Family Blessing Ch. 03

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Continuation of the story.
3.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/20/2024
Created 02/02/2024
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"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Alice was cheering me on as I tried to stomach the large milkshake she prepared for me. Between school and my part time job I didn't have nearly enough time to stretch my stomach, so my growth was still very much limited by my lacking appetite, making the amount I managed to eat on my birthday party to be kind of a fluke. I still managed to grow a bit in the past few weeks, thanks to Alice's milkshakes, though I wasn't sure what my current size was. I didn't want to spend money on bras, mostly because I was optimistic about my growth and I believed I would outgrow them anyway. To be honest, I didn't even have a full grasp on how cup sizes worked, since I never even wore a bra before. I did buy myself a sports bra, assuming it would last longer than a regular one would. The way it felt a bit tighter every week or so made me really happy. The frustrating part was that I wasn't closing the gap between Alice and me. From the way she was spilling out of her bras, I guessed she must have grown at least a cup size herself, even though she wasn't blessed by my family's genetics. Which is why Alice's growth wasn't limited to just her chest, and it was getting quite obvious she was developing a little potbelly. Her soft middle was starting to ooze over the waistband of her sweats more often than not. I kinda felt responsible for her weight gain, because I was the reason why we started ordering more and more food, but since I couldn't eat more than I did, it left us with a lot of leftovers. It wasn't in Alice's nature to waste food, so it only led to her eating more.

With one last swallow I emptied the glass, feeling full. With a satisfied sigh I leaned back, caressing my slightly enlarged middle with my hands. A quick glance at the table told me there was still a lot of food remaining, but I knew I couldn't swallow another morsel.

"Good job on the milkshake! I think I made it extra thick this time." Alice said, patting my shoulder.

"Now that you mention it, it did feel a bit more difficult to swallow."

"Sorry about that." She apologized.

"It's fine, really. The thicker it is, the more calories it has. And more calories means bigger boobs, right? I'm really full though."

"So... you're not gonna eat any more, are you?" Alice asked when she saw the defeated look on my face.

I shook my head. "Sorry."

Alice waved her hand. "More for Alice then!" She giggled, pulling the unfinished plate to her.

I envied Alice's appetite. Even before this all started, it seemed to me like she ate a lot but with the extra helpings she had these days it was no wonder she gained a few pounds. I just hoped she wouldn't wake up one day blaming me for it...

Tired from overeating, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, until finally they became too heavy for me to keep them open any longer, so I closed them and let Alice's chewing lull me into sleep.

"Oh, shit! Shitshitshit! Oh, shit!" Alice cursed in the bathroom, waking me up.

I groaned in displeasure, feeling broken and stiff from sleeping on the couch. Apparently, we never made it to bed after eating our dinner. Slowly I realized the discomfort I felt from the tightness of my sports bra. Maybe it's finally time to go for a larger one! I thought, my mood improving immediately. I was ready to strip down and start exploring my new expanded chest, but another angry shout coming from the bathroom stopped me. "What's wrong?!" I asked, slowly raising to my feet, groaning like a person three times my age. I really have to stop falling asleep on the couch!

"I can't button my fucking jeans!" Alice cried out.

A chill of terror ran down my spine. She's going to blame me! I reached the bathroom and as soon as I saw Alice's struggle, I knew it was a lost cause. There was no way she was gonna be able to button those jeans. I tried to help her anyway. "Try to lie down on your back. It might help." I said.

Alice nodded. "It's worth a try." She muttered.

I don't think I ever saw her looking so distraught. I bit my lower lip nervously, following after her. "Suck in as much as you can! I'm gonna try to connect it."

Alice's face reddened with effort as her soft belly receded like the sea during low tide. I hope it's gonna be enough! I pulled the two ends together with all my might, but I couldn't manage to push the button through the hole. I tried again putting all of my meager weight into it as well and somehow, I managed to do it, even though I didn't think it was possible. I fell down on my butt, gasping for my breath from the effort.

"You did it!" Alice cried out, although her voice sounded a bit constricted. She rose to her feet, and I saw how big of a muffin top those jeans gave her. "Fuck, these are tight!" She said, giggling in relief. She breathed in and a loud pop sounded.

"Ouch!" I yelped, as the button flew off Alice's pants and hit me in the brow.

Alice let out a sigh. "Fuck!"

