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I followed Carly into the kitchen where she nimbly extracted two wine coolers from the fridge. As we sat enjoying the liquid refreshment, she gave my body the once over. I looked into her fascinating grey eyes and realized they were filled with hunger.

Carly's mouth was slightly open and she was breathing heavier than normal when I shed my bikini and stood naked before her. With my athletic background, I was slender and small breasted. I usually wore my blonde hair pulled back in a French Twist and rarely shaved or groomed my privates.

Carly directed me to sit on the counter top and I spread my legs for her view. She leaned in for a closer look and I felt her hot breath on my sensitive lips. When her tongue traversed the entire length of my slit, hot currents of sensation pulsed in my pussy.

I had boyfriend's who ate me frequently but they were neophytes when compared to an experienced girl like Carly. She ate me with ferocity and precision. I hooted and howled while intense bolts of unadulterated pleasure seared into my gash.

My eyes were riveted on Carly's tongue as it danced and whirled thru every fold and crease of my throbbing slit.

"Oh God!" I shrieked.

While Carly sucked my gushing hole with unrestrained lust, I threw my head back from the sheer ecstasy and moaned in one long wail. Her expertise was awe inspiring and I ground my swollen snatch all over her face.

When I exploded the waves of my orgasm increased in intensity until they reached a mind bending crescendo. I lost track of time as I quivered and quaked with each contraction.

Carly refused to stop and worked my pussy into another gurgling pot of girl cum. When her tongue found my clit, strong sensations coursed thru my body and sizzled deep in my box.

"Fuck! I'm cuming again!" I howled like a coyote.

As the contractions subsided, I sagged back against the cabinets too weak to stand.

"That was fantastic!" I declared with high regard for her proficiency.

Carly gave me a knowing smile and embraced me with tenderness. It was the start of a quasi-relationship that ended with her return to college.

As much as I loved feasting on Tracy, the mutual give and take that I shared with Carly was ultimately more satisfying.

In late August, Carly left for college back east and I instantly felt lonely. I was sunning by Robyn's pool with a glum look.

"Are you feeling blue?" Robyn asked with concern.

"Vacations almost over and its back to college." I stated as a half truth.

Robyn looked at me as though she was mulling over something in her mind.

"Benny and I are going up to Spencer's Lake this weekend. Come with us. Please?" She said in a little girl voice.

"No way, three's a crowd." I said with conviction.

"Why not? It'll be fun. Please? Pretty please?" She begged.

I wasn't convinced but I valued Robyn's friendship and didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Spencer's Lake was known for its beauty and seclusion. Benny picked a perfect spot for the tent and we ran to the inviting water. The weather was perfect and we swam until our skin was wrinkly.

Although I was having fun, I missed Carly and my mood turned sullen. Robyn did her best to cheer me up but I never told her the reason for my depression.

At dusk, we were sitting by the fire when Benny produced his pipe.

"How 'bout a little smoke?" He said with a sly look on his face.

Now, I was a casual or infrequent pot smoker. I liked drinking beer and wine but rarely did I get drunk or over imbibe. Benny had a deserved reputation as a connoisseur of weed and after two tokes, my head was spinning like a child's top.

In just a few minutes we were stoned off our gourds and I got a serious case of the giggles that had my sides aching. Benny wanted to go skinny dipping because the night air was warm and sticky. He fired up the pipe and we merrily shed our clothes.

We swam out to the diving platform and took turns creating the silliest dives we could execute. Benny performed a completely ridiculous dive and based on difficulty, was declared the winner. He stood to take a bow and I marveled at the length of his flaccid penis, very impressive.

In a formal stage voice, Benny bid us adieu.

"My apologies dear ladies but I must rest my weary bones."

Benny swam back to shore leaving Robyn and I alone. We lay on our backs staring at the canopy of stars overhead until Robyn turned on her side and gazed at me with an odd expression. She was reticent for several minutes.

"What?" I asked quietly.

"We've been friends for a long time, right?" she asked nervously.

"Yeah. Why?" I wondered aloud.

"So, we can ask each other anything, right?" She inquired with an unsteady voice.

"Sure." I replied.

Robyn hesitated for a few seconds.

"Have you ever made it with another girl?" She asked with a bashful look.

I had eaten a lot of pussy during the summer and saw little reason for deception.

"Yes." I answered softly.

"Did you like it?" she asked with intense curiosity.

