Fallen and Helpless

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Longer story about an injured son who needs some help.
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It was one of those days when the California sun beats down hard and makes you want to stay in and crank the A/C. As amazing as that sounded, my mom and I were stuck outside fixing up the house to get it ready for sale. She was in the garden, planting flowers and pulling weeds, while I was on the roof, fixing gutters and inspecting the tiles.

It was hard work, but I liked working with my hands. By noon, with the sun directly overhead, I was drenched in sweat and had to take my shirt off. I got back to securing the gutters, but soon could hear some giggling from my neighbor's yard.

A group of four bikini-clad girls were huddled together and staring up at me, a couple even taking some pictures on their phones. I had to admit I was flattered, and not letting on that I saw them, I made sure to flex and stretch a little to give them an extra thrill. One of the girls I knew was my neighbor; a cute girl with a tight body, who had made clumsy attempts to flirt with me when she got the chance in the past.

I was really making a show of it and having a good time. I am about 6 feet tall, with lightly tanned skin, brown hair, and a muscular build earned through years of being consistently in the gym and pool. I am pretty confident in my body and enjoy getting attention for it. The girls thought they were being smooth, but with each flex or exaggerated stretch, I could gear them chattering and giggling.

"Are they enjoying the free show?"

My mother's voice came to me from below. I looked down to see her smiling up at me. I blushed with slight embarrassment at being caught in my exhibitionism.

"Yes, they are. Are you?" I shot back jokingly, giving her a little flex of my arms. My mom just smiled and shook her head in mock disapproval before returning to her flowers.

I chuckled to myself at the exchange. My mom and I have a great relationship. My dad was in international sales which has forced him to be away from home for months at a time my entire life. So naturally my mom and I became very close. She could be funny, supportive, down to earth, forgiving and trusting. All things a good mother should be.

I was the envy of all of my friends growing up. Whereas their parents were uptight, my mom was open and established our house as the place everyone knew they could come and not have a hovering parent stopping any fun. On more than one occasion she had made quick appearance to say hi and join us for a for a beer when the guys were over.

There was another reason my friends loved my mom. She was objectively a stone-cold fox. She stood at about 5'10", with tan skin like mine, long brown hair, shining green eyes, a broad and perfect smile, and always dressed in a fashionable way. She looked nowhere near her age and she knew it. She kept her body tight and taught through a regular exercise routine. And although I shouldn't notice such things, she had an amazing ass and pair of tits (as my friends always reminded me). When no friends were around, we had a pretty lax policy on clothes, so over the years I got to see my mom lounging in robes or loose clothing with no bra. On more than one occasion, she had dashed from the shower to get a towel when I happened to be in the room, holding her tits close to her chest. They were easily a D cup, and when her back was to you, the sides of her tits were still visible. Early adolescence was sometimes spent resisting (or failing to resist the urge) to jerk off to the fantasy of her. But I had grown out of that (mostly).

When we went out men constantly flirted with her, but she was faithful to my dad. Sometimes she would put her arm in mine, hoping that guys would think we were together, and they would leave her alone. I had to admit, if felt nice in those moments to be by her side. She would lean in close as we walked, or give me a kiss on the cheek to really sell it.

When I finished up for the day on the roof and walked toward the ladder, I noticed that the girls were still staring up at me. I resumed my little secret show for them, enjoying their stares and feeling like a king. Unfortunately, the universe has a sense of humor and I slipped a bit and almost tumbled off the roof. My stomach dropped at the near death experience and my pride was shattered as I heard the girls burst out laughing. Tail between my legs, I made my way carefully down the ladder and headed inside.

That night after dinner, my mom and I decided we deserved some relaxation owing to our hard work and decided to take a dip in the hot tub. Thankfully the heat had calmed down when the sun set, giving us perfect Jacuzzi weather. Mom always let me enjoy a beer while she had a glass of wine when we hit the hot tub. I loved this as the combination of heat and alcohol never failed to give me a pretty decent buzz.

I started the jets and was in the tub first, wearing my short swim trunks and enjoying the jets against my soar muscles. I sipped my beer and closed my eyes to fully relax myself. The world seemed to fade away until I heard the side door close and opened my eyes to see my mom slipping into the tub.

