Family History Pt. 01


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Lavinia unfolded the lace fichu that had been smuggled from France. I had intended it and the others as rewards for any maidservants who might have been accommodating. It was far too good for that purpose but my batman had bought two dozen for me at a very low price in a Portsmouth alehouse. It was understood that I should not enquire about their source.

I had succeeded in startling Lavina. The fichu was a wonderful piece of lacework. She and Emma went into raptures about it. They knew it was French and from a notable maker. They started a conversation that I couldn't follow. Names such as "Chantilly" and "Mechlin" were mentioned. Emma sent her maid upstairs to bring some of her lace so that they could compare.

I felt abandoned so I knelt to the floor and played with Simon who seemed to find his youngest uncle amusing.

After a while I heard Lavina say to Emma "Can I?" I didn't hear a reply, just a rustle of skirts, then Lavina's arms closed round me and her lips brushed my cheek.

"Thank you, Alfred," she whispered in my ear. "That was a wonderful present."

Then she really shocked me. Her hands held my face and she kissed me full on the lips. I responded instinctively with my lips and tongue before I realised what I was doing in front of my sister. I blushed bright red. Lavina and Emma were very amused. Emma joined us on the floor and she kissed me just as Lavina had. It was not a sisterly kiss. Her tongue probed into my mouth. I would have pulled away but her arms and Lavinia's held me. Lavina's lips caressed the back of my neck.

When that kiss ended all three of us were short of breath. Something had happened that I didn't understand. The dinner gong ended the scene.

The boys were taken away by the nursery nurse. I went into dinner with Emma on one arm and Lavinia on the other. As we entered I realised that Henry, Emma's husband, was not there.

"Where's Henry?" I asked Emma.

"He's away for a few weeks, visiting his estates in the North," she replied calmly.

Had she not been my sister it could have been very embarrassing. I was a guest in a house with no adult male members of the family present.

We made the usual polite dinnertime conversation. At the end of the meal Lavinia slipped away. Emma stood beside my chair as I finished my port.

"She has to feed Andrew and give Simon a little taste before they go to sleep. I hope the wet-nurse will be better soon. It is an imposition to ask Lavinia to do this for me. I can feed them but I don't have enough."

Even from my sister this was embarrassing. I blushed. Emma stroked my cheek.

"It is a natural thing, Alfred, nothing to blush about."

That made me blush more. Emma pulled my head against her bosom. I smelt her milk through her clothing.

"When you were a baby I watched you at your wet-nurse's breast. You were a greedy baby. All babies breast-feed. You were no different."

I wanted to object to the subject of the conversation but Emma clutched me hard against her. I couldn't speak as her soft breasts spread under the pressure of my face.

"I love you, little brother," I heard Emma say, "Did you know that? I have loved you ever since you were a baby and I held you in my arms. I wish you were my baby again."

Her arms clasped tighter. I was struggling to breathe. The sweet smell of her milk was getting stronger. My face felt the dampness of her clothing. I struggled free from her embrace.

"I love you too, Emma," I said. "But there are limits. Breast milk may be a natural thing but I do not want to be soaked by my sister's milk."

Emma was annoyed. Even her little brother could sense that.

"I ought to..." she stopped. Lavinia came back into the room interrupting whatever Emma would have said. I stood up as I saw Lavinia.

"You don't need to stand for me, Master Alfred," she said.

"I do. You are a friend of my sister, and a help to her whole family. We owe you a debt. Standing to any lady is a normal convention. Standing for a lady who is a friend isn't enough to show my thanks."

The rest of the evening was quiet. I learned that Lavinia's baby had died a couple of weeks ago having survived the first three months and that she had lost two babies previously. Otherwise the ladies did not embarrass me again. I retired to bed. I left my clothes in the dressing room. As I climbed into bed I heard a servant collect them. I was soon asleep.

I woke suddenly as a pair of soft lips covered mine.

"Shh!" she said. "It's me, Lavinia."

My objection was lost as she kissed me fiercely. Despite myself I was aroused. I was naked as usual in bed. She was wearing a voluminous cotton nightdress that didn't prevent me feeling that I had a beautifully rounded body in bed with me.

Her lips withdrew. Her hand covered my mouth.

"There are conditions to my visit. You don't object to me being in your bed?"

I shook my head.