"Yeah, I liked it a lot." I stated with honesty.

"Before I tell you something, you have to promise not to tell anyone." She stated demandingly.

I hesitated and grumbled my dissatisfaction. I thought the idea of "promising" was ridiculous.

"Promise you won't breathe a word to Tracy or anyone else." She implored.

"Robyn, you know I think this is childish." I stated with a disapproving tone.

"Promise Jane." She demanded.

"Ok, I promise." I said sarcastically.

Robyn took a deep breath and lowered her voice to a whisper.

"Do you remember when Benny and I went to the lake with Debbie and Nate?" She asked.

"Yeah." I answered quickly.

"One night, Debbie and Nate got shit faced and decided to go skinny dipping. They were in the water yelling for Benny and me to come in. Benny grabs the pipe and we wade out to them and start smoking some primo hash."

Robyn looked around to see if anyone was listening.

"Robyn, we're in the middle of the lake." I said with frustration and she continued.

"After two or three tokes we are sky high and I mean 'high'. The guys swim out to the boat dock leaving Debbie and I on the diving platform with the pipe. We splash around for a while and get out for another toke or two. We're lying on the platform butt naked and I notice that Debbie's checking me out. But, instead of me getting angry, it was turning me on.

Debbie Masters was an attractive brunette with a slim body but Robyn was pretty with a svelte and toned figure sculpted by years of competitive swimming.

"The simple fact that Debbie was looking at my body made me feel all tingly and damp. She was reclining on the platform, grinning at me like the Cheshire Cat, when out of the blue she asked me if I'd ever been with girl. If there'd been enough light, she would have seen me blush."

Robyn stopped for a moment and took a huge swallow from her beer bottle. "Debbie told me to follow her so we swam back to shore and ended up in her tent. I was shivering from the cold water and night air when Debbie opened her sleeping bag and gestured for me to join her. I was high as a kite and the sensation of her body against mine was making me horny as hell."

Robyn looked down for a moment but continued.

"I'd never been with a girl but I was curious." She said shyly.

"What happened?" I asked when I already knew the answer.

"She, ah...performed oral sex on me." She said in a hesitant voice.

"Were you grossed out?" I asked probingly.

"No. I thought I would be but I really enjoyed it." she said in a low but excited tone of voice.

"I enjoyed it so much that I let her eat me a couple times a day. She would have done it more if I wanted." She said timidly but with a lively edge to her voice.

"Was Benny pissed." I asked in an inquisitive tone.

"Naw, he jerked off each time." She stated with a chuckle.

Robyn's mood brightened.

"The night before we left, he admitted that he loved watching Debbie's head between my thighs." She said with amusement.

Robyn insisted that I promise again and with my eyes rolling heavenward, I did as she asked.

Robyn's revelation had dampened my pussy and I wanted to finger myself. Then it dawned on me that while she was getting "lip service" at the lake, I was doing the same thing to her sister.

"As much as I love having sex with Benny, I can't stop thinking about Debbie eating me. It was fantastic!" She said wistfully.

A hunger for pussy overtook me and my gaze drifted to Robyn's crotch. She looked at me with surprise and I licked my lips.

"You want to..." She asked incredulously.

"Oh yes!" I answered enthusiastically.

Robyn's shyness was appealing and she giggled coyly. We smoked another hit on the pipe for the jitters but it was mostly for Robyn.

Robyn leaned back on her elbows and opened her thighs for me. She had an athletic but feminine body that radiated sensuality. While not the raw beauty like her sister, she was very sexy.

As soon as I leaned towards Robyn's crotch, her scent filled my nostrils. I grasped her ass, drawing it closer and nuzzled her pussy.

"Oh Jane!" she groaned as I mouthed her soft furry mound.

With skill that I learned over the summer, I leisurely slurped Robyn's moist flesh until her pussy oozed with tangy juice. While Tracy liked it fast and furious, my intuition directed me to a much gentler approach.

With Robyn's constant moans and groans, I knew I was on the right track.

"Oh Jane, that feels wonderful." she said breathlessly.

I gently probed Robyn's soggy hole and elicited louder moans from her. When I lifted her cute little ass higher, I ran my dripping tongue up and down the length of her crack, stopping to probe her butt hole.

"Oh my God!" she yelled.

I took my time licking Robyn's hot ass and she panted like a race horse after winning the Kentucky Derby.

