Fake It to Make it Pt. 09

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Pretending I don't have feelings for my bff's brother.
4.5k words

Part 9 of the 11 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 04/03/2024
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Chapter Seventeen:


I smoothed my hands down the sides of the gown I wore, adoring my reflection in the mirror. The simple mermaid gown hugged my hips and flattered my curves like no other. I hadn't felt this beautiful in months and I didn't think even Jeremy's insistence that I lose weight could discourage me.

I was wrong.

Halfway through the shoot he started making comments about how we had to use a wide-angle lens or let the dress out a little. I knew my chest had gotten bigger, but I was actually down five pounds from the last time he asked me to lose weight. The problem was that weight had come off my hips and thighs but my tits were swelling on the daily now thanks to the hormone changes, which also made me moody and sensitive.

"God, he's harsh," Taylor said, leaning in to press her cheek to mine. The dual shoot with my work wife wasn't normal, but nothing around here had been normal since Jeremy decided to go on a warpath about my physique.

"He's just doing his job..." I pressed my palms to hers and smiled for the camera but when our tits touched Jeremy scowled.

"Get it together, Winters. We aren't shooting a porno. This is a fun ad for makeup." He tucked one hand under the opposite arm and lifted his other hand to his chin. I didn't even know how he got into this industry with that horrible attitude, but maybe that was really what all this was about. If so, I was glad I got pregnant. I didn't want to work for men who insisted that a size two was too large.

Taylor gripped my hand and leaned back, breaking into a fake laugh as instructed by the cameraman. The candid laughter shot couldn't have been more fake--like Beck's affection for me. I tried to play along with the scene just to get the shoot over with and get out of here, but every time I thought of Beck I got sad. That sadness wasn't something I could push away. And it wasn't something that I could hide forever--only until my stomach started to tell on me.

"Girl, he's gonna snap. What's wrong?" Taylor spoke through her gritted teeth, keeping her plastic smile in place, and I shrugged.

"I need to take five." I let go of her hand and sighed, walking off the set and she scurried after me.

"Need a snack break? Come on, Winters." Jeremy's nasty comment almost made me turn around to go off at him but I bit my lip and kept walking and Taylor trailed along after me. I could hear her heels clicking on the floor in her hasty stutter step gait.

"Nev, come on. Look he's an ass, but we have to finish this shoot together."

I was already peeling the fake jewelry off my neck and ears as I walked. After that insult I was done. I didn't just want a break. I wanted out. I didn't want to work for a man who was so rude and insulting, not even for another second. I had no clue where I'd go or what I'd do for money, and after a few months when the rest of the contracts were paid out, I'd be on my own, but I'd had it.

"I'm done, Tay. I can't work for him. It's not my fault I'm not the perfect body type. You know how many women would kill to have this figure? Yet he wants me to lose more weight to fit some image of beauty that's impossible. They can just airbrush it." I swung the door to my dressing room open and had my dress halfway off before I got to the clothing rack.

"Nev, you're not leaving me here. You can't. I can't put up with his attitude on my own." She hurried over to me and helped me out of the gown, hanging it up as I tugged a t-shirt on over my head and jammed my feet into the legs of my jeans. "Just calm down a bit and come back tomorrow. Maybe he'll pick on Vivian or something."

I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed my bag as I slid my feet into my ballet flats. I'd given this asshat one too many tries, but she was trying to speak wisdom to me. If I just quit without a backup job, I'd be screwed.

"Fine, but if he calls me fat one more time, in even a very indirect way, I'm done." I pressed my cheek to hers and kissed the air before slipping out the back exit.

The air was crisp and I wished I'd brought a jacket. I pulled my phone out of my bag to order an Uber, but saw I had a message from Beck which I'd missed while on the set. I flicked to my messaging app and read the message. He basically invited me to his new property to help with the painting. While I didn't mind a little hard work, my heart just wasn't feeling up to spending time with him today.

I got myself into this fake relationship thing and I was kicking myself in the ass for it. It was a bad idea from the beginning, thinking I could convince him to fall in love with me because of my personality and charm. Even worse, I slept with him when he was drunk, letting my own heart get into this tangled mess of emotion and connection, and there was no way out of this now without my heart breaking. Add to all of that a baby which would keep Beck and me connected for eternity, and I was fucked.

