Ezzie The Next Generation Pt. 27

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Mary and Amy have sex to relax Mary.
13.5k words

Part 27 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 03/27/2023
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I was about to post this story when I realized it was the 100th story I have published in 3.5 years. I have an average 4.75 rating, and 980 of you fine folks have seen fit to follow me in that time. I am humbled by that and want to Thank You All.

While I know there are many authors out there that have bigger better numbers, and kudos to them. I just wanted to say Thank You to all of you who take the time to read, vote and even comment on my stories.

This Old Man Thanks You Very Much.

Now Let's Get on with the Show!

I know this sounds strange, but I am so glad to be back at school. Especially now that I have Zeena with me. Ezzie has helped me train her to be the perfect dog. She passed the service dog tests with flying colors. She then passed the Good Canine Citizen course too.

According to the college she is a certified service dog. They can't question me or well her.

I have a doggy door on my door to my room, and one on an outside wall off the common area so she can go out if she needs to. She Loves hanging out with Amy when I am not here.

I have just come back from my second NFL game. We raised some great money, and as always the people were so nice, but I just don't get football.

Uncle insisted on accompanying me to The Baller's Game. Big Billy is a lineman I think they call him. He is HUGE. He has to be six and a half feet tall and BIG. He told me he is about 375lbs. His arms are gigantic, and he is a heavy guy. I look like a child beside him.

He grew up on the streets, after bouncing from different foster homes. His high school coach took him in unofficially, and sent him to college. He got a partial scholarship and really shined after his freshman year. He tells this whole story in an edited piece that plays on the Jumbotron as he stands behind me with his hands on my shoulders. Somehow the picture of little me in front of Big Billy winds up everywhere. I don't mind at first. It's good for the charity, but some of the memes start to bother me. People can be so mean.

Anna and I are sitting on my bed catching up. It's a Thursday night, and the quad is loud as kids are hyped up after our basketball team won. Anna decides to head to her sorority house. I walk her out and see it's crazy. "Anna, I am walking you back with Zeena. This is a bit much." I say.

"Oh stop. I am fine. I can handle myself." She says.

"Not taking a no here Cous." I say with a smile.

She sighs. "Fine. Come on." We walk along, and Zeena explores. I only leash her when going into a class. Outside I let her roam free, but she never wanders far or lets me out of her sight. Ezzie says that's all Zeena. She has just bonded with me.

We drop Anna off, and are walking back when I hear Zeena yelp behind me. I scream her name. "ZEENA!"

Ezzie speaks up sounding a bit shocked. "Something hurt Zeena. I think someone threw something. Yes Zeena sees them. Three boys are behind her." She says.

I start to yell again and I see Zeena coming for me. She drops in front of me and licks at her leg. It's already wet. It's beer. Someone threw a beer at her.

I look up and one of the guys yells out. "Here doggy doggy."

I don't think. I just get pissed. I charge at the guy without a beer. He obviously threw his beer at Zeena. "You Fucking Asshole!" I scream.

"Oh chill out Sweetheart. It's just a little.... FUCK!" He roars.

I don't think I just swing at him. I hit his jaw hard enough to make him take a step. Then he turns at me and he is pissed. I realize my mistake, and then Zeena goes flying past me. She jumps up. Bites onto his upper arm, and holds on to him.

He screams in surprise as Zeena's weight and momentum pulls him off his feet. Just before Zeena lands she lets go of his arm, rolls to her feet and comes back to stand in front of me growling.

His two buddies are just staring, but the asshole is getting to his feet. "You Fucking...". He starts and then someone charges him and pins him to a tree. The guy spun him around, grabbed his arm behind his back and pins him.

"Shut Up." The guy yells.

"I was just.." The asshole starts

"You were just throwing a beer bottle at a service dog. I saw the whole thing." Says my savior growling at the asshole. "Do you know who that is?" He asks, as he grabs a handful of hair and turns his head to me.

"No. Should I?" He asks.

That gets his head bounced off the tree. "Her name is Mary. She started a charity here on campus, Ben & Karen's Kids. She is a bit of a celebrity, and most importantly. She is my friend's girlfriend, and I won't let you hurt my friend's girlfriend, or her dog."

"Yeah I get it." He groans.

He shoves the asshole to the ground. "Then get out of here." He says standing over him.

Before he can move I finally have a chance to think. "Wait a minute." I say as I walk towards the asshole on the ground. "Ezzie, have Zeena grab and hold him by his balls." I say.

Zeena jumps and bites his balls while she looks up at him growling. The asshole screams like a girl. "You even look at me or my dog sideways and I will have her bite your balls off." I say Zeena's release command and she backs off and stands beside me on alert.