I was lowering Robyn's butt and refocusing on her pussy when she rotated her body until we were in a sixty nine. Without any prompting from me, she licked me with a novice's determination.

Robyn's silky tongue gently slid thru my wet folds and sent shivers up and down my spine. An irresistible desire to please her flooded my being. For a long time, we devoured each other, refusing to stop.

My breath was returning to normal after my second orgasm when I looked at Robyn and realized that my heart was thumping in my chest. She gazed at me with adoring eyes and we fell into each others arms.

We lay on the platform holding each other and kissing ardently. What had started as lustful want had evolved into something entirely different. Robyn was looking at me with real affection.

"Jane?" She asked with a smile.

"Yes?" I inquired.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked very sweetly.

"How glad I am to be here with you." I said with uncharacteristic emotion.

"Me too!" she cried and we kissed with enthusiasm.

Robyn had been my best friend for as long as I could remember but that night we connected on a much deeper level. I felt closer to her than any other human being on the planet. The experience deepened a strong bond that existed between us and brought us together as lovers.

As we swam back to the tent, loving feelings enveloped me. We spent the night in my sleeping bag; holding, touching and kissing. The next morning, Robyn asked Benny to leave and to my great surprise he agreed.

The next five days were a romantic idyll that I have yet to repeat. Daily, we showered together at the women's bath house, giggling and laughing like schoolgirls as we soaped each others body and pinched butts.

We took long walks on the trails with Robyn pulling me aside for frequent make out sessions. One day an older lady saw us in a lip lock.

"My word!" she stated huffily.

We just laughed and shrugged it off.

At night, we swam naked out to the diving platform and lay in each others arms, staring at the majestic firmament overhead. Our love for each other defied convention but was as real and genuine as the wood platform we lay on.

With the sounds of nature resonating in the night air, our passion filled lovemaking burned white hot and lasted until the wee hours before dawn.

When we parted for different colleges in September, it was heart rending. In the privacy of my room, we embraced as tears glided down our cheeks. We wrote to each other often and tried to keep our affair alive during holidays and vacations. But, gradually it slipped away.

Our families were a major obstacle. My parents were staunch Reagan Republicans and looked down on anyone who didn't follow their strict code of morals and ethics. To them it was a forgone conclusion that I would marry (preferably a man with the same political convictions) and raise a family.

Robyn's parents held similar views. Her mother, always friendly and warm, now regarded me with cool detachment when I was at Robyn's home. I was positive that her mother was aware of our new found love and my suspicions were confirmed the following summer. They insisted that she accept an eight week internship with a biological research firm in Colorado.

I argued with Robyn that this was an attempt by her folks to keep us apart.

"But Jane, my father went to a lot of trouble to get me this internship. It's a wonderful opportunity." She said in a calming voice.

When Robyn left, I couldn't shake the feeling that our relationship was nearly over. I sulked and moped around the house until I got a summer job at the Community Center camp for kids. It occupied my days but at night I yearned to be with her.

Robyn returned for two weeks at the end of August but I saw precious little of her until the final weekend. It was enough time to reconnect and while the flame of passion burned bright, a feeling of hopelessness for a future together had crept into the equation.

Someone once said that long distance romances were doomed from the start and ours was no exception. I returned to college for my senior year in a disheartened mood. I wrote letters to Robyn but none came in return until October. She wrote about a guy she had met and fallen in love with. I was crushed beyond words and for a long time, I grieved and pined for Robyn. We remained friends but we saw each other only occasionally.

A month before graduation, I met Seth and had a brief but torrid affair. He was eager and I was drunk the night we fucked without protection. Unbeknownst to me, as I walked down the aisle to accept my diploma, I was pregnant.

A furor of biblical proportions erupted with my parents. They wanted me to get an abortion but I steadfastly refused. I told them I would leave to spare them any embarrassment and they accepted. But, at least they had the courtesy to find me a place to live. In frustration, they sent me to an aunt in San Jose.

Seth refused to have any contact with me and I felt abandoned. He was my daughter's sperm donor and nothing more.

Thanks to my Aunt Judith's support (she was the complete political opposite of my mom and dad) I gave birth to my daughter Faith. For many years her love and kindness were an invaluable source of comfort to me.

I was estranged from my parents and had to find my way in the world with a young child. It was a difficult struggle but I succeeded. Over time, the estrangement from my mother and father was repaired but never healed. It improved solely because Faith wanted to meet her Grammy and Gramps.