I shot a message back to him that I was feeling tired and not up for work and left it at that. I switched apps as I walked to my favorite café for a sandwich from where I'd catch my Uber, but my phone buzzed and I knew it was Beck protesting my rejection of his invitation. Why did I let that man get me wrapped around his pinky? I answered the call but hid my frustration.

"Hey, Beck."

"Nev, you have to come see this place. Please? I need some help and I can't exactly tell Drew yet. He'll just spill the beans and it won't be a surprise for Cici." He sounded so excited I didn't want to let him down, but I knew what would happen. We'd pal around a while and my heart would grow even more attached. And even if we didn't end up fucking again, I would feel worse. I needed space from him for a while because when this fake relationship thing was over, it was going to kill me.

"I'm really tired, bud. I just want to go home." I waited until the "walk" sign illuminated the crosswalk and then followed the flow of foot traffic across the street.

"Please? I need help. I don't have anyone else." I wanted to tell him that it was his fault he was an ass to everyone and hadn't made any friends who could tolerate his loud personality other than Drew. To explain that if we weren't actually going to have a real relationship that I needed out of this. But I loved him. And I had no words to explain any of that without breaking down and telling him about the baby right now. He deserved to know, but it had to be the right timing. And I had to adjust to the idea fully first.

"Fine," I grunted, letting my shoulders slump. "I'll be there soon. Send me the address again." He celebrated then hung up and moments later sent a text with the address. I got my sandwich, which I didn't end up eating a single bite of, and in under a half hour, I was standing on his stoop knocking.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, for coming." Beck swung the door open and I walked in. It appeared to me the place had been gutted. The drywall on every wall in every room looked brand new as he gave me the tour, and the floors were bare, down to the subflooring. "What do you think?"

"It's not much to look at right now," I told him, spotting the cans of paint in the corner of the room. The place was a shell of a home, but I could see its potential.

"Well we need to paint. Then they can lay flooring and then appliances, furniture... and hopefully by November I can be moved in." He stared up at the bare walls with a giddy grin on his face. I hadn't seen him so happy in weeks. It made me want to gravitate toward him, put an arm around his waist and lean into his side.

"Let's get this over with I guess..." I sighed and dropped my bag on the drop cloth spread out over the floor in this room. My guess was it was a dining room, but who knows what Beck had in mind. "You could have paid someone to do this, you know?"

He shrugged and walked over to the cans of paint, opening one. "I like doing this sort of thing. I just don't have time to do it all myself."

I kicked my shoes off and picked up a paint brush and tore the plastic packaging off of it as Beck filled a paint tray and got his roller ready. He was dressed for the work in scrubby jeans and a stained t-shirt I'd seen him wear all the time back in his college days. I couldn't believe he still had that thing. I, however, was wearing my nice jeans and a t-shirt I was fond of. I didn't think I'd be wearing it again after this. I wasn't the neatest person when it came to painting.

We worked in silence for a while, me doing the trim and corners of the room, Beck rolling wide swaths of the sage green color across the bare walls. The paint and primer combination covered well. By my guess, we'd be finished with this room in under an hour and ready to move on to another room. But when I felt paint splatter on my arm and turned to see Beck looking sheepish, I scowled.

"Really? You can't keep your paint to yourself?" I wiped at the blob of green on my arm and rolled my eyes and he shrugged and swung his roller at me on purpose. More paint splattered on me, this time getting my shirt. "Oh my god. I can't believe you did that," I hissed, surveying the damage.

"Oh come on. Lighten up a little." The first one had been an accident for sure, but the second bit was on purpose and I wasn't sure how to take it. I stood there dumbfounded as he walked toward me and smirked.

"Looks like you missed a spot," he said, nodding at the wall behind me. I was just gullible enough to turn and look and as I did I felt the roller slide across my arm where I'd just wiped the paint away.

"Oh god, you're gonna get it," I told him. I turned back around and touched his cheek with my wet hand, smearing the paint on his face and he gasped.

"What? Shit, Nev!" Beck backed away but I followed, placing my hand directly on his chest to wipe the rest of the paint off my palm onto his shirt.

