Far Pangaea 92: Cold Shoulder


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"Is it weird I can almost feel that kick still?" He rubs the right side of his belly.

"Pangaea? Home of the weird."

"True that." Mal nods then eyes the Old Man alone by the fire. In an unexpected move Malcolm Brand steps over and crouches beside God, "I'm not sure you can understand me God. But, I've always had a strong faith in you. I know you will keep us all safe. Whatever is going on with those Moons...that Mountain...above my pay grade. I just ask you to be with me as I battle this Atum. With your help I can do anything." He opts to touch God's shoulder but stops cold. It was then that God reacted.

"Atum?" God stammers a bit then rubs his throat, "Oh yes. Atum's apple." He then falls silent. In awe of the moment Malcolm rises as Ruby expresses a confused shrug. Malcolm shook it off and went his own way. The Technoride awaited.

On the outskirts of Eden Cam and Sabbath strolled. Reaching of all places where Cam's car was parked beneath the moonlight. Sitting Sabbath on the hood Cam kisses her. Their emotions growing for each other. He wanted to make love to her right there on the car hood but he knew he didn't have the time. She too desired to feel him inside her and realizes the same. Yet their lips did not part. Not until the car comes to life with the stereo playing the tune of Moon River as performed by Andy Williams.

"Well now. If that doesn't make things interesting?" He chuckles his lips barely touching hers not wanting to stop. She offers a surprised expression.

"The song is lovely."

"That it is. Kind of fitting for us. I don't want to leave you Sabbath."

"Then don't. I'm going with you and Malcolm. I may be the only one that can get through to Osiris if we need to." She refrains from telling him of Khonsu within her. He might not like her decision to join with the Goddess.

"What about Lillian? She going to be alright sleeping without you here to watch over things?"

"My sister will be aware of all things."

"Right. Now that all of the Vampires are gone."

"Not all. There were a small number out hunting beyond Eden. They will have felt their brothers and sisters perish. Fear will send them into hiding as the sun comes up. We shall worry about them another day. If we live another day."

"If we don't...Sabbath...I love you."

"And...I love you Cameron Scott."

Song ending the car goes silent. Easing off of Sabbath Cam smirks patting the car's rooftop, "Look after my friends Hendrix."

A faint toot of the horn acknowledges him. The couple laughed and left the vehicle. Malcolm was waiting. Sabbath rode with Malcolm. She could not stop smiling. Neither could Cam.

At the almost deep enough grave of Abigail, Briar cautiously shuffles toward her. A rifle barrel blocks her path. Warjorj hisses, "Far enough Miss Briar."

"I merely wish to pay my respect."

"Y'all didn't know her and not many here trust ya yet."

"I want to be trusted."

"Comes in time."

"Time I fear we do not have. Can you not see the Moons?" She looks skyward. As she does instinct takes over and the others look over the treetops at the Moons. In their awe Briar makes her move. Trust or not she wanted nothing more than to ease the misery of everyone. Slipping beneath the rifle she crawls closer to touch Abigail's frail form. It had barely become decayed, still maintaining most of her color after the blood loss. Palms caressing the girls temples a strange green glow emits between the two. Scenting it on the air with his enhanced senses Bogart Ross stops digging to sniff. With a snarl he climbs the dirt until pawing his way out of the hole. The others hearing his departure turned to join his gaze. All stopped cold dropping their jaws.

Transforming back to his human side Bogart Ross fell to his knees. Before him sat up young Abigail. With one final smile toward them the body of Madigan Ridge fell limp. The transference was complete. Briar had given them back their loved one.

"What have you done?" Stefan looks in horror.

"I...I'm home." Abigail looks without expression.

Sniffing with narrowed eyes Bogart Ross crawls closer until Abigail reaches out to palm his bearded cheek. Tears well up in Bogart's eyes, "Abigail?"

"Yes. I share my body with Briar but I am here."

"You...a Zombie?" Stefan frets.

"No Stefan. I live. I breath. My blood now flows as my heart beats." Her voice switches to Briar's, "I have retained her memories. She shares my own. While her blood is diluted with the green we are one. Forgive my intrusion. Your despair at her loss could not continue. As long as I reside you may have Abigail back as you knew her."

"Abigail was dead." Warjorj looks untrusting.

"Yes. Of body. Her soul lingered however. I managed to connect before it departed. I will not interfere in her respect for you all. I will remain dormant and share my love with her. Forgive this one if you can."

Green eyes dim and Abigail's baby blues return. She leaps into Bogart's arms. He swung her about joyously. Marshal Warjorj still felt uneasy.