Alice was glooming, eating spoonful after spoonful of nutella, her eyes glistening with suppressed tears.

"So, you've gained a few pounds, what's the big deal?"

Alice scoffed. "You never met my family." She took a deep breath and let it out again. "You know how you're the smallest in your family? I'm the opposite. Everyone in my family is skinny and short. I'm the tallest and by far the heaviest. I've been the heaviest since I was 11 and there wasn't a day where I wouldn't hear how fat I'm getting! I was watching how much I eat my entire life and for what?! I'm getting fat anyway! And with Thanksgiving coming up... I won't hear the end of it!"

I knew I should have said something comforting, but that's not what happened. "You're like the last person I would think is watching her weight."

"Trust me, you would notice if I stopped! I'd be as big as Leah if I ate whenever I wanted. If not even bigger!"

I found that hard to believe. Is it even possible to be bigger than Leah? I didn't say it out loud though, instead I moved closer and wrapped my arm around Alice. "Would it be better if I'd go with you? To spend Thanksgiving with you and your family?"

"You would do that? That would be awesome!" Alice almost yelled. "But what about your family? Won't they be against it?"

"Maybe at first, but mom can be pretty understanding. I'll explain the situation and it'll be fine."

Alice grabbed me so tightly that I heard my bones crack. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best!" She cried out.

I like to think I would have said something witty, but as I was caught in the tightest of hugs, all I could do was gasp for air.

"So, I spoke with my mom and like I said, she was pretty understanding. Well, she did want me to tell her the address so they could invade your home, but I told her it wasn't a great idea." I chuckled. "Just so you know, she has you down for Christmas and she doesn't take no for an answer, so be ready for that."

"That sounds fun actually! Thank you again for doing this for me!"

"It's really not a big deal." I waved my hand. "Besides, it's my turn to meet your family!"

Alice nodded. "Next to your family they'll look bland and boring."

"That would be a nice change of pace. I love them already!" I giggled.

Alice looked like she wanted to say something else, but then she changed her mind. She looked at her watch and cursed. "Shit! I need to go. I've got a lecture in like 10 minutes! We'll talk later, ok?" She stomped off.

I watched her as she jiggled around, until she finally left a few minutes later. I shook my head and headed to take a shower. I didn't have any lectures today and my shift at the bookstore wasn't until later today, so I had some time for myself. I glanced at my reflection, noticing my chest bulging out more than ever before. I would need the time to play with these! I grinned, groping my own breasts. Along with their size, their sensitivity grew as well and even just touching them, sent a pleasant fluttering alongside my spine. I closed my eyes in joy, starting to turn myself on. I pinched my nipple and let out a gasp. Oh yeah, this is happening! I thought, stepping into the shower.

I let the warm stream caress my skin and grabbed my breasts once again. I couldn't wait for them to grow bigger. To have my boobs fill out my hands. To have them start spilling out. I could almost feel them. I glanced down and let out a displeased sigh. I knew it was only in my head, but I was still disappointed they weren't growing right in front of my eyes. They're still so small... C cup? Maybe? I closed my eyes and saw them growing in my mind once more. I started to play with my nipples, squeezing them between my thumb and forefinger. I let out another sigh, this time however, it was a sigh of pleasure. This feels so good! I bit my lower lip. The only thing that could make it better would be if Alice's hands were in place of mine. Speaking of Alice... my breasts in my imagination just about reached the massive size of my girlfriend's bosom. They felt so large and heavy on top of the tiny palms of my hands! The growth wasn't stopping though. They were growing faster now if anything, getting even bigger than Alice's magnificent pair. Only a couple of seconds later my boobs reached the size of my mother's, filling out the cubicle entirely. I moaned in pleasure as my right hand wandered down from my nipple and slipped between my legs.

