Eye of the Beholder

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She was perfection.
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I wasn't even supposed to be out there on the beach, I had planned on spending the day fishing miles away at a river I liked.

It would be cooler there, it was hotter than the hubs of hell already and there were no signs of it letting up.

I had just thrown my tackle box and a couple of fishing rods into the back of my beat up Suburu when the phone rang. It was Terry, a friend of mine. I liked him in an odd way, he was always trying to drag me to places I didn't want to go. I would resist but that doesn't work with him, he manages to sidestep everything I say and I end up at some stupid ball game or party somewhere.

But I also always end up having fun, so it's not too bad. He calls me a "stick in the mud" and I guess it's true, I like being out by myself, it's peaceful.

"Yea, come on. There are women everywhere!" He said, like I gave a shit. I had had a girlfriend named Tami but I came by her place one day to find her on her back, legs in the air and my other buddy Roy Hill's cock stuck in her.

That kinda ended that. Roy and I had a little set to about it. I could understand maybe a stranger but he claimed to be my bud. So we knocked some hide off of each other, I don't know for sure who won but he looked like shit afterwards.

Well, I guess I looked like shit, too.

Of course Tami went into the "I'm sorry!" and "It just happened!" complete with honest to God real tears streaming down her face.

I think she liked my z06 Corvette and the fact I pulled down around 100G a year.

I told her to take a fucking walk.

Now here was Terry bugging the shit out of me to go sweat on some goddamned beach, get sunburned, and sand up my ass in the hopes of meeting another stupid cheating broad?

No way in hell!

We took my z06 Corvette, it wasn't a long drive, maybe 30 miles. We had 2 six packs in a little cooler, some blankets and a radio, that was about all that would fit in the trunk. I rolled down the windows, turned the air conditioning up to max, let the cool air blow past us and out. Bob Segar was wailing away on the CD player as I rolled out onto the freeway and ran her up to 75 mph.

Heads turned to look at us as we rolled into the parking lot, my z06 is always close to Concours show quality, it gets attention. Getting out of the car, the hot air hit me like a damned blast furnace, I wanted to get right back into the car and go home.

But Terry grabbed the cooler and blankets and was already headed down the stone walkway to the beach, so I sighed and tagged along.

We found a spot that wasn't covered up by arms, legs, and snotty little kids running back and forth and generally raising hell.

Quite a few of the women were topless, it seems to be getting more and more normal on beaches. Hell, just 10 years or so ago if some gal bared her tits on the beach all hell would break loose unless it was a nude beach.

Now they were everywhere, and there were quite a few that would be better off keeping something on.

One gal was sitting on a blanket maybe ten feet away, she was packing a good half dozen Thanksgiving dinners extra and had a huge set of saggy boobs. She seemed proud of them, too, she kept arching her back and pointing them our direction to see if we noticed.

Terry and I pretended to be blind.

I was starting to sunburn, of course Terry had no sunscreen and sported a pretty fair tan already. I was damn near a virgin to the Sun, my snow white ass was going to be pink and peeling if I didn't do something.

So I hopped up and headed down the beach to see if I could maybe borrow some. I hadn't gone more than 200 feet when I spotted this girl sitting on a blanket all by herself. I looked around for the over muscled male protector, not wanting to get the proverbial sand kicked in my face.

I didn't see one, so I headed her way. Besides, I can outrun damn near anyone on the planet.

"Hey!" I said, brightly. Great opening line, huh?

"Hey, back!" she said, looking up with a smile.

That was encouraging, at least I didn't get the usual, "Get lost asshole!"

"I was hoping you had some sunscree...." my voice trailed off as I took a closer look.

She was sitting with her legs folded under her fanny. Her body was slim, muscular like she must work out constantly. Her hair was straight, falling down just past her shoulders. The top of her suit seemed to barely contain her breasts. Now some gals look like they are shoved up and out, and some look round and high, almost not normal. Her suit had two simple straps over her shoulders, the cups of the top looked like her breasts simply sat in them, best as I can explain that.

Natural, normal. None of this pasted on look I hate.

I guess I stood there with a nice bright smile on my face for a full 30 seconds, at least I didn't drool.

