Felicity Ch. 16


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Twice after we went to bed I tried gentle fingerfucks but as with other attempts to bring her to a mild orgasm her response was never gentle and left her gasping for air.

She did get much pleasure from my adoration of her tits including what felt a little like short and sweet orgasms. Each night I was gifted with the most loving handjob a man could get. Still, I was as anxious for those things to come out of Shirley's nose as she was.

Neither of us mentioned it but we were very happy to be with whom we were. We adored adoring each other.

That Sunday we had a few visitors to our house via the backyard. The girls were topless and the guys wore gym shorts.

Shirley and I decided we needed patio furniture and I asked her to get the girls to help fill up our covered patio with comfortable but sturdy stuff. I decided to start looking for a grill.

On Monday our hopes for jungle fucks were dashed when Doctor Beverly decided to insert new doohickeys in her nose; Shirley had not yet healed completely.

Our life settled into a comfortable zone that week. She would come up to my building and bring me lunch every day and kiss her way to my office. I learned that not only did Shirley like to cook she was very, very good at it. She ended up making larger portions to insure there were "leftovers" for the rest of the office.

That following Sunday afternoon I took Shirley to Port Aransas and went fishing. We caught enough fish for a month. It had been her first time to fish from a boat.

The following Monday Shirley had a full buffet for everyone in the office but me. She ushered me to my office, locked the door, and after raising her dress sat on my desk and ordered, "Fuck me now!"

The things in her nose were gone. We may have been too loud to keep our activity a secret but I was not too worried since Carly and her husband Jimmy sometimes enjoyed the same lunch treat we were having and we were not nearly as loud as they were.

Jimmy's office was on the second floor of our building. There was an ad agency up there and I suspected Jimmy was in charge. If we ever needed Carly for something and could not find her we called his office.

When we emerged from my office Shirley received long tender kisses from everyone. I saw her eyes widen then close when Carly kissed her. I suspected a tongue had made a visit. Shirley obviously had enjoyed the kiss.

Carly said, "I need to run upstairs for a few seconds. Be right back."

All the other women giggled and we heard her big sister Rhonda say, "When has it ever been a few seconds?"

The remaining ladies laughed out loud and I walked Shirley to the door and shared a long kiss. As I walked back to my office our defacto head of the office Fay asked me, "So, how was your lunch?" which renewed the giggles from the ladies.

I felt myself blush all the way to my desk.

That night when I got home we fucked first, ate dinner, fucked, watched a movie, then fucked. The next morning she was as usual up before me and in the kitchen. I had just gotten into the shower when she joined me and we managed another fuck.

At noon she rushed into my office and handed me a fabulous steak salad and left telling me she had a lunch date with Lucy.

That night when I got home she was dressed. Shirley said, "Take a quick shower and get dressed but comfortably. I have a job interview tonight at seven. It will take place at Sam's Grill and Tiki Bar. You are going to meet a few guys and drink beer, I am going to meet a woman and do a job interview."

"I did not know the place was open for business yet."

"Lucy said it isn't. Weird, huh? Apparently tonight is the dress rehearsal for the grand opening. Relax we have plenty of time. Enjoy your dinner."

"Aren't you eating?"

She shook her head no and said, "Too nervous. After the interview I will probably stay for a hamburger. They say his are the best in town."

"Who is the interview with?"

"The superintendent of schools."

As soon as she saw I had finished dinner she said, "We could go early if we wanted to. They are eating dinner there."

"In that case let me go pee and we will go."

When we got to Sam's several of the women that we had gotten to know came over and kissed us. We were introduced to the superintendent of schools who turned out to be the same woman I knew as Carly's and Rhonda's mother.

Juanita, who I knew as Janie's mom, then led me to the patio outside and I was introduced to five guys that were sitting on the floor with their backs to the wall.

The men greeted me warmly and introduced themselves. That was when I began to get the same jitters Shirley was probably suffering. These were the men whose money I was keeping track of, the wealth of Felicity and the forces behind the resurrection of the town.