Like I said, my mom enjoys being fashionable, and that went to her bathing suit choices as well. No frumpy one piece for her. She had on a dark green bikini that covered enough to be decent, but still gave ample view of every curve in her body. I blamed the alcohol on my leering as I scanned her body.

Her skin was incredible smooth and the perfect shade of light tan. Her arms were toned and strong owing to her work in the garden and a vigorous yoga routine. Some mornings I get to watch a little show during breakfast while she did yoga in front of the TV. I get a view of endless stretches and bent postures. Her healthy sized ass stretches the yoga pants to their limits, and her bends made it pop and bounce. Her huge tits moved freely in her shirt as she contorted herself. Nothing beats breakfast with a show.

My mom slipped carefully in the water with a generously sized wine glass in hand, and her long hair tied up in a messy knot so it didn't get too wet. She settled near me and leaned back against the tub, closing her eyes and looked to be enjoying the feeling of the jets pushing her body slightly around. I couldn't help trying to get glimpses of her breasts beneath the churning water.

"Mmm, this is still the best investment we made in this house. We have to make sure your father gets another one for the new place."

We chatted about the day, then settled into a bit of a relaxed silence, with our feet occasionally bumping each other underneath the water.

"Hey honey, how's Kimiko? I haven't seen her around the house recently, and she hasn't come with us to the gym in a while"

Kimiko was my girlfriend of about a year. I was blessed by having two amazing women in my life. Kimiko was a great girlfriend. Always down for anything, she got along with my friends, she was close with my mom, and kept up with me at the gym. Best of all, she LOVED to fuck. She was about 5'1'', with a toned body, dark tan skin, jet black straight hair, beautiful brown almond-shaped eyes, and perfect B cup tits. Any chance she could get she was all over me.

We have definitely fucked in every room of my house (including my parent's) and have had a few covert sessions in the gym locker room. Her favorite thing for me to do is to pick up her compact body and support her tiny ass while I pound into her standing up. She loves to hold onto my strong body and get absolutely drilled. Just thinking about her was making me hard and thankfully the bubbles from the jets didn't give my hard-on away.

"Yea, she went on a long vacation with her family. Some super exclusive resort in Jamaica one of her dad's coworkers told her about. She's been gone about a week already and I think they might be visiting family elsewhere after the trip too. She wont be back for maybe a month," I said with an obvious sad tone in my voice.

"Aww, honey. You must miss her a lot," my mom offered. She was always so sweet and empathetic. She moved closer to put a comforting hand on my leg, but misjudged and put her hand squarely on my semi-hard penis. A rush of pleasure coursed through me, quickly followed by a rush of panic. I shifted a little and my mom quickly moved her hand back.

"Oh," she said in surprise.

Fuck, I was mortified.

My mom broke the tension with a laugh, "Well I guess someone else misses her too."

"Oh my god, mom. Really?!"

"Haha, of come on. It's all in fun. I should have known she was away since I don't hear you two in the middle of the night anymore."

"Mom, you're drunk," I said defensively, though knowing there was no way she was already drunk. I was embarrassed but also realized I needed her to stop because it was a little hot to realize my mom could hear me fucking. I knew we weren't exactly quiet, but I thought she hadn't noticed.

"I might be a little drunk, but I'm also right," she said, bursting out laughing.

"Whatever. It's not like I haven't heard you a dad before. You guys don't exactly keep it quiet when he is home you know." Again, I was being defensive, but not doing myself any favors.

My mom just laughed and looked a bit wistful. "Hmmm yea. We can get carried away. It's been a while. I miss that man."

We stayed silent a while and my mom had a distant look in her eye and a slight smile while sipping her wine. I could have been imagining things, but I thought I noticed her hand gently stroking her skin under the water. I tried my best to just stare into the nights sky and will my erection away.

It eventually subsided, and we both decided it was time to head in. I had it in my mind to jerk off that night, but as soon as I got changed I realized how tired I was. My body was basically limp from the days exertion, the beer and the hot tub. I passed out and slept heavily.