"Should we bury the other woman?" Stefan shrugs awaiting answers.

"I can answer that." Intervened the voice of Ruby Goddard, "Madigan deserves a proper burial just as much as anyone. Probably more than most. I can't think of a better place than Eden for that."

The Roman Centurion Antonaeus Gaicazar steps from behind her and kneels to pick up Madigan's body. Carrying her to the hole he jumps down five feet before respectfully laying her down. Looking up at the group peering down he notes Abigail raise her hand toward the trees above. A vine dangling snakes its way down toward Gaicazar. Catching it the Roman pulls himself out, the vine returning to its home.

"Briar?" Ruby Goddard points at Abigail with a stern look, "I'm uncertain what you did was right or wrong. Just know if it had the wrong motives I'll find a way to drag you out of her kicking and screaming. That poor girl died far too young but she doesn't deserve to be used either."

"Briar understands and wants you to know her intentions were noble." Abigail responds.

"Fill that hole up. When you're done I'll say a few words to Maddy. Again."

Answering the Colonel, Stefan who held the shovel performed the task.

Ruby returned to God. Sensing her arrival the Old Man reaches over and places a hand on her knee. Murmuring he says, "You never looked more beautiful."

"Jack?" She waves a hand over his face without receiving a response. In thought she sighs, "I hope God isn't getting fresh with me."

Within the flying Ganthorian craft X'Orr. Five minutes after the drop off of Sophia, Xander, and the body of Moe.

As ordered by Orin Ridge the Ganthorians led James Ian toward a lab which contained a stasis chamber. Not the type that preserved the elder James after death but of a slumbering pod. In their walk James Ian stumbled numerous times to be caught by a Ganthorian. Within the head of young James a thought occurs, "How He walk in this body?"

A mere thought was all it took for Orin Ridge. Still fawning over the bite given to his calf by Xander the pain left instantly as his jaw dropped, "That scheming little bastard. He did a mind swap with Lancelot Link." Grimacing at the drastic maneuver he quickly makes a decision, "As long as I don't crave bananas fuck it. The boy made his own crater. No way he survived that fall unless the monkey grew wings. Too bad I got the best part of the deal Punk. I got both bodies. Your soul is in these flesh bags. All I need is to keep the Reflection's body intact. My plans are too crucial to turn back and find a corpse. Winner take all."

Moe wanted to run but knew James would be upset if he broke character. Not that he knew what character was. Into the stasis chamber he went. Moe was sleepy anyway.

The Maltese Cuckoo...on the mountain side above the City of Gold.

"Pleidians cutting into hull. Moon roof soon." Milo whines clutching the jar of eyeballs.

"Can't you just do some Jedi mind trick and make them go away again?"

"Milo try. Pleidians too smart. Adapt and come back with more of kind. They not give up easy."

"What other choices do we have here?" Serena Dorsey grows some balls in his nervous reaction.

"Protect the chocolate?"

"You're the smartest guy on Earth? Seriously? Grow some Antboy."

Hearing her final statement Milo Greyson pauses, "Grow some. Good idea. Where Renee Ramse put Size Gun?"

"I saw it over...there?" A strange light builds before them as a portal opens. Serena seeing it bulges her eyes, "Are the Pleidian's doing that?"

"Milo not think so. Stay back just in case."

As the portal grows bigger a massive hand and hairy arm slips through above the Size Gun and snatches it up. In a swift retreat back into the portal both the arm and pistol were gone. Looking at each other Milo mumbles, "Eeeep! That not go as planned."

Serena glares at him hatefully, "Fuck it!" In a mad response Serena races to the Cuckoo's door latch controls and slams the ball of her hand on it. Milo wheezes at her move while the door hisses open and a small ramp slips down to the debris below. It stopped the exterior welding.

"You crazy?" Milo whispers.

"Guess so. Let's hope this ring of mine can fight."

Taking a deep breath Serena Dorsey dares to depart. Walking down the stairs of the ramp she puts her hands in the air as if surrendering. All about her over a dozen Pleidians overlooked her eying the hatch instead.

"Yoohoo! Over here. I give up." No response directed toward her, two Pleidians risk looking up into the hatchway. She fidgets then kneels to pick up a stone. Throwing it at them it bounces off one and clatters to the ramp. They didn't even know she was there. How? Her thoughts used she speaks with Milo, "They aren't even curious of me. Any further ideas?"

Milo cringes as he eyes the ramp. Just out of sight of theirs he contemplates dozens of scenarios in his head. Finally, he ends up on the only option, "Ser'Ena run far and fast. Milo release Cano. Go far so he not hurt you."

