Farmhouse Series Ch. 04 - Giddy Up

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A 'riding' lesson.
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I'm going back through several stories that I had written back in 2001,2002 & 2003 and cleaning them up. This one was one of my favorite series, based on two friends who spend a few days in an old family farmhouse. It is in 14 parts and simply a story, with adult content.

I hope you enjoy it. ~ MI


Getting out of the car, he takes a quick look around at the yard. There is a farmhouse, barn, some odd buildings with fencing and several people working, a few on horses over in a corral. Beth is already heading over to the house and waves to a movement in the barn and the big man that had greeted them this morning comes into view in the doorway, leading out a horse. Figuring Beth was going to see her aunt who had just come out on the porch, he gives Jack a wave and head over to him.

"Right on time." Jack extends his hand for a shake. Smiling, Kevin takes his hand and nods towards the property.

"Beth didn't mention you had horses." The animal before him steps forward, nudging his chest and Jack chuckles.

"She's looking for a carrot. Here Fella."

He sees Jack taking a carrot from a back pocket and hands it over. Just a bit apprehensive, he takes the carrot and holds it out to the horse. "Here you go Fella."

It's a natural assumption, that Fella is the horse's name ... but he realizes his mistake as Jack laughs, remembering the teasing this morning and Jack's nickname for Beth.

"The horse is Patches."

Nodding in understanding, Jack shows him how to hold his hand open for the horse to eat from. "Haven't been around horses much, have you?"

" 'Fraid not. The extent of my equestrian skills doesn't extend beyond the ponies at the town fair on the common."

"Ella! You gonna teach this boy how to ride?"

The two men turn to look at the women who are waving and nod from the porch before heading inside. "There you go, she'll get you on the horse and ready in no time. Come on, you can learn to help me saddle up this one and Sampson."

Glancing back at the house, Kevin shrugs and nods. "Ok"

Jack is patient, going through each step and explaining why it's done as he has Kevin follow what he does on Patches to Sampson. The second horse is bigger, both in muscle and height, 16 hands compared to 14.5, in which an explanation of measurements is forthwith ... then going into the difference between English and Western riding and saddles, the most obvious a missing pommel on the English, then tandem saddles which he brings one over for Sampson. At some point the men are laughing as Jack finally approves the final product, clapping Kevin on the back and the women's voices drift into the barn.

"Der beste Weg Ist halten Sie am Bach, gehen durch die Wiese."

"Danke, Tante."

"Ich liebe dich mein Schatzi."

"Ich liebe dich."

"Sounds like they're planning for your ride. You're probably going to eat by the stream, Beth'll show you the way."

The older woman gives Beth a wink and hugs her before smiling at Kevin and handing him the satchel she was carrying. "There's a first time for everything. Have a good time you two."

"Should I ask?" Kevin smiles back at the elder woman, before she nods and heads back to the house.

"Your first horseback lesson. And, she was recommending that we stay by the stream and go through the meadow on our way back, that's all." Beth grins, turning around to look at him as she walks backwards. "Says it's a very nice ride and told me before there's a nice spot where the stream bends that we can have a picnic lunch."

"Is that what's in this?" He motions to the bag as she takes his hand and nods.

"We're going to take Sampson and ride together, ok?" She asks, grinning. "Ready for your riding lesson?"

"I guess so.

Jack is bringing Sampson forward, fastening a rolled-up blanket to the back of the saddle. "I figured you two would double so we put a tandem saddle on."

"Good idea ... I've never seen one like this. Lower profile?"

Nodding, Jack runs his hand over the two seats and the low bump between them before taking the satchel from Kevin and fastening it to the straps on the blanket. "Your aunt likes this one, figured you would too. Rides much more comfortable."


"You going to change?"

She smooths the front of her sundress and shakes her head with a smirk. Muttering something about women not knowing how to dress, he bends and "Up we go."

Jack doesn't give her a chance, simply picks her up and swings her just enough that her skirt billows out, giving Kevin full view of the pink panties she had donned that morning. It's momentarily, then her leg is over the saddle ... her skirt riding up her thighs as she settles into the saddle and smooths the fabric down to her knees.

