February Sucks Redux Sequel

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I have read and enjoyed all three of the February Sucks stories that came before mine. GeorgeAnderson's original, Greenday0418's alternate ending and Hooked1957's redux. After I read the redux I was wondering what might have happened next and what spin I would give and that was the inspiration for my sequel. I want to thank both George Anderson and Hooked for there gracious permission I on to post this story. I also want to thank my good friend Vandemonium1 for his outstanding input, thoughts and proof read of this sequel, not to mention his outstanding inspiration. Also I must thank csmoss46 for her proof reading and criticism.

I do not have an editor and failed creative writing throughout elementary, junior high and high school so I apologize in advance for all of the grammatical, punctuation, spelling and other errors many of you will find. So no need to find fault with that part of my presentation as I already know. Other than that have at it in the comments.


From the conclusion of February Sucks Redux by Hooked1957

I understand from my kids that Linda has a steady boyfriend now. The only thing that I know about him is that he's not Marc LaValliere. Seems that ass wipe got traded to a team halfway across the country two weeks after the article came out. Not my worry, but I'm sure husbands all over northern California might be a little worried.

About a month after he was traded ESPN reported that while driving down a hill in Big Sur in his classic 1981 Delorean Marc LaValliere lost control of his car. He suffered severe lacerations to his face when he was propelled through the windshield. His left leg was broken in three places and his right foot was mangled beyond repair. His female passenger was killed instantly from the impact. Unfortunately about an inch and a half of Mr. LaValliere`s penis was found in the dead woman's mouth. It is unclear whether it can be reattached. This will no doubt end his playing career (in more ways than one). Foul play is suspected as the car had no brake fluid. The dead woman's husband was questioned and released as he had been playing poker since early that afternoon with five friends. Oddly enough all five of his friends' wives had also been in affairs with NFL players. "If I ever find out who that fellow is, I'll have to send him a case of beer or bottle of scotch. " I thought to myself.

Not long after Sammy Jo and I were married the kids told me Linda's new boyfriend's name was John O'Neill. I found his address and sent him a copy of the confession letter, as I now called it with a note attached that simply said "this is what the 'fucking cunt' did to me."

Apparently she told John that our marriage ended due to a misunderstanding by me that I refused to get past. Before he confronted her with the letter he asked her to be more specific about the misunderstanding. She said "we were out one night for date night when we met the football player Marc LaValliere." He asked me to dance and while we were enjoying a slow number, he was holding me very close and whispered in my ear "I'd love to take you home with me and make love to you all night long."

She then told John "you have to understand that Marc exuded sexual prowess and I was wet just from one slow dance" Then she said she told Marc "I could never do that without my husband's permission."

He then said "go to the bathroom and I will go and ask him". When I came out he had my coat in his hand and told me "Jim said to go for it and have a great time." He then explained that Jim had gotten my coat and told him to tell me he loved me would see me at home the next day and left.

Then she said "when I got home the next day Jim was furious with me and said Marc had never come to the table or said anything to him. He saw me head for the ladies room and Marc headed back toward the bar so he assumed I would come back to the table when I was done. He said my friend Dee saw me go to the ladies and followed me in and got the skinny. That was pretty much the end of our marriage."

John then asked her how many times she had sex with him. "Just once" she responded.

John looked surprised and said "Just once?"

She said "yeah only the one time. I think he wanted to do it again but I was too tired so we went to sleep. He wanted to do it again the next morning but I was feeling anxious to leave by then and asked him to please just take me home and he did."

"How was the sex with him?" John wanted to know.

"Not bad" she responded "better than with Jim not quite as good as with you."

Next he asked her "so even being an athlete he wasn't the best you ever had?"

She had a faraway look in her eye but said "not even close, baby".

John threw her a little curve when he said "the first time we had sex you told me it was good but not as good as Jim."

She got a guilty look on her face and said "did I? Well that may have been the case then but not anymore let me assure you." Next she said "You are bigger and far, far better than either of them."

Dave was eyeing her closely now and said "at that time you said I was a little smaller than Jim but thicker around, I remember that clearly because I was hurt by your remarks."

Linda responded "I really don't remember any of that but can we please change the subject, this conversation seems to be getting a little contentious and it really wasn't that big a deal. After all it was only one night in a nearly ten year marriage."

John said "just a couple of more things and I think we are done."

She said "okay what is it?"

John pulled out the letter with my note attached and said "How do you explain this?"