"Leave." Says my Savior to them.

The asshole's friends help him up. "You fucking faggot." He says as a small crowd of people that have gathered. I don't care about the people, but why is it always faggot, dyke, queer? Why is it always a gay insult? I am suddenly back in high school with the cheerleader bitches Lynn & Kim. They were so mean to Liz & I. I just react. "Ezzie, please make the three of them go back to their room, and fuck each other up the ass. Even if it hurts, and I hope it does. Each guy will fuck each other guy up the ass, until they cum. The guy that isn't fucking or getting fucked will suck the guys dick that is getting fucked." I say.

"Of course, Mary." Says Ezzie.

My Savior looks at me. His whole tone changes. He sounds a little shy. "Are you ok? Is your dog ok?" He asks.

"Oh Zeena!" I almost cry. I look down and she is licking her rear leg. I kneel down to her and she turns to me and licks my face. She is hurt and still is concerned about me. I hug her. "I am ok Girl." I say.

She stands up as I do and limps a bit. "No." I cry.

My Savior steps up, and scoops Zeena up. Zeena licks his face and lays her head against him. "Let's get you two back to your dorm." He says.

I stop and stare at him. "Who are you?" I ask. "Do you know Jim?"

"I am Barry. I am in the same dorm with Jim. He is a really nice guy." He says.

"Ezzie?" I ask.

"He is who he says he is, Mary. You are perfectly safe. Barry is on the spectrum, and had some trouble adjusting to living in the dorm. Jim stopped some guys from picking on him, and became friends with him. Jim even helped him study so he didn't fail his Math 101 course." Says Mary

"Umm ok." I say to Ezzie, and then I turn to Barry as we walk towards my dorm. "Barry, do you mind if I call Jim?" I ask.

"No I don't. Tell him I said Hi." Says Barry.

I call Jim and he is very upset, but relaxes when I tell him Barry saved me. "Put me on speaker." Jim says.

I do and I hold the phone up. "Barry, is everyone ok?" Jim asks.

"No." Says Barry.

"Is Mary hurt?" Jim asks nervously.

"No." Says Barry.

"Are you hurt Barry?" Jim asks.

"No." Says Barry.

"Then who is hurt?" Asks Jim.

"Poor little Zeena." Barry says as he rubs her head.

I speak up. "Jim, I think she is just bruised from getting hit with the beer bottle."

"Don't worry, Jim. I am carrying Zeena." Says Barry.

I can hear Jim's tone change a little. "I am sure Zeena appreciates that."

"She does. She gave me kisses." Says Barry.

I smile at Barry. Now that I am calming down and watching Barry I can see it. He is such a gentle soul. Jim speaks up. "Mary, I will be at your dorm in five minutes. I Love You."

"I Love You too." I say.

Barry laughs. "I love you too Jim." He says giving himself a good laugh.

"Hey Barry." Jim says.

"Yes Jim." Says Barry.

"Thank you very much buddy. I owe you one." Says Jim.

"No you don't. Friends look out for friends." Barry says as he continues to scratch Zeena as he carries her.

We walk in and no one is around so I walk into my room, and Barry puts Zeena down on my bed. I ask Barry to keep her on my bed, while I grab a wet cloth to wash the beer off her and some ice.

The washing goes no problem, but Zeena loves ice. She wants to lick and eat it no matter what I say. I finally sigh. "Ezzie, a little help please!" I say.

I can hear the amusement in Ezzie's voice. Of course, Mary." Says Ezzie.

Zeena steals one last ice cube and lays her head down as she chews on it. "Mary!" I hear Jim yell from the common area.

"In my room." I yell back. My door is open so he walks right in.

Jim comes right to me and holds my hands as he pulls me to my feet, and I wince. Jim looks at my hands, as do I. I hadn't realized I was hurt. Jim holds my hand gently and looks at it. "What happened?"

Barry giggles. "She punched the guy good." Says Barry.

"You punched the guy?" Jim asks with a small smile.

Barry speaks up again. "I watched her, POW!" He says. "She punched him right in the jaw. She hit him so hard he stepped back, and his two buddies just watched."

"Two friends? There were three guys? Who was it? Why didn't you run Mary? What were you going to do against three guys? What if you got hurt?" He asks rapid fire.

"I can handle myself. Plus I had Zeena." I say.

"And you had me. I was about to stop them when Barry came along." Says Ezzie.

"What? Really, Ezzie? I hadn't even thought to ask you for help." I say.

"I know, Mary. I promised your Dad I would never let any harm come to you. I was about to make them turn around and walk away when Barry showed up." Says Ezzie.