He's next, Jack adjusting the stirrups for him, and he manages to swing up behind her without too much issue. Making sure they're both secure, Jack steps back and pats Patches on the neck.

"Everything good. Feel secure?"

"Yes, thank you Jack. Aunt Junie had suggested the meadow, then by the stream."

He nods. "Should be a good ride. Have a good time you two."

He heads out to the front of the barn, and she shifts a little in the saddle. She's close to him, slightly rigid and not quite nestled against him, though the back of her thighs almost rest on the top of his legs the way they're sitting. She turns her head and smiles up at him, pursing her lips for a kiss to which he obliges. "I'll get us out to the trail, ok?"

"Sounds good," He wraps an arm around her waist, his other hand on the pommel between her legs as she takes up the reins in one hand and starts the animal in a walk out the back of the barn. As they get behind the building, she relaxes a bit, semi-spooning into his body and they head along a path towards some trees. When they reach the tree line, she puts the reins in one of his hands and begins explaining how to direct the horse with the reins and his legs.

"We'll start with a walk ... the whole idea, is to let the horse set the rhythm as he moves and our bodies... yours specifically ... " She pats his leg. "... need to become one with the horse and in almost a partnership my body will become one with yours. We move together with the horse."

The animal begins by taking a few steps, then stops and starts again. A few more tries and he has the horse moving forward in a smooth slow rhythm along the path into the woods. Her legs rest upon his, and she leans further into him so he can feel the smooth movement of the two of them gently rocking together with the horse's pace.

Coming to an open area, where they stop and go through what is needed to for the next gait ... trotting. How they should sit, brace themselves, what the difference in the types of trots. Again, it takes a few tries, but soon the horse is moving a bit faster. He begins to understand what she meant when she explained bracing himself ... there is a difference now of how their bodies move against each other ... he will move with the horse, but she will move slightly opposite, almost bouncing with the stride. Riding alone, he probably wouldn't have noticed the difference as much but riding together they rub together and is about to say something but grins as she begins laughing with the movement. After a few minutes, they slow the horse back down to a walk and go through the basics for a canter and then gallop.

It seems the horse was waiting for this direction, taking off almost immediately ... in which she takes over the reins and then leads to a few minutes of learning to slow the animal down and bring it back under control.

The second try he has the horse in hand, the animal in a canter. Again, their bodies move in unison, grazing against each other with the gait. After letting the animal canter, she turns her head and directs him to nudge the horse with his heels ... breaking into a full gallop. The rocking motion intensifies, the two of them leaning forward together and he can feel her body rubbing against his with the movement. She then shows him how to adapt to the slower gaits of the horse, where his legs come into play, matching the animal's gait.

"What do you think?" She tilts her head back against his shoulder, rubbing his left arm which he tightens around her waist. "If you like it, we could go riding again in a couple of days on our own horses."

"It's nice. I need more practice, but I enjoy it." He did enjoy the ride, though it occurs to him it's more the feeling of the two of them moving together with the gentle motion of the horse's walk than the actual ride. She's become soft and warm against him, almost molding into his body and if he had to admit it, the movements of the two of them riding were stimulating. Her skirt had ridden up, showing her thighs ... smiling at the thought of how easy it would be to touch her now, a simple shift of his hand from the pommel to the juncture between her legs. It would be simple to slip his fingers beneath the fabric ... urge the horse into a canter again to have her move simultaneously with his hand and the animal. He bends his head to kiss the side of her neck wondering if she's sitting close enough that she can feel him getting harder against her backside. Sighing contentedly and turning her head to smile at him, she kisses his cheek.

"We probably should get down and walk to give Sampson a break for a bit."

Her body straightening against him brings him out of his thoughts and he places a quick peck just below her ear and brings the horse to a stop. Dismounting first, he turns to help her down ... laughing as she swings her leg over the pommel and slides into his arms, her skirt getting caught behind her. Jack's comment about her choice of clothing echoes in his mind, but he lets it go and helps free her, smoothing her clothing before placing a gentle kiss on her lips and taking her hand and walking forward with the horse. A little small chat, but for the most part they're quiet and enjoying the surroundings for a few minutes.