My tits grew and grew, pressing against the glass of the cubicle. They pressed against it more and more with every passing second, until finally the glass gave way, exploding outwards. While my boobs were pressing against the glass, I couldn't really see how fast they were growing and so it came as a bit of a surprise when they bulged forward, their size now surpassing even that of my sisters. Their full weight dragged me down, causing me to fall down to my knees. Just seconds later they grew so large that they were resting on the floor. The bathroom was starting to feel a little cramped, my breasts crawling closer to the walls with every moment. I knew they wouldn't stop there. They were going to outgrow the bathroom. Then our dorm. Then the whole fucking building! My moans of pleasure were becoming breathier as I was getting nearer to reaching the climax. I cried out just as my tits exploded through the walls, inevitably becoming the new dominant of the city. Slowly, I opened my eyes again and to my regret, I found the world in very much the same state as it was when I closed them. It wasn't the first time in my life that I daydreamed about my growing boobs, but it was by far the most intense one I had experienced yet. Exhausted, I was gasping for air, still kneeling in the shower cubicle. The water that poured down on my head was icy cold. With a shaky hand I turned the water off and I rushed out to towel myself dry, shivering. My teeth were chattering and a quick glance into the mirror told me my lips were starting to get slightly more blueish than would be healthy. Shit, I was out for good! For how long?!

Still shivering from the cold, I had a bit of trouble putting on my black pants, but I managed to do it in the end. Then I put on a white button up shirt with a little emblem on the chest that served as the uniform at the bookstore. The shirt was clearly too big for someone of my stature and I still kinda looked like a kid wearing her mother's clothes, but it was clear I was starting to fill it out. I couldn't wait to see myself grow even bigger, forcing the buttons to pop right off. I could almost see it in my mind's eye! I took a deep breath to discard the thoughts. I was getting a little... too intrigued and I couldn't afford to have another session of playing with my boobs. I had to skip lunch as it was too late to get there in time. I put on my long hair into a bun and was just about to leave when my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a message from Alice.

'Chinese for dinner?'

'Sure!' I quickly replied, forgetting about it immediately, thinking about what torment awaited me at work.

One would expect that work in a bookstore would be a dream come true for an avid reader like myself. The same people should also slap themselves and get a grip. Working in a bookstore is hell! No, it's much worse than hell. In hell there are only people who deserve it and I don't believe I did anything so bad to end up there! Working in a bookstore is so fucking boring... The shifts pass by so slowly that every minute feels like an eternity! And there are only two possibilities. Either there's so much work you don't know what to do first, or there's no work at all! The second case was definitely the worse... Even though there's no work to be done, you still can't sit down. No, no! You have to spend your entire shift standing. I was used to it by now, but the first couple of shifts were incredibly draining. And then there are people. I sincerely believe there should be a mandatory IQ test to determine if you're even allowed inside! Ugh! 'I don't know who wrote it, or what was it called, but the cover was blue?' Do you realize how little it narrows it down?! Fuck! I'm getting angry and I'm not even at work yet. Then my stomach rumbled, reminding me I hadn't eaten anything. This shift is gonna suck...

"It's about time you showed up!" Jeremy, my boss, yelled at me, when I arrived.

I bit my tongue to stop myself from retorting. I'm five minutes early, asshole!

"This is Judy." He said, pointing at a girl I saw for the first time in my life. She was short, only a couple of inches taller than me. She had shortish brown hair and seemed to be carrying some extra weight, even though it was hard to tell with her wearing a thick jacket. "She's new, so I expect you to show her everything she needs to know."

I nodded, rolling my eyes only internally. Jeremy started walking away and so I waited until he put some distance between us. When he did, I turned to my new colleague and asked: "Was he at least close? With the name I mean."

The girl smiled. "I'm Julie actually."

"Nice to meet you Julie. I'm Annabeth." I said, extending my hand.

Julie grabbed my hand into a firm grip "Still Julie." She giggled.

"Alright, follow me and I'll show you the locker room."

Locker room was more of a fancy word than the accommodations deserved. Both sides of the room were filled with tiny lockers with only a small gap between the two sides, so it only took the two of us to feel crammed in there. There wasn't enough space for even a small bench! "You can just pick any of the empty lockers." The bookstore was so understaffed there were plenty of empty lockers. It's no wonder really, with how little they pay... "Did he give you a shirt?" I asked, pointing at the shirt I was wearing.

"No." Julie shook her head.

"For fuck's sake! How can that incompetent knob be the manager?!" I let out a sigh. "I should have a spare one in my locker, so I'll let you have it. There's not much choice with sizes anyway..." I said, pulling out my keys. I opened my locker and retrieved the white shirt.

Julie looked at me with some uncertainty.

"I swear, it's clean!"

"It's not that... This is where I'm supposed to change? This room doesn't even have doors!" Julie yelped.