"Very well. I do not want you to do anything without my express permission. Will you agree?"

I nodded.

"Then I want to ensure that you do not get carried away and forget."

I felt her wriggle beside me. A hand clasped my wrist and wound some soft silken material on it. Lavinia pushed me on my side, slid the material across my back, grabbed the other wrist and secured both of them to my sides, tying the material again in front of me.

I tried my bonds. I could pull my hands an inch or two away from my sides, but not up nor down.

"What are you...?"

Lavina's hand covered my mouth, gently but firmly.


She tied my ankles. As with the wrists the tying was soft but effective. I could wriggle but not free myself.

"Open your mouth." She ordered.

"What?" I was nonplussed.

"Open your mouth!" Her whisper was fierce. I opened. My mouth was stuffed full and another soft band wound round my head holding the gag in place.

"Thank you, Alfred. Now you are ready."

Her hand stroked my hair. Her rounded body pressed against me.

"Emma!" This was a louder whisper.

I heard the rustle of silk as Emma climbed into bed on the other side of me. I tried to throw her off but the bonds and their arms stopped me. I was helpless, bound, gagged, naked, and in bed with a married woman and my sister.

"Alfred," This was Emma's voice. "We both want something from you and we are not letting you go until we get it. If you don't comply you could be in a very awkward position. The servants have removed ALL your clothes. All you have is the bedclothes. The doors are locked and you are tied up. Lavina's husband is away with my Henry. We could keep you here until your regiment has sailed. The servants are mine and will not help you. Are you willing to hear what we want and not make a noise?"

I nodded. There was no response. They hadn't seen my nod in the darkness. I leant my head against Emma and nodded again.

"Thank you, Alfred. Lavinia, light a candle, please."

I heard Lavinia strike a light with a tinderbox and then the glow of one candle lit the room. Emma was holding my naked body against her white silk. Lavinia flowed across the room in swirling yards of white cotton. She hitched up the hem, flashing lithe slim legs as she climbed alongside me.

"Now we can talk," said Emma. I grunted into my gag.

"Sorry, Alfred, you can't. We might let you talk later if you please us enough. I'll let Lavinia tell you what she wants from you."

"I want your baby." Lavinia said bluntly. I shook my head violently until Emma held it still. Emma giggled.

"That was rather too direct for a well brought up young gentleman, Lavinia. What she meant to say, Alfred, was that she wants you to make a baby with her that she can pass off as her husband's. Try again, Lavinia, with some more explanation this time."

"Alfred." I looked at her. Even in the poor light I could see that Lavinia was close to tears.

"My husband's babies die. It runs in his family. He was the only one of all his brothers and sisters to survive beyond six months. I have lost three babies all before four months old. He wants a son and heir or at least a daughter. The London doctor has told us that it is nothing to do with me, the problem is with my husband. I could produce ten more babies but all might die very young. I can't face that. Each time a baby dies it tears me apart.

I need your help. I want you to make love to me several times while you are here. Then I will make love to my husband when it is too late in my monthly time. I won't conceive from him, but I hope I will have conceived from you. No one except we three will know that the baby is not his. We know you produced healthy babies."

I looked at Emma.

"Abigail's sons are fit and healthy, aren't they? I saw them last month. They look as strong as horses and are very intelligent."

How did Emma know about Abigail? She is a maid at our father's manor house in Lincolnshire. I had rolled in the hay with her on my nineteenth birthday. It had been my only time ever with a woman but she had produced twin boys that look just like me. They were now about eighteen months old and holy terrors. They will be educated and might end up as stewards or bailiffs. My father has reduced my allowance slightly to support Abigail and the twins.

"Please?" said Lavinia. I couldn't resist the look in her eyes. I nodded slowly.

I was swamped in female bodies. Lavinia was crying as she held me tight. So was Emma. I wrenched my head free from their smothering embrace and panted through my nose. Emma and Lavinia kissed each other.

I knew what Lavinia wanted. What did my sister Emma want from me? She worried me. She is my sister. I could understand if she was not but she was. Did she want what I thought? Could I do it with my sister?

Lavinia spoke for Emma.