"What about you?" She swallows, "You release him he'll kill everyone here including you."

"It your bright idea Milo recall."

"Yea, but...it was a stupid idea."

"They coming in. Run Ser'Ena." Eyes wide she darts through the foliage and vanishes from sight.

Giving her a head start Milo uses his telekinesis to unlock the specialized pet taxi and nudges the cage toward the ramp. All he heard was snoring. Troubled Milo grits his teeth and nudges it again, "No let sleeping Dragons lie. WAKE UP!"

Entering the Cuckoo the Pleidians locate Milo and point guns at him. More Pleidians join them looking around at the technology. Milo winces clutching the jar to his chest.

"Always Plan B." A swift tap to his wristband's circuitry a blinding light encompasses his body. Not his last wish but in order to survive the choice was made. As the light dispersed Milo Greyson was gone. The Pleidians stand confused in their zombie like behavior. The five within begin searching while the others stood outside emotionless. In their noisy rummaging the pet taxi trembles. Hearing it a Pleidian kneels to examine it. Had Milo hidden within? Yeah, sure he did.

Like a match head the Pleidian's face became a melting pyre. Cano was awake. Before stepping out of the opened cage, the Pleidian stumbled about finally falling down the ramp. At the Pleidian's last scream Cano felt fresh air. With a deep inhale the sizing compartment built into the taxi ceased operation. A Dragon grew some as Serena had said earlier. Then some.

His mass enlarged so quickly that every Pleidian within was crushed under his expansion. Growing so rapidly the Cuckoo cracked open like a cashew. A blazing swath of breath burnt every Pleidian alive. No screams heard. Once free of the Cuckoo a devastating explosion occurred. Only a mighty Dragon survived to roar out at the Moons above.

A quarter mile down the Mountain Serena heard the mountain shake. Rocks shifted around and she held on to a tree for dear life. Spotting flames above and then hearing the roar of a great beast she hissed, "What have I done?"

Remaining silent she watches Cano take flight. Circling the jungle as if catching her scent the Dragon soars directly toward her. Knowing he had seen her even in the darkness she abandons her tree and makes a bold stand. Ring poised in front of her it sparkles and turns her flesh blue.

Defiantly she holds her ground as Cano reaches her and lands in a loud disturbance of falling trees and rocks. Above her he cranes his long neck and lowers to face Serena. Fear had left her the second her skin altered color. Cano merely smolders sniffing at her. In a strange atmosphere Cano's eyes turn blue and he calms.

"Go! Save Jimmy Jack." She waves him down toward the City of Gold. Peering away from her to follow her direction Cano pushes off the Mountain side and resumes flight. Sighing at her survival she reverts back to her human coloring.

Cano then changed directions and flew away.


Serena Dorsey was on her own. Even as blue eyes surrounded her from every angle. As she stumbles in the darkness tripping she lands on her hands and knees. In her despair a rabbit hops up to her. Looking up to stare it in the eye she finds a glowing blue. Sniffing at her ring it decides to hop away. Freaked a bit she stands and continues on.

"I'm coming Mom."

In her Towering home Princess Kym'Ani felt a kick in her tummy. A smile gave her hope. Even if she was meant to live with Lucas Dorsey forever it was this very moment that she would cherish.

In the very far future...so many Paradoxes that Timelines grow out of kilter.


"That didn't hurt. The needle was only this big." Proved a Nurse of Asian nationality with a warm smile.

"Flu shot?" James Ian Pryce stared at an inoculation bottle. He had kept trying to bounce about in time always returning to young Desmond the son of Satan alias Stan. Each time might have been anywhere from hours to weeks to a year or more. Noting Desmond had not aged much he felt doomed to be stuck in here until...well...the End.

Hopping down from a table James surveys the area, "Where am I again?"

The nurse disposing of the needle turns, "In REGION of course. Your Mother is just outside. Thank you for being a good patient Desmond." Her eyes offered a strange new hue just as his bicep felt a burning sensation.

"You are correct IanChrist. She is Pestilence. The shot we just received makes us a carrier. Once we go out into the world people will drop dead like flies within months. Flies are really cool when you rip their wings off. Buzzing and trying to fly away."

"Shut up Desmond. Know what I notice every time I jump in and back to you?"

"How much fun it is to be like brothers?"

"Not even close Moron. Each time I jump I get more and more control over your body. I suppress your words from telling on me."

"Not really. I let you. It's fun to watch the fly try."

"Uh huh! Sorry Devil Boy but I'm going to win."