"There ... that's where we should go for lunch." Looking up to where she points, he nods, directing the horse to come with them and heading towards the trees again, hearing the sound of running water.

The stream that her aunt must have mentioned appears before them and they walk over, tying the horse near the stream, letting it have access to grass and water as they find a shady spot not too far away. Spreading the blanket in the soft grass under a tree, the picnic lunch is laid out and they settle in for a bit to eat. Her aunt had provided them a good selection of light fare .... Fruits, cheeses, a few sandwiches, and wine ... done and packed away in short order. The two of them stretch out on the blanket ... he on his back, she on her stomach and propped up on her elbows next to him.

"It's nice here. Aunt Junie made a good suggestion."

He nodded, eyes closed and rubbing her hip gently. "Agreed. I'll have to compliment her on lunch too. Not too much and tasty."

"You did good riding. It was fun."

Opening one eye, he laughs softly. "I was just thinking about that. It was fun ... but I'm not sure if it was the ride or the fact you were right there with me. There were times with your hips moving between my legs that it was rather ... invigorating."

"I had noticed."

With both eyes open, he shifts quickly to push her just enough to flipping her over onto her back and adjusting his position so he's on his side next to her. "Noticed, eh?"

Bending, he kisses her chest just beneath her collarbone, one hand sliding across her stomach and up her side, murmuring against her skin "... his buttons all the way down, it would have been so easy to remove it ... have you in front of me ..."

Leaving a light trail with his mouth up her neck, he returns to her lips whispering ... "... "one hand directing the horse, the other guiding you ... coaxing you ..."

"Lady Godiva style?"

"No. She simply rode a horse naked. By herself." He corrects her softly ... running a fingertip over her shoulder, down her chest to the first button of her dress and begins undoing it. "I would be behind you ... touching ..."

"... playing with ..."

"... seducing you ..."

"... taking advantage ..."

She can't help but laugh in delight, looking up at him. He is smiling down at her...that delightful wicked little smile of his that she loves ... followed by an easy kiss and he props himself up this time, to gaze at her. "I did fantasize how it would have been simple to open buttons down the front of your dress ... There were a couple of times that I thought it would be easy to simply bend you forward, pull your skirt up ..."

Accenting each comment with a kiss, each a little deeper than the last ... he finally lifts his head to look down at her. "Course ... there is the issue of bringing you to the point of no return ..."

"I've thought about that."

"No return ..." he shifts just enough so he can lay partially on top of her, smiling. "Oh sweetheart, I do enjoy bringing you to that point."

"No ... I ..." She turns bright red and giggles. "Oh for ... come here."

Catching her arms as she brings them up around him, recognizing her changing the topic he shakes his head. "Nope ... tell me?"

"It's silly. I just ... had always gotten turned on while I had ridden ... and the way you were just talking ... I could see ... I had just always wondered about ... doing it while riding."

"It would have been interesting to try."

"Really?" Propping herself up on her elbows, she asked again. "Would you have tried?"

"If I had known that was one of your fantasies, yes ... I probably would have. As a matter of fact, ... we still could."

She considers it for a moment, then nods. "I'd like to. But I'd like to face you for the first time. Can we try that?"

Agreeing, he gets up and pulls her up with him, gathering up the blanket and satchel. "Let's go see if we can figure this out."

She takes a cloth napkin from the satchel before he fastens the gear onto the back of the saddle, he turns towards her to see she's removing her panties and tucking them into a pocket in her dress.

"Up." His hands lift her up, waiting until she seats herself before stepping into the stirrup and swinging up behind her. "Ready?"

It takes a little maneuvering, but they get her to turn around in the saddle so that she's now facing him and he's pulling her legs over his thighs. Pulling her close, he shifts her upwards on the mid-cantle ... suddenly understanding what Jack had been explaining about the low profile of the saddle.

The skirt of her sundress will cover both of their legs more than adequately and he smiles as she reaches down between them and unfastens his pants. Carefully, they shift so she can ease 'the boys' from their confinement, tucking the cloth napkin along the opening of his pants.

"Dual purpose," she grins up at him. "Keeps you from getting caught and me from soaking your jeans."