"Emma wants almost the same as me. Her husband is away. She wants you to make love to her. She doesn't want your baby because she is already pregnant by her husband. She wants YOU. She wants you as her baby brother and as a man. We know it is wrong but she cannot overcome her attraction to you. She hopes that by actually making love to you she will get over her inappropriate feelings but she needs to try. Whether you agree or not doesn't matter. She will make love to you, not you to her. You have no choice about it."

I was shaking my head as Lavinia spoke. Emma wasn't looking. She had pulled the bedclothes off my body and her hands were stroking my skin. I felt aroused as her soft hands moved closer and closer to her target. I heard her sigh softly.

Lavinia straddled my chest with her nightdress draping across my shoulders. Her cotton swathed legs pressed either side of my head. I gasped into my gag as Emma's hands found what they sought. Her silken attire slithered over my lower body. Her hairy place brushed mine before she raised herself above me and pushed relentlessly down swallowing me inside her.

My eyes must have shown my horror. Lavinia covered them with fold of her nightdress, squeezing my head between her thighs. She and Emma moved slowly in unison. I relaxed as I felt that Lavinia, not my sister, was possessing me. Lavinia's body scent enveloped me as her nightdress enveloped my head and her warm thighs contracted as Emma thrust down.

Their movements quickened. Under their double weight my bound hands were squeezed against my sides. That sensation vanished as I became caught up in the passion of their desire. The covering slipped away from my eyes as Lavinia leant back against Emma. Looking up her body I saw Emma's hands kneading Lavinia's breasts. The warmth of their bodies on mine increased. First Lavinia, then Emma shuddered with ecstasy. I held back. I did not want to impregnate my sister. I was still uncomfortably aware that it was my sister riding me despite the almost overwhelming presence of Lavinia.

Shudders racked both of them. Soft cries of passion became louder as they reached further into the depths of their lovemaking. I felt doubts. Were they making love to me, or to each other? Was I just an incidental instrument and a symbol of a shared accomplishment? Were they consummating their love on me?

Emma started squeezing her muscles on each thrust. All my reservations and doubts were swept away in a rising crescendo filling my whole being. Lavinia slipped forward covering my nose and eyes under her. I erupted violently into Emma, arching my back so strongly that I lifted both of them away from the bed. Had it not been for Emma's hands clutching Lavinia's breasts, Lavinia would have been tipped off me. As it was, her cleft dropped behind my head leaving me smothered under her buttocks and hooded in layers of cotton.

I was in real danger of suffocation. Only my nose had been free, now it was tightly wrapped by layers of damp nightdress held down by Lavinia's weight. I tried to move my head but her legs and enveloping cotton prevented any movement. I was just wondering how my death would be reported to the regiment - "death by lingerie, perhaps?" - when Lavinia realised how encumbered I was. She rolled off me, dragging her nightdress with her. She ungagged me as fast as she could. I lay on the bed panting while Emma was still impaled on me. She sat there with a blissful expression, sweeping the folds of her silken nightdress from side to side as if she was dancing.

"Emma!" Lavinia said sharply. "Emma!"

"Yes?" Emma was still far away, lost in bliss.

"We nearly killed Alfred. He was suffocating."

"You two have nearly killed me with bliss. That was wonderful."

It was obvious that Emma wasn't concerned about me. She was still savouring her experiences. As my breathing returned to normal my mind tried to come to terms with what had happened. I had fucked my sister. Actually she had fucked me, but it was wrong whoever did it to whom. Under the swishing silks she still held me inside her and I was recovering. If I didn't do something soon my sister would fuck me again. I was now acutely aware of the discomfort of my bound wrists and the dryness of my mouth. I turned to Lavinia.

"Please could you get me a drink of water?" I asked.

"There isn't any." She replied.


"You can still have a drink."

She unbuttoned her nightdress. Before I knew what she intended, she had eased a breast into my mouth. Drips of milk touched my tongue. I swallowed then sucked at her breast. The drips became a flow.

"Hey!" I heard from Emma. "I want to do that to him."

She lifted herself off me. Perhaps one fucking from my sister would be enough. She pushed Lavinia off me and presented a sisterly breast. My mouth opened before I thought that I should refuse. My sister's breast milk filled my mouth in a flood. I swallowed and sucked until the flow ceased. I was drifting away into a breast cushioned sleep when Emma's other breast flooded me. She didn't seem to be lacking in quantity. "Titty." The word entered my brain. Titted by a friend, titted by a sister, swamped in titties. As Emma's second tit emptied, Lavinia's second tit replaced it until I had drunk that tit empty as well.