Linda started sputtering and back pedaling like her life depended on it. "I just wrote that to appease Jim" was her answer.

"You just told the husband who was threatening to end your marriage that another man had made love to you like a maestro played a well tuned instrument just to appease him? You told Him Marc had sex with you four times to make him feel better? You said it was the best sex you ever had in your life to calm him down. You told the husband that divorced you over this it was something you would never forget, only to stroke his ego, Is that what you are telling me?"

Linda kept trying to interrupt him with comments like "But you don't understand" or "that's not what I meant" or "that's not it at all" even "you won't let me explain." Finally, John said "okay Linda, explain." Linda buried her face in the couch cushions and just cried hysterically but said nothing.

After a few more minutes without anything coherent from her John asked "if it wasn't that big a deal why did you intentionally hide it from me? If it wasn't that big a deal what would stop you doing the same thing to me?"

She screamed "oh nooo, I would never do that to you."

Again he asked "why not? It's no big deal. Linda, according to your ex you never even used protection. What if you had gotten pregnant or brought home an STD? I have to tell you this revelation disgusts me."

Linda broke down into even harder sobs.. When she calmed down a bit John said to her "to me there are four cornerstones to marriage, love, honor, respect and honesty. Starting a new marriage with one of those things missing is inviting disaster. In this one conversation you have disrespected my intelligence, lied to me and dishonored yourself and your former husband. Linda when we first started to fall in love I told you I had been hurt badly by three different women in my past including a cheating wife. You promised me faithfully that would not happen to us. I truly do love you and I believe you love me too, but I really don't see a way forward for us from here. I am ending our engagement and relationship so please don't contact me again."

That is the conversation as John explained it to me when we met for a beer a few weeks later.

Seventeen years later

I was coming in from checking my mail when I was surprised to see a letter postmarked from my ex wife Linda. I was an empty nester now having lost my beloved Sammy Jo to pancreatic cancer two years ago. My daughter Emma was now married herself with a one year old daughter Brianna, the new apple of my eye. My son Tommy and stepson son Danny had both just left for their junior year in college a week earlier. Danny was interested in becoming a structural engineer and Tommy wanted to be a lawyer. Oh boy, I get to spend even more money on graduate school for them both. I tried to adopt Danny as my own son but his Dad wouldn't hear of it. This even though Danny hadn't heard from him in nearly ten years and had no idea how to contact him.

When they were about seventeen and fourteen Emma and Tommy were both demanding to know what happened to cause our divorce. I refused to discuss it with them. They must have been nagging Linda as well because she eventually Linda told them the sad tale. For once Linda did not sugar coat it and told them as truthfully as she could what had happened. Both children cooled considerably toward her when they found out and she now only saw them on special occasions. I gleaned from the letter she was not aware I had lost Sammy.

I was very curious about Linda's letter so I opened it immediately and read it.

Dear Jim;

I have been contemplating writing this letter for a few years now and have finally built up the courage to compose it.

If you remember when our divorce was finalized you told me that while I apologized repeatedly for having hurt you I never once said I was sorry for what I did. You claimed the reason for that was that I wasn't at all sorry for it. While I couldn't admit it to myself the fact of the matter is that you were right. Even after you left me and had filed for divorce I would find myself reveling in what I had done. Sometimes I would be on the phone with Dee or Jane crying about losing you and the conversation would shift a little and I would find myself telling them about my amazing night and how unbelievable it had been. On the one hand I was trying to show you how contrite I was and on the other I was remembering the sensuality and sexuality fondly to myself and with my friends. Talk about denial. Even though I was devastated by losing you I was unable to accept I had done anything wrong.

I was so angry with you. Why couldn't you understand that it has nothing to do with us I would wonder? This was about me not you. What a selfish and inconsiderate buffoon you were I would think. Dee and Jane often sided with me and we all three determined you were an asshole and a jerk. Oddly enough Phil and Dave never shared that opinion with us but rather than start an argument never said anything. I found out years later that they more or less sided with you. Men huh!

I was so angry and embarrassed when you read my letter to the judge at the hearing. I think I hated you that day. Why would he do this to me I was asking myself. Not once thinking about the humiliation and shame I brought to you. Not to mention how emasculated you must have felt. I was stunned when he gave me custody of the children short lived as it was. I know you saw me smirking and I tried to hide it but it was such a victory for me. I felt exonerated like what I did was okay and you would see the light and come home to me soon.