"Can't handle the heat? Stay out of the kitchen..." I moved closer, now with my paint brush up and ready to destroy him, but he grabbed my wrist and used the roller along the entire front of my body from knees to tits and I squealed and tried to jerk away.

"You're gonna get it!" I swatted at him with the brush, wriggling and squirming and he continued his playful assault on me. We danced around the room in a half-jest, half-serious tango that had us both--and the drop cloth--covered in paint until he backed me against a wall and pinned me there. His hips pressed my pelvis to the wall and he heaved, trying to catch his breath.

"God, I want you so bad," he breathed, and I dropped my now-dry paint brush to cup both of his cheeks.

"Then take me." I kissed him hard, lost in the playful moment with him. It was all I thought about too, throwing all my rational thought out the window. It was going to come back to bite me, but I'd deal with that when it did. Right now I had so much pent-up frustration coursing through my body and sexual release with this man was the only thing that I thought might fix that.

Beck's hands were urgent, tearing at my clothes, and I his, until we stood naked, covered in paint. My bare chest pressed to his, I could feel how ready he was for me and I wanted it, wanted him inside of me more than I wanted my next breath.

"Fuck me. Fuck me now." I didn't care about the paint or the fact that my heart would be torn apart by this later on. I needed him.

"Are you sure? I don't have any condoms..." Beck hesitated, not wanting to ruin the moment but mindful of precautions, but I knew at this point it didn't matter. I was already pregnant.

"There are other ways," I rushed out in a hasty breath as I clung to him, bringing my lips back to his. I didn't care about anything else at that moment, only the release he could bring me.

His fingers trailed down my spine, seeking out my entrance and I arched my back to give him better access. "Please."

Beck didn't need any more coaxing, spreading me open with those deft fingers of his, one finger slipping inside, then two as he traced every nerve ending I had. I moaned into his mouth, digging my nails into his back as he stroked me, bringing me to the precipice before pulling away only to do it again. "God yes, right there..." I begged, my walls clenching around him as he brought me close and then back again.

"Is this what you want?" he growled low in my ear, biting at my neck and sending shivers down my spine as he replaced his fingers with his cock. He was slick with both our arousal and a little paint as he teased my entrance.

"Yes," I gasped as he plunged all the way in and I felt so full, so complete with him inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper if that were possible. He felt so good, even better than our previous romps.

Beck held my hips, grunting with each thrust as he moved faster and deeper.

"Beck," I moaned, my head against the wall, watching him change expressions. His hips slapped against mine, covered in paint and sweat and it felt so dirty and wrong but right at the same time. I knew it would hurt when it was over but I wanted it. "Don't stop."

"God, Nev..." Beck bit his lip, his hazel eyes boring into mine as he pounded into me harder. I could feel every inch of him inside of me, the slight curve of his cock hitting my G-spot just right. My toes curled on the edge of ecstasy and I knew I was close.

"I'm... close..." I gasped out, digging my nails into his back as he picked up speed. Beck's breathing was ragged in my ear as he growled low in response before he grabbed my ass cheeks and gripped them tightly, angling me to hit me just right.

"Fucking milk me with your pussy..." His breath was hot on my face. The words were all I needed as I came undone, my body convulsing around him as he continued fucking me.

"I'm gonna... inside," he warned, and I nodded.

"Do it... I want to... Oh god... Beck!" I moaned his name like a battle cry, biting my lip to stop myself from waking the dead as he continued to fuck me through my climax and into his own. He pumped his seed inside of me, calling out my name as he came, shuddering against me.

Breathless, we both slumped against the wall, our hearts pounding in our ears and paint caking on our bodies.

"Oh my..." Beck said, gasping for air as he rested his forehead against my shoulder. "That was..."

"A bad idea." I finished for him, echoing our previous encounter. We both knew it, but neither one of us cared. Sex with Beck was like an addiction--the more I had him, the more I wanted him and I knew this pent-up sexual frustration wouldn't last long once he got what he wanted and his relationship with his sister was back on track. How could it? I'd have to go back to being his sister's best friend, not his plaything.

"You're not gonna get..." He didn't finish his words and I didn't have the heart to confess that I already was pregnant. It was the perfect moment, and I knew I should, but I bit my lip and shook my head.