They wrapped themselves around me, cradling my head between four tits. We all slept. I was vaguely aware of waking in the night. The candle had guttered out. I moved slightly. Arms tightened around me forcing me back into the soft embrace of four titties. I went back to sleep.

In the morning I woke alone. I was no longer bound. My bedclothes demurely covered me. Had it happened? I got up. In the dressing room, shaving water simmered over a flame. My clothes were laid out for me. I shaved, dressed and sought breakfast.

In the breakfast room Lavinia waited for me. She kissed my cheek.

"Have you remembered your agreement to help me?"

How could I have forgotten?

"Yes, Lavinia. I will do anything you want."

"Good. Then we can make a start soon after breakfast. Would you like to join me in a walk around the grounds?"

I nodded. My mouth was full of devilled kidney.

Lavinia took my arm. It was a stretch for both of us because she was wearing a large crinoline under her dress. A long silk apron was tied round her waist. As we walked her skirt impeded my legs wrapping them in the folds. She clutched a large shawl around her shoulders.

She pointed out the features of the grounds. I did not tell her that I knew them very well and could have directed her. I knew where she was taking me. There was a Temple of Aphrodite in one of the wooded groves. I expressed surprise and admiration when we reached it.

Lavinia lifted her apron to produce a small bunch of keys from a pocket in the folds of her skirt. She opened the doors. We entered. She shut the doors, locked them, lifted her apron and dropped the keys back into her pocket. There had been a change since I had last been in the temple. The naked statue of Aphrodite still dominated. The altar was covered with flowers. That was not unusual. What was very different was the silk covered mattress from a large bed placed before the altar.

Lavinia led me to stand between the mattress and the altar.

"You, sir, are to be a sacrifice to the Goddess. I hope you appreciate the honour. Please strip off your clothes."

I just stood there and gawped at her.

"Strip!" she ordered.

I stripped.

"Down on your back with your head to the altar."

I stretched out on the mattress.

"Arms above your head, please."

I reached my arms up. Lavinia knelt between the altar and the mattress. She tied my hands slightly apart with silk ribbons which were stitched to the mattress. She moved down to my feet. They too were tied to the mattress. She collected my discarded clothes, put them in a chest set into one of the stone seats around the walls and pointedly locked it. She dropped the keys back into her skirt pocket.

"Now keep quiet while I invoke the goddess."

Lavinia stood astride my tethered body. Her crinolined skirt brushed over me. As she bowed toward the altar the hem of her skirt covered my face. I looked up under the dome of her crinoline. I gasped. Even in the dimness under her skirts I could see the hairy cleft between her legs. She was singing a chant in Greek. I recognised that it was Greek but couldn't follow the words except for the repeated Aphrodite.

Lavinia moved backwards. The light inside the Temple had changed as the sun had moved. How I didn't know but the whole interior was reddish. The nude statue of the Goddess had a rosy glow which seemed to shimmer.

"Now, young Master Alfred, you must serve my purpose. I want your seed inside me. Will you give it to me willingly?"

I looked up her aproned skirt to her breasts and her face high above me.


Lavinia sank down, spreading her skirts wide. Her cleft unerringly found my shaft and swallowed it to the base. Her hands crossed over my mouth as she pressed down. She began to rock her body on mine. Her cleft never released its clutch but pulled my shaft to follow her movements. Soon I was panting against her hands as I found her body irresistible. Within a couple of short minutes I had given her the seed she wanted.

Unlike last night when my climax had been delayed by anxiety about being used by my sister, my body had responded quickly, too quickly to her. I felt disappointed for her, and for myself. Surely I could have held back?

Lavinia answered my unspoken thoughts.

"Thank you, Alfred. I have your seed. That is what I wanted and what I asked the goddess for. Now, when you have recovered, Aphrodite and I will reward you for your gift."

Until that morning I had no idea how inexperienced a lover I was. Lavinia and Aphrodite showed me more ways to make love than I had even thought about. Tied to that mattress I was her plaything. She rolled me over and wriggled under me for some of the positions. I was introduced to every part of her body as she stripped off the layers of her clothing. I learned how to kiss her cleft, where to put my tongue, what to seek out to make her moan, even where to use my teeth.