that unnerved them, so I guess I felt like this was goose and gander, even though no one was getting any proof but me, but hey, I count! It was terrible cold and I worried, Pet would freeze but she seemed to like being left in the car like that, particularly without any explanation. I glanced back at the car to see her face pressed against the glass, fogging it up. I went to the house, found the backdoor key and let myself in.

I found the gym bag in the closet just as Borland had said. I was glad I had brought my own gag as this one was complicated and I had little hope of getting it on a struggling woman. I was plenty early and so sat in the comfortable darkness as cars went by, casting rhomboids of light through the living room for a while, just letting the initial buzz fade. I decided I did have time to do a walk through of the house...two stories with a two car garage, a little Mini was there, which I presumed would be Jason's.

I found his room and did a cursory examination. He seemed like a version of me, the same sorts of things there, including computer. I sat down at his laptop and turned it on. It asked for a PIN. I turned on the little desk light and found the postit note with two lines of characters on it. I tried the top one and the computer spread her legs for me. I was in. It didn't take long to find the folder. It was password protected but the second line of postit note goodness flowered the folder and I was rewarded with a vast collection of Carol Lynn pornography. Well, that over states it by a lot. Most of it was her in various states of dress, with a few states of undress, just one in bra, panties and snarling objection, some in bikinis. But near the bottom there were a selection of shower pics and a few nudes. Jason was more enterprising than Borland may have given him credit for. I shut down the computer and closed her, satisfied that the night was unfolding as predicted.

The master bedroom was elegantly female. I looked through the kitchen, trying not to think of how I'd subdue Carol Lynn. I'd had an half hour to kill but fifteen minutes was plenty to locate and try light switches and find where things were, so I sat down to wait again, facing my own thoughts, casually sitting in the darkness in one of the two big club chairs in the living room off the front entrance. The kitchen opened into the garage with stairs up between the kitchen and living room, a second half bathroom under them. It was a tidy, comfortable place for the two of them.

I sat in silence, then, at first wondering if Borland told his son what was waiting for him at his house this night...feeling pressure at that thought. I remembered my confusion about whether I should call Borland or not, he'd dithered and been dual on that point, so I'd have to play it by ear I guessed. What if I failed and this all went flat? That thought rattled me a little. I got up to put my cuffs and the gag on the stairs so I knew where they were. I realized then I didn't know what door she'd use, presuming she'd be entering through the kitchen from the garage but then considering she knew what was waiting for her, maybe she'd park in the drive and use the front door. Since the garage door would alert me to that option, I remained in the shadows of the living room.

I was in the midst of second guessing myself when I heard the car door slam out front. I had not really focused before on this moment, and how it was going to work so I'd been reviewing what I was going to do...basically cuff her and gag her and fuck her was the plan...but then I wondered about Jason, had Borland planned to tell him or was it a surprise and would he want to taste Carol Lynn before he fucked her? I like table ready cunt without cream myself, so it seemed polite to offer him that option. I rose up at the sound of the car door and waited around the corner from the entrance in the dark shadow there.

The door opened.

I must admit I felt a thrill go through me. I was a bit ashamed of that thrill, building since I'd settled and confronted what was afoot. The sound of the door opening felt as intense as any moment I'd ever experienced and that shook me a little, mostly because I imagined Mr. Blue sending me on such adventures and that surely it was akin to what he did when it was time. The thought foreshadowed events in some measure. I never imagined that I'd feel this sort of thrill in advance of such a project.

"Sonny, listen, I don't think..." Carol Lynn's voice rang through the house. I could tell she had removed her coat before she spoke, there were a line of coat hooks high to the opposite side of the little hall that lead to the stairs and past to the downstairs toilet, with an opening into the kitchen facing the one into the living room where I waited. I moved as she spoke. She was hanging her winter coat so her hands were conveniently high allowing me to get an arm around her middle and drag her away from the wall. The coat fell into a puddle against the wall. I clasped a hand over her mouth as she'd requested. Her hands clawed at my wrist and tore it away. I wasn't overpowering her really, just controlling her, but she managed to wrench free of that hand. I tipped her off her heels so I got her weight on my left arm around her lean middle. She writhed in my grasp.

"Sonny, no! Stop!" She screamed now. I twisted to drag her towards the stairs and the cuffs, but felt her lift a foot to smash down on my instep, so I lifted her off the floor. She grunted as my arm tightened around her midriff. Her high heel struck at my shin as I lifted and damn! It hurt plenty!

I swung her around. Her voice was tight when she spoke. "No, Sonny stop! Please, don't do this now. Fuck! Borland said he's bringing Jason by in a while!" The words assaulted me, that matter was settled. I didn't speak but moved to the stairs...she'd not turned on a light but a night light on the stairs showed her the two pair of cuffs lying there. She began to struggle in earnest then. "No, fuck, no Sonny stop it!" I ignored her, as specified, which was important to me, she'd made her bed or whatever.