Well, I don't think I did.

"Yes, I see you are burning. Sit down!" It was a command.

I sat down, she squirted some lotion into her hands and began to spread it on my shoulders. I just sat there. She spread it over my stomach, told me to roll over. Down my back, my legs, she even lifted the edge of my suit and went an inch or so inside the top of it. I was stretched out thinking of the way she looked, thin facial features, nose a bit peaked, nice high cheekbones.

Sweet flare of her hips, voice like a melody, I almost dozed off.

"Hey!" she said, patting my shoulders.

I sat up.

"Thanks!" I started to get up. I never was very good at going to the next step with women, somehow it always seemed like they were the ones to do that. I would try but then I would be sure my nose was running or my tongue would stick to the roof of my mouth and I would sound stupid.

Either that or I would be sure my breath would knock a Mexican that just ate a purple pepper Fajita flat on his fanny.

She just smiled. I started to head back to Terry, but I was hesitating, waiting for something, some opening.

Too fucking stupid to realize she had just had her hands all over me.

Where was the "What's your name?" "What do YOU do?" "My name is Dan."

Good grief.

"SMILE, stupid!", I thought.

I cleverly stood there looking at her, and I cleverly realized I was getting a boner right in front of her.

"Cool move, idiot!" I thought, turning my back just in time.

"I'm Sara." she said.

"Dan. Hey, thanks."


"Well, what?" Another clever reply.

"Aren't you going to ask me for my phone number?" She grinned and made the beach seem suddenly too bright.

"Oh. Yes. I..sure. Got a pencil?"

I looked down at her hands, holding a note pad and pencil.

"I see you do..Uhhh." I gave her my phone number, she wrote it down, then tore off the top sheet and handed it to me with hers.

"Thanks!" I headed back up the beach. Terry was yapping away at some bimbo with fake hair, fake boobs, and a fake tan, so I plopped down on the blanket and popped a beer. I waited for him to strike out which he did right on schedule, he plopped down, too.

"Where did ya get the sunscreen?" He asked.

I told him about meeting Sara, of course he had to go check this out even though I told him to leave her alone.

So I watched as he ambled down the beach pretending to look at the seagulls and the sky. Terry and Sara seemed to be talking when he finally got real close, then he came back down the beach and sat back down.

He didn't say much after that, we just watched the women running around, boobs flopping everywhere. One thing I know, spend just one day at a typical family beach and you will know why women wear bras.

Finally we had had it, Terry was scoring about average with the ladies, zero like normal. We got in the Vette and headed out.

"Isn't she cute?" I said, absentmindedly, my mind on Sara.



"The one down the beach? Are you nuts?"

"What do you mean, nuts?"

"Hell, her behind is big as a barn, her nose could be used to chop wood, she has a gap in her teeth and one tit is bigger than the other!"

"Oh, bullshit!" I yelled at him, thinking of the smile she had given me.

"No bullshit, you are out of your fucking mind, that one is a dog!"

I swerved off the freeway and pegged the brakes so hard the seatbelts yanked us both back into the seats.

"Goddam it, she is cute!" I glared at him.

Terry shut up, he knows me pretty well and when I get that tone it's best to not push. He just waved his hand, I popped the clutch and hit 6 grand in the first three gears. By the time we got back to Terry's place I was wondering why I even got upset.

"Hey, come on in, I can call Jen." Terry said.

Jen is a gal who can suck the cob right out of an ear of corn and leave the kernals, and she loves to do it. But she is also a bit of a tank and I wasn't in the mood.

"Naw, I am heading home."

"Hell, you are a lot of fucking fun today!"

Terry shut the door carefully, he knew better than to slam it since I had already taken him down and sat on him once before for that.

I headed off for home with a roar. I parked the Corvette, got out my wiping rags and my little bottle of spray cleaner and wax, buffed off the bugs and any spots I could find. I was just finishing up when I heard my phone ring.

"Fucking Terry." I thought, and ignored it.

I thought about the girl, Sara. I tried to get a picture of her in my mind. Terry was right, she did have a gap in her front teeth, her ears stuck out, her nose was thin. She was skinny, too, even though her behind was a bit on the full side.

