Felicity Ch. 10


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I made love to her thighs and pussy until she had a second orgasm then devoured her pussy until I was rewarded with two more. It was the first time I had ever eaten a cum filled pussy. I knew that as long as it was her pussy and my cum I would never pass on that opportunity. She had great difficulty in keeping her voice down and I suspected a part of the blanket had been stuffed in her mouth.

I could have continued eating her pussy for at least a week or two but she insisted we trade places.

My cock was in her mouth before I had covered her fully with the blanket. She gave me my best blowjob ever, keeping me on the brink then backing off several times. She apparently wanted to keep my cock in her mouth for as long as possible. Eventually there was no way for me to hold back.

I tapped her on the shoulder as a warning but it was ignored. Thinking that she had misinterpreted my signal I let go of one side of the blanket and gently tried to lift her chin but she swatted my hand away and intensified her efforts. When she gave me a look of intense passion I could not hold off any longer and I erupted into her mouth with a shudder and a moan. She slowed down and milked my cock tenderly, lovingly. By the time she was done there was no trace of cum on her or me.

I slid down off the table and kissed her deeply then we walked hand in hand into our tent. We were both naked by then, my shorts were somewhere under the picnic table.

Our kissing continued as soon as we were in bed and lasted until we both yawned. She giggled and said we needed to continue that later and turned her body so we could spoon. We were a perfect fit.

A few moments later she said, "You do know that we are madly in love with each other don't you? We have been since the first night."

"Yes, I know," I answered.

That night we slept cuddled-up naked as if we had always done so.

Lucy, Jamie and I left Big Bend National Park and after a stop in Alpine for gas, groceries, and some shopping we resumed our journey northward. Jamie was riding with me since her car seat was in my vehicle and had been for days. Lucy followed behind.

I had hoped that Jamie would stay awake long enough to fill me in on some family gossip but that was not to be as she slept from Big Bend to Alpine and about a third of the way from Alpine to Davis Mountain. I did learn she had three aunts, a grandma and a grandpa, and a best friend and they were going to start "real" school.

I asked her if her school was the same one her mom taught in and she said no. She went on to tell me about her grandfather's boat, the big fish she caught, and other friends before her voice trailed away and was asleep again.

It's funny how quickly kids fall asleep in a moving vehicle. My niece seems to fall asleep in less than a block.

In my rear view mirror I could see that Lucy spent a lot of time on the phone, probably not putting it down until she lost the signal.

She later told me she barely made it through each call since very little of the area had a usable signal for her phone. Lucy commented that we had driven through a lot of "the middle of nowhere".

She was glad for some of the interruption of service because it cut off her mother's and her sister's warnings about trusting a potential serial killer.

We got to Davis Mountain State Park in late afternoon and settled into our room at Indian Lodge. Lucy thought the place looked like it came straight out of an old cowboy movie. We had a leisurely supper then took a nap. The lodge had provided a cot for Jamie but she joined her mother and me on the bed.

My goal at Davis Mountain was to again say Hi to the Milky Way with the hope that a normally very erratic June meteor shower would be spectacular that year and that night. The comet that is the source for the meteors made a close pass by Earth's orbit the previous year and I hoped it had disintegrated nicely leaving a thick trail of debris for Earth to plow through.

Although Big Bend provides a very good star gazing sky the Davis Mountains provide the best stargazing sky in Texas, there is no ambient light to wash out the stars and no mountais blocking the horizon. It also had clear desert mountain air.

Late that night after our nap Lucy, Jamie and I found a nice spot on the grassy knoll in front of the lodge, settled onto pillows and a blanket and watched the stars. The park is well over a mile above sea level so we soon needed a second blanket to cover us.

Lucy and Jamie were just in awe of what they saw. The edge-on view of the Milky Way Galaxy was a difficult thing for them to visually and mentally grasp. As the eyes and the brain adjust you see more and more stars until you realize you are looking at millions of them. It is easy to understand the reason for the name of the galaxy.

As we took in the night sky Jamie fell asleep. Because she had slept most of the day in the car she did not have much of a nap when we got there.