"Thinking of everything, eh?" Leaning forward, he kisses her, smiling and nipping at her lips ... beginning undoing the top few buttons on her dress as her fingers stay between them, caressing and playing with him. Gathering the reins in his hand, he wraps that arm around her, tilting her back slightly to give his mouth access to her skin, his other hand on her midriff just under her bra ... light teasing touches against her skin. She moans softly at his touch, continuing her own caresses to complete his arousal ... the two of them starting as Sampson begins to walk forward. Pulling back on the reins to stop the animal ... he leans back slightly and presses his knees into the sides of the horse to hold them still.

Reaching under her skirt to help stabilize her, she can feel the leather of the reins touching her skin as he helps her into position as she shifts ... lifting herself against him. He watches her face, watches as she catches her lower lip in her teeth ... his own breath catching at the sensation of her softness opening around him, pushing into moist heat, his fingers tightening into the soft skin of her derriere and opening her up.

Telling her to keep her position, he bends his head ... mouth tracing hot, wet trails across her chest and all she can think to do is bring her arms up around his neck as her head falls back. Then, his mouth is gone, and his hand is under the skirt, between her legs ...

"Please..." She whispers, and in a few movements feels his hand between them, shifting ... his whisper to go ahead and her legs flex, lowering herself slowly ... eyes rising to his and he hears the barest of whimpers as she fills herself with him. She can feel her inside twitch around him, expanding and fitting as she seats herself ... legs wrapping around his waist.


She nods in the affirmative to his question, then taking her head in both of his hands, he pulls her into a kiss ... feeling her lips open under his to taste, savoring her moan softly as he kisses a trail across her cheek and then her cry in his ear as his lips leave hers ...burning across her skin to just below her earlobe. She tries to say something about not being far enough in the woods ... but his mouth is teasing again, his right arm is behind her supporting again, the left slipping inside the opening of her dress and cupping a breast.

Clenching her teeth, she tries not to cry out as the first tremor shakes her ... hearing his soft laugh as he feels her legs tighten around him. The horse shifts under them, sensing her movements and he lifts his head, making himself focus for a moment on attuning to the animal. She's drawn in a shuddering breath and slipping his left arm inside her dress and around her back, he pulls her close to him and starts the horse off in a walk.

Her lips are on his neck this time, licking and sucking, teeth grazing across his skin as her arms tighten around him ... feeling him move inside of her with the lazy movement of the horse's walk. The motion is bliss to her nerves, and she turns her head to run her mouth along his neck, up to his ear. Pressing down slightly, feeling him slide deeper inside if possible and his body moves against her.

The horse speeds up with his direction, trotting. The pace does what it promised when she had sat with her back to him, forcing her to move against his movements, bounce, grinding and basically ramming his cock deep into her body. He can feel her body taking over and knowing from her sounds that she's gritting her teeth, trying to keep from crying in pleasure. His left arm tightens around her waist as her arms loosen, letting go of his shoulders to grip his biceps and arching backwards, moaning in pleasure. Her body shakes, her legs tightening and relaxing around his waist. With each moan, he can feel her climaxing inside, and as it subsides, another seems to take over.

Leaning forward slightly, he pushes against the stirrups and digging his knees into the animal's sides ... nudges the horse into a canter ... the movement changing between the two of them ... smoother, his own body able to participate, steadily sliding in and out of her. She's brought back to the here and now by his breath coming in ragged gasps into her ear, his body tightening between her legs. Sensing a change in him, feeling an almost perfect rhythm as the horse speeds up. It's almost a sensory overload, the scent of their sex merging with that of the horse ... the sound of the animal's hooves on the ground mixed with their own unbridled grunts ... meeting his eyes, instinct tells her he's close to the edge that she keeps flexing over... wrapping her legs tightly around his waist again, pulling, forcing him deep inside so she can feel his release and he pulls her up against him ... the movement sends her into another spasm, muffling her scream into his shoulder.

Panting, he brings himself back to their surroundings ... realizing as he had pulled her up, he pulled back on the reins during their tremors and effectively brought the horse to a halt. They're still joined together, very aware from how she fits against his body, her breath hot on his skin as she tries to gather her own senses.