I didn't notice the one tit bigger than the other bit, though, and I had looked since the tops of them were in plain sight sitting in her bikini.

Oh, well. I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and popped it, just then the phone rang again.

I grabbed it, prepared to yell at Terry about bugging me.

It was Sara.

"Hey!" she said.

"Hey back!" I answered.

"Weren't you going to call me?"

Hell, it had only been maybe 3 hours.

"Uh..yea, sure...I..I have been busy."

"Why don't you come over, I am making Tacos. We can maybe listen to some music or something?"

"Sure, love to!" I got the address, showered in record time, and jumped into a pair of slacks and sports shirt. Sara lived just 3 miles away, I did it in about 3 minutes. She was sitting on the front porch when I pulled up with a roar.

"What took you so long?" she asked.

"I..uhh...I needed to take a shower."

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

"Your car, what kind is that?"

"It's a Corvette."

"Oh, one of those penis extension things, huh?" She laughed.

"I..no...It's a..I like it." I said, lamely, knowing damn good and well that she had nailed that.

"Come on in." I followed her inside, checking out her behind as I did. Terry was right, it was a bit on the big side compared to the rest of her. Sara glanced back and caught my look.

"I ride bikes." she said, her voice a bit defensive.

I kept my mouth shut. She showed me to a couch, got a pitcher of what I am sure was koolaid, poured me a glass. She bent over the coffee table when she did, her pullover top was loose and gapped open. I was treated to a nice view of her breasts. They seemed to dangle there, I could even see both of her nipples. I took a sip, she stood up and smiled at me.

"Like those?"

"Like what?'

"My boobies."

"I wasn't looking."

"Liar!" She grinned and went into the kitchen. She was back in seconds with a big plate of tacos. She sat down on the couch next to me, picked up a taco and took a bite. We ate nearly all of them, not saying a word. I could feel the warmth of her body close to mine.

Then she leaned against me, pressing her right breast into my arm. It felt so soft, I was completely aware of her touching me.

"Want to see something?"

"Sure, what?"

"Just sit there."

Sara got up and went into a side room, I thought it must be a bedroom. She came out wearing a long black evening gown, it had a sheer panel in the front that showed the tops of her breasts. She stuck one leg out, it was split up the side all the way to her waist.

"You like?"

"Yes." All I could do was stare.

"Be right back."

Next she came out in a flowery dress, high neckline with ruffles, snugger at the hips and flowing lower into a flare.

"How is tbis?" She gave me that bright smile again.

"Nice." I was getting confused.

I was treated to an array of clothing, then she came out in a miniskirt and halter top. I looked at the halter top, it somehow balanced her body because of the way one side lay criss-cross over the other. I was beginning to understand.

"I design clothes." she said.

"For people who have less than perfect bodies."


"My body isn't balanced." She was looking me right in the eyes, trying to read me.

"It...it looks fine to me."

"Would you like to see?"

"See? You mean..?"

Sara smiled, reached behind her back and untied the top. She slipped it off her shoulders and tossed it into the chair. She stood there naked to the waist, waiting.

I looked at her, her left breast was smaller than the right, by quite a bit. The right one sagged slightly, causing her nipple on that side to be oval shaped, while the other stayed firm and round. I was starting to get an erection.

Sara looked at my groin and smiled.

"You did that on the beach, too."

Then she reached to her side and tripped a catch, the miniskirt dropped to the floor. She wore nothing underneath. I looked at the mass of dark pubic hair, understanding why she wore fuller suit bottoms than many of the women on the beach. I realized that not all that I was looking at was hair, she had a mass of flesh between her legs, it actually seemed to droop downwards a full inch or so.

I started to get up.

"No. Stay there."

I sat back down.

She came closer, watching me closely. I could not stop my body's reaction, I was now fully erect. Sara reached down and undid the front of my slacks, opened then. Her hands went into the tops of my briefs, she let her fingers brush up and over me.

"Lift up."