I sigh and feel a catch in my throat.

"Mary, I will always have your back and protect you." Says Ezzie.

Suddenly I am crying. Jim holds me to him, and lets me cry. I start half crying, half talking. "I was so mad. I punched him, and then Zeena tackled him biting his arm, and he got up. He was so mad and I got scared. Then Barry showed up."

"Ssshhh, it's ok. I have you." Jim says softly.

I stop crying and take a deep breath. I turn and look at Barry. He looks uncomfortable. "I should go." He says standing up.

I step over to him and give him a big hug. He goes stiff in my arms. I reach up on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek. "You were my hero today. Thank you, Barry." I say and I watch him blush.

"You are welcome." He says.

Jim has a soft smile on his face looking at Barry. "Come on Buddy. I will walk you out."

Just as they walk out, Amy peeks in. "What's going on....MARY!!" She gasps. She looks at me holding my hand, my face a mess from crying, and Zeena laying on the bed with ice. "Don't move!" She says and turns back out of my room.

She comes back with more ice for my hand. She sits me on the bed and kneels in front of me. "What happened?" She asks softly.

I recount the whole thing, and just as I finish Jim comes back in. He sees the ice on my hand and smiles at Amy. "Thank You." He says as he sits next to me and wraps his arm around me.

Amy moves towards Zeena. "Let's see how my Favorite Puppy is doing." Zeena's tail flips up and down in excitement. Amy takes the ice off Zeena and gently prods her leg. Zeena doesn't flinch. She then grabs her foot and extends her leg back slowly. Zeena doesn't complain at all. "What a Good Girl." Amy says praising her, and Zeena sits up and gives Amy kisses.

"Ezzie, can you tell if Zeena is ok? Is she in pain? Does she need a vet?" I ask.

"Our girl is just fine. She is a little sore, it's probably just a bruise. She has no pain moving her leg." Says Ezzie.

"Did you send her at that guy, Ezzie." I ask.

"No, Mary. That was all her. She was not going to let him hurt you either. We were both looking out for you." Says Ezzie.

I smile to myself as I lean into Jim. I am so lucky to have both of them. Jim rubs my arm. "Did you recognize the guys?" Jim asks. "I asked Barry, but he didn't recognize them. I would really like to have a talk with him." Says Jim.

"I didn't, Jim. I have never seen them before. There were a lot of people here for the game. They might be from the other school." I say.

"Ezzie, did Zeena catch their scent. Did she recognize them, or would she if she saw them again?" I ask.

"No she did not, but I will have her remember the scent. If she catches their scent again I will let you know. If you want to, I could have her take a walk and follow their trail." Says Ezzie.

"Is she too sore?" I ask.

"No Mary. She is ok." Says Ezzie.

I get mad again. "Yes Ezzie, please let's see where she leads us." I say.

"I bet Zeena could follow their trail." I say standing up. "Let's see where they went." I grab Zeena's ice and mine so I don't come back to a melted mess. "What do you say girl? Do you want to go find those assholes?" I ask, and Zeena jumps of the bed without missing a beat.

Amy & Jim come along. "Ezzie, how do I make Zeena follow their scent?" I ask.

"Point to the ground where the boy was laying, and tell her to find him. I will be sure she understands." Says Ezzie.

We get to the spot, and Zeena walks us from there right to an empty parking spot in the visitors parking lot that is set up for games. They weren't students at Andrew's.

We walk back to my dorm. Amy goes upstairs, and Jim insists on staying the night. We eventually lay down. Jim holds me in his arms, and Zeena curls up at my feet. I fall asleep very relaxed and feeling safe.

The next day I wake up, and Jim is walking back into the room with Zeena on her leash. "I took her out to do her business. I was looking online and saw this." He says as he turns his phone to me.

I take it and hit play. The video starts with Barry holding the guy against the tree, and telling him who I am. I just groan. It shows me standing over the guy as Zeena has his balls in her mouth. Me ordering Zeena off him, and then me crying out realizing Zeena was hurt. The video ends with a good shot of Barry holding Zeena saying. "I am Barry." I am guessing the girl that took the video is the face that pops up on the screen.

"We need to find out who these losers are. I followed them to the visitors parking lot and watched them drive off in a beat up pickup. Their team loses so they think they can assault a student and her service dog? I don't think so. Barry, I don't know you, but you deserve a medal. Standing up like you did for another student. It doesn't matter if she is the girlfriend of a friend, or just a fellow student. I see you. You are a hero. Guys if you know Barry, guys give him a pat on the back. Girls give him a hug. He embodies everything good in this sometimes ugly world."