Halfway through of my beer they had put me at ease, I had been accepted as the new kid on the block. The youngest one other than me, Robby, thanked me for convincing his mother to abandon her harebrained idea of inviting Starbucks into her gallery. He said he especially liked my suggestion to her to recruit some coffee shop workers from Starbucks and set up her own. No franchise fees.

His mother was one of my five wealthiest clients. So was he.

The guys sitting on the floor around me were the "General" of Felicity, (Jim), the CEO of Felicity Music, (Robby), the architect of Felicity Center, (Sam), my big boss Harry, and the main force behind the new Felicity, (Ben). All of them were my bosses.

Although all of them seemed to like me OK I was relieved when I was asked to come inside, Shirley needed some information.

I went in and was pleased to see her munching on a hamburger as she chatted with her new friends. Among them was a short woman with whom she was speaking French.

"This is Chef Mike," Shirley said as an introduction. I gave her effusive thanks for Shirley's welcoming dinner and desert. She said she was happy we liked it then gave Shirley two cheek kisses and a more than friendly kiss on the lips and followed that with similar kisses for Martha then retreated to the kitchen.

"Here," Shirley said as she handed me a form and a pen. If you sign as a personal reference I will give you a blowjob tonight."

The ladies laughed and cheered and I pretended to consider it then said, "No deal."

I cut off the boos when I added, "You couldn't breathe through your nose for two weeks and would have suffocated before there was a happy ending. I want two weeks worth."

"Ooh, a hard bargain" the girl I knew to be Lucy said. "Still, it sounds fair to me. Martha?"

"Just sign the fucking thing,'" Martha said to me to the great delight and laughter of all. I meekly signed. In a way, as of the previous Monday, Martha was my boss too.

Janie came up to me and after a kiss she kissed Shirley and signed to her that she was pleased to see how well she looked. Karen translated that as "You have yummy tits."

After the giggle filled altercation ended Janie introduced me to her fiancé Martin. He was the events manager at the resort on the next block. Shortly after that Shawna came in and kissed us then introduced her husband Sammy.

I knew Janie and Sammy could read lips but I tried to sign as I spoke to them. Apparently Janie and Sammy were very much loved by everyone and everyone was very pleased that I was making and effort for them.

Martha however put a dent in my ego trip by telling me I had just called Sammy a douche bag. Before I began to panic and apologize Martha got swats on the butt from Janie and Shawna as Lucy said, "You mean old witch, you know he said no such thing."

"I swear I need to put her in a home," Carly said.

Until that moment I had not realized she was there. My boss had heard me negotiate blowjobs.

Martha distracted me by standing on her chair and giving me a hug and a kiss. She then whispered in my ear, "You would never ever find anyone better for you." I lifted her down and she kissed her way out of the room. It was easy to see that everyone loved and respected Martha.

Before she left Lucy hugged me and said, "Martha is the best judge of character anyone has ever known. I wanted Shirley as my secretary last week but we all yield to Martha and I was probably as nervous as Shirley was tonight."

It was not until then that I realized that Lucy was the principal of the new school.

Lucy continued, "Martha asked her only one question and it was about you and living in Felicity. Shirley had not finished the story of how happy she was to have a true gentle man in her life and how much she loved the town and everyone in it when Martha began to write out her contract. We know there is no formal or unstated agreement between the two of you, but please try not to hurt her."

She saw the stunned look on my face when she said that. I know Carly did too. Lucy kissed me hard then kissed Shirley hard before leaving the place. Carly got up on Martha's chair and gave me a clinging hug and big kiss before sliding down my body. Both kissed their way out of the place.

I sat at the table and sipped what was left of my beer as three small redheads and Marina filled Shirley in on who was who inside and outside the place. It became clear to us we were in the midst of Felicity royalty. It also became clear that said royalty had no idea they were such.

We learned that in addition to being Janie's mom Juanita was Sam's wife and a member of the city government. She joined us with a bottle of wine and kissed me on the cheek then poured wine for the ladies. "You will love this," Karen said to Shirley.

Juanita said to me, "My daughter Janie has told me a lot about you. In fact she was about to start fixing you up with a friend of hers who is terminally ditzy. I am glad you will not be subjected to that. Can you take on another client?"