I lifted my hips as she yanked my slacks and briefs down to below my knees. Then she straddled me, lifted up and pressed down. It was like I was shoving myself into a warm soft glove, she moved lower and I could feel her lips part and spread out over me. Then she lifted up, it was like she was sucking at me.

"Like this?" she smiled at me.

Hell, what could I say, my head was spinning. My arms went around her, then back, feeling her breasts, her arms, her shoulders, her hips. I was in heaven, unable to stop or even slow myself, I blasted off inside her.

After a few minutes, Sara hopped off and went into the bathroom, returning with a warm wet towel. She carefully washed me off. She turned my penis this way and that, inspecting it carefully as it began to grow again in her hands.

Then she sat on the couch and lay back, opening her legs. I looked her up and down, reaching out to stroke her rubbery lips, touch her nipples. She lay there and watched me tease and play with her, finally I could stand no more, I slid up on top and took her again. This time I felt her body begin to respond, then explode into an orgasm of her own. I realized that she had not the first time.

Later we lay wrapped in each other's arms.

"How did this happen?" I asked her.

"I decided at the beach."

"At the beach? Why?"

"You were perfect."

I rolled over and pressed my firmness against her, probing for her opening. She reached down and guided me, I pressed.


"So are you!" I told her.

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jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago

Many normal good looking people have flaws.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A nice story

I love women with large labia lips, they are so good to suck on and most women's boobs are not both the same size and glad she did not have fake ones, they are just gross..

Like they say....beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what is inside counts a whole lot more....loved the story....

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 12 years ago
What a perfect title -

Nice short and sweet and to the point - none of us is actually perfect - far from it -since perfection is an opinion not and objective value -

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Great Story

This is a great story to read when you're feeling unperfect. It really reminded me that just because I'm not tall blonde skinny and smooth doesn't mean I'm not beautiful to my special someone. I'm having a hard time remembering this lately. It's true...Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

charleybearcharleybearover 18 years ago
Great Story magmaman

Ever watch Revenge of the Nerds? Most of the people in this world are not perfect. Most are not beautiful to the casual eye but almost everyone is beautiful to someone!

Finding the person that you find beautiful and having them finding you beautiful too is what love is all about. Go Love!!

Great story of finding your soul mate. I hope they are both smart enough to keep that together.

Thanks much for your efforts.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I'm not the only one?

I honestly believed up until today that I might be the only woman alive with breasts that didn't match. Mine are exactly like the woman you described in your story and although I have a small waist, I also have the huge hips and bottom! Thank you, thank you for affirming something I should already know. Not every woman's breasts look like Playboy Bunnies or the actresses in the movies!!

TiggerTooTiggerTooover 18 years ago
You made a lot of people happy today.

We always need reminding and reassurance that, despite our imperfections, we are all still worthwhile and valuable people.

I'm finding a strange thing here in Lit. The best stories may not have any sex in them. They aren't about sex at all. The real lessons and pleasures are about the way people relate to one another with caring and respect. Sex may enhance that but it's only one component of sharing life together.

Thank you so much for this story. Old hard-hearted Phil even got a little misty-eyed. It's also nice to see a guy portrayed as real. Most aren't ladies men and aren't great with girls. We need the girls to recognize us and give us a little help.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
No one's perfect


I am most happy that you chose to acknowledge it in this story. Frankly, I get awful tired of reading stories about the perfect minds and bodies of the hims and hers on Literotica. it ain't going to happen. It is those imperfections that we accept or reject when we go through the process of wooing a lover and perhaps a mate because they may be with us for a long time. Each of us knows and have regretted our own imperfections that our intended will have to graciously overlook. Well written and well told. Thank You. Ronnie W.

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
very nice story

read real smooth. keep up the good work, a fan always/

JDsellerJDsellerover 18 years ago
Damned Good story!!

Only one tenth of one percent of the people in the world are "Perfect". This doesn't mean that the rest of us are destended to been alone all our life. The truth is that as you go through life you find out several things: 1) That looks are only skin deep 2) A good relationship with someone involves companionship as well as lust. 3) Even when we are young the physicial side may last several hours, then you have the balance of the day when companionship is important. Last and most important someone that truly loves you, warts and all, will be beutiful to you. JDseller

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