Fate Ch. 03


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It was the day of Gage's graduation from Lackland. He was ecstatic. His father was bringing up Natasha and her parents. He realized how much he had changed in the last weeks. He left his home as a mere boy with big dreams and now he was going to return as a man with a future. The morning seemed ever long and torturous, but finally the time had come when he would be reunited with the ones he loved.

He was dressed in his graduation uniform, he felt proud in it. Ricky, luckily, was right beside him the entire time and it took extreme discipline to not steal a look at his best friend so they could smile the "We did it" smile.

He saw her first in that crowd of families waiting to greet their loved ones. Natasha, putting the sun's shine to shame as she wore that beautiful blue sundress. His heart skipped a beat and damn near stopped when she saw him. That smile of her's could stop a bullet's in path. It was just that stunning. He started laughing when she squealed and started running to him. He braced himself easily as Natasha jumped into his arms. He held her close and kissed her passionately. He was so happy that if crying were his thing he would have done it in that moment.

When Natasha first laid eyes on Gage all doubts about him not being the one left her. She had never seen a man more handsome. He had definitely filled out these past few weeks and now he had this air about him that sent a shiver down her spine. He looked unbelievable in the white pants and that unbelievably gorgeous blue. His chest was littered with all sorts of ribbons that highlighted his many accomplishments while training. She didn't realize how much she missed him until she was in his arms and crying with her face pressed into his neck after they finished sharing a silver screen kiss.

"It's alright, baby. I'm here now." Gage whispered into her ear as he held her close, never wanting to let go. He brushed back her soft brown hair before looking up to see her parents, Abigail and Vladimir Stone, and his father, Matthew Benevento, gazing at them. He just gave them a bright smile.

"Hello Airman Benevento." His father teased. He gently placed Natasha on her feet, although he was reluctant. He kept one arm around her waist as he held out a hand to shake his father's. His father scoffed and pulled Gage away from his fiancee for a proper hug. "Leaving your old man like that. What were you thinking?" Which made Natasha giggle as she wiped the remnants of her tears away.

"Gee, pops... I don't know." Gage responded playfully before getting a hug from Vladimir and a dang near rib crushing hug from Abigail Stone. The woman was definitely the mother he never had and he loved her for always being there for him and putting up for him when his own mother hadn't. His pathetic mother had left him when he was all but three. He tried not to hate her for it or be bitter, but how could she have done that to him and more importantly his father? Matthew Benevento had been so in love with the woman that even after all these years he never looked at any woman the same.

Once the initials hugs were over, Gage was back by Natasha's side, holding her close to him.

"Oh! I spot that nice boy Ricky Dash and his family! Let's go say hi!" Abigail exclaimed, making it obvious that she wanted to give the love birds some privacy. Natasha blushed at how obvious her mother could be, but was glad for just a bit of privacy with Gage.

"I missed you so much!" They both said in unison. Gage was the first to laugh as he pulled Natasha even closer to him and kissed her tenderly once more.

"I can't wait to get you home... I say we spend the first day in bed." Gage smirked a little bit. Natasha swatted him on the arm and narrowed her eyes playfully at him. "What? It's been eight weeks since I've gotten any! You too. So I vote that we fix that. Right, quick, and in a hurry."

Rolling her eyes and ignoring his comment, Natasha swiped the hat off of his head, and put it on her own. "I miss your hair. But you look like a stud now." She admitted before stealing another kiss from him.

"I wasn't a stud before?!" Gage answered as if this was news to him. Natasha burst into a fit of laughter at his silliness.

"Hey... I just call it like I see it." She answered, wanting another kiss, but they were interrupted. Well more like, she was snatched from him. Natasha was in the middle of a scream as strong arms wrapped around her from behind and hoisted her into the air.

"Well hello, short thang!" Ricky drawled. It had been too long since he had gotten to do that to Natasha. She always hated it when he did that to her which was every time they saw each other. Ricky was a massive guy and a real teddy bear. He was like the brother Natasha never had.

"Ricky!" Natasha was so happy to see him. It was hell not having him or Gage around. One of the two were always around her when they were growing up and it was tough to get along without two of the most important people in her life. That's why Reed was such welcomed company.

Reed... At the thought of him, Natasha felt extremely guilty for the kiss they had shared weeks ago. It hadn't happened since and in all honesty, she may have been avoiding him. Okay. She was and there was no denying it. In the last four weeks they had maybe spent all of three or four days together. Sure they were both working, but that was no real excuse. Natasha didn't want to create any opportunities for them to tempt one another.

"Ricky, can you give us a minute? I need to talk to Gage real quick..." Natasha said softly, her tone bringing both of the men down. Ricky shot a quick glance at Gage who gave him the 'I have no clue what's going on' look.

"Alright, but don't have a grow spurt while I'm over there talking to our parents." He chuckled lightly, praying she was about to break up with his best friend.