"Right. I'm sorry. I'm so used to it that it didn't even occur to me. You can go and change on the toilet. There's not much space there though." I shrugged, then pointed at the tiny cabin.

Julie sighed. "Could you turn around please. I'm shy and I'm not shy to admit it." She chuckled nervously.

"Oh yeah, sure, sorry!" I turned around and kept watch so I could let her know if someone else was coming by.

"It looks awful, doesn't it?" Julie asked, once she put on the shirt.

"It doesn't look flattering on anyone." I said truthfully. I had to admit it looked worse on her than it did on most people. Julie was carrying a bit of a belly, I would never have expected while she was still in her jacket. The shirt on her was loose everywhere, except for her middle, where it looked like she must have struggled to button it.

Julie didn't look convinced. "Do you think it would be possible to get a larger shirt?"

"We can try. Wait here, I'll try to ask Jeremy."

"Bad news. Jeremy apparently doesn't have the keys from the storage today, so there's no chance. Sorry. Maybe next time." If you even come again, considering how capable our boss looks...

"That sucks! Thank you anyway. For trying." She gave me a smile.

"No problem. We should probably get going... Come, I'll show you around the store."

At long last, our shift finally came to an end. There wasn't much to do today, so after I showed Julie around, I spent some time explaining how to stack out books and told her about various rules that we had to follow. The rest of the day Julie spent operating the cash desk and since it was her first day, I had to stand there supervising her. Luckily she was a quick learner and so I didn't have to step in too often. I absolutely hate operating the cash desk!

"Would you like to grab a bite with me? My treat! I want to thank you for taking such good care of me!" Julie turned to me.

Free meal? Sign me up! "Sure, why not? And it wasn't a problem really. You were doing fine and made it quite easy for me."

We stopped at a nearby fast-food restaurant and started ordering on the screen. "You sure you want to pay for me?" I asked, reluctant to take advantage of Julie."

"It's fine, really!" Julie said, waving her hand.

"It's just that... I'm really starving, and I would like two meals..."

"That's alright. I always order two as well, so don't worry about it!"

"Oh, okay."

We picked up our food just a few minutes later and sat down at the booth.

"I swear these are getting smaller all the time." Julie complained, lifting up her first burger.

I nodded in agreement, taking my first bite of my own burger in a hurry. "At least they still taste good." I said as soon as I swallowed what was my first food in forever.

One burger, some chicken nuggets and a large number of fries later, I felt pleasantly full, my appetite sated. It almost surprised me I was able to finish all that. I guess my appetite is growing more than I thought.

Julie on the other hand looked dissatisfied. "I'm heading for more, would you like anything?"

Would I? I looked down at my slightly distended stomach and realized I may have been full, but I wasn't stuffed just yet. I would actually. "I-I guess. Can I have a cheeseburger and another coke?"

Julie grinned. "Sure thing!"

"You certainly can eat a lot for someone your size."

"I hadn't eaten all day." I admitted.

"Yeah, I figured from your rumbling stomach."

"Wait, you heard that?!" I asked, blushing.

Julie giggled. "It was hard not to! Seriously though, you should be more careful with your eating habits. Binge eating is a guaranteed way to gain weight. It's how I got this big." Julie said, self-consciously.

Noted. "With my genetics, I don't really have to worry about that. I only gain weight in the chest." I said, figuring it would be easier than having to explain why my breasts are bigger the next time she sees me.

Julie gave me a look of utter disbelief.

"It's true! I was totally flat a month ago."


"I'm not making it up! You know what, I'll show you a picture of my sisters!" I pulled out my phone only to find it was dead. "Crap, my phone died! I'll show you next time, I swear."

"If you say so..."

I returned home late happy that I gained a new friend, and with my stomach full as a bonus. Even if she didn't believe my boobs would get bigger. She didn't believe it yet! I thought. As soon as I opened the door, the scent of Chinese food hit my nostrils. Oh shit! I completely forgot! I found Alice snoring on the couch, with her enlarged belly sitting in her lap. On the table in front of her lay empty containers from 4 or 5 full meals, next to an empty jar of nutella she opened this morning. Oh no, what has she done?! She's gonna be so pissed... Despite my attempt to make as little noise as possible, Alice groaned and opened her eyes. "Hey." I mumbled sheepishly, barely a whisper.