"Yes, I am busy but not inundated."

"Good, I have become very busy upstairs and Mom is having a difficult time with the books at our store. She would enjoy leaving the books to somebody else. I will bring you what we have this week. A word of warning, the store is over a hundred years old and for the first part the records are a bit of a mess. It is a completely different entity than Bolero and Janie's place. Janie handles her own books and hers will be perfect when you get them. You already do Bolero."

"I will see to it you get the family discount," I said in jest.

Juanita smiled and gave me a terrific kiss.

"Oooh, we are going to tell Sam," Karen said.

"Tell Sam what?' Came Sam's voice from behind us.

""Oooh, your so busted," the girls told Juanita as they giggled.

Sam asked me to follow him to a quiet end of the bar. I had not noticed until then that the original small crowd of friends had thinned out considerably. It was after all just a Tuesday in a bar that was not yet open for business.

I began to apologize but he chuckled and said, "The kiss? You have treated our daughter like the gorgeous human being she is and for that you can pretty much count on many more kisses like the one she just gave you.

I have a more serious thing to ask you about. Do you think you will end up killing the bastard?"

My fury surfaced for less than an instant but he saw it.

"That's what I thought. If and when you do I strongly suggest it happens in Felicity. We have zero tolerance for abusers here.

On a different note I am happy to finally meet the guy that knows where my money is and happier still to see he is the right guy. Welcome to Felicity."

He shook my hand then went around the bar and reached into a small refrigerator. When he turned he had three beers in each hand. He gave me one with a nod then went outside. The bartender looked at me and smiled as she opened the bottle. "Enjoy," she said.

When I returned to the table the ladies were pouring out the last of the wine and finishing off the fries and onion rings.

I took a sip of my beer and was immediately awed by it. I looked at the label and saw a language I could not read.

"It's a pilsner from the town of Pilsner in the Czech Republic," Juanita said. "When it shows up in the market Sam buys all he can but that is just maybe a case or two a month. He drinks most of it himself although normally only one a day. He does share it with the guys outside at times. You have just been accepted in whatever nefarious group they invented. Sam is very lucky I don't like beer.

That beer has a lot higher alcohol contents than American beer so be careful with it. For most of the guys their limit is one. Inga can drink three before she starts singing."

The girls laughed in agreement to that last line. Shirley and I just smiled. We had no idea who Inga was. We were then told that she worked in the city which is why we had not met her yet but would be living on my circle soon.

I briefly considered sharing my beer but then I though they had been drinking wine and that the tastes would clash. By the time I had finished that train of thought the beer was gone.

So was the wine so Allison, Karen, Helen, Maggie and Marina decided it was a good time to go next door and pry their husbands away from the electronic games and go home. We kissed them and then kissed Juanita. We stepped to the patio to say goodnight to the guys and went home. I took the Pilsner bottle home with me. I had a liquor import connection in the city.

When we got home and undressed Shirley took a position by my cock and began a slow kissing blowjob.

"That was my best unsuccessful job interview ever. I had fun tonight and everyone seems to like me and everyone adores you. I should be able to get a job here."

"Why would you do that, you already have a job."

"Nah, I royally fucked up the interview with Martha,"

'How so?"

"I cried."

"What was I signing when we were haggling over blowjobs?"

"My application. I assume they have to file it."

"You know, I sort of know what an application looks like and that was not an application I signed. It was a contract.

It was not just a reference that I signed. As the newly designated interim controller for the school district I just approved for the school district put you on the payroll."

I loved the way her expressions changed as she processed what I had just said. Her glee at the end was phenomenal even though for an instant I worried she was going to pull my dick completely off.

She burst into tears and giggles and did not seem to be able to control either. I pulled her up over me and kissed her. I allowed her emotions to flow.

I reminded myself that getting a job is an affirmation of your worth. I was proud and happy for her.

Her emotional rollercoaster throughout the day and night and the wine she consumed put her to sleep within seconds after her last giggle. For the sixteenth night in a row she had fallen asleep with her naked body draped over mine.