Desmond marches out to meet his Mother Judith Lamb on her cell as always. Seeing her pace James eyes something. A dangling passcode keycard from her smock. He just needed to get Desmond to cooperate.

"No need to ask me. I'm in. Let's go have some fun."

"Right! We both know nobody is going to survive the future anyway. Why not snoop and see what REGION is doing."

"Just like real brothers."


A quick snatch of the card and the boy was gone. James along for the ride. For such a secret organization they sure didn't have many guards or surveillance cameras. James was slightly worried for that very reason. Did Stan want him to run free like this?

"Dad doesn't really care. He knows there is nothing you can do to stop what is coming."

"Buzz kill."

"Exactly. Just like the wingless fly."

"Whatever. Have you been here before?"

"No. But I want to explore it all. Don't you?"

"Everything. I'm with you Brother."

"He finally admits it. YAY!"

"Stop sounding so gay. You sound more like a Momma's boy."

"Mom is okay when she's needed. You do know she has the soul of Mary Magdalene in her right?"

"And, you know as a Reflection of God I have the soul of Jesus in me...right?"

"So, you and My Mom had whoopie in a past life? That doesn't sound like you followed the Ten Commandments."

"Geeeez! You know there was an 11th Commandment?"

"Really? What was it?"

"Thou shalt not be a douchebag."

"What's a douchebag?"

"It's when people say they've cleaned up their act but end up dirtier than ever. Like you."

"Is that why my Mom washes herself down there with Holy Water?"

"She does?"

"I've seen it. She prays over the water before using it."

"Dude! You're gross. Peeping on your own Mother naked."

"You do know I can read your thoughts? You just remembered peeping on Ruby Goddard. Your birth Mom."

"Shut up Desmond. I'm sorry I even brought it up."

"Let's take the elevator."

"To where?"

"I like going down."

"Sounding gay again. Of course the Devil's kid would prefer down than up."

"No. I just think things worth seeing are downstairs."

"You have a point. Let's go." Entering an elevator the passkey allows them to head to the very bottom floor. As the door opens activity outside made the boy hide behind the floor panel out of sight. Easing for a better look he runs out the door before it shuts again.

"I feel a breeze. How can that be this deep underground?" Desmond ponders.

"Smart kid. I'm guessing caverns to the outside world. Somehow I'm betting it's a hangar."

"They hang laundry here?"

"Sure. Let's go find some." James prompts the boy to walk fast down a corridor. Spotting a door at the end they run until leaning against it.

"I hear voices."

"Keep quiet Kid. That voice...sounds familiar."

"Who is Harpea?"

"Stop reading my mind Douche."

"You are so confusing."

"How did you manage to come out of Judith's womb after Holy Water?"

"It hurt. She hurt worse. Are we going inside?"

"As soon as the voices fade a bit." As they do the passkey swipes again. Only this time entry is forbidden. Another try ends with the same result, "Judith must not be allowed here even." As they fidget the door is unlocked from the inside and swings open. A man wearing a Hazmat suit steps past. Spotting his own passkey Desmond snatches it as he steps by. In the suit his vision was blocked from discovering Desmond.

"Sweet move D Man."

"I thought so." Desmond beats the door without even using the code key. Exploring further Desmond follows the breeze. Down a further hall led to a huge cavern. It was indeed a hangar. In looking over a railing Desmond, and James through the boy's eyes spots alien starships.

"Whoa! That's...the X'Orr. You said Harpea earlier. If she's here that must mean..."

"Well now. How did you get down here Son?"

Desmond freezes in step and turns ever so slowly. Before him stood a really old man.

"Orin Ridge. The man that killed me in Pangaea."

"He killed you? Sucks to be you IanChrist."

"Hey Desmond? Wanna see if that fly can fly without wings?"


"Dare you to push the old man over the railing."

"But he's not a fly."

Orin Ridge studies the confused look on the boys face, "You alright Youngster?"

Before Desmond could be goaded further Harpea returns along with her first mate T'Ule. James brightens up within Desmond.

"That's Harpea."

"Hi Harpea." Desmond blurts out. In response James grumbles, "DOH!"

"How does this young Human know my name?"

"My friend IanChrist told me your name. And, you are Omen Ridge."

"Orin." He chuckles, "Close enough Young Man. Where are your parents?" Orin discovers the passkeys in his possession, "Judith Lamb. REGION Director. Does she have access down here?"

"I think not." Harpea leers with nobility, "Allow me to wipe his mind of meeting us and have him escorted out. We cannot be discovered."