The next morning I woke up feeling fresh, if not a little sore. I had to remember not to hit the gym so hard on weeks I know I am going to be doing all this manual labor for the house. I made it downstairs to see my mom making breakfast for us in the kitchen. She was wearing a loose white button-up shirt tucked into some short jean cut-offs that hugged her curves nicely.

"Morning sleepyhead," she said as she handed me a cup of coffee.

"Mornin'," I mumbled, not yet awake enough to feel like a functioning human. I drank my first sip of the coffee and its warmth radiated through my entire body. "Mmmm, this is good. Thank you."

"Your'e welcome. Your dad brought back the beans from one of his trips to South America. It's supposed to be the best coffee in the world."

"I believe it. I'll have to ask him to get more the next time he goes. Where is he now, and when is he getting home?"

"Your father? He's in Japan. Or wait, Canada? I don't know anymore. He's all over. I just know he'll probably be back next month.

"Jeez, this one is a long one." He had already been gone for three weeks.

"Yea. He works hard so we can live well. We've actually been talking about it and now that you are getting older, I might be joining him in the business again. Have to use my M.B.A. for something, right?"

"That'd be great for you," I offered. But inside I had to admit that the thought made me a little sad. I hoped whatever position she took wouldn't take her away from home for long stretches like it did dad. Mom read the look on my face.

"Thanks, but you look sad. Don't worry. I wouldn't take an international sales role. I'd keep it close to home." She put her hand on my arm in a supportive way. We had been around each other so much that she could basically read my mind at times.

"Although, if I traveled I'd be able to get more sleep as I'd be away from you and Kimiko making a racket in the middle of the night in your bedroom all the time." She burst out laughing at her own callback to last night.

"Funny," I said flatly, trying to avoid getting into that area with my mom again. I didn't feel like getting worked up so early in the morning. I made a mental note to jerk off later since it had been a while, and last night in the tub with mom had aroused me more than I'd like to admit.

My mom changed the topic. "You think you can finish up on the roof soon? Forecast says it's going to rain all next week and I don't want to risk any leaks or issues. Water damage is a huge hassle."

"Yea shouldn't be a problem," I said. I only had a few more gutters to secure and the roof looked fine otherwise. If I rushed I could be done by lunchtime.

"Good. Well, I'm off to the garden," she said cheerfully, giving me a little shoulder squeeze on the way out.

After breakfast, I headed up the ladder and resumed my work. The sun was as hot as ever, but it felt good on my skin. I took my shirt off to avoid a farmer's tan and to soak in more of the warmth. I looked over to the neighbors' yard to see if my little audience was still there. I had to admit to myself that I enjoyed the attention. Sure enough, neighbor girl was there with a new friend who I hadn't seen before and looked to be a year or two older than her. They were both clad in bikinis that seemed too scandalous to just be for hanging out in the house. They made no secret of their intention to watch me. Their lounge chairs were turned and aimed directly at where I was, and they passed a drink back and forth, almost like popcorn during a movie. The new girl was caressing her skin and smiling at me. She made a show of opening and closing her legs, giving my shots up her bikini. There wasn't a ton of detail I could see from where I was, but her intention was clear.

I played my part and did my work, making sure to give them all the good angles. All the while, my mom toiled away in the garden. She honestly looked beautiful there. Her white loose shirt clung to the light sweat on her back, and her sexy legs shined in the sun. Everyone now and there she would look at me from underneath her straw sunhat, smile and give a little wave.

As I predicted, I was done by around 11:30, just as the sun was nearing its peak. I cleaned up my materials, tucked my shirt into my back pocket and headed for the ladder. As I was about to descend, I decided to play along with the neighbors and gave a short little bow. They giggled at my acknowledgment of them and I started to descend. As soon as I had one foot on a rung, I heard them whistle out a cat call. I laughed and looked over, but the sun glare surprised me as it was right in my face. I lifted a hand to shield my eyes, and felt my foot slip from the ladder.

I hit the ground hard and the last thing I heard was the voice of my mom yelling, "James!"


Driving home the hospital, I could not hide my foul mood.

My mom looked over at me from the driver's seat. She tried to be chipper. "Oh, it's not that bad. You fell off a roof and are walking away with some bruises and minor injuries..."

