Failed Summoning


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Her words tumbled out of her mouth and the man just became more confused, he hadn't seen any fog or monsters or shadows. He told her so and said to see for herself. She cautiously walked to the window and peeked outside. She was still in the clearing, but the fog was gone, there was just forest and flowers, and some deer. Even better, she saw the sun which meant she had survived the night. She squealed in delight and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. So caught in the moment she didn't even care about the rest of her questions.

As they kissed, his hands worked their way around her body, finding more interesting places as their kissing increased in tempo. Soon his hands were caressing her breast and cupping her tush with his fingers in between her legs. She broke their kiss and pulled his shirt above his head, running his fingers over his chest while his hands worked at the buttons on her shirt. With her shirt open and her breasts freed from her bra, his lips soon locked around her hardening nipple. She moaned in approval as her hands worked at his belt and jeans. He stepped back from her and kicked his shoes off and stepped out of his pants before reattaching his mouth to her breast. While her nipples got sucked and licked, she worked his manhood with her hands, bringing him to full attention.

Wanting more, he moved his hands to her pants, loosening the button and running his hand straight to her wetness. She moaned her approval and used one hand to free herself from her pants as well. with both of them naked, and reaching a pitch, she laid on her back on the blanket by the fireplace, spreading her legs in an unmistakable invitation. Not needing to be told twice, the man joined her on the blanket and began caressing her wetness with his manhood. A few moments later, he sank himself into her and they both sghed in pleasure. They worked their hips together as they kissed. Her hands exploring his body and his supporting his weight. The sounds of sex filled the cabin and their moans echoed off the wooden walls.

He adjusted position, no longer holding himself over her, he was now sitting on his knees slamming into her hard and fast, his thumb working wonders on her body where they joined together. She arched her back and closed her eyes building towards her own release as he worked her with his body. Her moans grew in fever and she could feel him grow inside her, she opened her eyes to watch as he finished and screamed in terror.

He had four green eyes, and his clawed hand slammed into her body, causing her blood to splatter over the den. She watched as the light faded, and the twisted image of man and creature licked her blood from his hand as he continued to work her body with his. A soft voice whispered in her ear from nowhere, "I told you to run."

She awoke with a scream. She was laying on the blanket in front of the fireplace, the fire poker laying in arms reach and fire was close to dying. Her shirt was unbuttoned and one breast was freed from her bra, clutched by her left hand. Her other hand had two fingers knuckle deep between her legs, with her pants unbuttoned. Scared and shaking she redressed herself slowly and went to the kitchen to wash her hands. Too scared to do anything else at the moment, she held herself over the sink in the kitchen and looked out the window. In the fog, she could still see the four glowing green eyes watching her, and a screech from overhead told her the winged shadow was still out there as well. She checked her phone and noticed that only an hour had passed.

She sighed and went to get the fire going again. The cottage no longer felt safe to her, not that it ever really felt safe to begin with. She decided to check the house again, just to make sure she was alone. Kitchen was secure, no back door, no way to open the window. Den was secure, front door was locked, and again no way to open the windows. She checked to make sure the bedroom door was still locked. Except it opened without a problem. She gripped the fire poker even tighter and pushed the bedroom door open.

On the other side of the door was not a bedroom, but some kind of demented ritual room. Strange symbols were drawn on the wooden floor inside a circle of what looked like salt. Books lined the wall that separated this room from the kitchen. The far wall had various bones and animal parts, and two human skulls sitting on crude wooden shelving. The wall opposite the books had various pages torn from books with pictures of bizarre creatures, or demons she wasn't sure. She carefully walked across the room, careful not to step on any of the symbols or disturb the circle. She examined the pages and quickly found that she could not read a word of them. So much for them being helpful. She also found a page with an illustration of a clawed demon with four eyes, it was in black and white but she recognized them easily. Scanning the pages she found another illustration showing a winged creature, she had seen similar pictures in various religious art, but couldn't give a name to the creature.

She leaned forward as she recognized another creature, this one resembling a beautiful naked woman, but with a few differences. For instance the bat wings on her back, or the tail curving from just above her naked ass, or the horns coming from the temples of her head, or the hooved feet. But the most startling difference to her was the eyes, completely black. Whoever the artist was, he was good, it almost looked like she was looking out from the paper. This page had several red circles around text at the bottom. She couldn't decipher the strange language though.

A soft chanting behind her shook her from her investigation. She turned to find a man dressed in animal furs behind her. His eyes were focused on a book he was holding in one hand, and his other hand was outstretched towards her palm up and fingers spread. Afraid for her life, she gripped the fire poker with both hands and ran at him prepared to beat him to death. As she passed into the circle of salt, his outstretched hand closed into a fist and the air in front of her seemed to shimmer. She stopped as quickly as she could but still ended up bumping into a near invisible barrier just inside the salt circle. She swung the fire poker at the man from where she was, but the metal object just ricocheted off of thin air. The man kept chanting from the book, not paying her any attention.