At first, Faith simply asked to visit them. I made up excuses why we couldn't and she would drop the subject. However, one day she made a comment that caught me off guard.

"Mommy can we visit Grammy and Gramps?" she asked brightly.

I gave her the old line that they lived too far away and were very busy.

"Don't they like us mommy?" She asked me with a hurt expression.

My heart squeezed in my chest and tears enveloped my eyes. For the first time in several years I reached out to my parents. My first visit was awkward but Faith won their hearts.

It was during a visit to my folks one Christmas that I ran into Robyn at the grocery store. Faith was sitting in the shopping cart pointing to everything she wanted me to buy and pulling it off the shelves.

"Mommy I want Fruit Loops." She demanded and flung the box into the cart.

"Baby, we have Frosted Flakes and Cocoa Puffs. I'm not buying Fruit Loops too." I said in a parental voice.

Faith crossed her arms with a huffy expression on her adorable face. As I turned to put the box back on the shelf, I saw Robyn and her mother at the meat counter. My heart nearly burst out of my chest but I hastily pushed the cart to a different aisle.

The thought of a teary reunion with her mother present horrified me. But escape was impossible when they turned up the same aisle. Robyn's mother greeted me with a chilly air and turned her attention to Faith.

Robyn and I embraced and looked deep into each others eyes.

"Hey you!" She said with emotion.

"It's good to see you." I answered with affection in my voice.

I managed to keep my emotions in check and we spoke briefly until Faith wanted Robyn to hold her. She chattered like a magpie and I had to rescue Robyn lest Faith chew her ear off.

We parted with promises of getting together but it never happened. My life had changed dramatically and there was no going back or resurrecting the past. But, the love I had felt for Robyn that beautiful week at Spencer's Lake was still in my heart.

When I put Faith down for her nap, I went to my room and sobbed with gut wrenching emotion. Robyn's love was irreplaceable and although I had lovers of both sexes over the years nothing came close to the incandescent glow that I felt with her.


I was in the kitchen sipping tea when I heard Faith talking excitedly on her cell phone in the hallway.

"Hold on a sec Christa, let me ask my mom." She said in bubbly voice.

Faith ran into the room with her hand over the speaker portion.

"Mom, is it ok if Christa spends a few days with us?" She asked with yearning in her voice.

"Sure baby." I said in a comforting tone.

"Thanks mom." She gushed and pecked me on the cheek.

As Faith left the room talking excitedly to Christa, I reflected on life's unexpected twists and turns.

My Aunt Judith told me that faith is an important ingredient in life's journey. I was six months pregnant with a small pot belly, sitting in her breakfast nook and thoroughly despondent. In the span of one year, I had lost my parent's, my friends and my beloved Robyn.

"My dear have faith in your abilities. They will carry you far in life. Have faith in me. I will help you thru this difficult time." She stated with authority and took my hands in hers.

I looked into Aunt Judith's eyes and saw her strength of character. She had suffered thru the loss of her husband and son. Both were young when they died and under tragic circumstances. Alone in the world, she never grumbled or complained about her lot in life.

"Never lose faith in yourself. It will give you the courage to carry on when the struggle seems too great a burden to bear." She said in a soothing voice and embraced me.

As I broke down and bawled with intensity, I felt like a lost child who suddenly found some solace and protection from the hard cruel world.


Faith strode back into the room with a serene look and put her arms around me.

"Mom thanks soo much! You can't imagine how much this means to me." She exclaimed in an ecstatic voice.

"Yes I can baby. Yes I can." I said in a soft reassuring voice and hugged her tight.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Sexy and Tear Jerking--Excellent

This story begs for a sequel. It is not only sexy and erotic, it has heart and emotion rarely seen in this type of writing. Congratulations on writing an excellent piece and I hope you write more soon. I want to know what happens to these people who seem so real.

Julie S.Julie S.almost 18 years ago
Re: Delightful

I forgot the rating OOPS it's a "100"


Julie S.Julie S.almost 18 years ago

This was a delightful story. It begs for a sequel. Faith and Christa together in her mother's home, given her mother's loving history, seems too much to let lie as is. Please give us more.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Consistent Excellence.

Just wanted to let SMJ54ap know that I have read many of her stories and have enjoyed them all. Not only are the erotic aspects of your stories great, you are also able to build complex characters that take the stories to the next level. Keep up the good work. I'll keep looking for your stories.

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