I immediately took the opportunity to run a hand under Lucy's sweatpants and caress her pussy. She ran her hand into my sweatpants and fondled my cock. We did however manage to remain civilized, although barely.

Suddenly a light streaked across the sky. Lucy asked me if we should wake Jamie up.

"Not yet," I said. It is possible we will see only one per hour. When we see them about one per minute we will wake her up."

About twenty minutes went by before we saw the next meteor, another five minutes more before the next three streaked across the sky and then suddenly the sky was full of streaking lights. We removed our hands from each other's pants and woke up Jamie who after she absorbed what she was seeing began to giggle and clap her hands. Lucy giggled and clapped her hands too. More applause joined theirs from all around us on the hill.

Until then I had underestimated how an astronomical phenomena could affect people. I had always looked at meteor showers with fascination but I silently thanked the girls for reminding me of that there was also joy.

I had my big camera poised on the tripod and set for long exposures. I almost clapped my hands too when I saw that the camera was capturing what we were seeing.

The show was spectacular for nearly an hour then settled back to about one meteor a minute, which had been my modest hope going in. It was after two in the morning before yawns led us back to our room.

I had hoped earlier in the day that Lucy and I would have the opportunity to fool around in bed after Jamie fell asleep in her cot. That night the three of us again crawled into the same bed and we were asleep within a minute, Lucy hugging Jamie to her and me hugging Lucy to me.

We had a late start the next morning but I still took the scenic loop to MacDonald Observatory before starting our drive to Balmorhea. When we got there Lucy and Jamie were very impressed with what to them was the biggest swimming pool in the world and could not wait to plunge in.

I had bought them masks and snorkels in Alpine but I had a somewhat difficult time convincing the two blondes that they needed to wear t-shirts over their suits when snorkeling. They had new bikinis and they had not worn them until that day. They eventually conceded that driving through desert for days with sunburns would probably ruin their vacation. I had enough redhead in me that I always wore a shirt when snorkeling.

As soon as they plunged into the water they both shrieked after surfacing. I apologized for forgetting to tell them the water was cold. They quickly came out and pushed me in then jumped almost on top of me to make sure the cold-water splash covered me completely.

The San Solomon Spring water is cold relative to the desert temperature, which can be over one hundred degrees. The water temperature is in the low seventies so it is fine, once you are in it a while.

I was very much relieved to see that Jamie was an excellent swimmer. We had a blast playing in the spring water. They put on the new goggles and snorkels and after some brief lessons from me they just loved the underwater view. They were properly impressed when I told them that some of what they were seeing was found nowhere else on planet Earth. Jamie followed a turtle around long enough to make the turtle nervous.

I had two cameras, a large, expensive SLR camera with many features and a small camera with nice features, it could take a short DVD, fit in a pocket or in a small plastic zip up bag. Within limits the bag made the camera waterproof. With all the splashing going on it was the camera for the day. After double and triple checking the seal I did get a few underwater shots of Jamie and the turtle.

After a while Lucy and I decided that we needed a beach ball but since we did not have one we decided to throw Jamie around. She outlasted both of us and I soon found myself being used as a diving platform by Jamie and Lucy, (against the rules but no one seemed to be interested in curtailing our fun). The girls took turns with the camera as the other dove off my shoulders. The girls eventually took pity on me and led me to some food. I did notice that everyone had big smiles for us as we walked by.

We dressed and ate a late lunch/early dinner. We rested and went back to the pool.

Lucy said, "I love this place, I am so surprised there are so few people here. I asked the lady at the desk if we could have the room one more night. She said that as of four that afternoon we could but we needed to let her know as soon as possible. Would you mind?"

"Not at all, good idea," I said. "I love this place too but it is a bit out of the way, lets take advantage of already being here."

Lucy detoured towards the office while Jamie and I got in the water. As soon as she relaxed I pulled out my concealed weapon from the band at the back of my suit and started shooting her with a water pistol. She shrieked and started to splash me while I continued to shoot water at her. I stopped as soon as I saw Lucy approaching and handed Jamie her very own water gun. I told her to wait until the count of three. I waited until Lucy was almost in the water, counted to three and Jamie and I unloaded on her.