"I have to tell you something..." Natasha said softly when they were all alone again or as alone as they could get in this mass crowd. "Something happened while you were away..."

Gage was alarmed the second tears welled up in his girl's hazel eyes. "What happened, Nat? You can tell me anything... You know I love you..." He told her, pulling her close.

"I-I know you do... It's just that... It happened so fast.. I was hanging out with Reed... Decorating the apartment then all of a sudden I had fallen and he caught me... Then we were kissing... I swear it meant nothing... He's just a friend." Her words trailed off as she cried a bit harder, feeling like she had done something terrible.

Gage was more upset about her hanging out with some guy he didn't know than about the kiss. She was obviously distraught about it, but who the hell was this Reed guy!? He knew in his heart that Natasha would never initiate something like that so it had to have been this Reed fellow's doing.

"It's alright babe... Uh... Just tell me who the hell is Reed?" His deep blue eyes narrowed a little bit. He didn't want some man hanging around his woman. Shit. Gage never realized he was the jealous type, but maybe he was when it came to Natasha.

"Remember the doctor who treated me? We've been hanging out. He's a real nice guy and he helped me while you were away. Nothing else ever happened..." Natasha said honestly, hoping that Gage would believe her.

His worries were eased when Natasha mentioned it was just the doctor guy. He remembered meeting him, he seemed nice enough, and didn't raise any of his red flags. But then again he had only spent all of ten seconds talking to the guy. To let Natasha know that he was alright with everything, he kissed her softly once more.

"Just don't do it ever again." He whispered when they pulled apart. Before Natasha could respond that she never would, their families were upon them.

His father, her parents, Ricky, Ricky's parents, and Ricky's much younger six-year-old brother, Donny, had all gathered around them. To say that Donny was a surprise to his parents was an understatement, but they all loved the kid the same. At seeing Gage, Donny jumped into his arms excitedly. "You guys were gone forever!" Donny frowned a little bit as he hugged Gage. Ricky's parents had taken Donny on a Disney cruise and then even Disneyland while he was training so Donny wouldn't cause trouble, but he had missed his brother and his brother's best friend.

"I know little man... Sorry about that." He said, ruffling his hair as he held him. This made Donny squirm a bit.

"Hey! Don't mess with the hair!" Donny said, in that classic New York Italian accent that he had picked up from t.v. Natasha giggled at that and watched as her fiance and the little boy interacted with one another. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that one day, whenever they had kids, Gage would be a great father.

"Come on, ya'll... We're getting some food!" Said Gage's father who was walking in front of them. They hurried their way to catch up to the group, laughing as they went.

"Boy, is it good to be back with family or what?"Gage thought to himself.


Arriving home had been great, but discovering the beautiful apartment that Natasha had set up for them, was amazing. It was a fully paid graduation/engagement gift from both of their parents. Gage couldn't get over how great it was to be back with the love of his life. all that worry had been for absolutely nothing.

That night as Gage laid in bed, waiting for Natasha to get out of the shower, he reflected on all of the things that had recently transpired in their lives. How had he grown up so fast? He didn't feel like an unsure boy in the least. He felt as if he had everything he ever needed and was desperately ready to just settle down, start a family, and begin the rest of his life.

His thoughts ceased the moment Natasha stepped out of the bathroom, naked as the day she was born. His member quickly began to stiffen as he watched her hips sway as she confidently sauntered over to him.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" He huskily whispered, when she straddled his cloth covered lap. He felt her moistness start to dampen his briefs and wondered what had gotten her so aroused.

"Yes." Came Natasha's simple answer before she leaned in, silencing his lips with an orgasm inducing kiss. Thank goodness Gage had learned self control or that kiss would have definitely made him lost a load in his pants. It had been too long and while he wanted to just throw her down onto her back and have his way with her, his need to tenderly make love to her to prove he would always be hers outweighed the former want.

He began to focus his attentions on her beautiful breasts, cupping each in his hands, and bending his head down to suck a nipple between his lips. He tenderly nibbled on the nipple that quickly pebbled into a hard rock through his ministrations. A smirk played on his lips as her musical moans reached his ears, switching to her other breast to pleasure it as well.

Natasha hadn't even realized that she was moaning or rocking her hips, because all she knew was that it had been far too long, and it felt way too damn good to have Gage loving her like this. She lifted herself slightly, reaching her hands down to start working Gage's briefs off. He skillfully maneuvered his own body to help her with her task and once his briefs were off, she sat back down in his lap. His hard member rubbed against her own privates, eliciting a moan from both of them.

Her body began to rock faster, coating his cock with her juices. Soon, Gage was saturated with Natasha's wetness. He knew that she was going to drive herself to orgasm by the way she was moaning from how he worked her breasts and the way she was rubbing on him. He snaked a hand down to her clit and began to tease the bundle of nerves with the tip of his middle finger.

