F5: Desperate Times and Measures


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I saw a tiny smile turn up the corner's of her mouth, which she tried to hide. I couldn't help it. I chuckled. She giggled. We ended up laughing unable to stop. I held her close, feeling her laughter. We had almost recovered, when she slapped my chest. "Jesus, Dan, I can't believe we both forgot how to fuck."

That brought on another attack of the giggles, which ended with me on my back, and her laying on top of me. She sat up, and grinned. "Remind me baby, it's been so long. This thing here," she said, holding me by the shaft. "I know it's supposed to go somewhere."

"Honestly, I think I'm getting Alzheimer's. I know that it's suppose to go in you. You might want to try putting it where you go ca-ca."

Her palm slapped down on my chest loudly. "You son-of-a-bitch! Two years, and that's where you want to put it?"

"Unless you know a better place. I can't remember, remember?"

She gave me a look, the look, and squeezed my shaft hard. "Let's try this again." She rose up a little, poised over my cock head. "Look honey. I think he likes me. Can I play with him?"

"Baby doll, he loves you, and he's yours to play with for the rest of our lives. You alone get to decide where he goes."

"Mmm. I like the sound of that. I might have to try him everywhere, but for now, I think I know where he belongs."

She lowered herself carefully, taking her time, until she was sitting with her full weight on me, my aching cock back where he belonged. "God, I've missed this so much, Dan." She closed her eyes, moving her hips slowly in tiny little circles, hugging herself. "Too fucking long, baby. Way too fucking long. Promise me baby, you're gonna let me have this big guy when I need it."

"As long as you'll do the same," I said, grabbing her hips and pushing into her, straining to bury every last millimeter inside of her.

She gave me a sexy little smile, and started rocking back and forth. I could feel her pussy squeezing me at the end of each stroke. It was too much, too soon, and it had been way too fucking long. I grabbed her ass, and pumped her hard for a few more strokes, then unloaded inside of her. It couldn't have been a minute altogether, and damn if she didn't squeal as I erupted, coming with me.

She laid on top of me, trembling, as I gave her a last few weak thrusts. She looked me in the eye, and kissed me softly. "I love you so much, baby. But, damn! we're out of practice. I have been fantasizing about a lot more. That sucked."

She delivered the line grinning, and when I laughed with her, she popped my guy out of her, starting another giggle rampage. "We're gonna need a lot of practice, baby," I told her.

"No time like the present."

She was right, and that teasing little mouth of hers helped me get ready for a second try. That one went a lot better. A whole lot better, thank you very much.

The third time was almost as good as the fantasies.

* * * *

I awoke with my wife in my arms, amidst an earthquake and thunder. Her eyes popped open, and she grabbed me. I knew she felt it too.

The ground kept shaking, but so too did the thunder, on and on and on.

"Fuckin' Manolo," I growled, and my wife giggled.

She got up and grabbed my shirt, putting it on. At least she left me my shorts. I followed her to the door, and we stepped out on the porch. A friggin' bulldozer was chewing up the earth, not twenty feet from the house.

Manolo stepped up to the porch, wearing a smile bigger than Deedee's. "Merry Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. My gift to you. We make the two properties, one, yes?"

It was kind of late to say no. The trees were already falling as the bulldozer cut a swath through the jungle, toward my road.

"Say thank you to the nice man, dear."

"Yes, thank you Manolo. That's very kind of you." It was. It would have cost me at least a thousand dollars. Somehow, I was pretty sure he wasn't going to pay anywhere near that.

"Do you want to leave this house here, or put it with the others. We still have one more good foundation ready."

I looked down at her, and she shook her head. "No, for now, let's leave it here. We still have a lot of things to work out. Just the road for now."

"And we connect the trails, of course."

I looked down at my wife again, and she nodded, grinning.

"Of course. We've got to connect the trails." I looked at her again, raising my eyebrows, to see if there were any more surprises.

"It would be nice if we could get somebody to move my stuff, honey."

Manolo smiled, and nodded back to his truck. Two ladies got out, carrying boxes. Then he turned back to us. "David say breakfast will be ready in," he checked his watch, "eighteen minutes. He also says if you lie about his rice, he will spit in your eggs."

Sandy took me by the hand, and led me barefoot down the trail, back to my beach house. Our beach house now. We had three days before the girls would be there, and a lot of ground to make up.

* * * *


I haven't gone back. Sandy did a few times. I thought I'd have to for the wedding, but Jenna decided to hold it at Dan's Haven. Krystal too. When Krystal got pregnant, I thought that was it. No more getting out of it. Nope, I don't know what the hell is wrong with my women, but she wanted to be here for that too. At least the medical services in Belize are stupidly cheap.

Sandy assures me I can go back if I want, without having to fear getting locked up. So far I haven't wanted to.