Lucy and Jamie had the same exact shriek except Jamie's was an octave higher. Jamie dodged her mother's lunge at her so Lucy came after me. She was soon clambering on my body trying to get my water gun away from me. I held her tightly as I gave her a big kiss and said, "I have a gun for you too."

"You mean this one?" she said as her hand plunged into my suit and grabbed my cock.

I gave her a second or eight to abuse my cock then pulled the remaining gun out of the waistband in the back of my suit. She quickly grabbed it out of my hand and I knew I had to flee quickly.

The water gun war lasted about twenty minutes with sporadic skirmishes into the early evening. Reloading proved to be a slow and cumbersome project so after a while we just enjoyed floating, kissing, and watching the bats swirl over the pool.

We were still in the water when the first meteor streaked overhead. I explained to the girls that it sometimes takes Earth several days to go through a comet debris trail and that we may see more. Before we saw another one our long day caught up with us and we soon staggered to our room.

Our room at the San Solomon Lodge had two beds and Lucy went to bed with Jamie but as soon as her daughter was asleep she joined me in my bed and we had our second fuck.

Kids sleep very soundly. After they are completely settled they do not hear the TV, their parents arguing, or even smoke alarms. I knew Jamie would not hear us but we tried to be quiet anyway and I expected the drone from the air conditioner would drown out any noise we made.

This time we began on our sides facing each other, her upper leg draped over my hip. We had the covers up to our necks. Penetration and withdrawal is such a joyous thing especially when it can be done without breaking the kiss or releasing a tit. Soon Lucy rolled me over on my back without letting my cock slip out of her and I let her set the pace. I pulled the cover over us and we were in our own private tent.

There were several long pauses with no movement but with lots of kisses; we just enjoyed the feel of our complete union. Each pause ended with a complete withdrawal and a slow re-insertion. Lucy had an orgasm from one of those.

I pushed the blanket tent off my face and reached for my small camera then covered us back up. Lucy understood what I wanted to capture and raised her body and pussy until my cock was barely parting her pussy lips. I put my finger over the flash and snapped away. I asked Lucy to hold her pose and checked the image. There was still too much light so I put a corner of the sheet over the flash and took the shot. Perfect. I asked Lucy for a super slow motion descent and I had three more pictures before my cock disappeared from view. I handed the camera to Lucy so she could check the pictures but she immediately complained, "You can't see my face."

"That is for safety and privacy issues."

"Oh," she said. "How about one where you can see my tits?"

She handed me the camera, raised her body so I could get pussy and tits in the shot. I had her raise up a bit more so you could see that there was a cock inside her and I soon had what she wanted. I returned the camera to the night table and Lucy resumed the slow fuck.

Lust eventually overwhelmed lovemaking as Lucy pounded her hips into mine hard and fast until I could not hold on anymore. Lucy had apparently been waiting for a sign from me and immediately ground her pubic area into mine and burst into a spectacular cum that at least equaled mine in intensity. Her bite to my shoulder to muffle her moans intensified and extended my orgasm.

She pressed her hips to mine for a while longer but she was soon sound asleep. I woke up briefly in the middle of the night and found us spooning and wondered when I had fallen asleep and when she had slid down from me. I apparently decided it was not important so I put my hand on her ass and went back to sleep.

That morning we had time for lots of kisses and caresses. My cock visited her pussy briefly but when we noticed how bright it was outside we thought it was too risky so we continued our kissing as her pussy lips kissed the head of my cock. I was in the bathroom when Jamie woke up.

Our second day at Balmorhea was a lazy day. We ate, we napped, we explored the cienaga, and we swam. Each of us was victim of sporadic sniper fire from the other two but we survived well enough through the day. Lucy and Jamie honed their snorkeling skills as I regaled them with descriptions of the sights they would see in a coral reef. In her head Lucy had apparently already decided that was going to be the next trip.

Among the people staying at Balmorhea were a lady and her pre-teen daughter. They seemed to be working hard on their relationship but it still seemed strained. I had noticed that they seemed to enjoy watching our water pistol wars.