I again began to think about the future. She now had a job and although she would not start work for nearly two months and would not get a paycheck for a month after that she now had a target date for getting her own place. She could of course go the women's shelter anytime she wanted but she seemed content to live with me.

I asked myself if I was content with her living with me. My chuckling almost woke her up so I resumed kissing and caressing her. It had been the stupidest question I had ever asked myself.

I asked myself another pointed question. Would I allow her to go without protest is she decided she wanted to be on her own? Sadly I knew that the answer to that one was also yes.

"Try not to hurt her," I had been urged. I was afraid they were talking to the wrong one.

The next morning she was already astride my hips when I woke up.

"Good morning," she said. "You will need to get breakfast at Pedro's this morning. You may need to do that all week since I plan to begin each day like this for a while. I am confident you can handle it," she said as she began trying fuck me to Madagascar. My cum was so intense that I saw lemurs.

She joined me in the shower and took over the complete job of making me clean. As she scrubbed away she said. "Last week I got confirmation to your guess that most women do not wear bras. The ones with C cups and up normally do but both Lucy and Marina are at least that and neither wears a bra, at least not during the summer. Most don't wear panties either unless it is the inconvenient part of the month.

Last night I was fine knowing I had no undergarments. No, it was better than that. It was liberating. Many of the girls seem to enjoy having each other's hand on their tits as they kiss. I am wondering how you feel about that."

"Did somebody cop a feel from you last night?"


"Did you enjoy it?"



"Carly, but in her defense I don't think she realized she had done it. I feel like I am keeping them from enjoying each other's company to the fullest. They don't want to shock me."

"Let me suggest something. Carly is probably frantic worrying about copping a feel. Next time you two kiss return the favor. I saw that she gave you a French kiss once, I assume she has special feelings for you anyway"

Shirley put down the soapy washcloth and hugged me hard. She said, "Carly has been giving me tongue kisses all week, her hand is on my ass almost as often as yours is. Mine is on hers often. She is special to me too."

She then whispered something to my chest that I did not catch and I said, "What?"

She giggled and said, "You are going to be late to work. I will write you a tardy note to give to Carly. Coffee is ready."

She stepped out to dry and I soon followed her. She brought me a cup of coffee to the bedroom and stayed to watch me dress. She did write me a tardy excuse for Carly but there was no need because I was at work on time and she wasn't.

Halfway through the morning Carly came to my desk spotted the note from Carly addressed to her and picked it up. She laughed out loud as she dropped the note on my desk and was still laughing when she left my office. I had not read the note so I picked it up.

It read, "Dear Carly. Please excuse Charles' tardy this morning. I was fucking him to Mars. Thank you."

As I chuckled over the note I heard howls of laughter outside my door.

Juanita came in, handed me a box if files then said, "It's almost lunch. Lets go harass the kid in the fast food joint."

I followed her and simply watched as she ordered Janie's help around. The two girls ignored what she was saying and ran to her for hugs and kisses. Janie came out and the two began a silent argument that had the two girls laughing and then blushing.

They were both signing way too fast for me but the girl's blush strengthened my resolve to get much better at it. I had apparently missed something really juicy.

Their argument had brought them face-to-face and it ended in a fierce kiss. Both signed to me, "Well, I told her." I laughed as they embraced then Janie came to me for a kiss and hug.

She asked me if I was taking lunch to Shirley, (I had figured out what the sign for Shirley was the previous night). Shirley and I had not talked about lunch and I did not know if she expected me to bring it to her so I called.

She was at the almost completed elementary school with Lucy. She said, "Bring us lunch here, Lucy said she wants two number twos with extra onions. Her husband James will be joining us soon. I want three burritos. We have cokes here."

Juanita asked me to ask if she could come over and look at the building. Janie signed "me too."

"Lucy said the more the merrier," Shirley said.

Juanita went back to the kitchen with her daughter to help put lunch together and while they were there I tried to get the girls to tell me what had made them blush. My question made them blush.

One did say that the two say some amazing things to each other sometimes but they knew from the start that it was just part of their fun.