A moment later, the man finished chanting and pointed a finger at her. She tried to dodge the accusing digit, but her invisible prison didn't leave much dodging room. With a snap, the man closed the book in his other hand and stared straight at her. Heat suddenly filled the area she was standing in. She looked down to see her clothes burning away from the area the man had pointed at. The fire wasn't burning her, but her instincts kicked in anyway and she hastened to removed the burning clothes, which turned out to be all of her clothes.

Standing naked in the middle of the room with this man staring at her, she suddenly felt even more vulnerable than she had when she was running from the creature in the forest. She was terrified, her grasp on reality was fading fast. Her mind spun rapidly looking for something to attach to to remain sane, it chose defiance. She desperately wanted to cover herself, but stood defiantly, outwardly showing no fear to her captor. The man looked her over as she stood with her hands on her hips and nodded approvingly. She felt sick to her stomach, but showed nothing on her face.

She was still trying to come to terms with what could only be explained as magic. Acceptance wasn't high on her list of things to do, but survival was, so she concentrated on that. She watched the man as he wandered around the room, looking for a weakness she could exploit, something like arrogance or over-confidence. She found nothing though, he looked calm and focused as he gathered a box from the shelves and picked another book from his bookshelf. She expected him to start gloating, or explaining why he was doing this. Instead he said nothing and her hope of escape shrunk as she realized she wasn't dealing with a cartoon villain. He turned his back to her as he opened the book, looking for a specific page.

She took the opportunity to search the room again, looking for an escape. She noticed a window now that she hadn't seen before, looking outside she could see the shadow with four eyes staring inside. At first she thought is was staring at her, glaring and menacing, but after watching for a moment she realized that it was watching her captor. She could see nothing but hate in the creatures eyes as it stared at the man in fur. She didn't understand it, but she made a mental note for it. The fog started to swirl again, blocking her view of the creature outside, and when the fog settled again the creature was gone. She was about to turn her attention back to her captor when something about the fog caught her eye. She looked at the fog as closely as she could and it appeared to spell a word.

She tried to make out the word, but she was just too far away. She leaned closer to the window and put her hand out in front of her. Her hand touched the barrier and a tingling sensation swept through her body, causing her to gasp in pleasure. Her captor turned back to her at the sound, but seeing what caused it only made him smile and he went back to his book. The tingling sensation had caused her to pull her hand away, but it was reaching out again to feel the sensation again when she looked out the window into the fog. The fog had formed the word more clearly now and it was easily readable. It said "RESIST."

She pulled her hand away and let it fall to her side, not trusting it to do anything else. She waited, watching the fog for further clues, but even the word was starting to fade as the wind died outside. Her focus was brought back to her captor as he turned around with book and box in hand. He had apparently found the page he was looking for as the book was held open in his left hand. He placed the book down facing himself and then placed the box down, closer to the salt circle facing her. He opened the box, allowing her to see the contents. She took a half step back involuntarily when she looked in the box. The wooden box contained four human hands, they were all left hands which she didn't understand, and three human tongues. She placed her hand over her mouth and willed herself not to vomit.

The man sat down crosslegged with the book in front of him. The book was open to two pages that showed symbols on them. She looked at the symbols carved in the floor in her little prison and confirmed they were the same symbols. She swallowed hard, the urge to vomit was getting stronger. The man closed his eyes and placed his left hand on the left page. One of the symbols on the floor started to glow green, an identical symbol on the box which she hadn't noticed before began to glow green as well.

From inside the box, the four left hands started to slowly float out of the box one at a time. They too glowed a faint green, not as bright as the symbols but still noticeable. They started to float towards her and she hoped the barrier would prevent them from entering the circle. They didn't even slow as the air shimmered around them as they continued to approach her. They split up about two feet in front of her, two of them headed for her hands and two of them headed for her hips. The two headed for her hands sped up unexpectedly and clamped themselves around her wrists. She had planned to avoid them if she could, but she hadn't expected them to speed up. They gripped her firmly, but not painfully and she couldn't break their magical grip. They raised her hands above her head and held them there, again not painfully but firmly.

The other two hands starts roaming around her body, caressing and squeezing where it would bring her the most pleasure. Everywhere the hands touched her, they produced that same pleasurable tingling sensation she got when she touched the barrier.The hands were good at what they did, they hadn't touched anything too personal (if there is such a thing when talking about being fondled by dismembered hands) but they were starting to make her breath heavier and she could feel her body starting to react.

She struggled against the hands on her wrists, but at this point she wasn't sure if she was struggling to get free, or struggling to get the hands to touch her in better places. She realized that her eyes were closed from the pleasure and opened them to look out the window again. The message was written in the fog again, "RESIST." It was clearer this time and she had no problem reading it. It shook her from her reverie long enough to focus her again. SHe looked down at her captor, looking for a weakness or an opening. He still sat there with one hand on the book and his eyes closed. His arousal was apparent beneath his furs though.