He pulled out, letting the sex drain down my inner thigh and letting my feet drop to the ground. My knees were weak when he backed away, picking up a rag from his pile of supplies. He wiped his dick clean and tossed it at me, but I stood there with wobbly legs watching him dress instead of cleaning myself and finding my clothing which was ruined now.

I wanted to ask him what the hell was going on between us, if he wanted more than just this fake arrangement, but when I opened my mouth to say something his phone started to ring. He sorted through his jeans pockets and pulled it out as he dressed, pinning it between his shoulder and ear.

"Yeah, Cease?"

My heart stopped when he used Cici's nickname. Why would she call him? I panicked, fearing that she was going to tell him about the baby and I rushed over to stand next to him, hoping he'd have his volume loud enough I could hear what she was saying, but I couldn't. Instead I could only watch his facial expression shifting and worry crease his forehead.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." Beck jammed his phone into his pocket as he zipped up and looked around for his shoes. "I gotta go. There's an emergency. Can you lock up?" he asked, leaning in to kiss me hard on the lips. And then he was gone, dashing out the front door without saying goodbye or explaining what was going on.

I stood there butt naked watching him leave not saying a word. Not knowing what to say. I'd have to wait to find out what sort of emergency it was, and I prayed it wasn't the sort that would humiliate me and ruin any chance I ever had with Beck, no matter how small it was.

Chapter Eighteen:


The sliding doors of the emergency room lobby swished open and I walked through carrying my box of memories. The minute Cici called to tell me Gran had been rushed here and that they feared a stroke, I dropped everything--including Nev. I felt bad, but I'd call her later and she'd understand.

My eyes scanned the small waiting room area but Cici saw me before I saw her. She stood and walked over to me. It was obvious she'd been crying. Her face was puffy and her eyes were red. She had a wad of used tissues in her hand and she sniffled as she threw her arms around my shoulders and greeted me.

The contrast from her demeanor for the past few months was startling. I expected her to at least talk to me, given that she'd called to tell me, but I didn't expect this at all. I wrapped my arms around her while she cried and held the box precariously with one hand, hoping I didn't spill it.

"God, what if we lose her?" she asked, sniffling and pulling away. I didn't have an answer for her. Gran wasn't a spring chicken anymore. One day she would die and we would have to say goodbye. It was the natural way of things. No one wants their loved one to die, but everyone knows it's inevitable.

"I don't know, Cease." I patted her back and stepped away. "Where's Poppop?" I looked around not knowing what to expect. His life partner of more than fifty years had just suffered a major medical episode. Who knew what sort of mental state he was in.

"Uh, he's in the room. I came out here to wait for you. I can show you back." She gestured and started walking and I followed her. Right now it seemed her biggest concern was our grandparents, which was mine too. I didn't want to upset the delicate balance of things by bringing up our argument, so I kept my thoughts to myself.

She led me to a tiny room shrouded in curtains. There was no privacy at all. We could hear people talking in curtained rooms on either side of the one we were in, where Gran lay in bed hooked to monitors and tubes and Poppop sat in the corner of the room with his face buried in his palms, elbows on his knees. They both looked frail in here, smaller and helpless. I hated seeing them like this.

"Poppop," Cici said, and our grandfather looked up.

"Oh good, Beck. You're here..." He moved to stand but I rushed to his side and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't get up. I can sit by you." I reached for the second and only other chair in the room and positioned it next to his, but I offered it to Cici, who waved me off. She paced at the foot of Gran's bed and chewed a fingernail. "How's she doing? What happened?" I rested my box of memories on my knee as I listened to the hum and whir of the machines. A steady rhythmic beeping accompanied the noises, comforting us. Her heart was beating strongly.

"She had a headache all day and we didn't know what it was... She wanted a nap but I didn't feel right so I called her nurse and now we're here. They say it's a stroke, but they hope they've stopped it in time." Poppop stared at Gran with wide eyes that had seen better days. He looked forlorn and I imagined it would hurt deeply watching your life partner suffer like this.

"She's in the best place possible. Bellevue is the biggest hospital in the city. They'll take care of her, Poppop." I patted his knee and he nodded at the box.