Then that newspaper article came out. Wow! You named names, kicked ass and took numbers. Everybody involved was shamed, humiliated, belittled, embarrassed and denigrated. Even Dee and Jane backed away from me after that. Worse than that because I hadn't sent in the final signed divorced documents in time the case had not been closed and the judge reversed the custody finding probably to save face himself and there was nothing I could do about it. I wanted to shoot you, I wanted to strangle you, I dreamed of castrating you with a rusty knife steeped in gonorrhea bacteria {if there is such a thing) Lord I was angry.

Marc even called me. He was not such a gentleman anymore. I went from being the greatest and most exciting lover he had ever known to a cheap whore, a complete useless slut and a diseased two bit cunt. He wanted to know how you could do that to him. He wanted to know what he ever did to you to cause you to talk to the press about him like that. I wonder now if it ever occurred to him that he had fucked your wife.

I must admit John played me like a fiddle when you gave him a copy of that letter you had me write. I had no idea he had it. I wanted everything to be right with him so when he started questioning me I gave him the answers I thought he wanted to hear instead of the truth. I often wonder what might have happened had I been honest and straight forward with him. By the way I think calling a woman a 'fucking cunt' as you so eloquently put it is about the most insulting and offensive name you can call her. It reduces her to nothing more than an organ to be ejaculated into. With a vagina you can urinate give birth and make love. A fucking cunt (ugh) makes you nothing but a semen receptacle for a hard cock. Is it any wonder that women hate that word? I was so hurt by that remark, especially realizing that throughout our entire marriage you never once spoke to me with such rancor or disrespect.

After John left me I became exactly that, an easy fuck. If you got a date with me you got fucked. I lost all of my self respect and esteem. Then after about a year and a half I met two guys in a bar one night. They convinced me to go back to their place for a threesome. When we arrived there was a third guy there and all of them had their way with me. Sometimes one on one, sometimes with two of them and yes sometimes with all three. Around five AM they finally had enough and fell asleep. I found my clothes and got out of there. When I got home I was a filthy quivering mess. Even after showering until the water ran cold I still felt like the dirty slut and the whore they had been calling me all night. I fell asleep sobbing. What had become of me? I slept about eighteen hours and when I woke up I knew I had to change my ways. I found a female counselor and over the next two years got my self respect and dignity back.

That was when I was forced to start realizing that what I had done to you was terrible. If it was okay why was I going to such lengths to hide the truth from you? Why would I allow a newspaper article to cause me such shame? Why would a family court judge be so appalled by my behavior? As I delved into those questions I began to see a Linda that I really didn't like very much. If it was okay why were you and Marc both calling me such horrible names? Maybe what you were calling me wasn't so far off the mark after all.

I came to realize that I had in fact done a horrible thing to you. When her Dave caught Dee in bed with a basketball player and dumped her without a backward glance I really started to understand. Despite the bravado Dee said he showed the night I left with Marc, Dave wasted no time terminating their marriage.

I want you to know how sorry I am for what I did to you. Of course it is too late for us but I don't want to go through the rest of my life without you knowing how contrite I truly and honestly am for what I've done.

Believe it or not I really can't remember much of my night with Marc. I can't even remember his last name. I know I told you the sex was the most fantastic of my life but I have completely forgotten almost all of it with him. You probably won't accept or believe that and that is okay but it is true.

On the other hand I remember fondly and more than warmly the love you and I made and had. I would give most anything for just one more night of that. I am not talking so much about the sex as I am the two of us sitting at home watching Friends on TV while the kids argued about who was better at Mario Brothers or something. That is the love I miss although making love with you was so very special to me as well.

I know you and Sammy Jo are deeply in love and I am not trying to come between you. Our time is past and I accept that. I am simply trying to be honest and forthright about what a selfish and thoughtless bitch and slut I was. Yes I will say it even a stupid fucking cunt.

I better close as I now find myself in tears.

With love and warmest regards,


Wow! This was a side of Linda I had never seen before. If only she had felt this way seventeen years ago. I had to read the letter two more times before I could begin to absorb it all. Clearly she was not aware that Sammy had passed away. That told me the kids must have distanced themselves from her much further than I had realized. I would try to do something about that.

I decided to call her and see if we could meet for coffee or something. She readily agreed and we met at a Starbucks two days later. She said she expected Sammy would join us and when I told her she was gone Linda seemed genuinely sorry and her condolences were sincere.