The girl reaches beside her for a burger on a plate. "Zeena, my girl. You come into the South Dining Hall Anytime for dinner, and I will have a hamburger ready for you. You deserve a big T-Bone, but a burger is the best I can do. You good girl. See you later Andrews." She says and it ends. It has been seen more than a thousand times already, and I am sure it's going to blow up.

"UGH." I say.

Jim smiles at me. "I should go show Barry, and make sure he is ready for his stardom. Are you ok? Did you sleep ok?" He asks.

I kneel on the edge of the bed and hold my arms out to him. He walks up to me and a wrap him up in a big hug. "I never slept better." I say as I kiss his neck.

He continues to hold me and rub my back. "How is your hand?" He asks.

I pull back and smile at him. I close my fist, and jerk my wrist up and down like I was jerking him off. "It feels ok. Are you sure you have to leave?" I ask.

Jim smiles at me. "Yeah, I want to make sure this doesn't freak Barry out." He says.

I lean forward and give him a soft kiss. "Barry was right. You are a really nice guy." I say.

"Yeah. Yeah." He says with a smile. "I wasn't feeling much like a nice guy last night when we went out looking for those guys."

"I know. I wasn't either. I Love You." I say giving him a quick kiss, and before he can respond. Anna is banging on my door and opening it.

"What the Fuck Happened Last night?" She gasps.

Zeena's head jerks up, and then her tail wags seeing Anna. "Umm that's my cue." Says Jim as he walks out. "Call me later."

My door has barely closed and my phone is buzzing. I turn it to Anna to show her it's Auntie. I answer the FaceTime call. "Hi Auntie." I say trying to sound chipper.

"Don't Hi Auntie me. What's going on? What happened last night?" She says, still in her bathrobe.

Anna speaks up. "I want to know the same thing." She says sitting next to me.

"First off, are you ok? Is Zeena ok?" Asks Auntie.

I hold up my bruised hand. It has two small cuts in it. "What happened?" Auntie gasps.

"I punched the guy right in the face." I say a little proud of myself. "I made him take a step back too. It was a good punch."

"And Zeena?" Asks Auntie, so I turn the camera to Zeena. I have Anna on one side and Zeena on the other. "She is good. I think maybe bruised, but she isn't in pain and can move just fine." I say pulling the phone back to me and Anna.

"Ok. Tell me the whole story." Says Auntie. Anna tells her about me walking her back to her dorm with Zeena, and then I take over. Once I have told the whole story. Auntie looks at me. "Did you really have to have Zeena bite him in the crotch?" She asks.

"She didn't bite him. She sort of held him." I try to say.

"Mary." Auntie says.

"Ok. I am sorry. I was mad and scared. Maybe I overreacted, but he deserved it." I say.

"Get dressed and go to Security to report it now. Get ahead of it. Take Zeena there with you on her leash. Make sure she is on her best behavior so they don't think she is a dangerous dog. The minute you are done, call me." She says.

"Yes Auntie I will." I say as I end the call.

I am walking to the Security Building when Mike calls me. I let out a big sigh and answer the phone. Mike has a smile on his face. "You know I am not a criminal lawyer right." He says.

"Criminal?" I ask surprised and shocked.

"I am just teasing." He says. "But if you talk to Anyone besides the person at the desk to file the report, you call me and put me on speaker. I don't care who it is or what they say. You call me on speaker, and do as I tell you. If I tell you not to answer something or to be quiet, you listen to me ok. I am your lawyer." He says firmly.

"Yes, Mike. Thank you, but I gotta go. I am here." I say as I end the call. I walk in and luckily just file the report.

The officer behind the desk is a woman and she is really nice. She helps me word it properly, takes a picture of my face, and hands to show any bruises or lack of. She takes three pictures of Zeena. Each one is goofier than the next. She has been giving Zeena attention, and Zeena thinks it's play time. She laughs looking at the pictures. "She certainly doesn't look dangerous to me. Do yourself a favor. I have seen you walking her around campus with her off leash. Keep her on a leash until this blows over, ok." She says.

"Ok." I say with a smile. I walk out, and send Mike a copy of the report I have just before I call him.

I tell him what happened. "Good. Good. Let me know if anyone says anything. And if any administrative person tries to talk to you, what do you do?" He asks.

"I call you on speaker first." I say.

"Good girl." He says and his voice softens. "Hey, one other thing. I am proud of you, and I am sure your Dad would be for standing your ground. Next time you are outnumbered though please try to back away first ok." He says.

"I will, Mike. Thank you." I say and call Auntie. "Do you always have to rat me out to Mike?" I ask.