We've got a dock now. A twenty-six foot boat. Four 'guest' cabins that get a surprising amount of use, considering how far away we are from everyone. Another hundred feet of beachfront, with better sand, and a solid retaining wall. Krystal's husband Aaron is trying to put in a zipline, that will go over 200 ft. He's been working at it for two days. He'll learn. I'll give him another hour or so, then I'll have Manolo put it up. Did I say Aaron? That's right. Jimmy was a flash in the pan. Moved in and back out again within a year. Aaron's a good man, and a good husband and father.

Jenna's trying to get me to install a dive hut, with our own compressor and filter. She says it's too much trouble to travel the mile next door to the dive shop. I keep reminding her I'm not made of money, but she just looks around the place and smirks.

I'm trying to hold out, but it's difficult. If you have daughters you know what I mean.

We're not rich. Not even close. I still work five days a week. Sandy holds yoga classes for the folks next door. It doesn't pay a lot, but it helps, and it keeps her busy. We never hit the lotto. Didn't find gold. Never sold the property for a huge profit. Just the opposite in fact. We bought the property next to Sandy's and it gave us the entire shoreline from the retirement resort to the lagoon. We like not having neighbors on top of us. We enjoy the privacy. Sandy's birthday suit is still her favorite outfit.

We still have the glass coffee table, and even though sometimes it's a painful reminder, it still displays a handkerchief, a book, and a knife.

Sometimes we'll take the book out and page through it. We don't talk about why it got burned, and the kids know to leave it alone.

We went through hell and back. It was terrible, and difficult. Sometimes I feel guilty. Not about putting a knife in that smarmy bastard's gut, guys like him deserve it. No, it still sticks in my craw that I cheated on my wife. Yeah, there were a lot of mitigating circumstances, but I regret it. She never, ever was unfaithful to me. I stopped her, I know. And emotionally, that's a different issue. But still.

I know she still feels guilty on occasion. We've talked about it a couple of times. She knows she did wrong, and for all the myriad excuses she was handed, it still comes down to she did it because she wanted to and thought she could get away with it. Thankfully, neither is true anymore. I believe that. Hell, the woman punished herself harder than I ever could have. I loved her, even when she was a selfish bitch.

Then again, she loved me when I was a heartless cheating bastard. My only excuse was my heart had been torn out and discarded, leaving me heartless.

We've kept our promise about always being there for each other when we need it. When the kids see us walking down to Sandy's old casita, they tease us and give us a hard time. We know it's just teasing. Sometimes we walk down there and don't do anything but watch the sunset. Just to jerk their chains.

I guess I could go on and on about what was uncovered at our Maya ruins, or about our relationships with David, Manolo, and Marta, God rest her soul. I could brag about my genius grandchildren, or talk about the hurricane that almost ruined all of our dreams. I could write about her greenhouse experiment, and thriving garden. Damn, there's a lot I could talk about.

But Sandy's in her favorite outfit, giving me that look. No, not the look, thank God. That look. I think I'm gonna take her down to her casita, and we ain't gonna watch the sunset.

So this is the end. Of the story, I mean. At least the written part. I hope the real story never ends.

* * * *

This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge). If you enjoyed the story, your vote would be appreciated. Thanks.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

One of your better ones, thank you. I really like happy endings.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

After what she put Dan through, Sandy has no business whatsoever getting petulant because he made an arrangement for sex with his housekeeper. After all, he left because he knew she was planning to have sex with her 'boyfriend', for the stupidest reason imaginable. I would be reluctant to take her back, for no other reason than discovering I was married to someone that stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Loved it

Well done

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The sunset is dreamy, but the road traveled was full of serendipity. Like kids. It is nice to be comfortably affluent, especially with the exchange rate to beat the cost of living. The locals are very tolerant of 'el Norte immigrants. Why is that?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Started out great, but you just couldn't resist turning it into a cuck story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

To the Anonymous poster from six months ago either you didn’t read the story, or you don't know what a cuck is, or you are a troll.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"Papa says you are two foolish people. You need to kiss and make up, and eat before it gets cold."

=====> classic line, especially since delivered by a 10 year old.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"Can I come home, Dan?" she whispered.

After all we'd been through, the hurt, the turmoil, I thought the decision would be harder than it was. Maybe it should have been, but I knew in my heart there was only one real solution. My life was empty without her. I'd loved her most of my life, and didn't want to spend any more time apart. She'd screwed up, badly, and it had cost us. In some ways, my response had been even worse. But that was our past, and if I ever hoped to by happy again, I needed to put that behind me.

"I think it's about time, don't you?"