We wound up sitting there for nearly three hours catching up and reminiscing. Sometimes laughing, sometimes crying and always enjoying one another's company. She told me how sad she was by how distant the children were with her and I promised to speak to them about that. When it was finally time to leave we agreed we should get together again. I asked her to dinner the following Sunday evening at an Italian place I always liked. She said she had heard good things about the place but had never eaten there.

I did have a talk with our children and they did start warming back up to her again which really made her happy especially when Emma brought Brianna over to her house and she met her one year old granddaughter for the first time since the night she was born. Her eyes just lit up with happiness as she held her and Brianna just cooed with joy.

Over the next three years Linda and I graduated from friends to friends with benefits and even beyond that to lovers again. We were spending four or more nights in one or the others home every week. We even went on a weeklong Alaskan cruise together one January.

Then on February 29 exactly twenty years to the day since that fateful night with Marc LaValliere we went out together for dinner. Afterwards we returned to her place. Once we were inside she completely shocked me when she fell to one knee and asked "will you marry me a second time?"

I sat her down and took both of her hands in mine. I looked her right in the eyes and said. "It is true that I have fallen in love with you again and I know you are in love with me as well. While it is not impossible that we may wind up living together at some time in the future, under no circumstances will I ever marry you again?" I then said "now we can either keep going as we have been or we can end it all and go our separate ways but marriage is absolutely off the table. I am leaving now and I want you to think about it for a few days and call me or not when you decide if you want to continue as we are." With that I stood up and left.

I wonder if she'll call.

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LoriRobinsonGaLoriRobinsonGa4 months ago

#119 FS sequel read. Another interesting take and ending.

Norseman123Norseman1238 months ago

Nice take. 5*****

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196911 months ago

This should be in the non-erotic category.

KiwihunterKiwihunter12 months ago

At last. Someone who realises the idiocy of marriage. We have entered the post Christian age and the abomination of marriage and the church is slowly being expunged from our culture. A great ending

vickitvohiovickitvohioover 1 year ago

you started off fantastic-almost a 5* and then by the end of the letter and after it was basically a RAAC cuckold finish. barely a 2*

OOAAOOAAover 1 year ago

GREAT alternate ending of a GREAT story!!!!! Thanks!!!

bruce1971bruce1971over 1 year ago

Nicely written--and an insightful, new take on a well-worn tale! I really liked Linda's dawning awareness of both the meaning and impact of her actions. You've made her a more three-dimensional character than in most versions. Well done!

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownalmost 2 years ago

Far too little and far too late, plus she never atoned for her betrayal. I'm betting she wrote this cause she was out of options..

Jim is still the reigning wimp cuck husband on Literotica....

wolftrapwolftrapabout 2 years ago

A different take than most. Life goes on and it was nice to have a peek in the future. Well done!

Buster2UBuster2Uover 2 years ago

6 stars to writer! I love a happy ending!

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanover 2 years ago

short sweet and too the point, an intriguing perspective on this story that has ben told and retold so many times on here i am reading through them all kind of a mental exercise thing and this stand out as still fun after a couple dozen

desecrationdesecrationover 2 years ago

His final statement is fair: sure, we can date, but I'll never do that thing that burned me horribly again. She got demoted to girlfriend after screwing up when she was given responsibility. That's fair. It's tragic, since the attraction is still there, but newsflash for the credulous, marriage is more than attraction! As John says: "In this one conversation you have disrespected my intelligence, lied to me and dishonored yourself and your former husband." Dishonesty does not make a good foundation for a marriage.

servant111servant111over 2 years ago

What a total crock!! 17 years.... Kids all grown up....and they "reconnect?" This slut played behind the mask of fidelity and engaged in one of the worst continuing betrayal and humiliation effort of any story on this site. This level of betrayal results in the type of epic fail like Satan being cast out of heaven... You simply never forget or reunite IN A MARRIAGE with this kind of bottom feeding slut. Nope. even at 50 years of age....there are beaucoup ladies out there looking for good guys like this husband.. What would EVER possess him to siick his hand yet again into a meat grinder.

Makes no sense....so its a 1...Epic Fail!

NonSequitourNonSequitouralmost 3 years ago

Kids grown? Went through hell because of her? Fuckbuddies will be just fine, thank you very much!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago

5 Stars - The ending of this sequel make it an excellent tale. I don't blame him.

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star - any remake of the original bad idea is destined to fail miserably

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Name confusion

The editing is a mess, I lost count of how many times you got a name wrong to the point that after reading it I'm not even sure which one is John and which is Dave.

You should get an editor and spend some more time on this story.

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