"Minor!" I yelled, a little two loudly, as I held up both my arms. I had thankfully broken the fall with my hands, protecting me from any major issues; but in the process I had broken my right wrist, and severely bruised several bones in my left hand. My right arm was in a cast and my left was wrapped up like a mummy.

My mom frowned at my distress. "I know sweetie. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make light of it. It's going to be hard, but the doctor was hopeful that you would heal pretty fast being that you are so young and healthy." She chuckled a bit, "and good news is that you have just enough function in your left hand that I don't have to wipe your ass!"

I laughed a bit at that, and was secretly thankful. "I should make you just as a punishment," I joked back.

"Well, if you aren't better before your father gets back, that can be his job. I was able to talk to him earlier when you were getting worked on by the doctor. He sends his love and wishes he could be there for you. By the way, turns out he's in Turkey. He's not going to have great cell service for a while as he's going somewhere very rural apparently. I wish you could have spoken with him."

"I'm sure he'll call when he can. I know he's working hard," I said.

When we got home, I felt exhausted so I popped some of the pain killers and went to bed.

That night, the dream started out pleasant. I was in my backyard and could see the older girl that was with my neighbor in the yard over. She was wearing the tiny bikini she was the other day and rubbing sunscreen into her skin. Something told me that she was doing this just for me. Her hands guided the lotion over her smooth body. She bent seductively to apply it to her legs, giving me a view of her delicious, full ass. She beckoned me over, I guess to help her, but as soon as I got to her, she dropped to her knees and took my cock in her mouth. She bobbed her head and ran her hands up to stroke my abs. I grabbed her hair and forced my cock down her throat but just as I was about to cum I had the sudden sensation of falling. I woke up in a panic right before I hit the ground.

I was breathing heavy and drenched in sweat. Most disconcerting was the massive erection that begged for attention.

Great, I'm having horny nightmares now.

Judging from the light, it looked like I slept until the early afternoon. I dragged myself out of bed and headed downstairs feeling starved.

My mother met me at the entrance of the kitchen, a concerned look on her face, seeming ready to help me. "I know you don't like to sleep so late, but it seemed like you needed it." She led me to the table and I took a seat in my normal spot.

My mom placed a bowl of cereal and a glass of iced coffee in front of me. "I know you like your coffee hot, but I figured this way you can still get your caffeine buzz without having to lift a cup of hot coffee," she said.

"Thanks mom. I really appreciate it." I was so lucky to have a mom like her. She fretted over me and obviously had a knack for anticipating my every need. I took a sip of the coffee, and although it wasn't the best, I smiled at her appreciatively. "It's great, thanks."

She beamed back and continued to busy herself in the kitchen. I turned back to my plate and reached for the spoon. "Ooof!" I let out in pain.

My mom rushed over. "What's wrong?" Then quickly seeing the issue, said "Oh of course. You're still too banged up to lift the spoon even with your left. Dr. Stein said that it might be a little bit until you could handle fine motor activities like gripping a spoon without pain. Here let me." Mom pulled up a chair and began spoon-feeding me my cereal.

It's like I was a baby again. I thought I felt shitty before, but now I was feeling pathetic. I looked up at my mom. "Sorry you have to do this. I should have been more careful on the roof."

"Oh, it's ok. I don't mind at all. What else is a mom for? Have you remember how iyou ended up falling yet?"

I hadn't yet shared with her what distracted me out of embarrassment. But seeing as how she was spoon-feeding me, I guess I could risk the additional embarrassment.

"The neighbors," I said sheepishly.

My mom had a puzzled look on her face. "Rachel? What was so distracting?"

"Well, you know she and her friends had been watching me up there. I was kind of...enjoying their attention."

My mom chuckled," Oh yea? Go on."

"Well, I was kind of focused on them, and they called out to me or whistled at me or something, right as the sun was shining in my face. Next thing you know it, I'm falling."

My mom was laughing a bit harder now. "Ha. Those girls are going to be the death of you." She laughed and scooted forward to continue feeding me.

I laughed too, feeling a little bit better. "Ha. I know. And weirdest thing I think one of them was in my nightmare last night. She was..." I stopped short as I was suddenly distracted by something. In scooting forward, my mom's robe had shifted and one of her nipples was visible. She didn't seem to have any idea and was still holding a spoon out to me.