That was all Natasha needed, the next thing they both knew was that she was spraying all over him. Gage's jaw dropped in surprise and shock as Natasha writhed uncontrollably, gasping and screaming. This was a sure fire way to piss of the neighbors on his first night living there.

Once she came down from that high, Natasha was like an animal. The way her lips attacked his and her hand gripped his member trying to get him inside of her. "Calm down, baby... We have all night... I want to make love to you." He gasped when the head of his member pressed against her opening. Natasha whimpered a little bit. Of course she wanted to be made love to, but there was this unbelievable ache deep inside of her. The longing to be filled in the way that only Gage could.

He gently rolled over on top of her, spreading her legs a little bit to make room to make room for his body. He let the head of his cock gather some of her moistness before allowing himself to invade her opening once more. He pushed in and began to thrust forward even more. Soon, Gage was buried to the hilt. He closed his eyes to savor the feeling. He loved that initial penetration that set their nerves ablaze even more.

Their bodies began that age old rhythm, slowly rocking faster and faster. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Faster and faster. Natasha began to moan even louder as her hands slid from his shoulders down his muscular back and further down to grasp his firm ass. Gage loved the feeling of her soft hands all over his body. He used his upper body strength to support himself, slamming himself down into her, their eyes locked.

It felt so good. Unbelievable. He listened to Natasha's cries grow even louder as her walls tightened alerting him of her climax soon arriving. He wanted to hold out, but he felt his balls pull close to his body, and that pressure in the pit of his stomach grow. The sensation of it all beginning to be too much for him.. It drove him on. He put all of his love for her into each thrust, making sure she felt it to the core. Natasha's eyes seemed to roll back into her head and her soaked walls clamped ungodly tight down on his member. She screamed and he swallowed it in his mouth with a kiss as he buried himself deep inside of her, bursting.

Gage's essence filled Natasha as her's flowed over him. With the last bit of strength he could muster, he gently lowered his body on top of hers so he didn't crush her. The room smelled of their sex and was filled with the sounds of their gasping and panting.

He barely could roll over, pulling his softening member from within her, and fall onto his side of the bed. His body was sated with good loving as was hers. Gage gathered Natasha into his arms, holding her close to him. The lovers fell into a deep, satisfied sleep unaware of the masked intruder that was cutting the brakes of Gage's vehicle to ensure his death and to ensure that Natasha wouldn't be his after all.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

i’m sorry but this story is so hard to take seriously. Everything about it seems like it was written by a 10 year old.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Pls continue da story

I want someone to punch reed in the FACE! PLS

SoCaliDudeSoCaliDudealmost 4 years ago
Reed is an ass

Reed is an ass. h/is disrespect of a heroic young man that chooses to serve our country is appalling. Crossing the doctor/patient line is unethical and disgusting. Taking aim at an emotionally-vulnerable young woman who just miscarried is slimy. And rigging Gage's brakes? Attempted murder! Please write Reed out of this story!

anonymousinblueanonymousinbluealmost 6 years ago

What do you cut brakes with while being discrete? Generally that requires a rotary grinding tool; with their gears and bearings, they make tremendous amounts of noise. Cutting a brake would take tremendous force, although a hydraulic tool might work. Yeah, then why even put them back on the car? A cut brake line leaves forensic marks that could be matched to a tool too unless you melt the ends to remove any tooling marks...maybe sandpaper would be sufficient. Probably best to drain the brake fluid to the point that the brakes are much less effective, then the target can brake when at low speeds but surprise brake sex when on a highway.

Nobody tests their brakes pedal before starting and getting off in their car? I've never cut my brakes or hydraulic lines before, but I think it might be noticeable when there is hardly any resistance.

Funny what a previous commenter suggested might be the reason for having no updates. And we'll never know, but the author gave it away. The detail for the little things was passable, but I guess the big picture is elusive when it comes to a free form plot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

do not stop here need the rest of the story

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


GoodhueGoodhueover 7 years ago
5 Years Later and NO Ending!!!

5 Years Later and NO Ending!!!

I should have checked this saga out for dates before wasting my time reading a 3-Parter with no ending!

Each part of the story had a high rating so what happened? Did the writer's spouse find out he/she was writing on literotica.com and rip him/her a new one?

Did someone cut the brake-line on his/her car so a date with his/her Maker could be kept? Or did a blood vessel burst from pounding the pud/fingering the pudding too often?

I guess it's time for Finish the Damn Story to latch on to this one and bring it to a conclusion!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Why why why, am sososo crying nau!

rightbankrightbankalmost 11 years ago
I don't care

if you write another chapter, the brake lines cut me from your readers. Why choose the dark side for a sweet romance. I'm out of here.

luv_romanceluv_romanceover 11 years ago
Continue please

When will you right the next chapter? It has been a year.

I want a happy ending....

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