She stared hard at him, trying to look as defiant as possible while resisting the pleasure waves rolling through her body. The man never opened his eyes though, instead he put his right hand on the other page. The second symbol in her prison started to glow blue and a corresponding symbol on the box lit up as well. The same ritual with the tongues began, they floated slowly out of the box and toward her. The air shimmered as they passed through the barrier and they split up to confront different parts of her body, her breasts and her groin in this case. She thought about backing up to prolong the inevitable, but she didn't want to risk coming into contact with the barrier again so she stood still in silent anticipation as the tongues reached her body.

If the hands were causing tingles of pleasure to run through her body, the tongues were causing jolts everywhere they touched. Her first coherent thought after the tongues started working on her was that she was surprised the tongues were wet. She expected them to feel dry and dead, but instead they felt exactly like an expert lovers tongue wanting to please her. She arched her back, closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as the tongue between her thighs found her center and swirled around it. The jolts and tingles were running through her body constantly and her entire body felt flush. She opened her eyes and looked out the window again. Her mind unclouded as she read the same message again, but she also noticed the fog was closer to the house now. Not by much but it was noticeably closer.

Bolstered with hope, she stared defiantly at her captor again, not wanting to give away the help she was getting from the fog. His furs were tenting even farther now and she could see sweat starting to form on his forehead. However he was controlling these things, it obviously required a lot of concentration. She took a step forward, placing herself directly in the center of the salt circle, and giving her a better view outside. The hands and the tongues moved with her, making her knees weak, but she ignored it as much as she could.

Her disembodied lovers were upping their game now. The tongues on her breasts started focusing on her nipples causing them to harden almost painfully. The tongue between her legs was now giving her wetness long full strokes that ended on her pleasure center, and the hands were kneading her tush and pulling her harder into the tongue. The renewed vigor and increased pleasure caused her to get lost for a moment. She wondered if she had ever felt this good before and started to wonder why she was trying not to enjoy it. The tongues on her nipples started to hum or vibrate, causing her to gasp and moan. She hoped the tongue between her legs could do that as well.

It could and it did, and when it started it caused her head to shoot forward and her eyes to open. She had never felt anything like this and wanted it to continue. Her eyes drifted to the window and she saw the same message again, almost like it was more insistent. She also noticed a large shadow pacing in the fog which had now covered half the distance to the cabin. Reminded of where she was she forced herself to remember the instruments that were giving her this unbelievable pleasure. She focused on them and tried to be revolted. It was difficult considering the skill of the animated parts, but she managed to bring herself off the high she was feeling. She looked straight at her captive again, trying to be defiant and not thankful, it was difficult. Sweat was beading on his forehead now and running down his eyes and nose before falling in his tented lap. His hands weren't quite trembling, but they were beginning to twitch involuntarily.

The floating pleasure providers switched their attacks up again. One tongue left her breast and started licking her neck where the shoulder met it, oh it felt good to her. The tongue was replaced by a hand that was squeezing her breast and pinching her nipple. The tongue on her other breast started alternating between humming on her nipple and licking her sensitive sides. One hand remained on her tush and started playing with her posterior more intimately, not penetrating, but putting pressure in all the right places. The tongue between her legs stopped moving, instead it pressed its entire length against her entire length and just vibrated.

Her knees were starting to buckle, and her breath was coming in ragged gasps. Her back was arched and her eyes were closed and she pressed into the tongue as hard as she could. She could feel release coming and wanted it. Out of habit she tried to look into the eyes of her lover as she climaxed, but there was no one to look at. She looked out the window instead and saw the fog just a few feet away from the cottage now.

She steeled her resolve and looked straight at her captor. She clenched her legs as closed as she could. It didn't stop the appendages from working but it helped her mentally focus on something besides the licking and touching. The man was now shaking and sweat was pouring from his head. She could hear him making small grunts and trying to focus. His hands clenched slightly on the books, raising his knuckles off of the paper. She felt the tongues vibrate deeper and faster, it caused her knees to buckle and she fell back on her butt. The floating appendages took advantage of this and the tongue on her neck joined the tongue between her thighs, double teaming her most sensitive region.

She gasped and moaned and tried to keep her eyes on the window. She couldn't see outside anymore, the fog was pressed against the glass. The creature was pressed against the glass not too, his eyes staring straight at her captor. She could see him better now, he was grey in color which explained why he blended in with the fog so well, but he was covered in scales. HIs arms were disproportionately muscled and massive, one of them ending in a three clawed hand that easily reached the ground when he was standing up. His other hand looked almost normal, but there were 8 fingers on it and they were clenched in a fist. HIs breath fogged the glass of the window as he reared his clawed hand back to strike at the wall.

The wall exploded in splinters and glass and the fog rolled into the room, making it hard for her to tell what was happening. All of the floating appendages immediately fell to the ground and her captor rose to face the creature coming through the wall. He was too late though, the creature picked him up with his hand around the man's neck and slammed him against the door to the rest of the cottage. The door cracked under the impact and the hinges almost fell away, but the creature held the man at least three feet off the ground. The fog rolled in even thicker and she heard voices telling her not to move, she listened to them this time and just watched through the thickening fog.