Late that afternoon I walked towards them around the edge of the pool and said to the lady, "I really do apologize for this," and flipped my water gun to her daughter who in turn started firing away at her mother under the influence of uncontrollable giggles.

Lucy took pity on the mother and gave her the means to defend herself then we both quickly moved away from the line of fire. Jamie held on to her weapon "just in case." Lucy gave me a quick but fierce kiss as we returned to our room. We could hear the mother/daughter fun until we showered and dressed for dinner.

Later that evening we ran into the mother and daughter as we were leaving the restaurant. The woman thanked us and said that day was the best she and her daughter had spent together in years. She hugged Lucy and I saw something interesting. The woman purposely pressed her tits into Lucy's tits during the full body hug. The daughter rolled her eyes but with a grin said to me, "I can't take her anywhere." She knew what she was seeing and accepted it, perhaps for the first time.

As we walked back to our room Lucy whispered to me, "Yes, I enjoyed that hug." I had seen that too.

"All hugs need to be enjoyed at their fullest," I said.

She squeezed my hand and gave me a quick but enthusiastic kiss. Our lovemaking that night was unhurried, full of love. It was my turn to be on top and I tried to take all the time in the world but just as Lucy had done the night before I lost my demeanor and pounded into her to our finish. My shoulder began to suffer from her bites.

As we recovered she rolled us over, re-inserted my slowly deflating cock into her and rained kisses on me. We fell asleep in mid-kiss; her body draped over mine, my cock still in her pussy, and my hands on her ass. It occurred to me all nights should end that way.

It did not sink into my head what I had just wished for until hundreds of miles later.

It had just been ten days since I met Lucy and her daughter Jamie. But my mind and heart told me they had always been with me and always would.

On our way from Balmorhea State Park to the Midland/Odessa airport we stopped at Monahan State Park and Lucy and Jamie had a blast sliding down the sand dunes. They used trash bags for sleds and managed to have smooth, tumble free rides most of the time. I took a couple of turns with Jamie and Lucy photographed us just as we lost control and crashed, twice.

Good pictures. Fun time.

I explained to the girls that Texas was once the bottom of a shallow sea and the "beach" we were at in the middle of a desert was once the shoreline. I am not sure either believed that story. Not that I could blame them, I had related to them some outrageous stories over the previous week all based on facts but with a fanciful bend here and there.

As we drove northward on the Permian Basin they had no problem believing me when I mentioned that we were driving over an ocean of oil.

When we got to our destination near the Midland/Odessa airport we checked into at a nice motel.

We had accidentally chosen a motel that had suites so we had two bedrooms. When I saw the second room I got a hard-on, which Lucy noticed and grabbed as Jamie rushed to the bathroom. We got a very satisfying kiss and grope in before we heard the flush.

Lucy then went into the bathroom to shower with Jamie and I busied myself separating the G rated pictures from the R and X rated pictures and placing the latter in a secure folder in my laptop. I erased the pictures from the cameras then edited the set.

I had been correct in thinking that Lucy could see my whole cock at the hot springs in Bed Bend, balls and all.

Her wet t-shirt prizewinner photos posed a problem; I wanted everyone to see them but would be too jealous if anyone did. Hell of a place to be in.

The pictures of my cock sliding into her pussy were awesome.

By the time I finished editing the set I had a severe erection.

They of course picked that time to emerge from the shower so I quickly set my laptop to a G rated slideshow of the last three days and slid out of the chair. Lucy saw my predicament but thankfully Jamie was sliding into the chair and her attention was already on the slide show.

Lucy grabbed my dick as she led me to the bathroom for my shower and wanted to know exactly what I had been looking at.

I whispered to her that I had just set up a site called Glorious Tits and Pussy and just got a bit carried away.

"These tits and pussy? She asked as she opened her towel in front.

I took a quick look at Jamie and since she was absorbed by the slide show I bent down and softly licked a nipple then said, "I love how your nipples love me back."

She stood by the bathroom door holding the towel open exposing her nudity to me and watched me undress.

"Don't bother with that swelling, I will take care of it tonight," she said.