=====> damn. That was a great story. Liked how it distilled all the psycho babble to that she thought she risked nothing as she thought she coukd get away with it m, being bad once, just one time, as it grew like a weed of obsession in her mind. She was certain he wouldn't know for sure and even if he did he woukd forgive her. She was wrong. He tried one last ditch effort that failed. The book burning was amazing and her reaction. His then using the knife to stab the asshole and flee was amazing to read. His forced expat exile, the evolution of her visits. Her laying bare her real answer to hsi asking why. As an aside, suspect that she was depressed by virtue of her kids leaving and the hormonal change. But in the midst of her depression and distancing herself, she came up with a mental lifeline of being bad once, cheating once with the asshole Nathan who pursued and flirted with her. It became an obsession, a form of temporary insanity, as if she did this one thing, she would get it out of her system , this need to be bad, just once, hence why no real cheating occurred prior to that fateful night. Essentially she built this obsessionnin her mind as rhe thing that would lift her out of depression dn bring her back to her husband who she had been avoiding out of guilt and anger, mostly at herself but reflected back on him. Depression can lead to some strange things. She didn't realize she was in fact committing marital suicide. He stopped her but paid a high price. But really each visit, then his kids and the subsequent reconciliation was wonderfully paced and kept changing. First she made contact and begged but didn't know why. Then she went through her almost insane catharsis. See again she was so depressed, she just ran. It became her new obsession to punish herself, hoping some answer woukd arise. This is what she does when depressed. Earlier it had been her running away from her life and marriage to then figure out what she thought was her need to be bad. Now she was running (literally) to kill herself or get an answer. With the help of kindness of strangers, especially Marta, she came back with the answer, though hard to swallow. He still couldn't accept it. To him, though he did some crazy things, he was being rational, well except when he screwed the housekeeper with his wife on the porch. That sucked. She didn't deserve that. The other timed he screwed Gabrielle, he gets a pass because of what happened to dismantle his marriage and his life in exile. Technically adultery but that is splitting hairs. But that one time. Wow that was spiteful and mean and he caught hell from his daughters and rightfully so. Then she brings him his daughters and he had a great time. But unknowingly she made arrangements and moved down To be his neighbor, knowing that he wasn't ready. He had to feel for himself what he lost (see the quote above). He worked and built for his family, including his wife, not just his kids. She put everything on the line to reconcile. With her cathartic run that nearly killed her, to bringing his daughters down, to building her own Haven, to letting him have time to process everything, the why, her sorrow and guilt, reconnection with his daughters and the promise of the family resort, she watched as he came out of his shell. Excellent reconciliation. She was dead set on cheating but he stopped her and fled. They both did shitty things. She was borderline mentally ill and because fixated on doing something bad once, stupidly thinking she risking nothing. He refused to be a cuck and acted out and fled, burning all bridges. He became a bitter hermit. She tried to understand why she blew up her marriage. Eventually the worked it out. They both did some shitty things either leading up to that night (her) or after (him). The inexorable pull of reconciliation was well conceived and more than warranted. Definitely one of the better reconciliation stories with teeth that is not a RAAC. They both paid for that fateful night. It wasn't only him who suffered and she wa the one to bridge the divide several times. One of the author's best stories. Huzzah!

JoeseasideJoeseasideabout 1 year ago

Great story. Long but touching.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago


Excellent tale!


Schwanze1Schwanze1over 1 year ago

Page 2

Probably should have had a native girlfriend by then to run his wife off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To the last anonymous, how in the world do you get "cuck story" out of this? She was in an emotional affair with someone who ended up with a knife buried in his gut. Planted there by the guy you're calling a cuck. Seems like Dan is the polar opposite of a cuck. He took no shit from either of them. Good man! While I am not a proponent of reconciliation, I find this one acceptable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well written, but still just a pathetic cuck story!

ZippityDoDaDayZippityDoDaDayover 1 year ago

Tex is one of my favorite authors on here and has that (difficult) ability to write a believable, wonderful, reconciliation story. They both messed up and hurt the one they were supposed to live beyond all others. One a physical cheat, the other an emotional. Well done.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

2nd reading for me and it's still such a good story

GrandEagle53GrandEagle53over 1 year ago

What lukeshort said.

wish_thinkerwish_thinkeralmost 2 years ago

Gave it 3. He went too far with the sex with the house cleaner. His wife should beaten the sh## out of him.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanalmost 2 years ago

awesome story. liked: Sanda's 2 psychologists stupid, wrong reasons and that she realized they were stupid. Didn't quite understand where he got all the $ to add things to his compound, but good story part. He should hire David for a big picnic lunch for Manalo and all his helpers as a HUGE thank you for what they did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why is he back with that miserable, lying bitch?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is fantastic! Your main characters were interesting. You developed their characters extremely well. They were domineering, and they were shy. They were demanding, and they were forgiving. This is real forgiveness, soul deep, and not just people mouthing some words. They gave up on each other, but they never gave in to the sinister attraction of divorce. They kept their wedding rings, and always wore them -- A.K.A. they never really gave up on their marriage, family, or each other. Thank you for the great read.

lukeshortlukeshortover 2 years ago

5* = Love It. This 5* = One of the Best. Awesome Story.

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